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This thoroughbred racing chassis is the successor to the World Champion TRF417 and features a host of newly designed parts in a drive to add the 2014 IFMAR World Championship crown to TRF’s impressive collection of titles.
This thoroughbred racing chassis is the successor to the World Champion TRF417 and features a host of newly designed parts in a drive to add the 2014 IFMAR World Championship crown to TRF’s impressive collection of titles.
The TRF201 electric 2WD buggy is Tamiya's top-of-the-line off-road racing kit.
It joins a prestigious fleet of kits as part of the Tamiya Racing Factory stable of super high performance racing cars.
The specifications, features and materials used in the kit are state-of-the-art.
This is the TRF101 chassis kit designed for the ultimate Formula One R/C racing enthusiast.
The data collected from TRF team member experience has provided this enhanced F1 chassis the best possible performance possible in a F1 machine.
The TRF417V5 edition kit brings enhancements used during the 2012 IFMAR world championship to customers around the world who choose to race the best touring car platform on the planet.
The TRF417V5 edition kit brings enhancements used during the 2012 IFMAR world championship to customers around the world who choose to race the best touring car platform on the planet.
TRF kits represent a commitment to ultra-high performance.
Cutting edge TRF Hop-Up-Option parts to make you faster.
TRF tools to make your tuning and maintenance easier.
The future of the TRF (Tamiya Racing Factory) brand.
In recent weeks, there has been much speculation regarding the well-established Tamiya &TRF& brand.
In 2017 the future of TRF is going in an entirely new direction. Up until now, Tamiya used TRF to promote its high-end race machines. Select top drivers from around the world were put under contract to attend major R/C races across the globe. The purpose of this strategy was to simply win major races in the open classes, such as ETS, The Reedy Race of Champions, the IFMAR World Championships, and countless other prestigious events to establish a premium brand image for TRF. This direction has been in effect as far back as 1999 with select drivers from the USA and later with drivers from European countries.
After winning many World Titles and various prestigious events across the globe, the initial goal has been achieved and a new direction is needed to put the TRF brand to better use. Namely, the TRF brand will help Tamiya expand its main business moving forward, which is the beginner and the middle level hobbyist. Without question, TRF products help Tamiya develop amazing machines. The design and function of those products trickle-down to many of its entry level and mid-level products. This is why the TRF brand is important to Tamiya and will continue to be important as we move into a new direction in promoting the brand.
By the end of 2016, all contracts with top drivers will expire. For the above reasons, Tamiya has decided not to renew or make any new contracts in the way they have been doing so in the past. In lieu of what has been done, new TRF activities will begin to take shape beginning in 2017, including what we do in the USA. Exact details on how TRF will exist globally and what those activities will be are still being planned and formulated.
Lastly, rumors about Tamiya stopping its TRF brand and activities have been circulating within the hobby racing community. However, our most devoted fans must rest assured that Tamiya will continue the development of its TRF products and its activities, albeit in a different way. Details on the exact execution will be made known in the coming months. Until then, we look forward to this new direction and how it will better correlate with our main business in the USA.
CR01 Rock Crawler
& & & Recently rock crawling&has gained popularity here in Southern California. Having done a few demos with Tamiya for the CR01 chassis I wanted my chance to showcase it in &the real world& and on the local hot spots to see how the stock out of the box unit compares to brands that specifically build their rigs purposely for rock crawling. I first ventured out to a local spot in Menifee where the terrain varies from dirt to rock to sand. The first thing I noticed with the CR01 with the Toyota Land Cruiser body was it being top heavy (or later what I would actually find was lack of weight all together) It would climb stuff well, plenty of power out of the stock Johnson/Mabuchi 540 brushed motor. The tires did well in gripping the rocks but not real well on the dirt but again did well in the sand. We set off for a two and a half hour hike/climb and the CR01 held its own against some modified crawlers. The downfalls I saw were lack of traction,&articulation&and steering angle/radius.&
& &Upon talking to some of the local crawling guru's, a couple of local hobby shops and reading online I decided to make a couple of changes to the CR01. I first started by removing the sway bars and lowering the body based on the tires rubbing or very close to rubbing the body. I went again to the same location as before and found a drastic improvement! The added articulation helped the lack of grip in difficult areas and allowed the CR01 to maneuver through tight situations. The very next day I was asked to join a group of crawlers to a location in Temecula where the rocks were more difficult and the terrain of more of an expert level. I found the CR01 able to do 80% of what the others modified rigs of a different brand were doing. But 80% is not good enough we must improve. Enter more modifications!!
& &I started by purchasing some new tires and wheels from my local hobby shop. The concensus was that going to a 1.9 inch wheel rather than the 2.2 in wheel will yield better &squish& resulting in more traction and for this I went with Proline's Flat Iron tire with Axial bead lock wheels. Upon building the wheels it was suggested that I add weight to them. There are many different ways to do this but I opted for an easy and cheap way by using automotive wheel weights.
Once all of the wheels were completed I mounted up the tires and and bolted them on the CR01.
So afterward I snuck off to the local spot here in Temecula and tried out my new tires. The weight and the tires made the CR01 crawl over things I couldn't imagine doing before. HUGE difference!
After these tests with the new tires I changed out my servo for one with more torque and added the Tamiya/TRF 55g battery weight to the CR01 and prepped it for today.
So today I joined 35+ other crawlers as my good friend Jeff White organized the first annual 4th of July Creek Crawl here in Temecula. Her
If any of you have questions about Tamiya or TRF vehicles please feel free to contact me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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416X First Build
Surf City 300 TC Enduro
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We have 25 guests and no members onlineWelcome to tRF2Cancer!
tRF2Cancer is the first web server for identifying tRFs (tRNA-derived small RNA Fragments)
and their expression in cancers from small RNA deep-sequencing data.
is developed to accurate annotate of tRFs and their features from deep-sequencing data.
is used to decode the expression patterns of tRFs from 10991 samples across 32 types of cancers.
is a tool for browsing and visualizing the profiling of tRFs and the modification positions on the source tRNAs.
How to cite:
Zheng LL, Xu WL, Liu S, Sun WJ, Li JH, Wu J, Yang JH, Qu LH.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Jul 8;44(W1):W185-93. doi:
Analyzing the sequenced small RNAs to identify tRFs according to their biogenesis.
Release version 1.0&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
tRNA type&&&&:&
Cancer type&:& 32
Samples&&&&&&&: &10991
Raw file size&: &2,780G
Find tRFs from small RNA deep sequencing data
Evaluate tRFs expression across 32 types of cancers
Browse tRFs and tRNA modifications in 32 types of cancers
For better browse experience, Chrome is strongly recommended. Firefox 37, Opera 28, Safari 5 and Internet Explorer 9-11 are also supported with some display bugs
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TRF转铁蛋白成分转铁蛋白(transferrin,TRF,siderophilin)是血浆中主要的含铁蛋白质,负责运载由消化管吸收的铁和由红细胞降解释放的铁。以TRF-Fe3+的复合物形式进入骨髓中,供成熟红细胞的生成。TRF分子量约7.7万,为单链糖蛋白,含糖量约6%。TRF可逆地结合多价离子,包括铁、铜、锌、钴等。每一分子TRF可结合两个三价铁原子。TRF主要由肝细胞合成,半寿期为7天。血浆中TRF的浓度受铁供应的调节,在缺铁状态时,血浆TRF浓度上升,经铁有效治疗后恢复到正常水平。血浆中TRF水平可用于贫血的诊断和对治疗的监测。在缺铁性的低血色素贫血中TRF的水平增高(由于其合成增加),但其铁的饱和度很低(正常值在30%-38%)。相反,如果贫血是由于红细胞对铁的利用障碍(如再生障碍性贫血),则血浆中TRF正常或低下,但铁的饱和度增高。在铁负荷过量时,TRF水平正常,但饱和度可超过50%,甚至达90%。应用TRF在急性时相反应中往往降低。因此在炎症、恶性病变时常随着白蛋白、前白蛋白同时下降。在慢性肝疾病及营养不良时亦下降,因此可以作为营养状态的一项指标。妊娠及口服避孕药或雌激素注射可使血浆TRF升高。有免疫试剂盒供应抗体级标准品。用免疫扩散或浊度法检测。正常成人参考值为mg/L。新生儿为mg/L。临床评价时常同时测定血清铁含量及TRF的铁结合容量(TIBC),并可计算出的TRF铁饱和度(%)。TRF亦可通过测定而间接计算估得,其计算方程式如下:TRF(mg/L)=TIBC(μg/L)×0.70TRF( telomerase restriction fragment )宫颈癌细胞株的端粒限制片断。TRF乐队组合为日本舞曲不断写下一页页新历史的TRF,由主唱YUKI、舞者SAM、ETSU、CHIHARU和DJ KOO共五人所组成。初出道时,TRF这种主唱加DJ加舞者的组合可以称作是日本流行乐坛的创举。1994年的「BOY MEETS GIRL」「survival dAnce ~no no crymore~」、1995年的「CRAZY GONNA CRAZY」「masquerade」「Overnight Sensation」一首首都创下了百万销售记录,更掀起了全日本、甚至全亚洲的舞曲狂潮。1996开始,TRF力求转型,从原本的RAVE风格渐渐改走黑人音乐风,之后更将原为小写的英文团名「trf」改为大写TRF」,代表他们新一阶段的开始。成员介绍TRF是由小室哲哉与1992年建成的。是日本艾回唱片旗下的第一组艺人。可以说艾回唱片能有今天的规模,都是基于94-98年TRF等小室家族成员风靡日本时所得盈利而建成的。Yuki原名:北村夕起 负责:主音及舞蹈 生日:12月19日 兴趣:Roller blade 及收集太阳眼镜 优点:坏心情很快转好 缺点:傻气 经历:1992年于『TK Tracks Night』舞蹈比赛上遇到小室哲哉,后成为 trf 主音歌手。 目标:以歌曲感动大家,成为有味道的女人。 自我PR:不只表演唱歌,也希望一展鼓艺,及多演出电视广告。 TRF,是 Tetsuya Komura Rave Factory (小室哲哉锐舞工场)的简称。YUKI,北村夕起(Kitamura Yuki きたむら ゅき),主唱及舞蹈, 12月19日生, 射手座。 1992年在 “TKTRACKS NIGHT”舞蹈比赛上获小室赏识成为TRF主音歌手。KOO,高濑浩一(Takase Kouyichi たかせ こぅぃち),音乐效果控制及领队, 8月8日生,狮子座,曾在东京各大Disco舞厅任DJ,1986年组织过专门玩REMIX的混音制作组合 “The JG.S”,是小室的多年合作伙伴。SAM,丸山正温(Maruyama Masaharuまるゃままさはる),编舞及伴舞,1月13日生,天蝎座,15岁开始习舞,19岁在“全日本霹雳舞大赛”中夺冠.后到纽约留学,归国后曾组织霹雳舞团体“BE-BOP CREW”,在许多大型节目及电视上演出,4年后,加入“MEGA MIX”参加电视节目“Dance3”的固定演出,曾为光GENJI、smap、工藤静香、乡裕美等编舞,并活跃于电视广告和Disco舞厅中。1997年, 与红极一时的歌手安室奈美惠结为伉俪,生有一子后离婚,但在事业上仍有联系。CHIHARU,村木千春(Muraki Chiharu むらき ちはる),伴舞及编舞,2月28日生,双鱼座,18岁到纽约留学,并在百老汇舞蹈中心授舞,回国后即加入“MEGA MIX”,曾经为牧濑里穗、光GENJI和SMAP等编舞。ETSU,小出悦子(Koide Etsuko こぃで ぇつこ),伴舞及编舞,8月11日生,狮子座,由6岁到18岁学习印第安民族舞及日本传统舞蹈,18岁开始学JAZZ,曾在纽约、洛杉矶等地的百老汇舞蹈中心表演,回国后即加入“MEGAMIX”,与CHIHARU、SAM一同演出。TRF日本胜利代表队日本动漫《四驱兄弟WGP》里的迷你赛车世界杯第一届的冠军,作为迷你赛车的发源地,又是主办国,队员又是超级杯全日本选手权大赛(GJC)的冠军,绝对不能在这里输掉故事简介(摘抄自WGP版中每集开头旁白说的话):迷你赛车的国际比赛世界杯大赛第一届比赛在迷你赛车的发祥地日本举行了,由于比赛是采取团体对抗赛的方式,日本方面选出了小豪/星马豪等五人当代表,靠着GP晶片,ZMC材料的车身,还有装着超级马达的超级赛车,面对着来自世界各地的高手,日本代表队展开了艰苦的战斗第一届世界杯大赛由日本队夺得了冠军,第二届他们去了遥远的美国大陆比赛,不仅有很多迷你赛车高手,就连波尔佐学校的学生也去参加了TRF日本胜利队队员赛车简介星马 烈(音速号/超音号)先驱音速 绝技:改变风力方向、改变气流 ;装备:高扭力马达 飓风音速 绝技:改变风力方向、改变气流;装备: GP芯片、ZMC底盘、高扭力马达(即V2马达) 强棒音速 绝技: 强棒回转等:装备:大口径轮胎、GP芯片 、ZMC底盘、高扭力马达(即V2马达)、前轮吸震器 星马 豪(冲锋号/麦林号)胜利冲锋 绝技: 胜利冲锋龙卷风;装备: 高转速马达 旋风冲锋 绝技:旋风冲锋龙卷风;装备: 高转速马达(即V2马达)、GP芯片、ZMC底盘 跃动冲锋 绝技:跃动炸弹;装备:大口径轮胎、高转速马达(即V2马达)、GP芯片、ZMC底盘、避震器 鹰羽 龙(三角箭/新火鸟)三角箭 绝技:走墙壁(即爬墙功);装备: 高转速马达(即V2马达) 新三角箭ZMC 绝技: 走墙壁(即爬墙功&运用空气增强下坡力与速度);装备: GP芯片、ZMC底盘&空气动力地盘、高转速马达(即V2马达)、避震器 三国藤吉(眼镜蛇/电动眼镜蛇)疾速斧头 绝技: 闪电跑法;装备: 全金属造等 疾速眼镜蛇 绝技:闪电跑法、电光跑法;装备: 全金属造、GP芯片、ZMC底盘、高扭力马达(即 V2马达)等 疾速腹蛇 绝技:闪电跑法、电光跑法 装备: 全金属造、GP芯片、ZMC底盘、高扭力马达(即V2马达)、避震器 阿J(原始战神/快刀号)原始战神 绝技:空气炮;装备:遥控器 原始战神进化者 绝技:海豚跑法、改变车身等 ; 装备:GP芯片、ZMC底盘、海豚系统、高扭力马达(即V2马达)、避震器、液态吸震器
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