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Mar 6, :10 AM
Lets celebrate!!!This humble group has now reached 100 members!!!And for this reason, allow me to present to everyone some of the amazing deviations submitted by you (yes you!):Edges-to-Everything
From the contributor,
:thumb: From the co-founder :thumb:
And here's a message from me to everyone:You're all wonderful writers - truly. All of you have been a wonderful part of this literary community. I don't know where I would've stood in my writing and in life if it weren't for all of you putting in all your effort and your devotion in helping make this group become what it is:A treasure trove for diverse writers to converse and be known for what they truly are - rarities worthy of praise and admiration.Thus with this I end this message...
with a rub'iyaa :For you, my stars, who shine 'pon the night skyQuenched of tears, I watch with &a blissful eyeThe seed of sound wisdom, gently spreadingupon the ocean, triumphant you flyCheers, and keep posting
Add a Comment:
I cannot thank you enough for your gracious mention of my work!
Your writing such a lovely work is worthy of praise and attention. I had to mention it here.
aww, well thank you!!
Thank you so much to
for the feature, it's so very much appreciated~
It was our pleasure!!!
Keep writing and keep posting.You're a gem of a writer and you deserve the praise.
If I keep reading comments like this one, I'm going to implode because of said praise.
Awww... you should be given such praise, y'know...its healthy for you
aww, thanks!&
you're welcome
Thankyou for the feature m'dears I've only just seen this in my messages!
Keep posting. Cheers.
Many thanks for the feature, to both
and the group!
Keep writing, keep posting.
Thank you for the feature !
My pleasure!
You deserve the feature
Thank you so much!
Keep posting. And keep writing.
Thank you for the thoughtful feature.
I'm just one more writer here
Please thank the person who selected your work for this group
You're an amazing writer - never forget that.
When I said "thank you," I hoped to imply that it was to the group as a whole -- not just to you, dearheart.Though, I appreciate your thoughtfulness all the same.
(nodding) sorry about that... Thanks You take care, and you stay awesome.
&Thank you so much for featuring my artwork! &
It was my pleasure!
Thank you for the feature!
don't thank me
Thank the lovely soul who submitted your work to the group.Keep writing, and stay happy.
And you as well!
I'll do my utmost
Thanking you so much for featuring&&in this great collection
don't thank me
I'm just accepting works. thank the sweetheart who sent your work to this group.Keep writing.
Thank you soooo much for the feature!
And be sure to thank the sweetheart who sent your work to this group
Thank you so much for mentioning and featuring my poem! &
don't thank me, thank the sweetheart who sent your work to the group
I indeed will! ^^ But Thank you for making the journal! &
Thanks, and stay tuned I should have a few announcements of my own soon!
I'll be looking forward to it
Quick question: we are not to submit our own art, or is their a folder we can submit to? Or do I need a sponsor to submit my poetry for me?
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Comments72114网址导航Print Thread: If you could become anything for one day what would you be? - page 1
< Forum Thread: If you could become anything for one day what would you be? - page 1
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Author: & scaul16
Date: & Jan 20, 05 at 11:41am (PST)
Subject: & If you could become anything for one day what would you be?
I would be a shark as they are deadly and long
Author: & Enth
Date: & Jan 20, 05 at 11:52am (PST)
Subject: & re: If you could become anything for one day what would you be?
Long? As opposed to what? By anything, do you mean any animal? Or do you mean have the ability to d anything:- eg. if you could become invisibible? ...Either way, I'd still be a golden eagle!
I'd get to fly, and look good at the same time...
Author: & scottclements10
Date: & Jan 20, 05 at 11:53am (PST)
Subject: & re: If you could become anything for one day what would you be?
i'd be a cat or a dog cause you eat and sleep all day
Author: & Budokai Freak
Date: & Jan 20, 05 at 12:04pm (PST)
Subject: & re: If you could become anything for one day what would you be?
id be a cheeta i love to eat and run
Author: & U_Turn
Date: & Jan 20, 05 at 1:04pm (PST)
Subject: & re: If you could become anything for one day what would you be?
I'd become a lesbian female (human of cause).
Author: & scaul16
Date: & Jan 20, 05 at 1:15pm (PST)
Subject: & re: If you could become anything for one day what would you be?
you could become anything in the worldi would also be a porn star as i can try anything i want to
Author: & KingThomasOfThePS2
Date: & Jan 20, 05 at 1:16pm (PST)
Subject: & re: If you could become anything for one day what would you be?
Jessica's Alba's bra. That's what I would be.
Author: & isa98
Date: & Jan 20, 05 at 2:09pm (PST)
Subject: & re: If you could become anything for one day what would you be?
Michael jacksons victim..... Uh i mean money yeah money thats what i mean.
Author: & way2fast10
Date: & Jan 20, 05 at 2:10pm (PST)
Subject: & re: If you could become anything for one day what would you be?
how about a GTA pedestrian oh that would be funny.
Author: & isa98
Date: & Jan 20, 05 at 2:11pm (PST)
Subject: & re: If you could become anything for one day what would you be?
That would be funny untill c.j and tommy come chasing you with an chainsaw.
Author: & The Shadowsythe
Date: & Jan 20, 05 at 2:13pm (PST)
Subject: & re: If you could become anything for one day what would you be?
A tub of margarine . . . . i dont even need to say why . . . .
Author: & Pure Pressure
Date: & Jan 20, 05 at 7:08pm (PST)
Subject: & re: If you could become anything for one day what would you be?
I'd be George Bush and commit suicide.
Author: & Dotcomdude
Date: & Jan 20, 05 at 7:35pm (PST)
Subject: & re: If you could become anything for one day what would you be?
I would, strange enough as this sounds, be a woman.Why?Well, to see what it's like being a woman. how it feels, how it is in comparison to being a man, and most of all, to see what it's like to masturbate! XD!
Author: & Shana
Date: & Jan 20, 05 at 7:44pm (PST)
Subject: & re: If you could become anything for one day what would you be?
I would like to be a female for a day.
Author: & Ritus
Date: & Jan 20, 05 at 8:33pm (PST)
Subject: & re: If you could become anything for one day what would you be?
quote U_TurnI'd become a lesbian female (human of cause).Good Idea...I would become Bill Gates or Donald Trump and transfer all the money to my bank account
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