
当前位置: & 八年级选词填空专项训练(含答案)
French, same, words, Chinese, example, many, why, great, much, what, an other, tell
Languages change with time and the world. So does English. New __1__ are borrowed from other languages. About nine hundred years ago there wer e __2__ changes in England. A great __3__ words were borrowed into Englis h from __4__. About five hundred years ago there was __5__ change. This ti me it was a change in pronunciation(发音), but the spelling was not __6__ changed. English words are spelled quite the __7__ as they were in those days. The spelling shows how words were spoken at that time. It does not __8__ us much about the pronunciation of words today. For __9__, the letters “gh” in the word “night” show us nothing about how it is spoken now. That’s __10__ students learning English find English spelling so confusing(容易弄混淆的).
[答案简析] 通过阅读,我们知道这是一篇关于英语词汇和读音的演变。
1. words。意思是“一些新的词汇是借用于其他语言”。 2. great。“巨大的变化”为great change。 3. many。words 为可数名词的复数形式,用many 修饰。 4. French。从前文,,were borrowed into English from,,可知应填Fre nch(法语) 。 5. another。大约500年前,英语又发生了变化。 6. much。英语发音虽然有了变化,但拼写没有太多的变化。 7. same。拼写还是和原来相同。 8. tell。前一句用shows ,很显然,此处应用tell 表示“告诉”。 9. example 。这里是在举例子。For example意为“例如”。 10. why。由于英语在拼写方面没有太大的变化,而在读音上发生了变化。这就是学英语的学生拼写容易出错的原因。
Exercise :A. 短文填空,从下面方框中选出10个单词,用它们的适当形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确、通顺。(注意:每词限用一次,其中有两词多余)
Do you know Sun Garden?Sun Garden in good place (
) in.It's a very (
district.It's (
) on the busy street.If you are (
) after work, you can (
) t he district's quietness here.And there is a
)park near here.In the morning
) you can (
) through the park.
) the park is a bookstore.There are lots of (
) books in the store.So y ou can often see lots of people reading books in the park.
feel ,give ,turn,work ,help ,waiter ,thing ,nearly ,he ,only ,else, one.
A woman was eating in a restaurant. She asked the waiter to do many (1)________for her. Now she was (2) ________the waiter a lot of trouble. (3) _
八年级选词填空专项训练(含答案)_英语_初中教育_教育专区。八年级英语选词填空 French, same, words, Chinese, example, many, why, great, much, what, an ...八年级上学期选词填空练习题_初二语文_语文_初中教育_教育专区。1、依次填入下列...A.满含 闪烁 肃穆 悬挂 B.噙满 闪动 肃穆 镶嵌 C.满含 闪动 严肃 悬挂 ...八年级下册_选词填空_专项练习_初二英语_英语_初中教育_教育专区。xggb ...答案 2 (1)1were going 2 to stop 3 before 4 children 5 quickly 6 ...八年级下册-选词填空专项练习_英语_初中教育_教育专区 暂无评价|0人阅读|0次下载|举报文档八年级下册-选词填空专项练习_英语_初中教育_教育专区...初二英语选词填空练习及答案_初二英语_英语_初中教育_教育专区。初二选词填空练习及答案 shine they brightly but other see even big small thing The sun is ...八年级下册_选词填空_专项练习_英语_初中教育_教育专区。选词填空专项练习 1 ...2 答案 (1)1were going 2 to stop 3 before 4 children 5 quickly 6 ...八年级选词填空练习_初二英语_英语_初中教育_教育专区。(1) 【a、feel、paint...八年级选词填空专项训练 暂无评价 6页 1下载券
八年级选词填空专项训练... ...初二选词英语填空练习及答案(二)_初二英语_英语_初中教育_教育专区。初二选词填空练习及答案(二) Smoke young walk see good care one drank Once an old man ...八年级选词填空练习_英语_初中教育_教育专区。八年级选词填空练习 I....选词填空专题练习 2页 免费 选词填空专项练习答案 3页 免费喜欢此文档的还喜欢...相关辅导资料
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1、依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是(& && & )
A.规划 论证 规则  B.计划 印证 规则
C.规划 印证 法规  D.计划 论证 法则
2.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是(   )
A.中止 树立 革除  B.终止 竖立 革除
C.终止 树立 祛除  D.中止 竖立 祛除
3.依次填入下列句中横线上的词语,最恰当的一项是(  )
A.景致 揭穿 珍稀  B.情景 揭露 珍奇
C.景观 揭开 珍稀  D.景致 揭露 珍贵
4.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的一项是(    )
A.况且 艰苦 销毁  B.何况 艰苦 烧毁
C.何况 艰巨 销毁  D.况且 艰巨 烧毁
1.如果台湾当局____主张分裂并实际____分裂活动,中国政府则有权使用国际法赋予的一切必要的手段来____分裂的企图和行动,以____中国的国家主权和领土完整.(& && & )
A.强硕 实行 阻止 维护  B.强行 实施 阻止 维持
C.强行 实施 制止 维护  D.强硕 实行 制止 维持
2.中国正处于发展的关键时期,面临着___经济结构,___利用资源、保护生态环境,____地区协调发展、提高人口素质、彻底____贫困等一系列重大任务. (& &&&)
A.优化 充分 推进 消灭  B.强化 充分 促进 消灭
C.优化 合理 促进 消除  D.强化 合理 推进 消除
3.法官审视案情,要极力排除个人的好恶,排除人际关系的_____,排除任何势力的____.你要以生命和你手中的权力为赌注,努力向真理靠近.如果你无法坚持真理,那就无不犹豫地__个人利益,以___你的良知.(& &&&)
A.干预 纷扰 放下 保全  B.纷扰 介入 舍弃 保护
C.纷扰 干预 牺牲 保全  D.牵扯 侵扰 牺牲 维护
4.纵览古今中外,大凡功绩____者,均能争朝夕,抢____,把时间最大限度地____起来,这样就等于____了自己的生命. (& &&&)
  A.显著 时间 应用 延续  B.卓著 分秒 利用 延长
C.卓著 时间 应用 延长  D.卓越 分秒 运用 延伸
5.说话是用语言来表达思想的.凡有____发音器官的人都能说话,人通过说话表达意见、沟通思想、____感情、以协调人际关系,____社会交往,____人类文明和进步. (& && &)
A.健康 交流 促使 推进  B.健全 交换 促使 推动
C.健康 交换 促进 推进  D.健全 交流 促进 推动
  (4)也不知是哪位热心肠的人,用云杉枝条编织的花环,___了那一排掩埋忠骨的坟墓. (& && &)
A.警觉 承认 减缓 装点  B.警觉 承诺 减缓 装扮
C.警惕 承认 减少 装扮  D.警觉 承诺 减缓 装点
7.(1)我的心已完全___在这幅壮丽的画中. (& && &)
A.溶化 以致 精巧 剧烈  B.融化 以至 精巧 急剧
C.融化 以致 精巧 急剧  D.溶化 以至 精巧 剧烈
8.随着科学技术的进步,人们可以应用现代科学技术____生产条件,___资源的利用率,还可以不断____资源利用的范围,使自然资源___更大的作用. (& &)
A.提高 改善 扩大 发挥  B.改善 提高 扩大 发挥
C.发挥 扩大 改善 提高  D.发挥 改善 扩大 提高
9.___只站在水边,先是一阵子呆看,再发一阵子空想,___能够想出一大堆道理来,自己还是不会游泳,对于别的游泳的人___没有好处.(& && &)
A.由于 所以 就    B.尽管 如果 也
C.如果 即使 也    D.如果 即使 就
10.在建设工作中,犯一些错误,有一些缺点,是难免的,问题在于对待错误、据点的态度.____虚心的承认错误、缺点,_&&决心改正错误缺点,从错误、缺点中学会新的知识、本领,____能使认识不断深化,_ 逐步掌握规律,取得胜利.(& & )
A.如果 或者 就 并   B.只有 并且 才 从而
C.只要 又  从而 并且 D.如果 又  就  也
11.古代动物中有一类动物叫蜥蜴,它___具有两栖动物的特征,___具有爬行动物的特征.___古生物学的作者不容易弄清楚,它到底是两栖动物,还是爬行动物.___过去把它放在爬行动物中,___现在又把它放在两栖动物中. (& && &)
  A.不 而 因此 尽管 而   B.既 又 不过 既然 于是
C.既 又 因此 以致 而   D.不 而 不过 以致 进而
1C 2C 3 C 4 B 5 D& &&&6 D 7B 8B 9C 10B 11C
来源: 学年度下学期九年级英语期中学业水平质量调研试题及答案.doc
A. relatives B. however &&&C. summer && D. behind &&& E. tour&&&&& F. describe
G. big&&&&& H.
for &&&&&&&I. purple&&&&&&
J. that& &&&&&&&& K. winter &&&L. but
Dear Mum and
I am writing this letter to you from the center of Australia. At the moment, we are staying near Ayers Rock (艾尔斯巨石). On the first day, we took a plane &&&1&&
&over the rock, and I was surprised at how &&2&& &it was:
3.6 kilometers long and 348 meters high! During different periods of the day,
the colors of the rock turn dark blue, &&&3&& , yellow
and red. Ayers Rock is a centre of local Aboriginal (土著的) culture. The Aborigines are
the people that have lived in Australia from the earliest times. Their ancient
stories &&&4&& &the spirits that created the world. The Australians have a
close relationship with the British. Many have British &&5&& , and they are
like us in many ways. The foods &&&6&&
&Australians like most
are ham and beef with lots of salad. They also grow grapes and other fruits.
They love all sports, but the game that they like most is Australian football.
Because most Australians live near the coast, they also love going to the beach
&&&7&& &swimming and surfing or just lying in the sun. Although it is
December, it is &&&8&& &over here. The sun is very bright, and near the coast the
countryside is very green. There are lots of sheep in the fields and on the
hills, &&&9&& &the middle of the country has no trees or grass, just rocks
and sand … And kangaroos!
On the second day, we went horse riding. The horse that I rode was
lazy, so I was left far &&&10&&
&the others. But I enjoyed the slow and
relaxing ride. Later this evening, we are taking the plane back to Sydney and coming home. It has been a wonderful trip.
Love, Tony
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-167516');">&
来源: 人教版八年级英语上册Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater? 单元测试题及答案.DOC
good, live, hear, see, climb, bad, real, loud, jump, but, I
A dog was relaxing in a park. Then he saw a cat on the top of a
high wall (墙). He
thought, “It must be so nice to be high on the wall. But I can’t (1) ________.”
The dog felt so bad.
Then he (2)
________ a fish in the river. He thought, “It must be so nice to live in the
water. But I can’t swim.” The dog felt (3) ________ this time.21教育网
Just then he (4) ________ the fish say, “It looks so nice and
warm on the grass. I (5) ________ want to lie down (躺下) on it.”
Hearing the words, the dog felt surprised (惊讶的). He thought, “The fish (6)
________ a great life, but she still feels bad.”
After some time, a bird (7) ________ past. She saw the dog
playing in the park. She said (8) ________, “I really want to play the whole
day like this dog. (9) ________ I have to look for food for my kids and (10)
________ every day.”
The dog heard the bird’s words. He knew it was important to
enjoy his own (自己的)
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-167423');">&
来源: 九年级英语第13单元诊断性自测题及答案.doc
选词填空根据短文内容从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。每个选项只能用一次,有两项剩余。A. When
L. timeMy sister Gina had a problem with her heart. She had five operations before she was three years old. She had difficulty in walking, playing with other children, and
to school.Our parents decided to take Gina to a special
in Florida. She could swim with dolphins there. Gina was
because she had never swan with dolphins before. We had never traveled that far as a family, either.
we got to Florida, we saw the place where the dolphins lived. Children with special needs
Gina could come and spend time there. I thought it was going to be a vacation,
it wasn’t. Gina had to work hard every day for two
.The trip was great. Gina laughed when she saw the dolphin, and the dolphin jumped when it saw Gina. They
together all day. Two weeks later, Gina was able to move
body more than she did at home. Mom and Dad
happy for Gina. I was too.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-167399');">&
来源: 九年级英语第13单元诊断性自测题及答案.doc
Many people
believe that, by the year 2100, we will live on the planet Mars (火星). Here is what life could be
First of all,
transport should be much better. By 2100, the spaceship can travel at half the
speed of light. &&1
humans need food, water and air to live. Scientists should be able to find
plants that can grow on Mars. These plants will provide us with food and air.
& 2& &&We could
easily jump too high and fly slowly away into space. To prevent this, humans on
Mars have to wear special shoes to make themselves heavier.
Life on Mars
will be better in many ways. &&3& &It is possible to live in a large
building with many bedrooms. Then, robot will do most of the work, so we have
more time for hobbies.
& 4& &Every student
can study, do their homework on the computer and take exams in online schools.
Each student will also have their own online teacher called “e-teacher”.
However, in
some ways, life on Mars may not be better than that on the earth today. &&5& &
Meals will probably be in the shape of
pills(药片) and will
not be as delicious as they are today. Also, space travel will make many people
A. There will probably be no school on
B. It might only take us two or three
days to get to Mars.
C. There is a problem for us to live on
D. Food will not be the same.
E. First, people will have more space.
travels faster than sound.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-167395');">&
来源: 九年级英语第9单元诊断性自测题及答案.doc
around, different, favorite, influence, loud, million, popular, show, such
Rock music began in the United States in the 1950s. It first became
(1)________ in small clubs and on the radio. Later, with the introduction of
rock music programs, people could watch their (2)________ bands on TV.
Rock music has (3)________ many music styles since it was born. And
it has been influenced by (4)________ cultures and musical traditions, too.
(5)________ changes in rock music have often taken place in regional centers,
(6)________ as New York City, Kingston and Liverpool, the influence of rock
music is now felt (7)________ the world.
Some people may not like rock music for its (8)________, fast beats
or naughty (粗俗的) lyrics. But (9)________ of rock music lovers all over the world
are crazy about it because they think this kind of music can (10)________ their
feelings completely.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-167276');">&
来源: 2017年八年级英语Unit2评估检测题及答案.doc
用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 If your children have some bad eating habits, work to replace (代替) 1 with these healthy habits.
Having breakfast every day.
Turning off the
when you are having meals. (If the Tv is on, you will eat too
fast without noticing(没有注意)when you are
3 . This can make you eat much more.)
Getting family members
for meals.
Starting with small portions (一份)and getting a little more if you are still
less fast food. (These fast food meals have more calories(卡路里) 7
meals you eat at home.)
different kind of foods, such as vegetables, fruit and meat.
Learning to stop eating
9 you are full.There are some other healthy habits, such as watching TV for
than two hours each day and getting at least one hour of exercise each day.hungry, they, less, eat, full, than, try, together, television, when
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-167203');">&
来源: 八年级2017年秋人教版英语第五单元检测卷及答案.doc
interest symbol healthy among festival
character fast its practice but
Jianzhi is a traditional style of paper cutting
in China.It's been a 1.________ of Chinese culture for hundreds of years.People
started to 2.________ Jianzhi in China in the 6th century.Jianzhi
has a number of special uses in Chinese culture.Almost all of them are for
or peace.Red is used the most commonly 4.________ all the colors.Since long
time ago,Chinese
people have been 5.________ in cutting paper into traditional Chinese
6.________ to symbolize(象征)
the Chinese zodiac(生肖)
Paper cutting is popular around the world, 7.________ only the
Chinese paper cutting is listed in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage
List(非物质文化遗产名录).The Chinese paper cutting gets
8.________ place because it has a history of more than 1,500 years and it tells so much
of Chinese history and culture.
Paper cutting has developed 9.________
over the years.Paper cutting is still popular in China,especially during special 10.________
like the Chinese New Year.They are often seen at Chinese weddings as well.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-167179');">&
来源: -2016学年度第一学期初三期末质量调研英语试卷及答案.doc
Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once.
B on average
E examinedThe US public uses about 50 billion water bottles a year and most of those
bottles are not recycled, according to Elizabeth Royte’s book Bottlemanid: How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It.More than $100 billion is spent every year on bottled water in the U.S. in many developing countries where there isn’t a safe
of tap water, bottled water is the only choice.In the US, tap water is controlled by the government and often
for dangerous substances(物质). Each American drinks 79 litres of bottled water per year
. The bottled water industry is so successful that it has outpaced milk, coffee, and juice in the number of gallons of drinks sold – putting it behind only beer and soda. A no longer
B completely
D given up
E encourageThough the sale of bottled water is still on the rise. Certain policy makers have taken steps to reduce it and
people to drink tap water. In September 2009, the Australian city of Bundanoon became the first city in the world to
stop bottled water from being sold in stores, building water fountains instead.Among the cities in America that have taken action are San Francisco and Seattle, which
7buy water for city use, and Chicago which adds a five-cent tax on each bottle. Several restaurants in those cities have also 8
bottled water for tap water. Other cities are also considering taking action.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-167151');">&
来源: 七年级英语Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball ?单元过关测试卷及答案.doc
短文填空(从下面的方框中选择正确的单词并用其适当形式填空,使短文意思完整、通顺。)too,be,same,play,like,friend,volleyball,on,have,heHello,friends! My name is Daniel.I'm 12 years old.I have many pen ________1.The boy in the picture is one of them.His name is Li Yufei.He is in Beijing,China.He is 12 years old,_______2.So we are of the _______3 age.Li Yufei ______4 sports very much.He _____5 two soccer balls,one basketball,two ______6 and some baseballs.But ________7 favorite(最喜爱的)sport is soccer.He thinks soccer _____8 an interesting game.He ______9 soccer every day.His favorite soccer player is Lionel Messi.He often watches him play soccer ____10 TV.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-167086');">&
来源: 山东省新泰市刘杜镇九年级英语下学期期中考试题及答案.doc
build& stop& good& at& on& safe& create&
reach& choose& inside
These days,cars are designed using computers.Let’s look at how a new car is
1 &_______. First,several designers talk about the new car and any good ideas that
they have.Then they sit down& 2. _______.&& their computers and
draw many sketches.The 3. _______.&&&& two or three drawings are
chosen and then more detailed
drawings of cars are developed 4& _______.& the computer.You can change the
or color of any part on the computer to see how the car would look and then you
can 5. _______.&& the best design.
Both the 6. _______.&&&& and the outside of the car have to
be designed.Part of the inside of the car is 7. _______.&& so that the
designers can sit in it.They can feel if there is enough room inside and if they
can8_____&&&& everything .Then some cars are built.There
are more than 15,000 parts of a car to test .
When everything is known to be 9.&& _______.& ,the cars are made in
the factory.Again,computers are used to make sure that all the parts are ready as they
are needed.The factory usually stays open all through the night so that the car
production never 10. _______.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-167055');">&
来源: 七年级英语Unit 4 Where s my schoolbag ?单元过关测试卷及答案.doc
Look at the ________1 of the twins' room.The _______2
are white and the windows are big.On the wall you can see _______3
old photo of the family.Their _______4 is standing(站着).She
is a teacher _______5 English.She is ______6
a red coat.Their father is next to ______7.He ______8
young.The boy in a black coat is their brother.The twins are sitting(坐)______9the
floor(地板).They look like(看起来像)____10father
and mother.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-167019');">&
来源: 山东省新泰市刘杜镇八年级英语下学期期中试题及答案.doc
综合填空(用方框中所给的词补全短文, 每词只用一次。)
big, friend, them, listen, easy, interest, real,
thing, stay, touch
It’s hard to make friends if you &1
&at home all the time. Get out of the house and do &2 &that
will put you in &3 &with other people. It’s easier to make
friends when you have similar interests.
Don’t be afraid to show people what you’re &4
&good at. Talk about the things you like to do best. People will be &5
&in you if there is something interesting about you.
Look at people in their eyes when you talk
to them. That way, they’ll find it &6 &to talk to you, or
people may think you’re not interested in them and may stop being interested in
Be a good &7 . Let people talk
about &8 &before talking about “me”. Ask a lot of questions.
Show an interest in their answers.
Try to make friends with the kind of people
you like, respect (尊敬), and admire(羡慕),
not just with those who are easy to meet. Be &9 &with a lot of
people. That way, you’ll have a &10 &group of people to choose
from and have more chances to make friends.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-166976');">&
来源: Unit 2 This is my sister 单元过关测试卷及答案.doc
She are is six an He sister same family Who
Dear Kate,
This is a photo
of my family.There are _____1 people in it. They_____2
my grandpa,my grandma,my father,my mother, my sister
and I.The
tall man is my grandpa. The woman next to him is my grandma.The man with
glasses(眼镜)_____3 my father.He is thirty&eight.____4 is a
doctor(医生).The woman next to my father is my
mother.She is ____5 English teacher(教师)of
my school.____6 is that girl?Oh,she
is my _____7Helen. ____8 is 12
years old.We are in the _____9 school.I love my ____10
very much.21世纪教育网版权所有
Write to me soon.
Your friend,
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-166918');">&
来源: 绍兴市暨阳初中学年第二学期期中考试八年级英语试卷及答案.doc
usual&& angry&&&
drop&&& important&&&& advice
1. She felt sad that she _____ her hat on her way home.
2. This trip tells
me the _________ of making friends.
3. Here is some ________about how to learn English well.
4. Ted had a very
_________experience last Sunday.
5. My mother shouted
________ at me, “Go to bed and don’t watch TV.”
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-166893');">&
来源: 贵阳市2 0 1 7年初中毕业生学业考试试题卷及答案.doc
根据语境或句意,从方框中选择恰当的短语完成下列各句kind of
belongs to
team leader
on weekends
be good at
be thankful to1. I don’t like this movie because it’s
boring.2. We should never fail to
the people around us.3. I think Qianlingshan Park is the best place to have fun_____.4. A good
helps everyone to work together in a group.5. This book
Mary because J, K, Rowling is her favorite writer.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-166752');">&
来源: 临沂经济开发区学年度下学期八年级英语期中学业水平质量调研试题及答案.doc
根据短文内容,从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。每个选项只能用一次, 有两项剩余。请将答案标号写在答题纸相应的横线上。
A. worried &&&B. less&&&&&&
C. spends&
D. fold&& E. Secondly&&&& F. provide
G. turns on&&& H. little &&&&I. with& &&&&J. anyone &&&K. alone&&&&&&&
Dear Abby,
a helpless mother of a teenage boy. My son is going to be 15 this summer.&
He used to help me &&1&& &the clothes or do the
dishes at home. But I find that the older he grows, the &&&&2&&&
&we talk. We can’t get on well &&&3& &each
other. I feel very sad and I really need help.
first problem is about his hobbies. He &&4&& &almost
his spare time on computer games. When he gets home, he always &&5&&
&the computer and closes the door. I’m getting more and more &&6&&
&about him, especially when his English teacher tells me he hardly
ever gets good grades in the English exams.
, he likes new technology (科技). It seems that he tries very hard to keep up with his classmates
on the new technology. But I don’t have enough money and I can’t &&8&&
&all the things he wants.
Recently, I’ve found he is always &&9&& . I’ve never
seen him talking to his friends on the phone or hanging out with &&&10&&
&on weekends. That’s the last problem I have.
What should I do to help him? Please give me some advice.
A helpless mother
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-166727');">&
来源: 2016学年第一学期八年级英语教学质量检测卷及答案.doc
advice, share, bad, careful,
A: Do you like learning English?
B: No, English is my& &&1&&
&subject. Can you give me some good &&&&2&
A: Well, it is &&3 &to practice
a lot. The more you listen to English, the easier it will be.
B: It's easy to say but difficult to do.
A: Why don't you buy a radio? You
can listen to BBC English programs &&4 on the radio.
B: Do you think that would help?
A: Of course.And
you can read some English books.
B: Would you mind &&&&&5&
&the names of your favorite English books?
A: They are English on Sunday, Follow Me, Family
Albums. I am sure you'll find them useful.
B: Thanks a lot.
A: You're welcome.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-166563');">&
来源: 宁波江北2016学年第一学期七年级英语教学质量检测卷及答案.doc
Hi, I’m Jenny. Here are two
nice &&1 &of& my family. My grandfather and my
grandmother are in the &&2& &photo. These are my &&3&
, Alan and Mary. In the next picture &&4 &my
brothers, Bob and Eric. These two girls are my sister Cindy and my cousin
Helen. Coco is in my family, &&&5 &.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-166555');">&
来源: 四川省达州市201 7年高中阶段学校招生统一考试英语试题及答案.doc
run& she& use& thank&
compare& foot& healthy& important& will& burn
Being a fit
and healthy person is very important for lots of people today.& In fact,
some people like running and exercising so much that they love keeping track of
&&&& 1.&&&&&
to fitness apps and gadgets (小机械) , people can measure (/Amij量) every step they take, what they eat and every calorie they burn.
They might wear a special watch on their
wrist, shoes on their
2.&&&& or use different apps on their phone to
measure their
movements. 3.&&&&&&&
, once they have done that they post it on social media. All of their
friends can see where
they 4.&&&&&& . what activities they've
done or what they had for lunch.
Sounds familiar?
&&& Doctor Daniel Kraft from the United States makes gadgets for
people like this. He told the
Digital Health
Summit that these people 5.&&&&&&&&
become the norm(帝态) in the future.
&&&& And I think he's right. I can see the world of 6.&&&&&&&&&
and fitness changing around me every day.
&&&& One of my friends,
named Anna Palmer,& is always 7.&&&&&&&
the latest fitness gadgets. Her favorite is an app called Argus. She uses
it on her phone to measure her steps, heart rate and amount of calories she has
8.&&&&& . She always posts these things, and
pictures of 9.&&&&&&& exercising, on
social media. “It's nice to know exactly how much exercise you have
done, rather
than guess,” she said.& “That way I can keep pushing myself to improve.”
&&&&& Also, my
friends in China use WeChat 10.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
how many steps they've taken each day. They are very competitive about this!
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-166512');">&
来源: 2017年兰州市初中学业水平考试 英
语(A)及答案 .doc
.eho without& happen& farmer& greatly& comfort&
as& make our
&&&&&& The
development of technologies has&& 1& changed the life
styles of the people all over the world. Radio, TV, computer, fax and
satellites bring different countries and people& 2& to each
other. We can see nearly everything &3& thousands o miles away
and communicate with people in different lands& 4&& leaving
home. We don’t have to shopping every day. Once a week we buy& 5& household
materials including meat, vegetables, etc, and store them in refrigerators.
With the help of tiny scissors doctors can examine the child 6&& is
still in the womb(子宫) of his mother.&& 7&&& use newer
technology both for agricultural activities as well as for their&
8&&& . The need of oil technology, such&&
9&& long pipelines (管线), electric power, good roads,airports, bring people from different
lands to the Gulf(海湾) countries to 10& a living.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-166409');">&


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