
自我介绍&span class='hot-word'&英语&/span&加翻译60-80个单词 我叫xx,今年14,我有一个幸福的家庭,有一个姐姐比我大4岁,我喜欢数学,我有点不喜欢运动,我喜欢的水果是苹果,我喜欢的颜色是紫色和蓝色
years old,I have a happy family with a
sister 4 years older than me.I like math but i don't like sports very much .My favorite fruit is apple and my favorite colors are purp...
My name is XX,and I am 相关信息 years old,I have a happy family with a
sister 4 years older than me.I like math but i don't like sports very much .My favorite fruit is apple and my favorite colors are purple and blue.
my name is xx, I am 14 years old,I have a happy family, has a sister is 4 years older than me, I like mathematics, I have a little didn't like sports, I like fruit is apple, I like the color is purple and blue
Hello everybody,My name is Binbin,I am a 15-year-old girl,I like playing basketb...
hi!everyone !
My name is ###, I am 12 years old this year, I am studying in clas...
hellow~everyone,my name is ...
I'm 12 years old this year.I'm interesting in sin...
大家(all)早上好(good morning)!我来自(from)江苏南通,我叫……,我平时喜欢(like)玩游戏(game)、打球(play ball),今...
答: 财务部门的英语缩写?会计英文缩写?出纳英文缩写?
答: training management assistant
答: natural science
答: 翻译:education management
更多职业发展的精彩内容和专业知识,远见和建议,请关注职商网微信公众号:职商网(zhishangcq),我的个人微信公众号:Larry聊职商(LarryWangABC),点击链接访问职商网:,知乎专栏:,我司微信公众号:王李亚洲资源( wangliyazhou ) ,微博@,LinkedIn: (二维码自动识别)2K80 条评论分享收藏感谢收起/r/DkOju5HE9MyLrdXY9xYc (二维码自动识别)I was worried whether this article will be grabbed by people ....turns out, the follower of this quest only want a plausible opinion to heal their anxiety of learning.. They will be scared away as the moment they saw .well ..THAT IS SO GREAT !I should figure it out since I got here ! Why should I even bothered before ! Such a moron !好多人表示想要中文版的,我用中文结合我自己在加拿大工作的经验修改了一下,可扫码阅读: (二维码自动识别)___________________________________________________I really don't wanna share 。。。。。You know it’s coming.It’s the most feared question during any job interview: Do you think I would look good in a cowboy hat?Just kidding. The real question is: Can you ?Blecch. What a boring, vague, open-ended question. Who likes answering that?I know. I’m with you. But unfortunately, hiring managers and
ask the question. Even if you’re not
and you’re out
in the community — you need to be ready to hear it and answer it. At all times.Now, before I share a list of 10 memorable answers, consider the two essential elements behind the answers:The medium is the message. The interviewer cares less about your answer to this question and more about the confidence, enthusiasm and passion with which you answer it.The speed of the response is the response. The biggest mistake you could make is pausing, stalling or fumbling at the onset of your answer, thus demonstrating a lack of self-awareness and self-esteem.Next time you’re faced with the dreaded, “Tell me about yourself…” question, try these:1 “I can summarize who I am in three words.” Grabs their attention immediately. Demonstrates your ability to be concise, creative and compelling.2 “The quotation I live my life by is…”Proves that personal development is an essential part of your growth plan. Also shows your ability to motivate yourself.3 “My personal philosophy is…” Companies hire athletes – not shortstops. This line indicates your position as a thinker, not just an employee.4 “People who know me best say that I’m…” This response offers insight into your own level of self-awareness.5 “Well, I googled myself this morning, and here’s what I found…”Tech-savvy, fun, cool people would say this. Unexpected and memorable.6 “My passion is…” People don’t care what you do – people care who you are. And what you’re passionate about is who you are. Plus, passion unearths enthusiasm.7 “When I was seven years old, I always wanted to be…”An answer like this shows that you’ve been preparing for this job your whole life, not just the night before.8 “If Hollywood made a move about my life, it would be called…”Engaging, interesting and entertaining.9 “Can I show you, instead of tell you?” Then, pull something out of your pocket that represents who you are. Who could resist this answer? Who could forget this answer?10 “The compliment people give me most frequently is…”Almost like a testimonial, this response also indicates self-awareness and openness to feedback.Keep in mind that these examples are just the opener. The secret is thinking how you will follow up each answer with relevant, interesting and concise explanations that make the already bored interviewer look up from his stale coffee and think, “Wow! That’s the best answer I’ve heard all day!”Ultimately it’s about answering quickly, it’s about speaking creatively and it’s about breaking people’s patterns.I understand your fear with such answers. Responses like these are risky, unexpected and unorthodox. And that’s exactly why they work.Otherwise you become (yet another) non-entity in the gray mass of blah, blah, blah.You’re hireable because of your answers. When people ask you to tell them about yourself, make them glad they asked.Let me ask you this: How much time did you dedicate this week to becoming more interesting?Let me suggest this: For the list called, “61 Stupid Things to Stop Doing Before It’s Too Late,” send an e-mail to me, and you win it for free!source:8.8K95 条评论分享收藏感谢收起英文自我介绍 100个单词左右 求带翻译_百度知道
英文自我介绍 100个单词左右 求带翻译
I have two new friends. I like English and maths. Do you want to be my friend?大家好,我叫王一个玲. I like listening to music, surfing the Internet, reading books and watching TV,你想成为我的朋友吗。我有两个朋友。他们是余津文和沈林。他们是美丽的女孩. They’re Yu Jinwen and Shen Lin,我是一个幸福的女孩. They’re interesting.
I have a happy familyHello everyone。我有一个幸福的家,我的爸爸是司机,我的妈妈是一个办公室工作人员.
My school is very big and beautiful。我有一些业余爱好。我喜欢听音乐. They’re beautifulgirls. My father is a driver and my mother is an office worker. They love me very much. I like them too.
I have some hobbies. I have two big eyes and my hair is long. I study at Dongzhou Middle School. I’m thirteen years old. I’m a happy girl。我喜欢英语和数学,他们是有趣的,我有两只大眼睛我的头发是长的,我在东州中学学习,他们非常爱我,我也喜欢他们。我的学校又大又美丽. We often play together
This is me,我们经常在一起玩。这就是我. My name is Wang ling,我13岁了、上网、看书和看电视
14:41 来源:网络综合
★以下是无忧考网英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《精彩英语自我介绍带翻译》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站频道。 1、At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department.   2、his year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university.   General Introduction   I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program.   Education background   In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester,In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.   At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis.   Research experience and academic activity   When a sophomore, I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research. With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab, I designed a simulation program for transportation scheduling system. It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST. I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis & dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant.网页版学习工具
我们不管是学习哪门语言,最终的目的就是要使用这门语言与别人交流。我们现在不管是应聘工作还是考试需求,很多时候都要自我介绍,这其实就是考察我们使用语言交流的能力。下面,沪江小编就为大家介绍几篇自我介绍英语作文,并带翻译。 篇一:自我介绍英语作文带翻译 Everybody is good, my name is called He xuan, my English name is called Angle. Everybody knew that Angle is the angel meaning, I hoped that I forever can look like the angel
Hello everybody. My name is LiMing. I come from HeNan province in China. 嗨,大家好。 我的名字叫李明,我来自 中国河南。 I am very happy to come here to study with you.
我很高兴来这里和你们一 起念书。 When I
范文1: I am very happy to introduce myself here.i was born in liaoning province.i graduated from nankai university and majored in international trade. i like music
自我介绍是每个步入职场中的人必须要经历的一件事情,成功的自我介绍会为你的面试加分,提高面试成功的几率。那么怎么才能更好的做好自我介绍,顺利的通过面试呢,下面为大家推荐10句常用的英文自我介绍及中文翻译。 1. Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If an opportunity knocks, I will take it. 我希望能获得一份更好的工作,如果机会来临,我会抓住。 2. With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am
。 4. 一个人的记忆力再好也不可能把所有的东西都一下记住,特别是听力测试属瞬间记忆,要做到边听边用笔对一些数字人物地名等作些简单的符号或标记。 5. 对于影响理解的生词,有两种处理方法:一是尽可能从上下文猜测其词义;二是如果一时来不及思索上下文,则可记下该词的大致发音,等听完全文后再来判断它的词义因为有时听到某词会感觉似曾相识却不知其意,但听完全文经过思索后,多数情况下会恍然大悟。切忌听短文时在某个单词上苦思冥想,停留过久。 6.注意短文首句、首段。因为在“开场白”中讲话人往往开门见山自我介绍,阐明讲话的目的、主要内容,引出下文的开端。充分利用这些信息对理解全文和答题都十分重要。 以上便是沪江小编为大家介绍的练习好英语听力的方法,希望对大家能有所帮助。获取很多相关信息请关注沪江网校。
对中国人来说并不难.   (a) 有大约60% - 70%的字来自汉字. 金先生和我第一次见面互相自我介绍时, 来自汉字的韩单词颇让我吃惊. 如: ??(故乡), ??(饮食), ??(运动), ??(音乐). 后来我和金先生在上课时有语言障碍时, 我们就写汉字沟通, 毫无问题. 随着学习的深入, 这类单词的数量之多, 有时让我恍惚觉得是在学一种方言而不是另一个国家的语言. 对于这一类单词我利用?? (汉字) 学就很容易了. 但发音与普通话相差甚远. 所以需格外注意发音. 避免母语的干扰.   (b) 英语外来语约占20%. 很多新科学, 化妆品之类的词是由英语来的. 不妨可以连英语一起学


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