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时间 -26 14:18
The past 2015 years, O2O market spread, one side is finance news, BAT on layout O2O.On one side is unending collapse news.
On the other hand, the Internet also be offline businesses as much "promotional tools" rather than "marketing tools"?O2O offline side, should be through online channels, tell the potential consumers "me", rather than "I" cheap, but the reality just the other way around.
The past 2015 years, O2O market spread, one side is finance news, BAT on layout O2O.On one side is unending collapse news.
And in order to cover up the false trade data, the enterprise, eventually formed a vicious circle
Offline need to be able to come to paying customers, online also need to pay to the customer, and want to get something that others need to own use, can fool, at one time to fool again is not workable.
The domestic consumer spending power is still limited.E-commerce in China, has experienced a low-cost sales promotion strategy stage.Since when, ali is electricity gives the impression of is cheap.In fact, Chinese residents' consumption level is still low, consumption, investment and export is drive economic growth troika.This is China's a share of GDP, the final consumption proportion has reached 50% in 2013.By China, the United States, Germany, France and developed areas on the comparison of the final consumption share of GDP, the United States accounted for more than 80%, close to 90% in recent years, the second is France, China is yet parison of the bric countries, Brazil is close to the level of developed countries, Russia and India overall level.
O2O in just one year experienced from everyone sought to rats, survived the suddenly became a fellow leaders in the eyes of beacon, is one of the most let a person look not to understand business model.Three years ago, the mobile Internet field haven't listened to one called O2O market.Like many kind of hit the APP, at the end of 2013, O2O the term began to appear, but the real implementation is hit in March 2014, overnight, chatting with others, don't say some O2O feel not people in the Internet.According to the baidu index, retrieval of O2O maintained under 1000 by 2013, beginning in 2013, retrieval quantity increases slowly, the peak appeared in 2013 before, during and after the double tenth one reached 56, but compared with later nearly twenty thousand peak, it is rare.
O2O is a false dichotomy.In 2016, the domestic only O2O horizontal consolidation in the industry situation, 58 and fair, Meituan and public comments, ctrip and where to select merger.The bulk of the enterprises have to seize market and users to burn money subsidies, and then all of a sudden marriage, in the process to produce a lot of "little giant".Among them, the most typical representative is drops and fast.
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