
求翻译成英文,英语渣伤不起“这里是中国,你还记得吗?2014年的5月30日,这里欢呼雀跃,充满活力.没错,那是你的“红”世界巡回演唱会,10月 27日,你用你的“1989”重新出现在我们面前,而你也像个新生儿一样,迎来了25岁生日,但不论如何,Taylovers一直站在你这边,永远支持你,你要记住.”
这里是中国,你还记得吗?2014年的5月30日,这里欢呼雀跃,充满活力.没错,那是你的“红”世界巡回演唱会,10月 27日,你用你的“1989”重新出现在我们面前,而你也像个新生儿一样,迎来了25岁生日,但不论如何,Taylovers一直站在你这边,永远支持你,你要记住.”Here is Chinese, do you remember? In 2014 May 30th, hereas cheerful as a lark, full of vitality. Yes, it's you "red" world tour in October 27th, you use your "1989" re appeared in front of us, and you also like a newborn baby, ushered in the 25 birthday, but no matter how, Taylovers always stand in your side, always support you, you will remember."
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英文翻译excultant&&&&jump for joy&&&&4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...&&&&exulant&&&&jump for joy
欢呼雀跃 sh 雀跃欣喜 fly [go] j ...&&&&saltant&&&&exultant&&&& upand ...&&&& skipped&&&&pas de chat&&&&be joyful like a bird dancing&&&&caper 1&&&&gambol&&&& skipping and jumping about with joy&&&&jubilant&&&&jump for joy&&&& dance [ jump] jump up and dow ...&&&&slow/slowly&&&&très vif&&&&see a big leaforward&&&&lively party usu with dancing&&&& rustler&&&&buoyant demand&&&&alive&&&&active&&&&brisk a. quick and active
例句与用法For several minutes a lively scene was enacted there .那儿好几分钟里都是一片欢喜雀跃的场面。It also tries to deconstruct the elements and behavior of falling in love女孩天真的爱上了男孩,画面中流动著雀跃的色彩,直到面对黑白的考验。 Like most city people i am also preoccupied with my works with lots of pressure和一般都市人一样,工作很繁重,当然也有压力,但见到好的建筑物时,心情还是很雀跃的。 A love for fireworks , national day songs and the flag - bearing helicopters had everything to do with it当然,喜欢烟花爱国歌曲,和载着国旗飞行的直升机,也是让我感到雀跃的原因。 On the reverse , an olympic champion carried in triumph by the crowd , with the olympic stadium in the background奖牌背面表现的是雀跃的人们举起一名奥运冠军的情景,背景是奥林匹克体育场。 Dr . linda milan emphasized the importance of making healthy choices easy , early and exciting as a way forward in promoting people s healthDr . linda mila强调若要促进人们的健康最重要的是令健康的选择成为容易的、雀跃的。 The special code needed to access the amazing one dollar auction and the exotic online shopping mall will be mailed to you right away我将很快的把这个用来参加“令人雀跃的一美金竞标活动”体验异国风情的在线购物的特别代码的发送给你。 For years continental europe has been regarded as the weakling of the world economy , wheezing along behind healthy , trim america and young , gambolling asia多年以来欧洲大陆被视作世界经济的软肋,落后于健康有序的美国经济,也落后于年轻雀跃的亚洲经济,因此显得积弱踟蹰。 Frolicking infants , school children playing tag , and adult arm wrestlers are demonstrating strong , transgenerational and transspecies bonds with the universe of animals ? past , present , and future雀跃的幼儿,捉迷藏的学童和成年摔跤者展示出人与动物界的有力的跨越世代与物种的永恒的联系。 Profound depth of the minister s repose was the more remarkable , inasmuch as he was one of those persons whose sleep , ordinarily , is as light , as fitful , and as easily scared away , as a small bird hopping象牧师这样的深沉酣睡,尤其值得注意,因为他属于那种通常睡眠极轻时断时续,如同在嫩枝上雀跃的小鸟般极易受惊的人。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
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雀跃 基本解释雀跃[què yuè]词典:雀跃;欢欣鼓舞;欢跃。词典:蹦跳,跳跃,嬉戏。雀跃 汉英大词典雀跃[què yuè]jump for joy:  例:欢呼雀跃    sh    雀跃欣喜    fly [go] jump for joy雀跃 网络解释1. to jump for joy:to lift 击起 | to jump for joy 雀跃 | to run into 碰撞2. gambol:gamboge 藤黄 | gambol 雀跃 | gambrel 踝关节3. gamboln:510galen. 狂风,大风 | 511gamboln. 跳跃,雀跃,嬉戏; v. 跳跃,雀跃,耍闹 | 512gapen. 裂口,张嘴; v. 裂开,张嘴4. 4. Standing O:6. Inseparable 如胶似漆 | 7. Standing O 雀跃 | 8. It's A Wrap 一了百了雀跃 双语例句1. 年纪老的人还能记得60年前欣闻日本投降的消息,欢喜雀跃的兴奋心情。&&&&Aged people still can recall the day when hearing of the news that Japan surrendered and the excitement of that moment.2. 第三种方法是购并者照样进行交易,接着再从市场买回因购并所发行的股份,如此一来,原本以股换股的交易便转变为以现金换股的交易,买回股份本身是一种修补损害的动作,正常的读者应该能正确的猜到我们宁愿以买回自家股份的方式直接增进原有股东权益,而不只是修补原先的损害,得分的达阵会比弥补失误更令人雀跃,但当失误真的发生了,亡羊补牢还是很重要的,我们衷心建议大家应该以买回自家股份这类弥补错误动作,将一项不好的以股换股交易变为合理的现金换股交易。&&&&The third solution is for the acquirer to go ahead with the acquisition, but then subsequently repurchase a quantity of shares equal to the number issued in the merger. In this manner, what originally was a stock-for-stock merger can be converted, effectively, into a cash-for-stock acquisition. Repurchases of this kind are damage-repair moves. Regular readers will correctly guess that we much prefer repurchases that directly enhance the wealth of owners instead of repurchases that merely repair previous damage. Scoring touchdowns is more exhilarating than recovering one`s fumbles. But, when a fumble has occurred, recovery is important and we heartily recommend damage-repair repurchases that turn a bad stock deal into a fair cash deal.3. 3. 而她一旦失误,他们便欢呼雀跃。&&&&When she made errors, they exploded with overjoy.4. 4. 思考了这么久,我想休息一会,于是举目眺望燕子。它们雀跃、翱翔的姿态迅捷而稳健,既果敢而不失平衡,又令人怦然心动。在我看来,这是动中有静的绝妙艺术的象征。但是,目睹此情此景,不同的人会有不同的感受,因为我们置身期间的万象缤纷的大千世界里,没有两个事物是毫无差异的。&&&&5And having got thus far in my thoughts, I paused, w for they seemed to me the symbol, in their swift, sure curveting, all daring and balance and surprise, of the delicate poise and motion of Art, that visits no two men alike, in a world where no two things of all the things there be, are quite the same.5. 你的爱让我时时挂怀,我为此而开心雀跃&&&&For me is your LOVE all what I think at any time..and I am happy about it..6. 小女孩穿著新衣在屋里雀跃。&&&&The little girl prances about the room in her new clothes.7. 7. 如果你不是我爱的那个人,为何今天我的灵魂会雀跃?&&&&If you're not the one, then why does my soul feel glad to day?8. 如果你不是我爱的那个人,为何今天我的灵魂会雀跃?&&&&If you are not the one, then why does my soul feel glad today?9. 9. 如果你不是我爱的那个人,为何今天我的灵魂会雀跃?&&&&If you're not the one, then why does my soul feel glad today?10. 10. 如果你不是我爱的那个人,为何今天我的灵魂会雀跃?&&&&If you're not the one, then why does my soul feel glad toda?11. 只要,我学会了,如何去爱,我知道,我会雀跃的,活着!&&&&&&Oh as long as I know how to love I know I`ll stay alive12. 如果你不是我的爱,为什么今天我的灵魂会感到如此雀跃?&&&&&&If you`re not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?13. 对,有点迟因为大家都在数星期前对这部电影很雀跃。&&&&&&Yes, a little late on the band wagon since everyone was raving about it weeks before.14. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD14. 以感恩的心情欢度你们的友谊,多多劝励,在上苍的祝福中欢欣雀跃&&&&&&Celebrate your friendship with gratitude. Lift your friend in thanksgiving and rejoice in God's blessing.15. 15. 那么,如果政府要取消遗产税,你会不会因而欢欣雀跃?&&&&&&So, if the Government wants the abolition of estate duty, you will not be jumping for joy?16. 国际律师事务所可能会欢呼雀跃,但其他公司可能要蹉叹他们日后想在北京或华盛顿还有欧盟做兼并尝试的话,成本分散而且高昂。&&&&&&International law firms may be celebrating, but other companies must be lamenting that they will now face frictional costs to mergers in Beijing, as well as in Brussels and Washington, DC.17. 我们听到新闻大家涌上街头所有人都在欢呼雀跃&&&&&&And we heard it and they flooded the streets And they were hollering and dancing and carrying on.18. 当她看到他迎向那位双颊红润且眼中闪耀胜利光芒的女人;当她看到他牵着那个女人,且他整个人因为欣喜或重获生命而喜上眉梢;当她听到群众的欢呼声及幸福钟的铃声;当她看到牧师及欣喜的唱诗班在她眼前宣布他们成为丈夫与妻子;以及当她眼睁睁看着他们一起走在花道上且越走越远,并伴随着群众的欢喜雀跃声,她的灵魂就在极度痛苦中燃烧着,她心底的绝望喊叫不但没人注意也被现场欢呼声盖了过去。&&&&&&How her soul had burned in agony when she had seen him rush to meet that woman, with her flushing cheek andspar when she had seen him lead her forth, his whole frame kindled with the j when she had heard the glad shouts from the multitude, and the wild ringin when she had seen the priest, with his joyous followers, advance to the couple, and make them man and wife
and when she had seen them walk away together upon their path of flowers, followed by the tremendous shouts of the hilarious multitude, in which her19. 19. 取神话题材,得天地真气,庞清河石雕艺术的动物形象憨顽可爱,颇亲和,雀跃着一颗活泼的童心。&&&&&&Themes from myth, a worldzhen qi, Pang River stone image of the art of foolish stubborn lovely animals, very friendly, happy and lively with a childlike innocence.20. 20. 当我们获取胜利时,欢呼雀跃拥簇着我们;当我们面对失败,心中积满了郁闷。&&&&&&When we meet the defeat, we have disappointment in the heart.雀跃是什么意思,雀跃在线翻译,雀跃什么意思,雀跃的意思,雀跃的翻译,雀跃的解释,雀跃的发音,雀跃的同义词,雀跃的反义词,雀跃的例句,雀跃的相关词组,雀跃意思是什么,雀跃怎么翻译,单词雀跃是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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