
Smoothieware and CoreXY
September 16, PM
I am in the process of configuring the Smoothieware on for my CoreXY build.
I am using an Azteeg x5.
I have noticed that when I use the manual controls in Repetier, my carriage moves diagonally whether I use the X or Y arrows.
This tells me that it is only turning one of the motors.
Should both motors be turning so that the carriage moves along either the X or Y axis respective to the command I give it?
Or is the diagonal movement just a by-product of the Corexy kinematics?
I attached my config file for reference.
September 17, PM
Yes, both motors should be turning when going in just the X or Y direction only.
I'm not familiar with smoothieware, but did you set it to use CoreXY kinematics?
says you need to also set the arm_solution to corexy which i can't see in your config.步街网_一折特卖优惠券_名品导购_天天折扣今日特价网!
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