
mica segment的中文意思
沪江词库精选mica segment是什么意思、英语短语。
中文释义: 云母片
2017mica segment是什么意思由沪江网提供。dependent segment的意思
沪江词库精选dependent segment是什么意思、中英文句子翻译、英语短语。
中文释义: 【计】 相关段
In a hierarchical data base,the successive vertical dependencies of records or segments.
2017dependent segment是什么意思由沪江网提供。line segment是什么意思
沪江词库精选line segment是什么意思、中英文句子翻译、英语短语。
中文释义: 线段
Lines divided the area into segments.
Either of two points marking the end of a line segment.
Chord: a line segment that joins two points on a curve.
The multi-projection histograms are proposed to segment the code in the line and row.
Combinations of both overhead and under-ground HVDC line segments frequently occur.
2017line segment是什么意思由沪江网提供。premium segment是什么意思_premium segment在线翻译_premium segment什么意思_premium segment的意思_premium segment的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
premium segment是什么意思
premium segment是什么意思 premium segment在线翻译 premium segment什么意思 premium segment的意思 premium segment的翻译 premium segment的解释
premium segmentpremium segment 双语例句1. These four brands are all present in China but with very different branding strategies targeting different market segments and therefore, to a large extent, representing a competitive landscape of the fashion clothing market in China – a broad spectrum of fashion brand positioning from mass low price segment such as the local affordable brand Yishion to premium high price segment such as the imported luxury brand Calvin Klein.&&&&这四个品牌都存在,但在中国有非常不同的品牌战略针对不同的细分市场,因此,要在很大程度上代表了在中国的服装市场竞争fashion景观-一种时尚from质量低价格段的品牌定位broad spectrum如本地品牌以纯,以负担得起的保费高价位,如进口豪华品牌卡尔文Klein。2. DaimlerChrysler unveiled today the new Mercedes-Benz C class, its top-selling car that could give it a crack at regaining market leadership in the premium segment from BMW.&&&&戴克今天发布了其新款奔驰C级车,作为奔驰销量最大的车型,新车的推出将有助于使奔驰在高档豪华车市场从宝马手中重新获得领先地位。3. premium segment3. In Europe 50% of new cars run on diesel, rising to 70% in the premium segment, where diesel gets a tax break.&&&&在欧洲,新下线的汽车中有50%靠柴油发动。4. The sales of cheap cigarettes are growing, but they are growing in the premium segment of the market too, he said.&&&&他说,便宜卷烟的销售在增长,但市场中的名优产品部门的销售也在增长。5. We are certain that the new sub-brands will help strengthen the leading position of the Tuborg brand in the licensed segment and will increase its premium image.&&&&我们相信,新的子品牌将有助于加强杜柏品牌在授权领域的领导地位,将增加对优质的图像。【已有0 位网友发表了看法,点击查看6. There is consumer interest in the premium end of almost any category, and I believe a larger segment of tea connoisseurs can be developed globally.&&&&几乎所有类别的最顶级商品,消费者都有兴趣,我相信可以在全球培养出更多懂得欣赏好茶的人。7. 7. If the real estate transfer from premium, premium segment all to be turned over to the state treasury.&&&&如果该房地产转让产生溢价,溢价部分全部上缴国库。8. So now these qualities are for the first time being carried over to a vehicle in the premium compact segment.&&&&所以,现在这些素质是首次对正在进行中的一个优质车紧凑型车。9. For the first time the features and characteristics of a BMW X model are carried over in modern style into a unique vehicle in the premium compact segment.&&&&第一次的特点和宝马X模型的特点是结转到在高档车的独特现代风格的紧凑型车。10. This work of Korean Premium Modernity will be sold in Europe as a B Segment MPV.&&&&这项工作的韩国现代保费将在欧洲销售的B段多功能车。11. 11. As the rapid development of highway, the widening of easement curve segment is more and more at a premium, but the calculation of coordinates and length of inside and outside line is very complex, however, the introduction of this content is very little.&&&&&&随着高速公路的快速发展,缓和曲线段的加宽越来越受到重视,但是加宽后的内外边线坐标和曲线长的计算非常麻烦,关于这方面的介绍也非常少,故通过理论计算,提出内外边线的坐标和曲线长的计算公式,具有一定的参考价值。12. 12. In fact, the Genesis itself was created to take Hyundai higher in the premium segment.&&&&&&事实上,起源本身就是建立以现代高的溢价部分。13. 13. Well, it seems Infiniti is intent on making itself a major player in the premium segment with the development of several new models.&&&&&&嗯,看来英菲尼迪打算使自己的主要厂商,在高档的发展,一些新的模式。14. Currently, especially in the premium segment, brand owners are very interested in tamper-proof seals and anti-counterfeiting measures.&&&&&&目前,尤其是在高档车市场,品牌拥有者都十分热衷,防篡改的封条和防伪措施。15. premium segment的反义词15. At present, the Indian cigarette market is estimated to be 100 billion sticks, of which 10% comprises of the premium segment.&&&&&&目前,印度的卷烟市场估计为1000亿支,其中优质卷烟占到了10%。16. 16. It is the compact segment that will experience high growth and by basing the car upon the next 1er platform costs can be measured across the base that is why the next 1er will offer more expansion in the premium compact segment and offer variants using Mild Hybrid, Full Hybrid, diesel and petrol to fulfill the customers requirements.&&&&&&这是紧凑的部分,将出现高增长和基础,汽车的未来1er平台费用可以衡量的基准,这就是为什么在今后1er将提供更多的扩展高档紧凑部分,并提供变种使用轻度混合,全混合动力,柴油和汽油,以满足客户的需求。17. Baker noted that Windows 8 touchscreen laptops with an average price of $ 867 (& # 163; 540), accounting for 6% of Windows 8 laptop sales, had helped re-establish a premium segment to the Windows consumer notebook market.&&&&&&贝克指出Windows8的触摸屏笔记本电脑平均售价867美元(540英镑),占了Windows8笔记本电脑销售额的6%,已经帮助Windows笔记本电脑消费市场重建了一个溢价段。18. 18. Global smartphone market growth is increasingly driven by the low-end segment, making it a race to the bottom for all but companies like Apple Inc AAPL 0.95%, which can still command a price premium.&&&&&&全球智能手机市场增长对于低端产品的依赖与日俱增,因此形成各大公司竞相压价的局面,能依旧维持高价的只有苹果公司(AppleInc)。19. The company is shifting gears in the mobile segment, now focusing on reporting more stable profits and concentrating on its premium lineup, while reducing the amount of models in its mid-range lineup.&&&&&&公司正在转变移动部门的运营方式,更多地着眼于稳定的盈利,将精力投入高端产品,同时减少中端机型的品种。20. 20. Pricing: Li-Ning raised its prices in 2010 but premium-segment consumers found the quality of Nike and Adidas was still better, while lower and mid-price-segment consumers chose cheaper, local brands.&&&&&&定价:李宁在2010年提价,但高端客户发现耐克和阿迪达斯的品质仍然要更好一些,而中低端客户选择了其他价格更低的国内品牌。premium segment 单语例句1. The premium segment now comprises just 3 percent of the overall car market in China, far below the ratio in mature markets.2. And in the premium segment, it has a market share of more than 65 per cent.3. He expects discounts will taper off in the premium segment as the market is recovering.4. He said the company still believes there is still vast untapped potential in the premium car segment.5. It still firmly believes that premium travel will continue to be an important market segment over the long term.6. It has now successfully established the brands " Siemens " and " Bosch " in the premium segment.7. But he said there are no domestic brands that could compete with foreign ones in the premium car segment.8. The airline is also setting new international standards in the premium travel segment.9. BMW Chairman Norbert Reithofer said prospects for the premium segment in China still look promising, although growth is expected to be slower.premium segment是什么意思,premium segment在线翻译,premium segment什么意思,premium segment的意思,premium segment的翻译,premium segment的解释,premium segment的发音,premium segment的同义词,premium segment的反义词,premium segment的例句,premium segment的相关词组,premium segment意思是什么,premium segment怎么翻译,单词premium segment是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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