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IELTS Cue Card Sample 227 - Describe your favourite song or piece of music
IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card.
Describe your favourite song or piece of music. You should say:
What kind of music it is
Where you usually listen to it
Why you like it
and say what kind of mood this music puts you in.
Sample Answer: The song 'High Hopes' sung by David Gilmour of Pink Floyd band is a song I have loved always and would hear often for the rest of my life. Pink Floyds is famous for their progressive and psychedelic music and high-quality lyrics. This song falls under the progressive rock music genre and was the 11th song on the album 'Division Bell'.
I usually listen to this song on my computer and sometimes in my MP3 player with the headphone. In fact, I am a great fan of this music band and most of their songs are on my favourite list. This song is specifically attractive for the music composition, lyrics and theme.
This song reminds the past and compares how greener and full of possibility it was. The church bell and the lyrics make an out of the world illusion that only people who love it would realise. Every time I hear this song, I can feel my childhood, the sweet memory and the greener town I used to live. This is the song that opens the horizon for me to visit my past. I love this song from my heart.
This music puts me in a sad yet charming mood. I feel sad that the past days won't be coming back and I won't have that childhood charm anymore. On the other hand, this song gives me a genuine pleasure of the memories of my childhood and all the friends and people I knew then.
Similar Cue Card Topics Your ability to talk about this Cue Card would enable you to talk about the following Cue Cards as well:
Describe a song you often listen.&
Describe your favourite song or singer.&
Describe a piece of music you heard in your childhood.&
Describe a famous song in your country.&
Follow-up questions: 1. What would life be like without music? Life without music would be quiet and dull. What would we do at parties besides eating and talking? That might as well be a meeting. Think about the best party you&ve ever been to, how vibrant and outgoing everyone was. Especially when everyone&s favourite jam came on. Music helps me focus on projects when the house is soundless. In the past, I would drive around town aimlessly at night with nothing but music and my thoughts. This helped my creativity tremendously.
2. Which is more important to you, music or TV? Although television takes up a big chunk of my life I could probably do without it. Music, on the other hand, is irreplaceable. I&m thinking to myself I could read the news & also read a novel that the blockbuster movie was adapted from. Consequentially, I cannot read a song. Novels are famously known for being better than the movie. There is no possible way to hear music in any other form. It all boils down to what can be replaced and what can&t.
3. What kind of music do you like? I&ve always had an infatuation with music since I was a kid. My family likes to remind me of the time when I was two & I learned to say &Jackson! Jackson!& then hobble/hop around when his songs were played. Although my taste for music has evolved & diversified since then, music still holds a special place in my heart. I listen to all types of music & I am open to new music. Having said that, as I am writing this I am listening to classical music because it helps me concentrate and be more resourceful. The most common type of genre I listen to is Hip-Hop or Rap. I really feel that rappers recite more contemporary poetry.& There are a few R&B artists I listen to regularly.
4. What musical genre do you really hate? Why? I detest American Country music. It has got to be the lamest and depressing music genre available to the public. I cannot pinpoint the exact reason why I abhor this heinous excuse for music but I will try. Country music is extremely patriotic, quite irritating. America is number one when most of the people that listen to that type of music probably have never left the proximity of their area code. Music CEO&s realise that white American population are losing jobs to &foreigners& so country music artists use that and say white America should love a pure America. It&s a clever way to be racist. When in truth no one is a True American. The lyrics are too simple but try too hard to be meaningful. Country music has a kind twang that I loathe. It will never grow on me & I try my hardest not to judge the people who listen to country music.
5. What do you think of music your parents listen to? My father has the same affection, if not more, for music as me. While I was growing up I have fond memories with the family & there was always traditional or classical Iranian music playing during these moments. Although I don&t have any Iranian music on my computer & never choose to listen to Iranian music I do like some of it. However, I am not crazy about some of today&s popular Iranian songs because they always seem to be furrowing their brows while griping about love.
6. Why do humans like music so much? Without looking up scientific facts why the human species is drawn to music I can muse that music has been a part of humans since the existence of man. Cavemen created drums and hopped around to the beat while circling a fire. Music evokes a feeling in people & I think that at its core that is why humans appreciate music so much.
7. Why is music important to you? Music plays an important role in my life. Whatever emotion I am feeling or mood I am in, I pair it with music. Some people listen to Adele when they are sad or Pitbull when they are happy. Music is the soundtrack to my life. Certain songs come on and it teleports me back to a moment while I was listening to that same song, usually a happier time too.
8. What influence do you think music has on life? Music doesn&t influence me like it used to. When I was 12 I started listening to hip-hop and it slightly influenced the way I dressed and somewhat how I acted. Case in point, when I saw Dr. Dre wearing a black fitted baseball hat, I always wore one. Now I am older and music doesn&t have that type of influence on me but some music does affect my behaviour or mood. If I am listening up-tempo music it usually goes well with a party or my good music, whereas slower tempo music helps me relax and unwind. &
9. What is the best time and place to listen to music? That&s you can almost always listen to music. I feel the best time to have music is in social gatherings like when you are with close friends and you create a soundtrack for that occasion. At the same time, a meeting where you are trying to work is not an appropriate time to listen
even white noise.
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