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(C) Abercrombie & Kent Ltd. All rights reserved.About the Centre
Investment in the green economy needs to take place on a far greater scale over coming decades if we are to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and the ambition of the Paris Agreement. In 2016, the OECD has taken a major step to support these objectives by establishing a Centre on Green Finance and Investment. The Centre&s mission is to help catalyse and support the transition to a green, low-emissions and climate-resilient economy through the development of effective policies, institutions and instruments for green finance and investment. The Centre will leverage the OECD&s policy and economics expertise and provide a global platform for engaging with key players and harnessing the marketplace intelligence of private sector partners. It will enable knowledge exchange among leaders from the private sector, government and regulatory institutions, academic and civil society. The OECD Centre will develop rigorous, innovative and compelling analysis and practical recommendations, organise high-impact events, and engage effectively in the wider policy debates and arenas, helping to support the rapid scaling-up of green investment and financing flows on a scale commensurate with the challenge.
About the OECD
The OECD has been working with governments to tackle the economic, social and governance challenges of a globalised economy for over 60 years. Since&it spearheaded the && in&1972,& the OECD has been advising countries on making economic and environmental policies more compatible and making growth greener. This work reflects the priorities of the OECD&s 35 member countries and its key partner countries - Brazil, India, Indonesia, the People&s Republic of China and South Africa.The scale of the transition to a green, low-emissions and climate-resilient economy is enormous & it is the biggest structural adjustment ever proposed in the field of international governance. This transition cannot be achieved without profound co-operation and interaction between governments and public authorities at different levels, the full range of private sec or actors and civil society. It demands the sharing of best practices and new ideas, and the shattering of silos across governments, between different levels of government and between the various actors driving the shift to a new model of green development.&
The OECD is the only intergovernmental organisation that has systematic reach across all branches of government. Its policy research and advice is independent, evidence-based and reviewed by committees drawn from governments. Its unrivalled convening power enables it to bring together ministers, senior policy makers and leaders in finance, industry and civil society. Through the Centre, the OECD can make its expertise and networks more accessible in fields as diverse as finance and investment, tax, governance, climate change and natural resources, agriculture, cities, trade, transportation and development.
Consult the list of&&for more information about contributions the OECD is already making to green finance and investment.


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