
  陈元伟 博士
  姓  名: 陈元伟   性 别: 男
  出生日期: 日 学 历: 博士 (Ph. D)
  国籍: 美国 E-mail :yuanwei.
学士 专业:有机合成
  86.07 四川大学 硕士 专业:有机合成
  93.07 瑞士洛桑大学(University of Lausanne) 博士学位 专业:有机合成
  导师:著名化学家Pirre Vogel教授
  95.06 美国The Scripps Research Institute 博士后,从事催化抗体的研究
  导师:研究院院长/美国院士Richard Lerner教授
  98.12 美国爱博特制药公司(Abbott Laboratories,芝加哥)资深研究员。
  02.01 美国拜尔制药公司(Bayer Corporation) 高级研究科学家
  05.02 美国拜尔制药公司(Bayer Corporation) 首席研究科学家,肥胖病新药研究项目主
  08.03 白鹭医药技术(上海)有限公司 首席科学官
  12 上海睿智化学研究有限公司 研发副总裁
  成都睿智化学研究有限公司 总经理
  2011.10-今天 四川大学/,博士生导师, 2011年千人计划特聘专家
  1. 2011年度成都十佳科技创新人才
  2. 2011年国家千人计划
  3. 2009年四川省百人计划
  4. 2004年中国科学院百人计划
  5. 2002年美国拜耳制药公司特殊贡献奖
  6. 2001年美国拜耳制药公司特殊贡献奖
  7. 2000年美国拜耳制药公司特殊贡献奖
  8. 1993年瑞士洛桑大学最佳博士论文奖
  1. 四川省特聘专家
  2. 成都市战略咨询决策平台专家
  3. 四川省华侨华人协会副主席
  4. 成都市生物医药服务外包产业联盟理事长
  5. 四川省第九批学术和技术带头人
  6. 美国化学会会员
  7. 美中医药协会会员
  陈元伟博士是旅美教授专家协会副会长、美国化学学会、北美洲中国学人国际交流中心及美国中医药协会会员。在瑞士洛桑大学就读期间,其负责的项目&多醣化合物的合成&获得瑞士洛桑大学优秀博士论文奖;在美国爱博特制药公司就职期间,成功研制出具有独立知识产权的抗流行性感冒新药,获得&美国爱博特制药公司特殊贡献奖&;在美国拜尔制药公司就任期间,由于出色完成&新型抗癌药物合成&、&糖尿病药物合成&、&抗癌药物合成&等研发项目,连续3年获得了拜尔制药公司 &特殊贡献奖&。陈元伟博士是国际国内生物医药界著名的归国留学人员、企业家、家、博士生导师;曾任中国科学院博士生导师,百人计划引进人才,国家手性药物中心副主任;上海白鹭医药技术有限公司创始管理人,首席科技官;上海睿智化学总公司副总经理;凯惠医药发展有限公司总经理;曾多次被邀请在国际国内学术会议上发表药物还行, 归国创业演讲;获得国际专利30项,发表国际论文32篇。
  1) 在美国博士后研究期间,首次发现对Aldol反应有催化活性的抗体。独创烯烃环氧化甲醛/过氧化氢氧化体系。该工作被美国著名杂志C&N作为专题报道
  2) 在美国Abbott Lab.(雅培公司)工作期间,成功研制出具有独立知识产权的抗流行性感冒新药。
  3) 在美国Bayer(拜尔)制药公司,领导研究小组研制出新型治癌药物并获专利10余项。领导 20人的研究小组攻克肥胖病新药开发课题,工作范围包括:药物分子的设计,药物合成,动物药理,动物模型设计,专利申请等。
  4) 美国化学学会会员、北美洲中国学人国际交流中心会员、旅美教授专家协会会员, 美中医药协会会员。
  5) 2005年被美国哈佛大学、麻省理工大学教授, 国际著名发明家, 企业家,Brian Seeds聘用回上海开创新药研发公司并担任核心创始管理人-公司首席科技官。从零开始,在短短三年时间将公司做成全国少数具有自主产权的公司,并研发出具有独立自主产权的治疗Ⅱ型糖尿病新药,该药已完成临床前研究及临床实验用药GMP生产、动物毒理实验,目前正在准备申报美国FDA。白鹭医药也成为上海张江在自主创新领域的明星企业。
  6) 在中科院百人计划期间,培养博士毕业生5人,硕士生1人,并在国际刊物发表论文13篇。
  7) 担任国家手性中心副主任期间积极推动公司海外业务,为公司获得总经费资助1140万元,并获得国家2500万元工程中心平台建设资助。
  8) 2008年3月, 受聘于凯惠医药发展(成都)有限公司总经理,上海睿智化学研究有限公司副总经理,在短短半年时间, 已经将公司人员增加了50%。 建立了具有8位归国博士的管理团队。 并和世界上最著名药物公司建立了业务关系。 并积极推动成都高新区生物医药产业的发展。
  发表时间 论著(论文)名称 发表载体 论著(论文)作者
  2010年 ortho-Substituted C-aryl glucosides as highly potent and selective renal sodium-dependent glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Xu, B Feng, Y Lv, etx Seed, B Chen, Yuanwei**
  2010年 Conformationally Constrained Spiro C-Arylglucosides as Potent and Selective Renal Sodium-Dependent Glucose Co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) Inhibitors ChemMedChem Lv, B Feng, etc,Welihinda, A Seed, B Chen, Yuanwei**
  2009年 Exploration of O-spiroketal C-aryl-glucosides as novel and selective renal sodium-dependent glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters Lv, B Xu, B etc, Seed, B Chen, Yuanwei.**
  2008年 Reduction of ? 2-Isoxazolines to ? -Hydroxy Ketones with Iron and Ammonium Chloride as Reducing Agent. Journal of Organic Chemistry Jiang, D Chen, Yuanwei..
  2008年 Synthesis of 3-alkyl-1H-quinolin-2-ones via palladium-catalyzed intramolecular cyclization of benzyl halides and ,-unsaturated amides.
  Liu, Zhangqin Chen, Yuanwei. etal.
  2008年 Pd-Catalyzed Carboetherification of ? ,? -Unsaturated Oximes: A Novel Approach to ? 2-Isoxazolines
  Organic Letters Jiang, D Chen, Yuanwei. etal.
  2008年 Palladium-catalyzed cascade one-pot synthesis of 5-arylmethylisoxazolidines from N-homoallylhydroxylamines with aryl bromides
  Jiang, D Chen, Yuanwei. etal.
  2008年 Palladium-catalyzed cascade one-pot synthesis of 5-arylmethylisoxazolidines from N-homoallylhydroxylamines with aryl bromides
  Tetrahedron Jiang, D Chen, Yuanwei. etal.
  专利保护期 专利名称 授权国家 专利所有者
  2009年2月 Preparation of benzylbenzene glycoside derivatives as antidiabetic agents. 美国 Song,YChen,Yuanwei etal.
  2008年10月 Preparation of benzylic glycoside derivatives and their inhibitory effect on sodium-dependent glucose co-transporter SGLT.
  Chen, Yuanwei. etal.
  2008年7月 Preparation of spiro-heterocyclic glycosides for treating diseases and conditions which are affected by SGLT inhibition.
  美国 Hadd, Michael J.; Chen, Yuanwei. etal.
  2007年5月 Preparation of spiro glycosides as glucose transport inhibitors. 美国
  Chen, Yuanwei. etal.
  2006年4月 Preparation of pyrimidine derivatives and their use for the treatment of cancer.
  美国 . Nagarathnam, D Chen, Y etal.
  2006年10月 Preparation of diaminopyrimidines as anticancer drugs.
  美国 Nagarathnam, D Chen, Y etal.
  2005年12月 Preparation of amino-substituted pyrimidines as antitumor agents. 美国 Dixon, Chen, Yuanwei. etal.
  2004年7月 Preparation of bicyclic (hetero)aryl- and pyridine-containing diaryl ureas as Raf kinase and angiogenesis inhibitors useful in the treatment of cancer and other disorders.
  D Chen, Yuanwei. etal.
  1. Song, Y Chen, Y Cheng, H Li, S Wu, Y Feng, Y Lv, B Xu, B Seed, B Hadd, Michael J.; Du, J Wang, C Roberge, Jacques Y. Preparation of benzylbenzene glycoside derivatives as antidiabetic agents. PCT Int. Appl. (2009), 156pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO
  2. Chen, Y Feng, Y Xu, B Lv, B Seed, B Hadd, Michael J.; Cheng, H Sheng, Z Xu, M Wang, C Du, J Zhang, L Xu, Ge; Wu, Yuelin. Preparation of benzylic glycoside derivatives and their inhibitory effect on sodium-dependent glucose co-transporter SGLT. U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. (2008), 59pp. CODEN: USXXCO US
  3. Hadd, Michael J.; Chen, Y Feng, Y Sen, S Seed, Brian. Preparation of spiro-heterocyclic glycosides for treating diseases and conditions which are affected by SGLT inhibition. U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. (2008), 53pp. CODEN: USXXCO US
  4. Hadd, Michael J.; Chen, Y Feng, Y Sen, S Seed, Brian. Preparation of spiro-heterocyclic glycosides for treating diseases and conditions which are affected by SGLT inhibition. PCT Int. Appl. (2008), 109 pp., which. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO
  5. Chen, Y Feng, Y Xu, B Lv, B Dong, J Seed, B Hadd, Michael J. (USA). Preparation of spiro glycosides as glucose transport inhibitors. U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. (2007). 63pp. US
Application: US
  6. Nagarathnam, D Chen, Y Fu, W Wang, M Bierer, D Brands, M Wang, Y Bear, Brian R.; Miller, D Schmitt, A Mull, E Zhao, Jin. Preparation of pyrimidine derivatives and their use for the treatment of cancer. PCT Int. Appl. (2006), 56pp. WO
A1 . Application: WO 2006-US07.
  4. Nagarathnam, D Chen, Y Fu, W Wang, M Bierer, D Brands, M Wang, Y Bear, Brian R. Preparation of diaminopyrimidines as anticancer drugs. PCT Int. Appl. (2006), 42pp. WO
  8. Dixon, Julie A.; Nagarathnam, D Zhang, L Wang, C Yi, L Chen, Y Chen, J Bear, Brian R.; Brands, M Hillisch, A Bierer, D Wang, M Fu, W Hentemann, Martin F.; Bullion, Ann-M Patel, Manoj. Preparation of pyrimidine derivatives for treatment of hyperproliferative disorders. PCT Int. Appl. (2006), 100pp. WO
  9. Dixon, Julie A.; Nagarathnam, D Zhang, L Wang, C Yi, L Chen, Y Chen, J Bear, Brian R.; Brands, M Hillisch, A Bierer, D Wang, M Fu, W Hentemann, Martin F.; Bullion, Ann-M Patel, Manoj. Preparation of amino-substituted pyrimidines as antitumor agents. U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. (2005), 182 pp., Cont.-in-part of Appl. No. PCT/US04/033430. US
  10. Dixon, Julie A.; Nagarathnam, D Zhang, L Wang, C Yi, L Chen, Y Chen, J Bear, B Brands, M Hillisch, A Bierer, D Wang, M Fu, W Hentemann, Martin F.; Bullion, Ann-Marie. Preparation of pyrimidine derivatives as antitumor agents. PCT Int. Appl. (2005), 276 pp. WO
  11. Dumas, J Boyer, S Verma, S Adnane, L Chen, Y Lee, W Phillips, B Smith, Roger A.; Scott, William J.; Burke, J Chen, J Chen, Z Fan, J Miranda, K Raudenbush, B Redman, A Shao, J Su, N Wang, G Yi, L Zhu, Qingming. Preparation of bicyclic (hetero)aryl- and pyridine-containing diaryl ureas as Raf kinase and angiogenesis inhibitors useful in the treatment of cancer and other disorders. PCT Int. Appl. (2004), 162 pp. WO
  12. Scott, William J.; Dumas, J Boyer, S Lee, W Chen, Y Phillips, B Verma, S Chen, J Chen, Z Fan, J Raudenbush, B Redman, A Yi, L Zhu, Qingming. Preparation of ureidophenoxycyanopyridines as anticancer drugs. PCT Int. Appl. (2004), 127 pp. WO
  13. Dumas, J Lee, W Chen, Y Adnane, L Scott, William J.; Verma, S Chen, J Chen, Z Yi, Lin. Preparation of pyridine-containing diaryl ureas useful in the treatment of cancer and other disorders. PCT Int. Appl. (2004), 96 pp. WO
  14. Chen, Y O'Connor, Stephen J Gunn, D Newcom, J Chen, J Yi, L Zhang, Hai- Hunyadi, Laszlo M Natero, Reina. Preparation of substituted 3,5-dihydro-4H-imidazol-4-ones for the treatment of obesity. PCT Int. Appl. (2004), 344 pp. WO
  15. Wood, Jill E.; Bierer, D Bear, B Brennan, C Chandler, B Chen, G Chen, Y Dixon, J Fu, W Guernon, L Liu, D McClure, A Miranda, K Nagarathnam, D Sibley, R Turner, M Verma, S Wang, C Yi, L Zhao, J Zhu, Qingming. Preparation of 2,4-bis(phenylamino)pyrimidine derivatives for treating hyperproliferative disorders. PCT Int. Appl. (2004), 159 pp. WO
  16. Wood, Jill E.; Chen, Y Hart, B Yi, L Chen, Jianqing. Pyrimidine derivatives for treatment of hyper-proliferative disorders. PCT Int. Appl. (2004), 27 pp. WO
  17. Wood, Jill E.; Chen, Y Chen, J Hart, B Liu, D Verma, Sharad K. Preparation of pyridinylaminopyrimidines useful for treating hyper-proliferative disorders. PCT Int. Appl. (2003), 36 pp. WO
CAN 139:381504 AN
  18. Dumas, J Sibley, R Smith, R Su, N Chen, Y Wood, J Guernon, L Dixon, J Brennan, C Boyer, Stephen. Preparation of quinazolines and quinolines as inhibitors of prolylpeptidase, inducers of apoptosis and cancer treatment agents. PCT Int. Appl. (2003), 266 pp. WO
  19. Stolle, A Bierer, Donald E.; Chen, Y Can, Dongping F Hart, B Monahan, Mary K Scott, William J. Preparation and pharmaceutical compositions of 4-amino-5,6-substituted thiopheno[2,3-d]pyrimidines for use in the treatment or prevention of PDE7B-mediated diseases and conditions. U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. (2003), 62 pp., Cont.-in-part of U.S. Provisional Ser. No. 287,629. US
  20. Dumas, J Kluender, Harold C. E.; Zhang, C Chen, Y Hong, Z Hatoum-Mokdad, H Lee, Wendy. Preparation of N-(oxazolylphenyl)-2,4-diaminopyrimidines for treatment of hyperproliferative disorders. PCT Int. Appl. (2003), 65 pp. WO
  21. Stolle, A Bierer, Donald E.; Chen, Y Fan, D Hart, B Monahan, Mary K Scott, William J. Novel 4-amino-5,6-substituted thiopheno[2,3-d]pyrimidines as phosphodiesterase PDE7B inhibitors. PCT Int. Appl. (2002), 148 pp. WO
  22. Nagarathnam, D Wang, C Chen, Y etc 2- and 4-Aminopyrimidines N-substituted by a bicyclic ring for use as kinase inhibitors in the treatment of cancer. (Bayer Corporation, USA). PCT Int. Appl. (2003), 118 pp. WO
Application: WO 2002-US25.
  23. Maring, Clarence J.; Chen, Yuanwei, etc Preparation of cyclopentanecarboxylates and related compounds as inhibitors of neuraminidases. U.S. (2003), 153 pp., Cont.-in-part of U.S. Ser. No. 282,138, abandoned. USXXAM US
  24. Maring, Clarence J.; Gu, Yu G Chen, Hui-Ju; Chen, Y etc Preparation of pyrrolidine neuraminidase inhibitors. U.S. (2002), 253 pp, US
  25. Stolle, A Bierer, Donald E.; Chen, Y Fan, D Hart, B Monahan, Mary K Scott, William J. Novel 4-amino-5,6-substituted thiopheno[2,3-d]pyrimidines as phosphodiesterase PDE7B inhibitors. PCT Int. Appl. (2002), 148 pp. WO 0288138.
  26. Clarence Maring, Yu-Gui GU, Yuanwei Chen, etc &Preparation of pyrrolidines as inhibitors of neuraminidases EP 1087938, April 4, 2001.
  27. Maring, Clarence J.; Giranda, Vincent L.; Kempf, Dale J.; Stoll, Vincent S.; Sun, M Zhao, C Gu, Yu G Hanessian, S Wang, Gary T.; Krueger, Allan C.; Chen, Hui- Chen, Y Degoey, David A.; etc &Preparation of pyrrolidine neuraminidase inhibitors&, WO , April 26,2001
  28. Maring, Clarence J.; Giranda, Vincent L.; Kempf, Dale J.; Stoll, Vincent S.; Sun, M Zhao, C Gu, Yu G Wang, Gary T.; Krueger, Allan C.; Chen, Y Degoey, David A.; Grampovnik, David J.; Kati, Warren M.; etc &Preparation of cyclopentanecarboxylates and analogs as neuraminidase Inhibitors&, WO , April 26, 2001
  29. Clarence Maring, Yu-Gui GU, Chen, Yuanwei, etc &Preparation of pyrrolidines as inhibitors of neuraminidases WO 9954299, October 28, 1999.
  30. Maring, Clarence J.; Gu, Yu-G Chen, Y Degoey, David A.; Giranda, Vincent L.; Grampovnik, David J.; etc.; &Preparation of aminocyclopentanecarboxylates and analogs as influenza virus neuraminidase inhibitors&. WO 9954290, October 28, 1999.
  31. J. L. Reymond, Yuanwei Chen, & Aldol condensations employing catalytic antibody with primary amine cofactor&, U. S. Patent, 5,576,174, November 19, 1996.
  32. Reymond, Jean L Chen, Y Lerner, Richard A. &Antibody Catalysis of Cyclohexadieneone Rearrangements&, U, S, Patent, 5,500,358, March 19, 1996
  33. Chen, Yuanwei, Mi Aiqiao, Xiao Xun, Jiang Y &Asymmetric Synthesis of Optically Purely Active Substituted Benzylamine&; Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai S Chinese Patent, CN 1,039,582; CN 1,014,885, 14 Feb, 1990, CA: 114:P6009d.
  34. Aiqiao Mi, Xun Xiao, Yuanwei C &Preparation of Flucythrinate&; Chinese P Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu CN 1,034,708, Aug. 16 1989, CA: 113:P152053j.
  1. Xu, B Feng, Y Lv, B Xu, Ge; Zhang, L Du, J Peng, K Xu, M Dong, J Zhang, W Zhang, T Zhu, L Ding, H Sheng, Z Welihinda, A Seed, B Chen, Yuanwei. ortho-Substituted C-aryl glucosides as highly potent and selective renal sodium-dependent glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry (2010), 18(12), .
  2. Lv, B Feng, Y Dong, J Xu, M Xu, B Zhang, W Sheng, Z Welihinda, A Seed, B Chen, Yuanwei. Conformationally Constrained Spiro C-Arylglucosides as Potent and Selective Renal Sodium-Dependent Glucose Co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) Inhibitors. ChemMedChem (2010), 5(6), 827-831
  3. Xu, B Lv, B Feng, Y Xu, Ge; Du, J Welihinda, A Sheng, Z Seed, B Chen, Yuanwei. O-Spiro C-aryl glucosides as novel sodium-dependent glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters (2009), 19(19), .
  4. Jiang, D Chen, Yuanwei. Reduction of ? 2-Isoxazolines to ? -Hydroxy Ketones with Iron and Ammonium Chloride as Reducing Agent. Journal of Organic Chemistry (2008), 73(22),
  5. Liu, Z Shi, C Chen, Yuanwei. Synthesis of 3-alkyl-1H-quinolin-2-ones via palladium-catalyzed intramolecular cyclization of benzyl halides and ? ,? -unsaturated amides. Synlett (2008), (11),
  6. Jiang, D Peng, J Chen, Yuanwei. Pd-Catalyzed Carboetherification of ? ,? -Unsaturated Oximes: A Novel Approach to ? 2-Isoxazolines. Organic Letters (2008), 10(9),
  7. Jiang, D Peng, J Chen, Yuanwei. Palladium-catalyzed cascade one-pot synthesis of 5-arylmethylisoxazolidines from N-homoallylhydroxylamines with aryl bromides. Tetrahedron (2008), 64(8), .
  8. Jiang, D Peng, J Chen, Yuanwei, Palladium-catalyzed cascade one-pot synthesis of 5-arylmethylisoxazolidines from N-homoallylhydroxylamines with aryl bromides. Tetrahedron (2008), 64(8), .
  9. Peng, J Lin, W Jiang, D Yuan, S Chen, Yuanwei, Preparation of a 7-Arylthieno[3,2-d]pyrimidin-4-Amine Library. Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry (2007), 9(3), 431-436.
  10. Peng, J Jiang, D Lin, W Chen, Yuanwei, Palladium-catalyzed sequential one-pot reaction of aryl bromides with O-homoallyl-hydroxylamines: synthesis of N-aryl-? -amino alcohols. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry (2007), 5(9), .
  11. Peng, J Lin, W Yuan, S Chen, Yuanwei, Palladium-Catalyzed Highly Stereoselective Synthesis of N-Aryl-3-arylmethylisoxazolidines via Tandem Arylation of O-Homoallylhydroxylamines. Journal of Organic Chemistry (2007), 72(8), .
  12. Stoll, V Stewart, Kent D.; Maring, Clarence J.; Muchmore, S Giranda, V Gu, Yu-gui Y.; Wang, G Chen, Y Sun, M Zhao, C Kennedy, April L.; Madigan, Darold L.; Xu, Y Saldivar, A Kati, W Laver, G Sowin, T Sham, Hing L.; Greer, J Kempf, Dale. Influenza Neuraminidase Inhibitors: Structure-Based Design of a Novel Inhibitor Series. Biochemistry (2003), 42(3), 718-727.
  13. J. L. Reymond, Yuanwei Chen, &Enantioselective Epoxidation of a Library with Catalytic Antibodies&, Synthesis, 4-936
  14. Gary T. Wang,* Sheldon Wang, Yuanwei Chen, Robert Gentles, and Thomas S Synthesis of 2-Substituted (&)-(2R,3R,5R)-Tetrahydrofuran-3,5-dicarboxylic Acid Derivatives, J. Org. C );
  15. Gary T. Wang, Yuanwei Chen, Sheldon Wang, Robert Gentles, Thomas Sowin, Warren Kati, Steve Muchmore, Vincent Giranda, Kent Stewart, Hing Sham, Dale Kempf, and W. Graeme Laver# ; Design, Synthesis, and Structural Analysis of Influenza Neuraminidase Inhibitors Containing Pyrrolidine Cores, J. Med. Chem. ); .
  16. Gary T Wang, Yuanwei Chen, Sheldon Wang, Richard Sciotti and Thomas Sowin, &Solid Phase Synthesis of Ureas of Secondary Amines via Carbamoyl Chloride&, Tetrahedron Lett. 38,
  17. Jean-Louis Reymond, Yuanwei Chen, &Antibody-catalyzed uni- and multi-substrate reactions compared using transition-state binding (KTS)& Isr. J. Chem. (1996), 36(2), 199-206
  18. J. L. Reymond, Yuanwei Chen, &Catalytic, Enantioselective Aldol Reaction with Artificial Aldolase Assembled from a Primary Amine and an Antibody&, J. Org. Chem. 70-6979.
  19. Yuanwei Chen, J. L. Reymond, &Epoxidation of Olefins with Formamide-Hydrogen Peroxide&, Tetrahedron Lett. 15-4018.
  20. J. L. Reymond, Yuanwei Chen, &Catalytic, Enantioselective Aldol Reaction Using Antibodies Against A Quaternary Ammonium Ion with a Primary Amine Cofactor&, Tetrahedron Lett. 75-2578.
  21. Yuanwei Chen, J. L. Reymond, Richard. A. Lerner, &An Antibody-Catalyzed 1,2-Rearrangement of Carbon-Carbon Bond&, Angew. Chem., 1994, (15), 1607.
  22. Sylviane Picasso, Yuanwei Chen, P. V &Glycosidase Inhibition by 1,5-Dideoxy-1,5-iminooctitols and 1,2,6,7,8-Pentahydroxyindolizidines&, Carbohydrate Lett., ), 1.
  23. Yuanwei Chen, Pierre V &Total Asymmetric Synthesis of 1,5-Dideoxy-1,5-iminooctitols and 1,2,6,7,8-Pentahydroxyindolizidines&; J. Org. Chem.,87.
  24. Yuanwei Chen, Pierre V &Total Synthesis of 1.5-Dideoxy-1,5-Imino-D-erythro-L-allo-Octitol and (1S,2R,6R,7R,8S,8aS)-Pentahydroxyindolizidine&; Tetrahedron Letter, 17, CA:234308t.
  25. Aiqiao Mi, Yuanwei Chen, Xiao Hun, Liu Shikui, Wu Lanjun, Jiang Y &Stereoselective Synthesis via Chiral Pinanone &; Youji Huahue, ), 199, CA:119:72857h.
  26. Denis-Pierre Neff, Yuanwei Chen, Pierre V &New Total Synthesis of D-threo--L-talo-Octose&; Helv. Chim. Acta., ), 508-16. CA: 115:92768a.
  27. Aiqiao Mi, Yuanwei Chen, Wang Jiang, Jiang Y &Asymmetric Carbonyl Addition with Homochiral Ketimine Derived from (+)- or (-)-Pinanone and Benzylamine&; Chin. J. Chem., 1990, (6), 561-7, CA:115:28783z.
  28. Yuanwei Chen, Mi Aiqiao, Xiao Xun, Jiang Y &Asymmetric Synthesis of Chiral Substituted Benzylamine via Pinanone Ketimine Template&; Huaxue Xuebao, ), 1131-5, CA: 114:163619v.
  29. Xun Xiao, Mi Aiqiao, Yuanwei Chen, Jiang Y &Stereocontrolled Synthesis of a New Chiral Ketimine Template&; Youji Huaxue, ), 26-8, CA: 114:207516r.
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