
藏文是什么意思 藏文在线翻译 藏文什么意思 藏文的意思 藏文的翻译 藏文的解释 藏文的发音 藏文的同义词 藏文的反义词 藏文的例句
藏文 双语例句1. 1. 大批古藏文书籍、古代木简及金石文字均得到保护。在抢救出版的古籍中,有反映藏民族历史的孤本《德吴宗教渊流》,还有《西藏历代法规选编》、《藏族工艺典籍选编》、《医学论著选编》、《西藏古迹选编》等。&&&&A large number of Tibetan ancient books, inscribed wooden slips and inscriptions on bronzes and stone tablets -- including the only existing copy of the Dewu's History of Buddhism (about the history of the Tibetan people), Selected Tibetan Laws and Regulations of All Periods, Selected Books and Records on Tibetan Handicrafts, Selected Works on Medicine, and Selected Tibetan Historical Relics, as well as others, have been put under state protection.2. 有意者请递交一分详细的简历及介绍信,并按项目需求说明你具体的兴趣和能力,也请注明你所期待的工资范围(包括每日,每月或长期的工资额))这些材料可以以藏文、中文或英文的形式书写,直接通过一下的电子邮件地址或传真寄给才公太教育项目执行经理&&&&For consideration, please submit a detailed CV and cover letter indicating your specific interests and abilities with reference to the project needs. These materials can be prepared in Tibetan, Chinese or English and should be sent directly to Tsem Gonthar, Acting Project Manager, via e-mail or by fax3. 虽然如此,心的本质并没有任何分别,这个心的本质藏文名为「kun zhi」,而梵文称为「阿赖耶识」,这是心的根本,佛陀和众生心的根本,都是没有任何分别,虽然当下佛陀所体验的是涅槃境界,而众生所体验的是轮回境界,这就像不同品质的水一样,品质虽然有别,但是它们的本质都是一样,同样地佛陀和众生的心亦是如此,这一点一定要明白。&&&&This is similar to the body of water.4. 日本大谷大学真宗総合研究所西蔵文献研究班整理的北京版藏文大藏经作者、译者、经名检索和经书之藏文跋页内容,包括密教经典、显教经典与律经典。&&&&By researchers of Tibetan documents in the Shin-Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute of Otani University, Japan.5. 阿閦佛(梵文Akshobhya ,藏文Sangs-rgyas mi-vkhrugs-pa ,日文Ashuku),又名不动如来,是至少在公元2-3世纪之间就已经出现的早期大乘佛教诸佛之一,其在大乘佛教中的地位主要凸显于其佛国净土思想中,即东方妙喜国土(Abhirati,又译阿毗罗提净土)。7世纪以后,随着密教的发展,组织了五方佛部族与相应的宇宙观,阿閦佛演化成为密教五方佛中的东方佛,并被赋予了特定的形象特征(身色蓝,触地印,大象座,三昧耶标志为金刚杵)。&&&&Akshobhya (Tib. Sangs-rgyas mi-vkhrugs-pa), who is famous as the East Buddha of the Five Dhyānī Buddhas in the Esoteric Buddhism, is also one of the earliest Buddhas of Mahayana Buddhism from the 2nd century. Along with the development of the Esoteric Buddhism, the cosmos system of the Five Dhyānī Buddhas corresponding to five directions is constructed, in which the Buddha Akshobhya is related to the east. The iconological character of Akshobhya in the Buddha pentad is composed of blue body colour, earth-touching mudra, elephant vāhana and symbol of Vajra.6. 6. 佛藏文献中的天文学内容比较丰富。&&&&The contents of astronomy in the Chinese Tripitaka are abundance.7. 在化学方面,佛藏文献中的化学内容极为零散,律藏部分有与结晶、蒸馏酿造、染料等方面有关的内容。&&&&The knowledge about crystal, distillation, brewage, dye and so on existed in the Vinayapitaka separately.8. 藏文的近义词8. 在研制蒙古文、藏文、维吾尔文办公套件的应用中表明,该模型是实用有效的。&&&&By separating the language features of complex scripts from the programming control logic, the system flexibility is improved.9. 根据藏文文法,藏文的换行只能发生在音节符、单垂符,双垂符与空格的后面。&&&&According to the Tibetan grammar, line feed is put after a syllabic sign, SHAD (1) and space characters.10. 许多古代藏文秘本、孤本,经专家整理后出版发行。&&&&Many ancient Tibetan books previously kept in private libraries or with only one copy extant have been collated by experts, and then published and distributed.11. 11. 这里是当今俄罗斯最大的中华语言文献收藏地,不仅收藏有大量汉籍,而且还藏有数量可观的满、蒙、藏文典籍,同时还是世界闻名的敦煌西夏文献收藏中心。&&&&&&With abundant documents in Chinese, Manchu, Mongolian and Tibetan, IOM is also world famous for the collection of documents of West Xia Dynasty originally stored in Dunhuang. Imperial Academy of Sciences in St.12. ACIP的网站可能是最完全的藏文大藏经网站ACIP,丹珠尔、诸宗著作集、甘珠尔均齐备,下载压缩档而不是线上阅读,从ACIP网站可以下载不同更新版本的藏文藏经,可以按经书题名或作者名浏览,除藏经全文外,用者也可以从ACIP网站下载美国国会图书馆、圣彼得堡俄罗斯科学院等国际重要典藏机关的藏文文献目录。&&&&&&ACIP is much more than just a place to download Tibetan Tripitaka texts. ACIP provides continual updating and new versions of Tibetan canonical texts. Very detailed catalogues of Tibetan collections in the Library of Congress and St. Petersburg are also available.13. ACIP的网站可能是最完全的藏文大藏经网站ACIP,丹珠尔、诸宗著作集、甘珠尔均齐备,下载压缩档而不是线上阅读,从ACIP网站可以下载不同更新版本的藏文藏经,可以按经书题名或作者名浏览,除藏经全文外,用者也可以从ACIP网站下载美国国会图书馆、圣彼得堡俄罗斯科学院等国际重要典藏机关的藏文文献目录。&&&&&&ACIP is much more than just a place to download Tibetan Tripitaka texts. ACIP provides continual updating and new versions of Tibetan canonical texts. Very detailed catalogues of Tibetan collections in the Library of Congress and St. Petersburg are also ***ailable.14. 介绍了国内外主要藏文系统的编码方案,并根据三种不同类型的编码结构,对非标准藏文编码到国家标准(GB18030)的转换,国家标准和国际标准(ISO/IEC 10646)之间的相互转换进行了详细阐述,并在Vista平台下实现了转码程序,为藏语信息交换处理提供方便宜用的工具,为藏文信息的进一步研究奠定了基础。&&&&&&This paper introduced the main Tibetan coding methods at home and abroad, and described mutual conversion from nonstandard to national standard(GB18030), national standard to international standard according to different cording structure, and then realized it on Vista platform. It provides convenient tool for information exchange and processing in Tibetan and lays a foundation for the further development of Tibetan information.15. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D15. 扎仓、吉康两所主寺的建筑特色和室内布置设施可谓真正体现了松赞林寺的艺术精华和宗教内涵。归化寺中收藏的文物,有各种精美的金佛像,有****五世馈赠的五彩金汁精画唐卡16轴,还有各种藏文经籍,如手抄。&&&&&&Is to melt the cultural relic that collected in temple, have various exquisite golden Buddhas picture, have 5 Dalai lifetimes the colorful golden juice shrewd drawing that presented Tang card 16 axles, still have various depository writings to go through Ji, copy as hand.16. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D16. 摘要] 藏文基本属性的研究是藏文信息处理技术的基础,现代藏字的研究是藏文信息处理的重点。&&&&&&A study of the basic qualities of the Tibetan language forms the basis for the Tibetan information processing.17. 主要因为于阗国题材在汉文文献中多数并无描述,虽于藏文《于阗教法史》、《于阗国授记》、《牛角山授记》等文献中稍有提及,但仍不足成为壁画依据的文本,加上于阗与其附近考古发现相似于龛顶四披尺寸与尊像姿态的木板画,所以认为中唐西龛顶四披的史迹绘画依据图本的机会相当大,而且图本的最初来源很可能即是于阗。&&&&&&Due to the lack of description of Khotan in mandarin literature, Khotan motif failed to become the base of mural paintings in spite of its slight mention in Tibetan literature of《Li-yul chos-kyi-lo-rgyul》, 《Li-yul lung-bstan-pa》, and《Ri-Glang-ru lung-bstan-pa》. On top of that, board paintings similar to the sacred images around the shrine top were discovered in Khotan and its vicinity, chances of historical event paintings around the west shrine of Middle Tang to base on picture albums that were initially from Khotan are strong accordingly.18. 这是一张中国古钱的图片,右边的这个古钱上,左右俩端有俩个满文文字,在我看来,它们更象藏文,而不那么象汉字。&&&&&&And, here is an image of an ancient Chinese coin, the right one shows 2 Manchurian characters on the left and right. They look more like Tibetan characters than Han to me.19. 藏文在线翻译19. 据不完全统计,国内已编写出版《西藏通史--松石宝串》、《历史造就的统一体》、《敦煌吐蕃历史文书》、《元代汉藏艺术交流》等研究著作数百部,编辑出版《新旧唐书藏文史料》、《明实录藏族史料》、《清实录藏族史料》等藏事汉文文献丛书400多种,整理出版了《萨班贡嘎坚赞全集》、《敦巴西饶全集》等70多部藏文古籍文献,在各类报刊发表藏学研究论文2.4万多篇。&&&&&&China has compiled and published hundreds of Tibetology monographs, including A Comprehensive History of Tibet, A Historically Produced Unity, Historical Documents of Tubo Kept in Dunhuang, and Artistic Exchanges between Tibetans and Han Chinese in the Yuan D edited and published over 400 Chinese-language collections of historical documents on Tibet, such as Old and New Tang Books - Historical Materials in Tibetan, The Ming-dynasty Records - Historical Materials in Tibetan, and The Qing-dynasty Records - Historical Materials in Tibetan, more than 70 collections of ancient Tibetan documents, including The Collected Works of Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyaltsen and The Collected Works of Tonpa Sherab, as well as more than 24, 000 papers on Tibetology published in various newspapers and magazines.20. 国家重点支持的藏文《大藏经》校勘项目已经完成。&&&&&&Tibetan medicine and pharmacology, with unique ethnic features, are promoted all over China and abroad.藏文是什么意思,藏文在线翻译,藏文什么意思,藏文的意思,藏文的翻译,藏文的解释,藏文的发音,藏文的同义词,藏文的反义词,藏文的例句,藏文的相关词组,藏文意思是什么,藏文怎么翻译,单词藏文是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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