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Try me是什么意思
Try me是什么意思 Try me在线翻译 Try me什么意思 Try me的意思 Try me的翻译 Try me的解释 Try me的发音 Try me的同义词 Try me的反义词 Try me的例句
Try meTry me 双语例句1. Don't you try to stop me? ?&&&&你就不能试着让我停下来吗2. 2. But if it is you, do me a favor and try not to stab anyone who complains.&&&&但是如果你出去,千万别向奥客挥刀3. 3. But if it is you, do me a favor and try notto stab anyone who complains.&&&&但是如果你出去,千万别想贵客挥刀4. 4. I and Christina have gone to the seashore, there is many people, everybody in throws the gravel, is called any me is not very clear specifically, but everybody is throwing horizontally, some have shot in the sea level several......Really fierce......I also try, oh, their highest result are 3, micheal and junny made have not gotten down 10, good fierce, envied......&&&&我和Christina去了海边,那儿有好多人啊,大家都在扔石子,具体叫什么我也不是很清楚,但大家都是横着扔的,有的在海面上弹了好几下呢……真厉害啊……我也试了试,唉,自己的最高成绩才是3下,micheal和junny弄了不下10下,好厉害啊,羡慕死了5. You try to use my tricks on me?&&&&你想用我的巫术来对抗我?6. 6. Patrick Wolff, twice US chess champion, will again be in the mall playing blindfolded against all comers. He tells me that he has never tried to play more than four games simultaneously while handicapped this way but might try to bump that limit to five or six this year. If you're a chess fan, take Patrick on -- but be sure to check his blindfold before your first move.&&&&Patrick Wolff-美国棋两度冠军,也会再度在会场蒙眼与所有挑战者对奕,他向我透露,他从来没有这样与四位以上的对手下棋,不过他今年会试着挑战同时对付五位甚至是六位对手,如果你也是个棋迷,记得到现场找 Patrick 挑战,但在下棋前记得要确定他的眼睛是否真的蒙住了。7. It's a unique opportunity for me here being at home, and the fans have been so great all year, so for me it's just a matter of continuing to focus in and try to get better every game.&&&&在家乡打球,有着如此好的球迷,这是独一无二的机遇(钱宁7岁随父母搬到凤凰城,并在这里长大),所以我要更专心在比赛中做得更好。8. 8. If there is not enough of th a t s a me color, try to we a ve it under a simil a r color in the b a ck.&&&&如果没有足够的颜色相同,尝试下编织在后面有类似的颜色。9. Me: I try to checking with myself emotionally.&&&&我:我尝试着感性地自我检讨一下,我扣心自问为什么不去做那些复杂的事情。10. Professor Millikan said to me, T go try one of these substances which will not evaporate.&&&&如果今天哪个研究生发表文章的时候没有将导师署名,只是如此这般致谢了事,那才不知道要出什么乱子。11. My try every means did telecommunication to understand the manager's telephone call, I call to him say: I am your agent, my client lead plane is absent you this is mandatory, your customer service bypasses I go be contacted with my client, snatch my client, still speak ill of me, do without giving thought to, you provide this job?&&&&&&我想方设法弄到了电信通老总的电话,我给他打电话说:我是你们的代理商呀,我的客户主机不在你们这托管了,你们的客服绕过我去去和我的客户联系,抢我的客户,还说我的坏话,这事你管不管?12. Therefore, this teacher would always try to encourage me to be more outgoing.&&&&&&因此,这位老师总是设法鼓励我更离任。13. Try me的翻译13. She insists on my self-reliance and independence, so she's given me enough space and freedom to face difficulties squarely and try to overcome them on my own during my growth period. though, she's undereducated when she's young and was a common workwoman, in my opinion, she's the greatest mentor.&&&&&&她坚持我要成为独立自主、自力更生的人,所以,在我的成长过程中,她总是给我足够的空间和自由让我自己正式困难,并独自解决它们。虽然,她从小未受到良好的教育,也只是一名平凡的女工,但在我的眼中,母亲是我最伟大的导师。14. Why the deuce didn't you let me try cruelty?&&&&&&究竟为什么你不让我提出虐待呢?15. Could you please tell me the international prefix and the coun-try code for Australia?&&&&&&能 告诉我国际号码及澳大利亚的号码?16. Could you please tell me the international prefix the coun-try code for Australia?&&&&&&能不能告诉我国际号码及澳大利亚的号码?17. 17. Could you please tell me the international prefix an d the coun-try code for Australia?&&&&&&能不能告诉我国际号码及澳大利亚的号码?18. Please tell me the international prefix and the coun-try code for Australia?&&&&&&能不能告诉我国际号码及澳大利亚的号码?19. Please read all the message i have sent you so far and then know what you are doing in case if you did not understand me well and i am try all best to understand why you message is sound abnormal in my understanding but only you said that you are poor in english made me confused.&&&&&&請讀完到目前為止我mail給你的所有email信息你就會知道我在做什麼,萬一你不能很好理解我的意思我會盡力諒解你的email信息為什麼在我的理解中聽起來那麼反常。但使我感到很困惑的是你只是說你英文水平不太好。20. I have also studied Chinese so you can even write to me in Chinese if you like I can try.&&&&&&我在大学的时候学过中国语,所以我懂中国语。Try me 单语例句1. That forced me to dig in and try to understand what was happening to get a structured way of looking at things.2. Some residents mention a peculiar smell at night every now and then, but they try to comfort me when I worry about their safety.3. Finland's censorship is what forced me to try and get the English version of my rejected article published.4. Many try to sidle alongside me for a quick sale, oblivious to the fact that I have passed them time and again.5. Passengers around me were on their mobile phones constantly, but this time I did not dare try to interrupt them.6. But the girl's words made me weep and I did not try to keep back the tears.7. I always try to contain my annoyance when Chinese people ask me if I come from America.8. He lets me leave my rage out on the court and not try to hold me back.9. I decided to give it a try, as my neck and right shoulder have been troubling me lately.10. I try to encourage young people to cherish life, to have the same sense of purpose that living in Tibet gave me.Try me是什么意思,Try me在线翻译,Try me什么意思,Try me的意思,Try me的翻译,Try me的解释,Try me的发音,Try me的同义词,Try me的反义词,Try me的例句,Try me的相关词组,Try me意思是什么,Try me怎么翻译,单词Try me是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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