entering 黑屏power saving modee

January 3rd, 2010 Paul Wallbank
I have a pc with Windows XP. A few seconds after I turn it on (ie immediately after the Dell logo disappears), I get a message saying “1. Auto Detect (Digital Input)” and then another message saying “1. Auto Detect Entering power save”. Nothing on the keyboard then lets me do anything and the screen blacks out. The pc keeps making a whirring noise but nothing happens until I turn it off, either by holding in the on button or by turing it off at the wall. The pc is two years old. This happened a month ago for some days, and then one day it just started up as normal. Now it has happened again and has been continuing for about a week. Please help!
The error message means your monitor isn’t receiving a signal from computer. There’s two li a video card problem or a loose cable.
If it is a loose cable, you simply need to check all the video connections into the monitor and the computer are properly connected. Be careful with tightening the thumbscrews as these only need to be finger-tight. Screwing them in too far may cause problems down the track.
Should it turn out not to be the cables then it’s the video card that is causing the problems. Sometimes cards work themselves loose over time and it may just require a technician to open the case and reseat the card.
It may be however the card is failing and needs replacing. If so, it may be time to consider a new computer as some systems have the video circuits built into the motherboard. Talk to your technician before deciding on this.
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Topic: PC entering PowerSaving Mode
Still Seekin'
total posts: 3758neopoints: 35since: Mar 2005
Jan 20, 08 at 7:46pm
PC entering PowerSaving Mode
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My computer will do that and when it does that it goes black then says what the thread title says.
My computer then makes a loud humming noise and I can't use my monitor, when I move the mouse, no response.
Same goes for keyboard.
When I turn the monitor off then turn it back on, still no result.
I have to manually turn my computer off via the button on the tower.
How do I stop it from entering powersaving mode?
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Ub3r Shadow
black coulds and silver liningss-e-e-k-e-r
total posts: 1854since: Jun 2007
Jan 20, 08 at 8:41pm
re: PC entering PowerSaving Mode
do you have vista?
since: Jun 2004
Jan 20, 08 at 10:55pm
re: PC entering PowerSaving Mode
Is it because you leave it inactive for a certain ammount of time?
Still Seekin'
total posts: 3758neopoints: 35since: Mar 2005
Jan 20, 08 at 11:31pm
re: PC entering PowerSaving Mode
All I did was go on AIM, MSN, and internet explorer.
I had LimeWire on too.
I love a sunburnt countryElite Seeker
total posts: 34371since: Dec 2005
Jan 21, 08 at 12:36pm
re: PC entering PowerSaving Mode
so you dont have any periods of inactivity and it goes to power saving mode? or does it go a minute or so without activity? you or someone else may have changed the power saving options to turn off monitor in 1 min
true seeker
total posts: 1195since: May 2007
Jan 23, 08 at 6:26am
re: PC entering PowerSaving Mode
Well, it hasn't happened in awhile, I think it was raining, maybe the electricity went out for a bit.
Is there a way to backup my files on a blank CD?
I love a sunburnt countryElite Seeker
total posts: 34371since: Dec 2005
Jan 23, 08 at 6:33am
re: PC entering PowerSaving Mode
yes. select the files you want to back up and then (if you have a cd/dvd burner), burn them onto a disk. simple. if you want to back up your whole computer then you would need several dvds.
Still Seekin'
total posts: 3758neopoints: 35since: Mar 2005
Jan 23, 08 at 11:35pm
re: PC entering PowerSaving Mode
Will defragging my computer help?
Also, can I do anything while defragging?
I love a sunburnt countryElite Seeker
total posts: 34371since: Dec 2005
Jan 24, 08 at 2:50am
re: PC entering PowerSaving Mode
no, and yes. defragging only re arranges file clusters on your hard drive so that they become as close to a continuous stream of data as possible and move it all to the beginning of the hard drive. this only speeds up your computer, unless you have an ntfs file system, in which case you will see little, if any results.
Still Seekin'
total posts: 3758neopoints: 35since: Mar 2005
Jan 24, 08 at 3:00am
re: PC entering PowerSaving Mode
Whats NTFS?
I love a sunburnt countryElite Seeker
total posts: 34371since: Dec 2005
Jan 24, 08 at 6:36am
re: PC entering PowerSaving Mode
the disk file structure used by the NT systems (XP, 2000, NT), which has an MFT (Master File Table) instead of a FAT (File Allocation Table). NTFS is the newer, better, more efficient file system, and because of this file system, it pretty much renders defragmenting obsolete (though you might still get a small performance boost from defragging an ntfs file).
Still Seekin'
total posts: 3758neopoints: 35since: Mar 2005
Jan 24, 08 at 6:45am
re: PC entering PowerSaving Mode
Okay, so I played Runescape for about a good hour with music playing, AIM, and MSN on and no errors, or random restarts.
My sisters were complaining about that the other day though.
What else could be the cause?
You said something about powering saving time?
How do I get to that?This is an out of the blue question, but what is a good router that I can use for wi-fi on the Ds and Wii?
It also has to be fast for the computer.
I love a sunburnt countryElite Seeker
total posts: 34371since: Dec 2005
Jan 24, 08 at 10:37am
re: PC entering PowerSaving Mode
the power saving options are located in the control panel
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Featured ForumsWin7系统开机屏幕出现entering power save mode的解决方法_百度文库
Win7系统开机屏幕出现entering power save mode的解决方法
你可能喜欢戴尔液晶显示器显示entering power save
系统启动正常,但是进行程序画面的时候戴尔液晶显示器显示entering power save
09-07-08 &匿名提问
POWER SAVE”的意思是节能模式,是电脑的一种省电模式。电脑屏幕出现这种提示信息实际是电脑主机没有正常启动造成的,不是显示器的故障!


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