
Sports各种体育运动-《教你怎么听》英语听力练习Lesson 18
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Unit eighteen Sports1.Listen and answer the questions.1 Hello, and w
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Unit eighteen Sports
1.Listen and answer the questions.
1 Hello, and welcome to today's &You & Yours&.
On today's programme we look at childrer who are trying to be champions in the world of sport,
and the pressures they cml be under to win, win, win.
Now I spoke to Allan Baker, the former British Athletics coach,
and he had this to say.
Well, the problem is that you want to find these children at quite a young age,
to train them and motivate them as early as possible.
Umm...at that age they don't have social problems,
you know they don't have boyfriends or girlfriends,
so they give their sport the whole of their life.
Umm, but they're so young that they can lose their childhood,
and they're adults before they're 16.
But of course they're not adults at all.
Physically they can be quite developed,
but emotionally they're still children.
Everybody's looking for the new young star of the future,
because there's a lot of money to be earned.
Tennis is one of the sports
where youngsters can play against their elders with more than a chance of success.
In America there are tennis schools which accept children from as young as 9.
So from the age of 9 a boy or girl is playing tennis for four or five hours every day,
and doing ordinary school work around that.
I spoke to the team manager of the English Lawn Tennis Association,
Para de Gruchy.PG
You see,we've already seen two 14-year-old American girls,
that's Tracy Austin and Andrea Jaeger, playing at Wimbledon,
and now, both at 18,
they are now already showing the pressures on their bodies mud their minds,
and people are beginning to question whether this is a good thing for children.
A 14-year-old just can't cope with the pressures of Wimbledon,
the tournament, the Wimbledon crowds, and the press reporters.
Well,I say to my girls,
&Stay at home, stay at school, do the things that teenagers like doing.
If you like swimming,if you like going to dances,just go!
&And if when they're older they'd really like to be a professional tennis player.
Well,they'll be a little older than the Americans,
but they'll be better people for it, of that I'm perfectly sure.
I Para de Gruchy thinks
that young players shouldn't be allowed to become professionals
until the age of 17 or 18 at least.
I asked her what was responsible for the pressures on the young players-
was it the money that can be earned, the parents, or perhaps the children themselves?
PG Oh no, it's the parents, Without a shadow of a doubt.
They want to push their children.
I get letters from parents saying,
&My little Johnny enjoys playing tennis all day,
and he'd like to learn only that and be trained by a professional coach&,
and quite frankly I just don't believe it.
I But what about the youngsters themselves?
Robert, a 100-metre and 200-metre runner gave me an idea of his training programme,
and his own very simple way of avoiding trouble.
R Well,I train under a coach for three days a week,
and uhm...and...then decide how much running to do.
If I've trained hard, well then maybe I run five miles, you know,
if not so much, then eight miles.
Well, of course, I'd like to go to the next Olympics and represent Great Britain,
and of course I'd like to win a gold
but there are lots of other things I like doing with my life too.
Uhm, I, I, play in a rock group and I'm also a keen photographer.
Well, I suppose for me the most important thing is enjoyment.
If, if you win, you're happy, and if you lose, it's the same.
I mean ifyou start getting upset every time you lose,
I think it's time to stop.
The sports stars of tomorrow, and good luck to them.
2.Listen again and much the numbers with the pictures.------
Well, I've been playing it since I was at school--
since I was quite young,
&cos my dad was always very keen on it and he used to give me lessons,
and then at university I joined a team and we used to play quite a lot.
It's quite fashionable at the moment, actually,
all over Europe it's becoming more fashionable and it's often difficult to book courts.
You've got to get in there a week before.
Um I like it because it requires a lot of stamina.
You've got to be fit.
It's constant running right the way through and it doesn't take a long time.
You can take off an hour at lunchtime, go off play, have a shower,
come back and it's all over with,
and you've done a lot and it's not a lot of standing around.
It's movement all the time.
Er,you're often absolutely exhausted at the end,
and you can't really play for two hours at a shot although some people do.
It's usually for quite a short time.
I think I've been playing now for nearly forty years,
ever since I was a little kid on the beach at Blackpool,
and it's always been my great passion in life.
When I watch a game I appreciate the athletic skill of the players,
the tactics of the manager or coach,
and the thrill of the uncertainty,
just not knowing how the game's going to go,
even when a very strong team's playing a very weak team.
There's always that possibility of a surprise,
of the unexpected moment changing the game.
Well, I've been doing it every winter holiday since I can remember.
I love doing it because it's a skill that improves every time you do it.
It's fast and it's exhilarating
and although it's really cold you can still get a tan when you do it.
Of course the scenery's beautiful
and it's really nice when you're tired to go and have a drink in a bar afterwards.
Of course the problem is that it's expensive--you have
the instruction's expensive too and it's really dangerous,
you can always break a leg doing it,
but apart from that, I really like it.
3.You will hear three people talking about their favourite sport
Match them to the relevant pictures below.
Rope Jumping
Rope Jumping.
Jumping rope is an activity any boy or girl can learn to do.
You can jump alone or with a partner.
You can also help turn a long rope for many others to jump over,
one at a time.If you jump alone, you will needa short rope
which should be just long enough for your height.
Try ropes if different lengths until you find one which fits your size.
A clothesline rope makes a nice jump rope and can be used because it is clean,
smooth, and not too stiff and can be cut into different lengths.
A rope should be tumed slowly.
It must also be turned high enough to let you jump freely and safely.
Turning the rope freely and safely requires careful timing.
In rope jumping,
timing means turning the rope slowly
enough so that you can jump over it at the right time without its striking your feet.
You will notice that when you jump rope,
you breathe faster and your cheeks have a healthy color.
But, if you jump too many times at first, you will get too tired.
You must learn when to stop for rest before you jump again.
As you practice, you can increase the number of times you jump without resting.
When you are using a long rope, two pupils hold the ends.
A long rope can be ten to fifteen feet long.
The rope is turned slowly by two pupils.
The others take turns jumping.
You run in when the rope is being swung in the direction away from you,
so that it doesn't strike your face.
You must learn to judge when to run in.
Notice that good rope jumpers do these things:
Jump on their toes Bend their knees
Use their arms to help them keep their balance
You can test yourself in rope jumping by trying these tests:
1. Jump correctly a certain number of times.
2. Jump correctly a certain number of times on the left foot and then on the right foot.
3. Jump correctly with your arms crossed.
4. Change feet on each correct jump.
5. Try all of these tests,time them,
and record the number of jumps done correctly in one minute.
4.Listen and fill in the following notes.
本集英语听力练习是关于财务问题中的债务重整 。听力文本和MP3皆来自esl-lab,供非
大英博物馆100件藏品中的世界史010:Standard of Ur,介绍了世界历史Standard of Ur
从第一次考完四级后(英语听力135分,总分424分,知道四级的同学你们懂的!!),我就开始重视英语听力了!别人向我推荐Step by Step四册书听,还不错,因为英语听力难度是一点点提升的。在没有挣脱424分的阴影前,我决定用一切可以利用的时间去学英语。上了大学,一个学期过去,除却上英语课,从未听过听力,虽说高中在湖北,应该有点基础的,但一点老底也随高考消逝了,直线降落到135分。。。。。。
平时我也听一些广播,学校发了收音机的,刚开始听的是VOA,这个相比BBC慢一点(原谅初级者的档次吧!),听了一个星期,没听明白过一则。。。。。。只知道&this is the Voice of America, signing on.&。没办法,还是得坚持。当然,除了听力,平时也会有背单词和阅读,这样对听力也会有帮助,每天六点多醒了后马上起床,条件反射似的打开收音机,边走边听,刚开始纯属羡慕那播音流利且抑扬顿挫的口语,费劲脑筋去听,打击、崩溃着也就习惯了。慢慢的,从只能听到个别单词的发音,到开始揣测播音的意思,到基本懂广播意思,这个过程,只有走出来后回忆才会觉得是一笔宝贵的财富和经历,但这个收获过程是很痛苦的,但又是快乐和充实的,因为自己会感觉到自信心、听力能力的慢慢增长和兴趣的不断增强!
就这样坚持了几年,每次间隔最多不会超过三天,后来也听过BBC和一些名人演讲,能听懂的感觉真是爽啊!坚持的过程中,加上往届四级真题听力的训练,第二次四级考试时听力203分,呵呵!而此时,班上第一批过六级的没几个,我赶上大部队了!嘿嘿嘿 2.为什么听不懂?
(2)注意力不集中。有的人听听力总喜欢走神,抓不到关键。喜欢走神是因为个人定力不够,需要先静下心才能练,并且要养成良好的习惯,找到适合自己的方法是自己真正融入到听力的环境(比如每天同一时刻训练等等);另外一种原因就是,听听力时,很多人和我刚开始一样,非要把每个单词都听懂,一遇到有个不懂的单词,就停留在想它的意思,而错过了整段听力的核心,导致答题错误,这个也是英语考试时要注意的! 3.寓听于娱--- ?
(3)电影或美剧中肯定会有听不懂的内容的,会有native speaker说的东西。所以还是多练吧,坚持反复听,半懂不懂半猜半懂得坚持听完都行,多看几遍,多听几遍,就明白了,最后再看字幕。
本人强烈建议不要用复读机了,实在是操作痛苦,影响心情,如果想看电影或美剧练听力的,就用二台复读机的钱去买吧,里面有很多电影和电视剧资料,功能很强大,那个什么字幕能切成一句句的反复听,而且是双语字幕,能相互切换,这点体验不错,练口语也行。推荐一下! 4.推荐练习听力教材?
(2)经典电影--人生篇:《肖申克的救赎》、《百万金婴》又名《百万宝贝》、《悲惨世界》1958年版 、《辛德勒的名单》、《阿甘正传》、《勇敢的心》、《活着》、《天堂影院》、《杀手里昂》、《完美的世界》
(4)十大经典电影---战争篇:《巴顿将军》、《拯救大兵雷恩》、《现代启示录》、《战争与和平》、《野战排》、《西线无战事》、《最长的一天》 、《猎鹿人》、《遥远的桥》、《黑鹰坠落》
(5)十大经典电影---黑帮篇:《教父》 、《无间道》、《美国往事》、《英雄本色》、《低俗小说》、《赌城风云》、《纽约黑帮》、《疤脸人》、《枪火》、《盗亦有道》
(6)十大经典电影---爱情篇):《罗马假日》、《泰坦尼克号》 、《卡萨布兰卡》、《花样年华》、《人鬼情未了》、《乱世佳人》、《风月俏佳人》、《西雅图未眠夜》、《廊桥遗梦》、《英国病人》
5.推荐网站? && 是一个字幕网站,所有的影视的中英文字幕都可在这里找到. & 是个电影电视网站,在这里你可以学到如何外挂字幕. & 海量电影及英语听力资料下载. &&&& &沪江论坛,很多英语学习方法及资料交流.
最后在强调一次,不同人适合不同的办法,没有哪种方法是可以做到放诸四海皆准的,这套方法不可能保证都能提高英语听力,到底行不行,完全看你自己的坚持程度!坚持的时间越久,英语听力会越好。所以你选择性吸收哦! 谢谢!
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&Jazz Chants 是一种通过节奏来表达语言的方法,它把有节奏的美式英语口语与美国传统的爵士乐节奏联系起来,是一种自然语言的再现。Jazz Chants节奏、重音、语调和我们平时听到美国人在生活中对话时的节奏、重音和语调是一模一样的。典型的Jazz Chants有以下特点:
1) 体现自然英语口语的节奏是Jazz Chants成功的关键。
2) Jazz Chants能激起学生的兴趣,让学生全身心的投入学习。
3)Jazz Chants 是有意义的语言交际活动。
4)Jazz Chants是互动性的。
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3. Rain It was raining, raining, raining hard. It was falling on my head. It was falling on the stars. It was falling on the sun. It was falling on my shoes. I got soaking wet. I got soaking wet. But I stayed outside. I stayed outside. The rain was s
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6. Its Got to Be Somewhere Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? I cant find it! She cant find it! Its got to be here, its got to here! It has to be here! It must be here! Its gone! Its gone! Its gone! Its gone! Take it easy! Take it ea
7. Tall Trees CHORUS SOLO Tall trees Tall trees Big tall trees. Tall trees Tall trees Big tall trees. Tall trees, tall trees The coast of California Big, tall trees. Is a beautiful sight, Tall trees, tall trees with the tall trees, tall trees, Big, t
8.Selfish Thisismine! Thatsyours! Donttouchmine! Getyourown! Thisismine! Thatsyours! Thisismine! Thatsyours! Thisismine! Thatsyours! Thatsyours! Thatsyours! Hey,whatareyoudoing? Whatareyoudoingwiththat? Thatsmine! Hey,whatareyoudoing? Whatareyoudoing
9. What Are You Going to Do at Two? What are you going to do at two? What are you going to do? Where are you going to be at three? Where are you going to be? Who are you going to see? What are you going to say? How are you going to go? Where are you
10. Meet Me in the Morning Meet me in the morning. Meet me at noon. Meet me in the September, Or the middle of June. Meet me at midnight. Meet me in the hall. Meet me in the summer. Meet me in the fall. Meet me in the evening. Meet me at eight. Ill m
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12. A Bad Day I overslept and missed my train, Slipped on the sidewalk In the pouring rain, Sprained my ankle, Skinned my knees, Broke my glasses, Lost my keys, Got stuck in the elevator, It wouldnt go, Kicked it twice and stubbed my toe. Bought a pe
13. More Bad Luck The bread was stale, It was four days old. The milk was sour. The coffee was cold. The butter was rancid. The steak was tough. The service was dreadful. The waiter was rough. My bill was huge. His tip was small. Im sorry I went to t
14. Personal Questions Where you born? Id rather not say. Where are you from? Id rather not say. How tall are you? How old are you? How much do you weight? Id rather not say. How much rent do you pay? Id rather not say. How much do you make? Id rathe
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