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Science: What Your Eye Color Reveals About You
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LifestyleShares 15KDid you know that no two people have the exact same eye color? It’s true! Did you know that every person who has blue eyes comes from the same ancestor? Everyone with blue eyes has a very specific DNA difference. Many of us know that when most babies are first born, their eyes are a hazy bluish color, and then they change into whatever color will be that baby’s permanent eye color. The reason for that is because an infant has almost no melanin in his or her eyes. This changes very quickly though. There are also many things that your eye color reveals about you.Long ago, brown eye color was considered to be the dominant one. However, now scientists know that your eye color is a multi-gene trait, not a single-gene trait. So, it’s a little more complicated than to simply say that brown eye color is dominant. It’s more of a gene combination. It is even genetically possible to have your eye color divided into two colors on your iris, or two different color irises. – One of the best apps that will pay you for using it!Also, did you know your eye color can change over time? Since the eyes don’t constantly produce pigment, they can become lighter or darker as time goes on. You can see all of these facts and more illustrated in this fun infographic below by . Since our eyes obviously tell so much about us, it will make me think twice before wearing colored contacts. Whether your eyes are brown, blue, green or gray, you can be proud knowing that your eye color truly says a lot about our ancestry. You can see some beautiful eye photography too by clicking over to !Your Eye Color Reveals A Lot About You…Via: [Best Infographics] Shares 15K Readers Of This Article Also Read
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PEP3 Book 3 Unit 3 My Friends B教案及教学反思
题目:PEP3 Book 3 Unit 3 My Friends B教案及教学反思[教学内容] Let’s learn& Let’s do[教育目标]1.知识技能目标(1)Words:能听说、认读本课时的主要关于爱好的单词music, science,computer game, sports, painting,PEP3 Book 3 Unit 3 My Friends B教案及教学反思。(2)根据所学单词及词组,作出相应的动作。(3)Sentences:学习Let’slearn部分对话,并能用My friendlikes……介绍朋友的爱好。2、情感文化目标(1)培养学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们树立学习自信心。(2)培养学生小组合作的能力:积极运用所学的语言进行表达和交流;积极与他人合作,共同完成教学任务。(3)培养更多的业余爱好,但对于电脑游戏则要适可而止。[重点、难点]1、熟练掌握兴趣爱好的说法,即music, science,computer game, sports, painting。2、能实际运用以下句子:My friendlikes……来介绍朋友的爱好。3、初步培养学生模仿发音和语调的习惯,在单词教学过程中注重音标概念的灌输。[课前准备](教学辅助手段)1、教师教具:水果,磁带,音乐和科学书,球类,单词卡,录音机。2、学生教具:学生自己画的有关音乐、绘画、科学、体育、电脑的图画。[教学步骤]1、Warmup⑴ Listento the song of “Frineds”;⑵ Review the words of fruits ,preparing some kinds offruits(like apples ,pears and so on,making simple talk like this:Do you like apple/pear?Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.引出今天学习的话题“What’s your hobby?”2、Presentation ofthe new lesson⑴ newwords about hobby of the new lesson:A.music:Listen to a songwhich is known by most of the students, then ask “Do you like thissong?” →Do youlike singing a song? →Do youlike music?(Show the MusicBook and the card of “music”) then paste the card to theblackboard, then ask “Now let me see how many students like music,now put up your hands!” Then the next important point is to makethe students do after listening the order →listen tomusic.B.sports:Show the football andbasketball to the students ,then ask “Do you like basketball orfootball? What about racing?( acting the racing)→Do youlike sports?(Show the card ofthe word “sports”, then let the students read the word after theteacher) then paste the card to the blackboard, then ask “Now letme see how many students like sports ,now put up your hands!”Education of sentiment “If you often do sports, you’ll be healthyand will not get sick (explain the meaning of this sentence). Thenthe next important point is to make the students do after listeningthe order →dosports.C.science:Show some instrumentsto the students” Look at these things, Do you know what thesethings used for? Please guess! I’m your English teacher, yes or no?I’m your what teacher too? (Show the Science Book to thestudents) → science (Show the card of the word “science”, then let the studentsread the word after the teacher) then paste the card to theblackboard, then ask “Now let me see how many students want to be ascientist (explain the meaning of the sentence, now put up yourhands!”D.painting:Now we have learntmusic, sports and science, now look at me( Draw picture on theblackboard)and says”I like painting,(Show the card of the word“painting”, then let the students read the word after the teacher)then paste the card to the blackboard, then ask “Now let me see howmany students like painting ,now put up your hands!”E. computergame:First ask thestudents “Do you like playing games?” →Whatabout this game?(Show the card of computer) →computergame,(Show the card of theword “painting”, then let the students read the word after theteacher) then paste the card to the blackboard, Education ofsentiment :“If you play computer games just some times , you’ll bewiser but if you play it all day, it wiil waste your time (explainthe meaning of this sentence). Then the next important point is tomake the students do after listening the order →playgame→play computergame.⑵ practice the words like this:What do youlike? Ilike …….What about you? Ilike……..What about yourfriend? My friend likes……强调重点句型,教案《PEP3 Book 3 Unit 3 My Friends B教案及教学反思》。第三步:Consolidation⑴WordsgameTeacher says theword, and let the students take out the picture of the words andput it up and say the sentence ”I like…….” in order to makeeeveryone can take part in the game.⑵ Workingin pairs and making a short talk:A: I likemusic.B: I likesports.A: My friend likessports.⑶Givingthe students a piece of paper, and make a short detecation likethis: Amy likes……; Zhang Peng likes……;Chen Jie likes……;Mikelikes……., and tick the right answer.HobbyNameMusicSportsSciencePaintingComputergame1Amy2ZhangPeng3ChenJie4Mike[教学反思]本课教学内容为PEP教材第三册Unit 3, B Let’slearn 和Let’sdo部分,是在A部分学习如何描述朋友的外貌特征的基础上进而介绍朋友的爱好。Let’sdo部分是让学生通过说做动作来复习和巩固所学语言。因此,本课的重难点是有关兴趣爱好的表达方法及单数第三人称的部分用法。让学生在情景、听力练习等多种形式的教学活动中循序渐进自然地习得语言,全面发展学生运用所学语言的能力是本课的导向。1、与学生进行切身的交流通过展示一些水果,吸引小朋友的眼球,进而通过提问小朋友喜欢什么水果,从而引出“我喜欢…..”的概念,通过与学生切身的交流,使其对所要学习的内容印象深刻。2、采用游戏,提高学生兴趣根据小学生学习英语的特点,设计多一点的游戏,尽量使每一个同学都能融入课堂当中,一般小学生的注意力只能坚持20分钟的时间,所以在学习的过程中不断穿插简单的小游戏,调动学生的热情。3、联系实际,贴近生活小学生的兴趣很广泛,喜欢美术、音乐、运动等,并且在小学的课程安排上都包含了我们所要学习的内容,比如在美术课上我们可以画画,在体育课上我们可以做运动,在科学课上学习与科学有关的知识而在电脑课也就是信息课上可以玩电脑游戏,在音乐课上可以欣赏音乐。所以本课时所讲述的内容是与学生息息相关的,在Let’s learn这部分内容的教授中,通过介绍我的兴趣爱好并询问一些同学的爱好来达到操练所学新单词的目的。4、渗透情感教育在讲述兴趣的同时,要让学生懂得珍惜自己所感兴趣的东西,比如音乐、绘画、科学研究会使你的业余生活更加多姿多彩,而多运动则会增强你的体魄,俗话说身体是革命的本钱;然而对于电脑游戏,偶尔玩一下会开发你的智力但如果过度的话就会浪费掉你很多的时间、精力等。5、课堂存在的问题:(1)学生对单词的掌握程度不够,所以进行单词操练的时候无法达到预期的效果;(2)现在小学四年级的英语教学是否应该在课堂上对于新学的单词进行"教拼读"这个内容;  〔PEP3 Book 3 Unit 3 My Friends B教案及教学反思〕【人性最可怜的就是:我们总是梦想着天边的一座奇妙的玫瑰园,而不去欣赏今天就开在我们窗口的玫瑰。】
范文题目:PEP3 Book 3 Unit 3 My Friends B教案及教学反思
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