
TA的最新馆藏[转]&广交会第104届分三期 流花路展馆不再使用
广交会第104届分三期 流花路展馆不再使用
&&& 经国家商务部批准,第104届中国进出口商品交易会(简称广交会)展期由一届分两期调整为一届分三期,开幕时间为日,将于10月15日至11月6日在广州举行,每期展览时间由6天缩短为5天,撤换展时间为4天。广交会三期都在广交会琶洲展馆举办,流花路展馆不再使用。
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英文翻译yuexiu park&&&& jump over&&&&put forth flowers or ears&&&& public garden&&&&shuangxiu park&&&&yuexiu district, guangzhou&&&&yuexiu district, guangzhou&&&&yuexiu hotel&&&&yue xiu plaza&&&&guangzhou inv&&&&font-weight:boldharvard business review - why good companies go bad&&&&parkview square hotel&&&&parkview square hotel&&&&yuexiu hotel&&&&yuexiu hotel&&&&parkview square hotel&&&&parkview square hotel&&&&gzi reit&&&&come out of the park&&&&temple of earth (park)&&&&pk park;peak&&&&park street&&&& park road&&&&garden bridge&&&&stroll around the park&&&&national park
例句与用法Construction method of grouting water - seal curtain of yuexiu park station of guangzhou subway广州地铁越秀公园站注浆截水帷幕施工技术Scene spot baiyun mountain scenic spot blue garden king chen jiaci sanyuanli xiu park south vietnam grave白云山风景区兰圃陈家词三元里越秀公园南越国王墓The shield driven tunnel of yuexiu park to sanyuanli in no . 2 line of guangzhou metro has been built and used in informal business in 2002摘要广州地铁二号线越秀公园三元里区间盾构隧道已于2002年建成并投入试运营。 The following dialogue is between a buyer and a staff in the canton fair at the yue xiu gong yuan metro station near cief ( liuhua ) complex以下是一位采购商在流花路展馆附近的越秀公园地铁站与一位广交会工作人员的对话。 Parks : yuexiu park , people ' s park , guangzhou culture park , guangzhou zoo , guangzhou ocean park , yuntai park , panyu xiangjiang safari park , baomo gardon园林风光:越秀公园、人民公园、广州文化公园、广州动物园、广州海洋馆、云台花园、番禺香江野生动物园、宝墨园等。 If go from guangzhou east railway station to chinese export commodities fairground , please take underground no . 1 and change it to underground no . 2 in gong yuan qian stop and get off in yuexiu garden stop如果您从广州火车东站方向来交易会,可搭乘地铁一号线,在公园前站转乘地铁二号线,在越秀公园站下车。 The petroleum hotel of guangzhou has a history of 18 years , located in guangzhou and stand in the flourishing location of future , close to the railway station of guangzhou , the near neighbour has long - distance bus master station and civil aviation authority , traffic very convenient , nearby have , flow , spend park , yuexiu park , blue garden , sun zhongshan s memorial hall , etc . have a rest in the good destination广州石油宾馆有十八年历史,座落在广州站前路繁华地段,紧靠广州火车站,近邻有长途汽车总站和民航局,交通十分便利,附近有流花公园越秀公园兰圃中山纪念堂等休憩好去处。广州石油宾馆紧邻华侨酒店,您要进住华侨酒店的话,不妨到石油宾馆试住一晚,我们一定在优惠的价格下提供同样优质的服务和房间质素。 It is about 10 kilometers from internation conference exhibition center to nanyang king s gate hotel , and only takes you 15 minutes drive . it is about 16 kilometers from chinese export goods fair liuhua complex to nanyang king s gate hotel , and only takes you 20 minutes drive . it is about 16 kilometers from guangzhou railway station to nanyang king s gate hotel , and takes 20 minutes drive , it is about 2 kilometers from eastern railway station to nanyang king s gate hotel , and takes 5 minutes drive , it is about 3 kilometers from zhongxin building to nanyang king s gate hotel , and takes 5 minutes drive , it is about 9 kilometers from the garden hotel to nanyang king s gate hotel , and takes 15 minutes drive , it is about 5 kilometers from gangding station to nanyang king s gate hotel , and takes 10 minutes drive-流花宾馆是四星级旅游宾馆,位于广州市环市西路与人民北路交汇处,地处广州市的交通要冲,宾馆北大门正对广州火车站,东广场是广州市最大的公共汽车总站西面紧挨流花长途汽车站及广东省广州市长途汽车总站宾馆东门正对广东友谊剧院,及中国出口商品交易会,其中友谊剧院设有粤香港和广深圳豪华巴士站距宾馆东南方1000米是广州著名的越秀公园;距宾馆正南方800米是广州秀丽的流花湖公园由广州白云国际机场到本宾馆仅6公里车程10分钟,交通极为便利。 The parkview square hotel yuexiu tian an dasha is ideally located in the yue xiu district , a prosperous section in the heart of guangzhou scommercial district , close to the major tourist attraction - yue xiu park . it is about 10 minutes drive from the baiyun airport and 5 minutes drive from the canton railway station越秀天安大厦是广州市唯一的酒店式豪华住宅及写字楼大厦,毗邻广州市最著名的越秀公园,邻近中国出口商品交易会,交通便利,距洲头嘴码头亦仅需20分钟。 &&
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