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country of residence中文是什么意思
中文翻译居住国&&&&n. 1.国家;国土;(全)国民,民众。 2.本国,祖国 ...&&&&n. 1.居住,居留;驻在;居住期间;宅邸,公馆;(权利 ...&&&&居住国&&&&你的常住地; 通常居住的国家&&&&居留国&&&&住校, 驻在的&&&&n. 1.居住,居留;驻在;居住期间;宅邸,公馆;(权利等的)所在。 2.(污染物质等在介质中的)留存,滞留。
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...&&&&国家行政文化&&&&n. 1.国家;国土;(全)国民,民众。 2.本国,祖国;家乡,故乡。 3.乡下,农村;土地,地方,地区;领域,范围。 4.(代表群众的)陪审(团)。 5. ...&&&&乡村生活; 在农村; 在乡村里; 在乡下&&&&尝试“&&&&国内作业的&&&&国家的独立完整&&&&我们的国家(说话或写文章的人指其所在国)&&&&小巧别致的住宅&&&&豪华住宅&&&&现址; 现住所, 实际住所&&&&住宅面积&&&&从父或从母而居&&&&居留证明书&&&&改变居住地址; 住所的变更&&&&变更住所; 迁居,迁徙&&&&选择居所; 择居&&&&库伯住宅&&&&目前居住地; 现居地
例句与用法Repatriation to country of residence遣送客户返回原居地Evidence that you are obliged to return to your country of residence证明你有责任返回您的居住国的文件。 " country of residence " , in relation to a party not resident in hong kong , means -“所居国家” ( countryofresidence ) ,就并非居于香港的一方而言The total number of countries now represented at hku by the country of residence of the students is 58在本学年下学期,将会有另外280名交换生前来港大攻读。 If not , simply provide your name , email address , country of residence , and your preferred email format on the提供您的姓名电邮地址居住国家及选择收取的电邮形式即可。 Depending on your country of residence , you will be able to make withdrawals by cheque , bank transfer or member wire汉语翻译:取决于你的居住国,你将能用支票收回,银行间的转帐或者成员电线。 Ipa will arrange and pay for the repatriation of mortal remains to member s country of residence or the local burial of the memberIpa会尽力协助会员家属处理殓葬事宜,并运送会员遗体或骨灰返回原居地。 Country of residence of such parties and their relationship t receipts and payments arising therefrom , by type上述各方所居国家及他们与有关银行的关系;按类别划分的由该等交易而产生的收入与付款。 Thus , for someone saying asia , the only tax liability applicable on their investment into such funds is that applied by their country of residence因此,对亚洲投资者来说,他们在所居地缴税,是投资于这类基金的唯一税务负担。 Thus , for someone say in asia , the only tax liability applicable on their investment into such funds is that applied by their country of residence因此,对亚洲投资者来说,他们在所居地缴税,是投资于这类基金的唯一税务负担。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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