
年货的英文:special purchases for the Spring Festival
goods for use during the Spring Festival参考例句:Do New Year shopping办年货。:v. [purchase] 的第三人称单数;购买n. [purchase] 的名词复数;购买,购买的东西purchase freedom with Blood以血的代价赢得自由 This orchard became ours by purchase.这个果树园被我们买下了。 such as stores requisition, purchase requisition,像库存调拨单,购物申请单, :n.
2.[C]泉;泉水;有泉水处;泉水的流淌 [attrib 作定语] (spring water)
3.[C]弹簧;发条 [attrib 作定语] (a spring-mattress)
4.[U] 弹性,弹力; (比喻) 活力
3.[T]【口】 帮助(囚犯等)逃跑;使(动物)离开躲藏处
The perfume was evocative of spring.那种香味令人想起了春天。Nature wakes in spring. 春回大地,万物复苏。In spring, the valleys are ablaze with colour.春天,山谷里春色绚烂。翻译推荐:相关热点:
瓜子是什么意思 瓜子在线翻译 瓜子什么意思 瓜子的意思 瓜子的翻译 瓜子的解释 瓜子的发音 瓜子的同义词 瓜子的反义词 瓜子的例句
瓜子 基本解释瓜子[guā zǐ]词典:瓜子。瓜子 汉英大词典瓜子[guā zǐ]melon seeds瓜子 网络解释1. Guazi:羊(qianyang) 玉华-酒楼烤乳猪(ruzhu) 玉华-酒楼油豆腐(doufu) 金平府-客店油面筋(mianjin) 金平府-客店油糕(yougao) 金平府-客店油饼(youbing) 金平府-客店五香炒豆(chao dou) 天竺国-小吃店香瓜子(guazi) 天竺国-小吃店卤2. melon seed:seed n. 种子 | melon seed 瓜子 | seek vt. 试图; 探寻3. 瓜子什么意思3. PUMPKIN, MELON, SUNFLOWER SEED:? 花生 PEANUT | ? 瓜子 PUMPKIN, MELON, SUNFLOWER SEED | ? 水 WATER4. 4. der Kern:die Weintrauben 葡萄 | der Kern 瓜子 | die Wassermelone 西瓜瓜子 双语例句1. danci.911cha.com1. 采用包埋剂包裹瓜子仁中的油脂,乳化剂、稳定剂解决瓜子浆中蛋白质和脂肪的分层问题,获得了理想的成粉效果。&&&&We used embedding medium to cover lipid of pumpkin seed, emulsifier and stabilizer to settle delamination of pumpkin seed serum, the effect of powder was fairly good.2. 林内有不少附生植物,以瓜子金藤最普遍。&&&&There are many plants growing on the forest in order to seeds Kanafuji is most prevalent.3. 结果:(1)忍冬、华南忍冬、黄花草下表皮均分布浓密的表皮毛,忍冬上表面中脉有少量表皮毛,黄花草上表皮分布有稀疏的星状表皮毛,忍冬、华南忍冬和黄花草的气孔位于下表皮毛间隙,这种结构可反射阳光和阻止水分蒸发,从而适应强光和水分不足的环境;(2)瓜子金叶片为肉质叶,上下表面均有气孔分布,并出现明显的下陷。&&&&A few epidermal hairs distributed on the Costa of Lonicera Japonica Thumb. The upper epidermis of Solidago decurrens Lour were covered with sparse stellate hairs. The stomas distributed on the upper epidermis hairs of Lonicera Japonica Thunb, Lonicera confuse and Solidago decurrens Lour, which could reflect the sunlight and decrease the transpiration to adapt the highlight and (2) The leaf blades of Polygala japonica butt were fleshy, and the sunk stomas distributed on both the sunk place of the upper epidermis and lower epidermis, which help to water conservation.4. 利用光学显微镜对常规石蜡切片法处理的生长于广西弄拉适生药材忍冬、华南忍冬、瓜子金、黄花草的解剖结构进行了观察,并利用扫描电镜技术对四种灌木叶片表皮形态进行研究。&&&&Methods: The anatomical characters of Lonicera Japonica Thunb, Lonicera confuse, Polygalajaponica Houtt and Solidago decurrens Lour treated by paraffin method were observed with optical microscope, and the anatomical structures were observed by the scanning electron microscope. Results:(1) Dense epidermal hairs covered on the upper epidermis of Lonicera Japonica Thunb, Lonicera confuse and Solidago decurrens Lour.5. 詹美定睛细看,只见她二十出头,在她黑中透黄大波浪齐肩的柔软而光亮的秀发上,扎着一条粉红色真丝带,她那瓜子形脸蛋,彷佛是粉雕玉琢,皮肤格外细嫩;那十分端正整齐的鼻子,有如雕塑般;眉如新月,眼若秋波,皓齿朱唇,委实是个混合了东西方美女优点的绝顶美人儿;在她那苗条修长的身段上,最吸引人之处,是在她玲珑的曲线与浑圆的臀部之间的那纤纤小蛮腰。&&&&Jimmy looked at her carefully and found that she was a little bit over twenty. Her dark and yellowish soft and glossy hair to the shoulders with big waves was tied with a pink real silk ribbon. Her oval face with exceptionally tender skin was like being made of powder and jade. Her well-shaped nose was like a sculpture. She had crescent eyebrows and limpid eyes. Her teeth were white and her lips crimson. She was really a great beauty of a perfect mix of the good qualities of the Western and Eastern females. What was most attractive was her swell shape.6. 其中有一种名叫清鱼的鱼能在游客向其喂食瓜子后,准确地将空壳吐出水面。&&&&They are originated from the underground river flowing from a mountain in the west of the temple.7. 夜晚,所有的人携着他们的小板凳来到院子里,相互聊着天,吃着瓜子。&&&&At night all of people carry their little chairs in the country yard. They like talking with each other, eating some sunflower seeds.8. 8. 对南瓜子粉加工工艺中的乳化稳定性进行了研究。&&&&This paper introduced emulsifying stabilization in the processing technology of pumpkin seed powder.9. 瓜子的意思9. 艾窝窝:历史悠久,明朝万历年间就有了,是回族特色食品之一,这种食品是用糯米洗净浸泡,尔后入笼屉蒸熟,晾凉后揉匀,揪成小剂,摁成圆皮,包上由核桃仁、芝麻仁、瓜子仁、青梅、金糕、白糖拌和的馅即成。&&&&To make Aiwowo, first clean and soak glutinous rice, then steam the rice and knead for uniformity揉匀 after it cools, next pull from the dough small parts揪成小剂, press them to make round wrappers摁成圆皮, last wrap stuffing made from walnut meat, sesame seeds, melon seeds, greengage, hawthorn berries and sugar.10. 目的研究波棱瓜子的化学成分。&&&&Aim To study the chemical constituents of seeds of Herpetospermum caudigerum.11. 她说。这时我发现,她的瓜子脸并不真切,眼睛仿佛更红还有些肿,鼻子显得酸酸的,小嘴看上去也是苦涩的。&&&&&&Then I found that her face is not real melon seeds, red eyes, even if still some swelling, nose seemed sour, the mouth is also a bitter look.12. danci.911cha.com12. 昨天她在那嗑瓜子,然后就对我宝宝说,就不给你吃,我气死你。&&&&&&Yesterday that she, and then on to my child that is not for you, I气死you.13. 在生活中,我最喜欢嗑瓜子。&&&&&&In life, I like Kegua Zi.14. 然而,我猛然想到:这嗑瓜子不正如我们的生活一样吗?&&&&&&However, I suddenly thought: This Kegua Zi our lives are not the same as you?15. 15. 还拿瓜子仍我宝宝的脸。&&&&&&I also get seeds is still a child s face.16. 我注意到有的人在上班时间嗑瓜子。&&&&&&It has come to my attention that some of you are eating sunflower seeds at work.17. 今年将扩大生产,主抓香瓜子的销售。&&&&&&This year will expand production and sales of charge-melon seeds.18. 其中,2008年开始出现的西瓜,从半粒西瓜切面,逐渐缩小到被瓜子坎入的一小片瓜肉,如此贴近的观看,几乎让人嗅到西瓜独特的生鲜腥味:明明是苏东坡都爱的冰浆仙液,在刘丽勇的笔下,渗出水份的瓜肉与刚剖开的动物生肉无异,还有股蠕动般像要喷爆开来的感觉。&&&&&&From 2008, Liu started her watermelon series. She paints the red juicy fruits in a microscope perspective and let us almost smell watermelon`s unique smell. The watermelon cross section looks as same as the animal flesh. Moreover, it looks wriggling and nearly blasting out. From 2009, Liu started to paint the real flesh.19. 水果与干果类:柠檬、枇杷、苹果、黑枣、杏脯、橘饼、桃脯、杏仁、山楂、葡萄干、胡桃、西瓜子、南瓜子、桑椹干、花生、莲子等。&&&&&&Fruits and nuts categories: lemon, loquat, apple, 黑枣, 杏脯, orange cake, candied peach, almond, hawthorn, raisins, walnuts, 西瓜子, Pumpkin Seed, Mulberry do, peanuts, lotus seed and so on.20. 如卷心菜、菜花、葵瓜子油、菜子油等。&&&&&&Such as cabbage, cauliflower, sunflower seed oil, rapeseed oil.瓜子是什么意思,瓜子在线翻译,瓜子什么意思,瓜子的意思,瓜子的翻译,瓜子的解释,瓜子的发音,瓜子的同义词,瓜子的反义词,瓜子的例句,瓜子的相关词组,瓜子意思是什么,瓜子怎么翻译,单词瓜子是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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