HEXIN HEALTHhealthspan是什么意思药

12月8日 第四期健康智谷HEALTHWORK沙龙:医药电商的核心竞争力在哪里?
近年来,随着互联网的蓬勃发展,电商在电商蓝海中不断攻城略地,一批国内知名医药电商屡次刷新各大电商平台月销售额排名;“掌上药店”、“药给力”、“叮当快药”等一批新生代送药020企业“争分夺秒”展现非凡配送力。医药电商行业竞争趋于白热化。药品价格及品类优势、配送速度及专业化程度、渠道多样化亦或是其他药品衍生服务,究竟哪些才是医药电商的核心竞争力?本期HEALTHWORK沙龙邀请传统医药公司大佬、行业领先的医药电商创始人、政府及学术机构专家以及深耕于医疗投资领域多年的资深投资人一起聊聊医药电商的核心竞争力在哪里。欢迎各位一起来头脑风暴。沙龙时间:日(周二)13:30至16:30沙龙地点:上海市静安区灵石路697号健康智谷7号楼三楼会议室主办单位:健康智谷(上海天亿弘方企业管理有限公司)支持单位:美年大健康、中卫基金、掌上药店、药房网、三江资本拟邀请演讲嘉宾:王浚海 & 掌上药店联合创始人钟 &毅 & 药房网总经理曹永兵 & 第二军医大学药学院赵 &耕 & 三江资本副总裁大会议程13:30-14:00 & &嘉宾签到14:00-14:15 & &欢迎致辞14:15-16:00 & &主题发言16:00-16:30 & &讨论互动会议报名:请参见附件:报名回执交通:46、79、95、206、 210、222、312、322、 741、767、849路等地铁1号线上海马戏城站4号出口会议座席有限,请12月8日前,填妥参加人员信息表格并通过邮件或传真形式发回给以下联络人。联系人:王碧云电话:136-Email:
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All Rights Reserved 医谷版权所有德国人工智能研究中心语言技术实验室Hans
Uszkoreit教授及Feiyu Xu博士访问模式识别国家重点实验室
日,来自德国人工智能研究中心语言技术实验室的Hans Uszkoreit教授及Feiyu Xu博士访问模式识别国家重点实验室,为师生做题为“Language
Understanding cum Knowledge Yield”的报告。
2015,Journal of Web Semantics (知识图表2016年特刊)和CoNLL 2016上发布。
Hans Uszkoreit教授是德国人工智能研究中心(German Research Center for Artificial
Feiyu Xu博士是DFKI语言技术实验室首席研究员和文本分析研究组主任。她从1987年到1990年前在上海同济大学学习技术翻译。然后她1992年到1998年在萨尔州立大学学习计算语言学,并获得了外国硕士学位。她的博士研究方向为“从语义种子进行关系提取”。在2014年,Feiyu
Xu完成了大量大文本数据分析的工作。2012年,Feiyu Xu与Hans Uszkoreit以及Roberto Navigli获得了Google的聚焦研究奖项。2014年,Feiyu
Xu成为DFKI研究会员。她已经发表了90多篇杂志,发表在ACL, COLING, EMNLP, CONLL, NAACL, LREC
等杂志上。她同时也是EACL 2017文本挖掘,信息抽取以及问答系统的领域主席。
Representations for Information Retrieval”的学术报告,并与实验室师生进行了友好讨论。
Traditional information
retrieval uses words as the basic representation units. It is
known that such a representation has several problems, in
particular, when dealing with synonymous and polysemous words.
These problems are particularly important for information
retrieval. A series of latent representations have been used to
address the problems, ranging from LSA, LDA to more recent
embeddings. In this talk, we will review these representations
for IR applications. It will be shown that latent
representations can help solve the problems to some extent, but
cannot (yet) fully replace the traditional word-based
representation. We will provide some analysis on this.
Jian-Yun Nie is a
professor in University of Montreal. He has been working in the
areas of information retrieval and natural language processing
for a long time. His research topics include information
retrieval models, cross-language information retrieval, query
expansion and understanding, etc. Jian-Yun Nie has published a
number of papers on these topics in the top journals and
conferences. His papers have been widely cited by peers. He is
on the editorial board of 7 international journals, and is a
regular PC member of the major conferences in these areas such
as SIGIR, CIKM, ACL. He was also the general chair of SIGIR
美国 IBM沃森研究中心的王志国博士访问模式识别国家重点实验室
Sentence Modeling for Question Answering”的学术报告,并与实验室师生进行了友好讨论。
Sentence modeling is a
crucial procedure for question answering. In this presentation,
I will talk about applying deep learning methods for sentence
modeling, including sentence clustering, sentence matching,
sentence classification and sequential labeling. I will also
present how to apply these technologies into real world question
answering systems.
Dr. Zhiguo Wang is a
research staff member at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
working on statistical parsing, question answering, machine
translation and machine learning. His current foci are to apply
deep learning algorithms for multilingual question answering.
Before joining IBM, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow in
Brandeis University. He received his PhD degree in computer
science from Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of
Sciences in June 2013.
日,美国伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校刘兵教授应邀在模式识别国家重点实验室做了题为“Discovering Keywords
for Search, Covariate Shift, and Lifelong
Recognition Based on Electroencephalography(EEG)”的学术报告。自动化所张家俊副研究员、刘康副研究员、汪昆博士、徐立恒博士等师生参加了此次报告会。
Linguistics、IEEE&Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language
Processing、Information Sciences等国际权威学术期刊和ACL、AAAI、IJCAI等顶级国际会议上发表论文30余篇,出版学术专著一部、译著一部。基于扎实的理论研究基础和过硬的核心技术创新,他们研制开发的英、日、德、法、朝、阿拉伯和土耳其等外国语,及藏、维、蒙等我国少数民族语言,共10多种语言文本的自动采集、翻译和分析系统成功应用于中国信息安全测评中心、中国人民解放军、公安系统和新闻媒体等国家特定领域,有效支撑了相关单位核心事业的发展,为维护国家安全和社会稳定,推动多语言情报翻译和分析事业的发展发挥了重要作用。
Lattice for Translation Retrieval”的学术报告。
vs. lattice)和生成方法(translation model vs. phrase
毕彦超老师是北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室、IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain
Scholars Programme in Psychobiology奖、美国心理科学学会新星奖。担任北京神经科学学会理事。
Adaptation for SMT: Linear, Log-Linear, Non-Linear and Vector Space
to Write a Good Paper and How to Give a Good Talk”的学术报告。
problem、my idea、the details、related work、conclusion and future
search users: what have been achieved and what haven’t”的学术报告。
and Learning in Statistical Machine Translation”的学术报告。
Recent Developments on Deep Neural Networks for Speech
Recent Developments on Deep Neural Networks for Speech
Research Scientist)。在谷歌研究院,他领导开发了基于深度神经网络的离线语音识别系统,被广泛评为Android
美国 Brandeis
日美国Brandeis大学的薛念文(Nianwen Xue)博士访问了模式识别国家重点实验室,做了题为“Hierarchical
Existing word alignment
standards often attempt to align everything at the level of words.
This leads to complicated alignments and spurious ambiguity in some
cases and severs key dependencies in others. In this talk I will
describe a project where we attempt to migrate some of the
alignments to phrases, thereby simplifying word-level alignments.
This alignment is based on parallel treebanks and I show that this
representation can support the extraction of Hiero-style rules and
tree-to-tree MT models.
Nianwen Xue is an
Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department and
the Language & Linguistics Program at Brandeis University.
Before joining Brandeis, Nianwen Xue was a research
assistant professor in the Department of Linguistics and the
Center for Computational Language and Education Research
(CLEAR) at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Prior to
that, he was a postdoctoral fellow in the Institute for
Research in Cognitive Science and the Department of Computer
and Information Science at the University of Pennsylvania.
He got his PhD in linguistics from University of Delaware.
Nianwen Xue has broad
interests in computational linguistics and natural language
processing. He has devoted substantial efforts to developing
linguistic corpora annotated with syntactic, semantic,
temporal and discourse information that are crucial
resources in the field of natural language processing. The
other thread of his research involves using statistical and
machine learning techniques in solving natural language
processing problems. He has published work in the areas of
Chinese word segmentation, syntactic and semantic parsing,
coreference, discourse analysis, machine translation as well
as biomedical natural language processing. His research has
received support from the National Science Foundation (NSF),
IARPA and DARPA. He serves on the editorial boards of ACM
Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing,
Language Resources and Evaluation, and Computer Processing
of Oriental Languages.
A fundamental problem in text
generation is word ordering. Word ordering is a computationally
difficult problem, which can be constrained to some extent for
particular applications, for example by using synchronous grammars
for statistical machine translation. There have been some recent
attempts at the unconstrained problem of generating a sentence from
a multi-set of input words, and also some efforts to linearize
unordered trees. We show that word ordering can be done using a
syntax-based approach and learning-guided-search. This method
tackles the factorial search space and allows state-of-the-art
accuracies to be achieved given flexible input conditions.
Yue Zhang is currently an
assistant professor at Singapore University of Technology and
Design(SUTD). Before joining SUTD in July 2012, he worked as a
postdoctoral research associate in University of Cambridge, UK. Yue
Zhang received his DPhil and MSc degrees from University of Oxford,
UK, and his BEng degree from Tsinghua University, China. His
research interests include natural language processing, machine
learning and artificial intelligence.
日纽约城市大学的季姮博士访问了模式识别国家重点实验室,做了题为“Morphed Information
Extraction, Resolution and Translation” 的学术报告,并与实验室师生进行了友好讨论。
Information Extraction (IE) is a task of identifying “facts”, such
as the attack/arrest events, people's jobs, people's whereabouts,
merger and acquisition activity from unstructured texts. In this
talk, Dr. Ji defines several new extensions to state-of-the-art IE
and systematically present the foundation, methodologies,
algorithms, and implementations needed for more accurate, coherent,
complete, concise, and most importantly, dynamic and resilient
extraction capabilities. He will present an information-aware
Machine Translation framework.
Heng Ji is an associate professor in Departments of Computer Science
and Linguistics at City University of New York. She received her
Ph.D. in Computer Science from New York University in 2007. Her
research interests focus on Natural Language Processing, especially
on Cross-source Information Extraction and Knowledge Base
Population. She has published over 90 papers. Her recent work on
uncertainty reduction for Information Extraction was invited for
publication in the Centennial Year Celebration of IEEE Proceedings.
She received a Google Research Award in 2009, US NSF CAREER award in
2010, Sloan Junior Faculty award and IBM Watson Faculty award in
2012. She served as the coordinator of the NIST TAC Knowledge Base
Population task in 2010 and 2011, the Information Extraction area
chair of NAACL-HLT2012 and ACL2013 and the co-leader of the
information fusion task of ARL NS-CTA program in 2011 and 2012. Her
research has been funded by US NSF, ARL, DARPA, Google and IBM.
日新加坡的张民教授访问了模式识别国家重点实验室,做了题为“Document and Discourse-based
SMT” 的学术报告,并与实验室师生进行了相关讨论。
Current SMT methodology translates document sentence by sentence
without considering any discourse and document information. In this
talk, I will present our two on-going work of
discourse/document-based SMT, i.e., lexical cohesion modeling for
document-level SMT and topic-based coherence model for SMT. Moreover
I will also give a brief discussion on how grammar induction can
Dr. ZHANG Min received his B.A. and Ph.D. degree from HIT in 1991
and 1997, respectively. From Dec. 1997 to Aug. 1999, he worked as a
researcher in KAIST. He began his academic and industrial career as
a researcher at L&H Tech Asia Pacific (Singapore) in Sep. 1999. He
joined Infotalk Tech (Singapore) as a researcher in Jan 2001 and
became a senior research manager in 2002. Dr. ZHANG joined the
I2R/A-star of Singapore in Dec. 2003 and now is a scientist and
principal investigator in the institute. Currently he leads the SMT
research group and oversees the activities of SMT research in
HLT/I2R. His current research interests are SMT and NLP. He has
authored/co-authored more than 150 papers in leading journals and
conferences. In recent years, he actively contributes to the
research communities by taking different roles. He supervises Ph.D
students at NUS/A-STAR, HIT and Suda.
日微软亚洲研究院的刘晓华博士访问了模式识别国家重点实验室,做了题为“Collective Information
Extraction for Micro-blogs” 的学术报告,并与实验室师生进行了相关讨论。
Within the past five years, micro-blogs have greatly developed and
now become one indispensable information source. Owing to the
unstructured, fragmented, informally written, noisy and real-time
nature of micro-blogs, it is hard for people to effectively obtain
the information of their interests from micro-blogs. In this talk, I
will introduce the task of information extraction for micro-blogs,
which consists of a serials of sub-tasks, including Named Entity
Recognition (NER), Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) and Event Extraction
(EE).&One main common research challenge is the dearth of
information in a single micro-blog, rooted in the short and noisy
nature of micro-blogs. In this talk, I will introduce the following
three kinds of collective inference algorithms, which are applied to
NER, SRL and EE, respectively, achieving remarkable improvements
over the baselines.1. K-nearest neighbor (KNN) classifier based
joint inference that determines the output of the current input
using the outputs of the inputs similar
Cluster based joint inference that involves the following two-stage
labeling: In the first round, one single micro-blog is processed as
in the second round, similar micro-blogs are first clustered,
then for each cluster an enhanced model that utilizes cluster-level
information is applied to each micro- 3.
Graphical model based joint inference that conducts an information
extraction related task on a collection of related micro-blogs,
sharing information across micro-blogs and simultaneously
determining the outputs for all the related micro-blogs.In the end,
I will present a semantic search of micro-blogs called QuickView,
which integrates various information extraction technologies and
enables categorized browsing and advanced search of tweets.
Dr. Liu is Project Lead and Researcher in Microsoft Research Asia,
Natural Language Computing Group. His research interests include
social content mining, NLP for ranking, machine learning, etc. In
recent three years he published 25+ papers in ACL, AAAI, IJCAI,
EMNLP, COLING, and SIGIR. At his free time, he likes coding and
solving software development related challenges. He authored several
programming related books, including &Detailed introduction of JSP
programming& and &Mastering MFC&.
日百度公司的马艳军博士访问了模式识别国家重点实验室,做了题为“Translation Recommendation
for MT-TM Integration” 的学术报告,并与实验室师生进行了相关讨论。
We present a translation recommendation model for integrating
Machine Translation (MT) output into a Translation Memory (TM)
environment to facilitate the adoption of MT technology in the
localization industry. Given an input to be translated, our
recommender compares the output from the MT and the TM systems, and
presents the better one to the post-editor. When measured against
the consensus of human judgment, the recommendation model obtains
0.91 precision at 0.93 recall. The high precision of these models
ensures that MT output is only used in the TM environment when it
its better than the best available TM output with high con?dence.
The models thereby preserve TM assets and established fuzzy
match-based cost estimation methods associated with TMs.
马艳军博士现为百度公司副研究员。2009年获得爱尔兰都柏林城市大学计算机系博士学位,曾在ACL, COLING, ACM
Transaction, Journal of Machine
of Machine Translation编委,并担任ACL, EMNLP, COLING等国际会议的程序委员会成员、分会主席等。
COLT, ICML和顶级期刊JMLR, IEEE Trans. PAMI发表论文多篇。2010年入选AI’s 10 to Watch。
T.J.Watson 研究中心的黄非博士来访模式识别国家重点实验室
日IBM T.J. Watson 研究中心的黄非博士访问了模式识别国家重点实验室,做了题为“Bilingual
Data Clustering for SMT Domain Adaptation” 的学术报告,并与实验室师生进行了相关讨论。
Nowadays it is a lot easier to build a statistical machine
translation (SMT) system thanks to the easy access to large amount
of online text and open source software. However, the general MT
system outputs still have a lot of room for improvement. In this
talk I will first share my view on the current status of the machine
translation, then I will focus on a specific problem: SMT domain
adaptation. I will present a novel approach based on multiple level
of bilingual data clustering.&With dynamic combination of
automatically derived domain specific models,&this approach
demonstrates 1.0-2.0 points of gain in BLEU on various test sets
over an English-to-Chinese baseline system built with general
黄非博士目前在IBM T.J. Watson 研究中心任职研究科学家(Research Staff
张家俊等获 NLP&CC 会议最佳论文奖
Unknown Words in Statistical Machine Translation from a New
华盛顿大学的Fei Xia博士来访模式识别国家重点实验室
华盛顿大学的Fei Xia博士访问了模式识别国家重点实验室,做了题为“Applying NLP Technologies to the
Collection and Analysis of Language Data to Aid Linguistic Research”
As a vast amount of language data has become available
electronically, linguistics is gradually transforming itself into a
discipline where science is often conducted using corpora. In this
talk, we review the process of building ODIN, the Online Database of
Interlinear Text, a multilingual repository of linguistically
analyzed language data. ODIN is built from interlinear text that has
been harvested from scholarly linguistic documents posted to the
Web, and it currently holds more than 200,000 instances of
interlinear text representing annotated language data for more than
1,000 languages (representing data from more than 10% of the world's
languages). ODIN's charter has been to make these data available to
linguists and other language researchers via search, providing the
facility to find instances of language data and related resources
(i.e., the documents from which data was extracted) by language
name, language family, and even linguistic constructions. Further,
we have sought to enrich the collected data and extract &knowledge&
from the enriched content. This work demonstrates the&benefits of
using natural language processing technology to create resources and
tools for linguistic research, allowing linguists to have easy
access not only to language data embedded in existing linguistic
papers, but also to automatically generated language profiles for
hundreds of languages.
Fei Xia is an Associate Professor at the Linguistics Department at
the University of Washington (UW) and an adjunct faculty at the
Department of Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education at the UW
Medical School. Her research covers a wide range of NLP tasks
including morphological analysis, part-of-speech tagging, grammar
extraction and grammar generation, treebank development, machine
translation, information extraction, and bio-NLP. Her current
research focuses on building NLP systems that combine linguistic
knowledge and machine learning techniques. She is also interested in
collecting data and building tools to assist linguistic study. Her
work is supported by several grants from NSF, NIH, IARPA, Microsoft,
and UW, including the prestigious NSF CAREER Award.
Fei Xia received her Bachelor's degree from Peking University, and
Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn). At UPenn, she led
the effort in building the Chinese Penn Treebank, which currently
has 1.2 million words and is one of the most commonly used corpora
for Chinese NLP. After graduation, she worked at the IBM T. J.
Watson Research Center at Yorktown Heights, New York before joining
日卡内基美隆大学的Joy&Ying&Zhang 博士访问了模式识别国家重点实验室,做了题为 “Mobile
Sensing for Behavior-ware Mobile Computing: a Language Approach”
Today's smart phones come equipped with a rich range of sensors
including GPS, accelerometers, WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC, microphone etc.
Combined, this contextual information can tell us a great deal about
a user's current activity: what is the user doing now at which
location and for how long. When logged, this data can provide
important information about the user's behavior patterns based on
which caregivers can design effective and personalized plans to
improve the user's health and wellbeings. If we can aggregate this
kind of information across hundreds of volunteers in a city, it can
also tell us a great deal about that city, for example, wait times
for buses, how public and private places are used, what residents
typically do, and so on. This kind of large-scale data collection
and analysis offers a way to understand human behavior at large
scale, which can have positive impact in a number of domains,
including health care, traffic planning, urban design, and social
network analysis.
Dr. Joy Ying Zhang is an assistant research professor in Mobility
Research Center at Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley with
appointments from the department of ECE, Language Technologies
Institute, and CyLab.&He received his Ph.D. from Language
Technologies Institute of Carnegie Mellon University.&Most of his
research centers around applying statistical learning on natural
language processing problems, in particular, statistical machine
translation systems.&He has developed the Pandora translation
system, a full-scale two-way phrase-based statistical machine
translation engine for mobile devices. This technology has been
commercialized in the Jibbigo Speech Translator for iPhone, the
first and so-far only voice-to-voice translation system that does
not require network connection. His current research interests
include applying statistical learning methods on mobile applications
for user behavior modeling and behavior-aware mobile computing
including indoor positioning, geo-trace modeling, mobile lifelog.
URL: http://mlt.sv.cmu.edu/joy
Ananiadou教授和Junichi Tsujii教授来访模式识别国家重点实验室
&&& 日英国曼彻斯特大学的Sophia Ananiadou教授和微软亚洲研究院的Junichi
Tsujii教授访问模式识别国家重点实验室,并分别做了题为 “Biomedical text mining for semantic
search and knowledge discovery” 和“Parsing with an explicit semantic
Due to increasing specialisation, silo effects and literature
deluge, researchers are struggling to draw out general truths and to
generate hypotheses to test. This is especially true when
considering the needs of biomedicine. Natural language processing
techniques are urgently needed, including aids to link the
scientific literature with appropriate knowledge in scientific
databases, and to provide textual evidence in hypothesis generation
and semantic search. The evidence to generate hypotheses for
comprehensive diagnostics, pharmacological interventions,
treatments, etc., is hidden in text. In addition, the type of
evidence needed is complex, requiring techniques beyond statistical
keyword search mechanisms, such as question answering about facts,
relations and events of biomedical relevance. The extraction of
semantic metadata from text allows advanced semantic search. In my
talk, I will discuss such issues and also present some of the
biomedical text mining services developed at the UK National Centre
for Text Mining addressing the needs of the biomedical community for
semantic search and knowledge discovery.
Sophia Ananiadou is Director of the UK National Centre for Text
Mining (NaCTeM, www.nactem.ac.uk), and full Professor of Computer
Science in the School of Computer Science, University of Manchester,
UK. She is the main designer of the text-mining tools and services
currently used in NaCTeM, i.e.advanced search,&information
extraction and association mining. Her research projects include
text mining-based visualisation of biochemical networks, data
integration using text mining, building terminological resources,
and automatic event extraction for pathway reconstruction and
bioprocess recognition. She also leads work to support scientists in
evidence finding via text mining based search, within the UK PubMed
Central project, and collaborates with centres in the US and Japan
to develop text mining infrastructures for the community.She has
been awarded the Daiwa Adrian prize (2004) and the IBM UIMA
innovation award (,2008) for her work on interoperability
of text-mining tools in biomedicine. She has over 200 publications
in journals, conferences and books.
Although statistical modeling of language has made significant
progress, parsing and semantic interpretation of a sentence still
remain major challenges in NLP. Careful examination of parsing
results reveals that the accuracy of semantically crucial problems
such as PP-attachment, identification of antecedents of relative
clauses, scope determination of coordinated phrases still remain
less than 80%. On the other hand, recently mining technologies have
provide NLP with much richer semantic/knowledge resources. In this
talk, I will talk about our recent research on parsing with an
explicit semantic model.
Junichi Tsujii is Principal Researcher of Microsoft Research Asia
(MSRA). Before moving to MSRA (May, 2011), he was Professor of
Natural Language Processing in the Department of Computer Science,
University of Tokyo and Professor of Text Mining in School of
Computer Science, University of Manchester, U.K. . He remains to be
scientific advisor of the UK National Centre for Text Mining
(NaCTeM)&as well as visiting professor of University of Manchester.
He has worked since 1973 in Natural Language Processing, Question
Answering, Text Mining and Machine Translation. He gave keynote
speeches and invited talks at many conferences such as Coling
(1986), ACL (1991), ACL (2000), LREC (2004), IWSL (2004), SMBM
(2005), ICSB (2006), BioCreative(2007), IEEE-ASRU(2007), BioCreative
III (2010), Cicling (2011), NIH workshop (2012) etc.&He was
President of ACL (Association for Computational Linguistics, 2006)
and President of IAMT (International Association for Machine
Translation (). He is Permanent member of ICCL
(International Committee for Computational Linguistics, 1992-).His
recent research achievements include (1) Deep semantic parsing based
on feature forest model, (2) Efficient search algorithms for
statistical parsing, (3) Improvement of estimator for maximum
entropy model, and (4) Construction of the gold standard corpus
(GENIA) for Bio Text Mining and application of NLP techniques to
text mining in the biomedical domain.
斯特灵大学的Kamran Farooq 博士来访模式识别国家重点实验室
日斯特灵大学的Kamran Farooq博士访问了模式识别国家重点实验室,做了题为 “Ontology Driven
Cardiovascular Decision Support Framework” 的学术报告,并与实验室师生进行了相关讨论。
The industrial research project funded by the EPSRC and&Sitekit
Solutions Ltd paved the way for the development of next generation
web based clinical decision support systems inspired by the semantic
web, machine learning and advanced artificial Intelligence
techniques. A novel ontology driven decision support framework was
published in the IEEE pervasi this framework is
primarily focussed in the cardiovascular domain however this
approach could also be utilised for the risk assessment of other
major chronic diseases. The proposed framework consists of a number
of key components which will promote ease of reuse, scalable and
cost effective web based decision support applications for
healthcare authorities. This will allow secondary care authorities
to reduce long waiting patients' queues by providing triage and risk
assessment facilities as part of preventive care.
This framework also ensures clinical governance through the
utilisation of clinical practice guidelines and standardised
clinical questionnaires (for patients’ screening and history
collection) which have been developed by healthcare informatics
pioneer, Professor Warner Slack at the Harvard Medical School.
The proposed cardiovascular decision support framework comprises of
an intelligent/user friendly/adaptive information collection system
which is being developed using clinically validated questionnaires
selected for the Chest Pain case study. Electronic Healthcare
Records have also been provided as part of the development of the
patient semantic profile component which captures patient’s episodic
clinical history in OWL format in order for it to be utilised by the
decision support component of the framework. The decision support
component is making use of multiple risk assessment guidelines
(NICE, ACC) for healthcare organisations in the UK and US. Also
intelligent ontology learning and auto generation techniques are
being developed as part of the proposed decision support framework
which will facilitate the automatic transformation of clinical
practice guidelines into risk assessment ontologies.
Kamran Farooq is a second year PhD student at the University of
Stirling, working in the areas of clinical decision support systems,
machine learning and Natural Language processing. He is currently
involved in the development of an ontology driven cardiovascular
decision support/expert system in collaboration with Harvard Medical
School, Raigmore Hospital, Inverness, UK, MIT US and the Chinese
Academy of Sciences. At the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kamran's
recent work involves developing a domain specific novel taxonomy/
ontological knowledge base to model patient's psychological emotions
(stress, anxiety, depression, suicidal etc) which is being
integrated with Erik Cambria's sentiment mining and emotion analysis
framework. This work is being submitted to the forthcoming ICBEB
2012 (International conference in biomedical engineering and
biotechnology in Macau, China). Kamran is also involved in
developing clinical predictors using data driven machine learning
techniques in association with Professor Kaizhu Haung and his PhD
Kamran is also looking into the possibility to develop a dynamic
knowledge base model by extracting unstructured information through
on-line repositories (Wiki etc) and transforming the unstructured
textual information into structured text using NLP techniques. This
work will extend and apply Microsoft Needleseek framework
(open-domain sentiment mining and opinion project) in a clinical
domain to develop a dynamic knowledge base in the cardiovascular
Kamran is also discussing the possibility of using clinical data
information (patient medical history , doctor notes in the form of
free text) to predict clinical outcomes through the electronic
healthcare records. This will be useful for the doctors to predict
diseases by taking into clinical symptoms towards build up of the
diseases (predicting whether patient has history of blood pressure,
diabetes, obesity etc).
巴黎大学的Sylvain Kahane
日巴黎大学的Sylvain Kahane 教授访问了模式识别国家重点实验室,做了题为 “From text to
meaning: word order, non projectivity and topological grammar”
We present the general architecture of a formal model for natural
languages based on Meaning-Text Theory. Three levels of
representation are described: the deep syntactic structure (which is
a good level for paraphrasing and translation), the surface
syntactic level (the classical dependency structure between words)
and the topological structure (a surface constituent structure). We
focus on the topology-syntax interface, that is the module dedicated
to linearization and word order. A CKY parsing algorithm will be
sketched. It is shown that its complexity is in O(n^(2k+3)) where k
is the number of simultaneous non projective dependencies we have to
deal with. Most of these works are joint works with Kim Gerdes (LPP,
Université Paris Sorbonne Nouvelle).
Sylvain Kahane is a professor of linguistics at Université Paris
Ouest since 2003. He began his carrier by a PhD in mathematics
(application of descriptive set theory to harmonic analysis) and has
been assistant professor in mathematics from 1992 to 2003. He has
one of the major promotor of the dependency syntax (organisation of
the first ACL workshop for Dependency-based NLP in 1998) and the
Meaning-text Theory (creation of the biannual international
conference on MTT in 2003). He has written more than 60 papers in
these fields. His most popular works concern formal dependency
grammars: Pseudo-projective dependency parsing, formal topological
grammar, Polarized Unification Grammar, Meaning-Text Unification
Grammar, bubble tree grammars.


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