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Walkthrough: Boot Windows PE from Hard Disk
Walkthrough: Boot Windows PE from Hard Disk
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Walkthrough: Boot Windows PE from Hard Disk
This walkthrough describes how to boot Windows PE directly from a hard disk but not into a RAM disk. This enables you to start a computer for the purposes of deployment and recovery.
To complete this walkthrough, you need the following:
A technician computer that provides all the tools and the source files. For more information, see .
Select one of these options and follow the instructions for building a bootable Windows PE RAM media. Ensure that you include ImageX with your image. After you create your bootable media, continue to the next step.
In this step, you boot the new computer with your Windows PE media and format the hard drive.
On the new computer, insert your Windows PE media and restart the computer.
Windows PE starts and launches a Command Prompt window.Note
If the hard drive contains an active partition, you must override the boot order to boot from the CD/DVD drive. During initial boot, select the appropriate function key to override the boot order. If this is a new computer, the hard drive will be unformatted, so you can skip this step.
At a command prompt, format the hard drive by using DiskPart. Windows PE requires an active partition with a size equal to or greater than the size of your Windows PE image. For example,
select disk 0
create partition primary size=&insert size&
select partition 1
format fs=ntfs
In this step, you copy Windows PE resource files to the hard drive from your bootable media. You need ImageX to apply the Boot.wim to the hard drive. This example assumes the hard drive is blank.
At a command prompt, use ImageX to apply the Windows PE image (Boot.wim) from your bootable media to the hard drive. For example,
d:\imagex /apply d:\sources\boot.wim 1 c:
where d is the letter of your bootable Windows PE media that contains ImageX and a Windows PE image.
Copy the \Boot folder from your bootable media to the root of your hard drive. For example,
xcopy d:\boot\*.* /e /f c:\boot\
Copy the Bootmgr file (no file name extension) from your bootable media to the root of your hard drive. For example,
copy d:\bootmgr c:
Delete the boot configuration data (BCD) file that you copied from your bootable media. (You will create a new one in the next step.) For example,
del c:\boot\bcd
In this step, you will create a new boot configuration file called BCD by using BCDEdit. BCD replaces Boot.ini. BCDEdit is a command-line tool that is designed to manage BCD stores. BCDEdit is available in Windows PE and Windows Vista. For example,
Bcdedit –createstore c:\temp\BCD
Bcdedit –store c:\temp\BCD –create {bootmgr} /d “Boot Manager”
Bcdedit –store c:\temp\BCD –set {bootmgr} device boot
Bcdedit –store c:\temp\BCD –create
/d “WINPE” –application osloader
Bcdedit –import c:\temp\BCD
The last command returns a GUID value. Substitute &GUID& with this value in the following examples.
Bcdedit –store c:\boot\BCD –set &GUID& osdevice partition=boot
Bcdedit –store c:\boot\BCD –set &GUID& device partition=boot
Bcdedit –store c:\boot\BCD –set &GUID& path \windows\system32\boot\winload.exe
Bcdedit –store c:\boot\BCD –set &GUID& systemroot \windows
Bcdedit –store c:\boot\BCD –set &GUID& winpe yes
Bcdedit –store c:\boot\BCD –set &GUID& detecthal yes
Bcdedit –store c:\boot\BCD –displayorder &GUID& -addlast
Your computer is now ready to boot Windows PE directly from the hard disk.
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& 两者的主要区别是调用的粒度不一样:map的输入变换函数是应用于RDD中每个元素,而mapPartitions的输入函数是应用于每个分区。
& & 假设一个rdd有10个元素,分成3个分区。如果使用map方法,map中的输入函数会被调用10次;而使用mapPartitions方法的话,其输入函数会只会被调用3次,每个分区调用1次。
& & //生成10个元素3个分区的rdd
a,元素值为1~10的整数(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10),sc为SparkContext对象
& & val a = sc.parallelize(1 to 10, 3)
& & //定义两个输入变换函数,它们的作用均是将rdd
& &&//map的输入函数,其参数e为rdd元素值
& & def myfuncPerElement(e:Int):Int
& & & & & &println(&e=&+e)
& & & & & &e*2
& & &//mapPartitions的输入函数。iter是分区中元素的迭代子,返回类型也要是迭代子
& & def myfuncPerPartition ( iter : Iterator [Int] ) : Iterator [Int] = {
& & & & &println(&run in partition&)
& & & & &var res = for (e &- iter ) yield e*2
& & & & & res
& & val b =
& & val c = &a.mapPartitions(myfuncPerPartition).collect
& &&在spark shell中运行上述代码,可看到打印了3次run in partition,打印了10次e=。
& & 从输入函数(myfuncPerElement、myfuncPerPartition)层面来看,map是推模式,数据被推到myfuncPerElement中;mapPartitons是拉模式,myfuncPerPartition通过迭代子从分区中拉数据。
& & 这两个方法的另一个区别是在大数据集情况下的资源初始化开销和批处理处理,如果在myfuncPerPartition和myfuncPerElement中都要初始化一个耗时的资源,然后使用,比如数据库连接。在上面的例子中,myfuncPerPartition只需初始化3个资源(3个分区每个1次),而myfuncPerElement要初始化10次(10个元素每个1次),显然在大数据集情况下(数据集中元素个数远大于分区数),mapPartitons的开销要小很多,也便于进行批处理操作。
& &mapPartitionsWithIndex和mapPartitons类似,只是其参数多了个分区索引号。
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