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|&&|&&|& |& |英语作文 关于水饺的来历 怎么制做 什么节日上吃水饺
冬至,顾名思义是“冬天到来”的意思.这是中国农历中一个非常重要的节气,也是中华民族的一个传统节日,也称“冬节”、“长至节”、“亚岁”等.冬至一般是在公历十二月二十一日至二十三日之间.依照中国传统的历法,五日为一候,三候为一气,一年又分为十二节和十二气,合称为二十四节气,而冬至就是二十四节气之一.这一天是北半球全年中白天最短、夜晚最长的一天.中国北方大部分地区在这一天有吃饺子的习俗.Winter solstice,as the name implies,means the coming of winter.As an important solar term in the traditional Chinese calendar,it is also a traditional holiday for Chinese,which is also called “冬节”,“长至节”,“亚岁”,etc.Generally,winter solstice occurs between December 21st and 23rd.According to the traditional Chinese calendar,five days constitutes a pentad and three pentads constitutes a solar term.One year is divided into twelve periods and twelve climates which are regarded as twenty-four solar terms.The Winter Solstice is one of twenty-four solar terms.On this day,in the Northern Hemisphere the period of daytime is the shortest of the year and the period of night is longest..In Northern China during winter solstice there is a custom of eating dumplings.饺子是中国的一种特色美食.先用白面擀成皮,再把中间放上调好味的菜和肉馅,包好,在热水里煮熟.吃的时候,还可以蘸上酱油、醋、辣椒油和成的调料汁,真是鲜香美味.Dumpling is a Chinese cuisine.Firstly,white flour is rolled out into dough skins and then vegetables,ground meat and seasonings are placed inside..After the dumplings are wrapped,they are boiled in hot water.They are enjoyed with a variety of different condiments.You can dip them in soy sauce,vinegar,or chili oil.Dumplings are truly delicious!其实,冬至吃饺子的习俗由来已久.传说,饺子是东汉名医张仲景发明的.有一年冬天,他看到很多人耳朵冻烂了,心里很难受.回家后,张仲景让他的弟子用羊肉、辣椒和一些驱寒药放在锅里煮.等煮好后,把羊肉、药物捞出来切碎,用面皮包成一只只耳朵形状,再放在锅里煮,冬至那天,专门送给冻伤的人吃.张仲景把这种治伤的药叫“祛寒娇耳汤”,吃过的人只觉得浑身发暖,两耳生热,耳朵上的冻伤都好了.Actually,the tradition of eating dumplings during winter solstice has its origin in early times..It is said that dumplings were invented by Zhang Zhongjing,a well-known doctor from the Eastern-Han Dynasty.One winter,he saw that many people’s ears were frozen and it troubled him.When he went home,he asked his disciples to boil mutton,chilies and other ingredients with medicinal properties for fending off cold in a pot.After these were boiled,they ladled the mutton and other ingredients out of the pot,chopped them into pieces,and then wrapped them with dough skins in the shape of ears.Afterward,they put these into pots to boil again.On the day of the winter solstice,the people whose ears were frozen were sent to eat the dumplings.Zhang Zhongjing called it “cold dispelling dumpling soup”.People who ate it felt warm from head to toe.Their ears heated up,healing ailments caused by the cold.以后,每到冬至张仲景都做“祛寒娇耳汤”,送给大家吃,预防和治疗冻伤.此后就有了一个说法:冬至吃了饺子,耳朵就不会冻掉了.后来,张仲景在冬至那天去世.人们为了纪念他,每年冬至家家户户包饺子吃.没想到医圣张仲景的这一道药膳流传到了今天,竟成为我们节日餐桌上的一道美食.Thereafter,every winter solstice Zhang Zhongjing made “cold dispelling dumpling soup” in order to prevent and cure ailments caused by the cold..Then there became a saying that if you eat dumplings during the winter solstice,then you won’t freeze your ears off.Afterwards,Zhang Zhongjing died on the day of winter solstice.In order to honor his memory,every year on the day of the winter solstice every household makes dumplings.Who would have thought that this medicinal cuisine,created by Zhang Zhongjing---the medical sage and handed down to us till today,would become gourmet food on holidays!
扫描下载二维码用英语介绍怎么制作饺子的作文 80词左右
The first step is to mix the flour with water.When the dough is ready,we can begin to make dumpling wrappers.We use a rolling pole to roll the dough into small,thin and round pieces so that they will be easy to cook.Usually,we use meat such as beef or mutton,and some vegetables such as cabbage or carrots for filling.You may actually choose whatever you like to put into it.We must chop those things into small pieces.Then put some salt,oil and other condiments into it and stir it evenly.When all these preparations are done,we can start making dumplings.First put a spoonful of filling in the center of the wrapper.Then stick the two opposite sides together 第一步是与水混合的面粉.当面团准备好了,我们可以开始做饺子皮.我们用一根擀面杖滚成小,薄,圆块,使他们很容易煮的面团.通常,我们用肉,如牛肉或羊肉,并填补一些比如白菜和胡萝卜蔬菜.你也可以用任何你想投入它.我们一定要切成小块的东西.然后放入一些盐,油和其他调料,搅拌均匀.当所有这些准备工作完成后,我们就可以开始包饺子.首先放一勺馅在包装中心.然后捏紧两边.
扫描下载二维码How to Make Dumplings-怎样包饺子
Chinese boiled dumplings are not only delicious to eat but also easy to make.
First,make the filling. You can choose your favorite meat, say pork, beef, or mutton, chop it up and mix it with chopped yellow scallions or cabbage. Meanwhile you had better put in seasonings such as salt, soy sauce, pepper, sesame oil, chopped green onion and ginger to get your favorite flavor. Stir the ingredients in a container well to make them evenly mixed.
Second,make the dough. You should measure your wheat flour to go with the filling, put it in a container, pour water hit by bit, stir it strenuously to make it sticky,then let it rest for about 20 minutes. After that you can cut part of the dough and put it on pastry hoard, knead it and cut it into small pieces. You press each piece with the pahn of your hand slightly and then roll it with a rolling pin into a round piece.
Finally comes the stage of folding the dough to make dumplings. You should hold a dough piece horizontally in your left hand, put a suitable amount of filling onto the central part, fold the side around the filling, press the upper-central part of it firmly and make firm and nice lace from left to right around the fold edge to make your finished product better-looking and free from leakage.
The Chinese make dumplings when family or friends are together on holidays. You just imagine the heartening talk and intimate atmosphere created while people are sitting together to make dumplings!
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