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――it’ll take at least one hour to type this letter. ――oh,____!i could do it in 30 minutes. A.go e on C.cheer up D.not exactly B ――Do you think what i’ m doing is useful? ――hold on!
Your efforts will surely pay off____. A.at once B.at least C.in time D.in turn C ______ in his work, he didn’t notice that everybody else had already left for home. A.being absorbed B.to absorb C.absorbed D.absorbing C Looking _____ the wall,i saw him digging for something in the yard A.over B.for C.through D.at A It was in 1944,when he met Edith Piaf,that his career began to _____ A.take off B.set off C.put off D.call off A No matter what the argument is about , parents should not quarrel in their children’ s _____ A.position B.influence C.situation D.presence D Too much criticism won’t lead to progress.____, it will cause children to lose confidence and therefore stop making efforts. A.on the contrary B.that’s to say C.what’s more D.in a word A ――i find Miss Green’s classes so fascinating! ――______.she’s also my favourite teacher. A.that depends B.you are not alone C.so far so good D.so much the better B ――how did she manage to lose so much weight as she expected? ――_____eating less,she jogged for several miles every day. A.in addition to B.in spite of C.in terms of D.in case of B Doctors have warned the patient that without proper treatment the disease will lead to lung ______ A.defeat B.failure C.attack D.fall B The young backpacker always _______ at the youth hostel when he’s in Kathmandu. A.puts up B.sets down C. Comes about D.takes up D In Scotland ,there is ____ custom of marching through the streets on _____New Year ’s Eve. A.the B./;the C.a;/ D./;a C ――i didn’t watch the program yesterday. ――i____,either,if my father hadn’t reminded me. A.didn’t B.wouldn’t have C.wouldn’t D.hadn’t B At present the young actor is guilty until proved _____ A.yet B. Otherwise C.therefore D.instead B You needn’t worry ____it ,for we will be ___ time to finish it. A.on B.over C.in D.in D It is reported that the United States uses ____energy as the whole of Europe. A.two times more B.twice much C.twice much as D.twice as much D The poor ____ living in the mountain ____ top is covered with green trees. A.which B.whose C. whose D. of that B Don’t spoil the children.Can’t you make your little boy ___himself? A.behave B.believe C.perform D.conduct A I didn’t mean____her.But talking like that means ___her. A.to hurt B.hurting C.hurting D.to hurt C The teacher as well as the students ____the book already. A.has read B.have read C.are reading D.is reading A The problem is _____. A.worth paying attention B.worthy to be paid attention C.worthy being paid attention D.worthy of being paid attention to D “phone 6 prove to be ___complete success around the world due to is big screen,”said William Usher,_____ head of James Power Hi-tech Company. A.a;/ B./;/ C.a;the D./;the A A doctor who has a good knowledge of the local language is able to communicate with local patients more effectively than ____who doesn’t. A.one B.those C.the one D.that A There are occasions ___people prefer to take a taxi even though there is regular bus service. A.when B.where C.which D.that A Those with doctoral degrees don’t necessarily have advantages ___those without one. A.from B.over C.to D.for B ____the fact that all of my friends and family hated him,i was into him for no reason A.in addition to B.due to C.in spite of D.apart from C ――do you want the window open or closed? ――i always prefer fresh air,____. A.if so B.if ever C.if possible D.if any A ――dad,i don’t think Oliver the right sort of person for the job. ――i see .i’ ll go right away and ___. A.pay him back B.pay him off C.put him away D. Put him off B Good families are much to all their members, but ___to none. A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing C Our club is open to everyone ___age,sex or educational background. A.due to B.except for C.along with D.regardless of D ――haven’t seen you for ages!where have you been? ――i went to Ni and __there for one year,teaching as a volunteer. A.stayed B.stay Chad stayed D.am staying A __no modern telecommunications,we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world. A.were there B.had there been C.if there are D.if there have been A ――i can’t remember those grammar rules! ――_______.practice more. A.you’re not alone B.it’s hard to say C.i’ m afraid not D.it’s up to you A ――Susan,your grandma will come to see you next Friday. ――Really?Thank you so much for telling me._____ A.these things happen B.there’s no panic C.so far so good D.you’ve made my day D The Jurassic Park is ____ Steven movie in which ___hero fights bravely and protects his friends and family from dinosaurs. A./;the B.a;the C./;a D.a B The city government has promised that it will seek to solve the problem___. A.once and for all B.once upon a time C.once in a while D.all at once A When ____to a totally different culture, we should be open-minded and try to understand and appreciate it. A.to expose B.having exposed C.exposed D.exposing C The insurance company has sent us an email saying their policy has been specially ____to our needs. A.related B.attached C.tailored D.accustomed C Excuse me , but could you please stop ! Such an argument is not getting you _____ A.anyhow B.anything C.anywhere D.anyone C As they talked in a very low voice,Jessica could hardly _____what they were discussing. A.leave out B.make out C.turn out D.set out B ____the efforts made by the police, a fantastic performance will be put on tomorrow. A.in place of B.in search of C.in time of D.in praise of D The new holiday system ,______it expected,includes several festivals encouraging more traditional values among the Chinese. A.it B.which C.as D.that C I remember once asking the actress Emilia Fox if she could cry ____.to my astonishment,she could ―fat tears rolling down her cheeks immediately. A.without doubt B.at ease C.beyond control D.at will D I am always delighted when i receive an e-mail from you .____the party on July first ,i shall be pleased to attend. A.on account of B.in response to C.in view of D.with regard to D ――i would appreciate it if you can forgive Mary and make friends with her again ――___.if only she would apologize to me for what she has done to me. A.by no means B.by all means C.my pleasure D.it’s a pleasure B She was greatly shocked at the scene before her eyes.never did she expect that the local conditions _____be so awful. A.could B.should C.would D.might B Ms.La Rosa put forward_____policy that not many teachers gave_____second thought to at the conference. A./ B.a/the C.the /the D.a;a A The pronunciation of the speakers living London is judged to be more native than _____of she speakers from Liverpool. A.it B.that C.one D.those B ――aren’t you interested in the new flat? ―― ___.it is noisy near the sports center. A.not especially B.no wonder C.not a little D.no doubt A The film directed by Christopher _____to be one of the biggest money-maker of the year. A.promises B.agrees C.pretends D.happens A Tony has just finished decorating his house.If he _more about group purchase online,he _much money A.would have saved B.has saved C.could have saved D.could have saved D Sinking in the cheers of people,David walked off the stage,tears dropping___he could stop them A.after B.when C.before D.until C ――oh,Jane,you look so pate.what’s wrong with you? ――nothing serious.I__an experiment in the lab for the whole morning. A.did B.am doing C.had done D.have been doing D In_____eyes of children,playing on the internet can only bring them_great fun. A.a B./;a C./ D./;/ C ――Jerry,do remember to take the medicine three times a day . ――___.doctor.i will do it as told. A.got it B.that’s right C.that’s OK D.i think so A The paper is due next month ,and i am working seven days __week,often long into __night. A.a;the B./ C.a;a D./;the A People won’t pay attention to you when they still have a lot of ideas of their own crying ___expression A.from B.over C.with D.for D Hiking is __________ great fun. You will get close to ________ nature and take exercise at the same time. A. the B. 不填 C. 不填; the D. 不填; 不填 D They talked about the persons and things ______ they remembered at school. A. which B. who C. that D. whom C Having lived China for many years,Helen has a good__-of both English and Chinese. A.principle B.mand D.influence C __him not to do so,he would not have made such a serious mistake A.did i persuade B.if i persuade C.if i should persuade D.had i persuaded D New policies should be made to ban some of the online games which ___violent behavior in young children. A.impress B.carry C.contribute D.encourage D ――your are half an hour late. ――sorry for that.i should have been here on time ,but my car _halfway A.broke down B.would break down C.would have broken down D.breaks down A Living in the country is cheap and quiet, but it is expensive_time on transport. A.by means of B.with the help of C.as a result of D.in terms of D 词义。 Chased(追逐) registered compensated(补偿)otherwise 否则,不然,另有 To be rigid(严格死板) to be sure(不可否认) nevertheless 然而,不过,虽然 In shape (健康) dear me (天哪) trick(戏法, 把戏; 计谋, 诀窍; 骗局; 恶作剧) feature(特 征;特点;特色;特写) if not 要不;if ever 很少;if any 如果真有的话;if so 假如这样的 话 经典。 The lecture ________, a lively question-and-answer session followed. A.being given B.having given C.to be given D.having been given D 试题分析:考查非谓语动词用法。句中逻辑主语 lecture 与动词 give 是被动关系,故需要用 被动语态。being given 指正在进行的演讲;to be given 将要发表的演讲。having been given 则强调时间先后,指的是此动作发生在谓语动词 follow 的动作之前。句意:发表演讲之后, 接下来是现场提问时间。故 D 正确。 It was sad to me that they, so poor themselves, ________ bring me food. A.might B.would C.should D.could C 试题分析:考查情态动词用法。A. might 也许;B. would 将;C. should 竟然,居然(用于表 示必要、适当、惊奇、遗憾等语气中);D. could 能够。句意:他们,自己如此的贫困,竟 然带食物给我,让我很难过。故 C 正确。 (表现手法: 托物言志 借景抒情 叙事抒情 直抒胸臆 对比 衬托 卒章显志 象征 想象 联想 照应 寓情于景 反衬 烘托 托物起兴 以乐衬哀 渲染 虚实结合 侧面描写 正面描写 直接抒情 间接抒情 欲扬先抑等等 艺术手法包括修辞手法、表现手法以及章法结构等) (诗词中常见的写景手法有:1、比喻、拟人、夸张、借代等修辞手法。2、衬托(正衬、反 衬)、对比、烘托(即正衬)、色彩渲染、绘形绘色、名词列锦(意象叠加)、白描等的表 现手法。3、动静结合(以动衬静、以动写静、以静写动)、正侧结合、虚实结合、点面结 合、远近结合。作答时,根据语句,逐一分析即可。)
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56.【2012全国卷II】 I’m going to Europe on vacation together with John if I ___ find the money.
57. 【2012重庆】25.-____you interrupt now? Can’t you see I’m on the phone?
-Sorry Sir, but it’s urgent.
58.【2012全国】30. I
_use a clock to wake me up because at six o'clock each
morning the train comes by my house.
A. couldn't
B. mustn'tC. shouldn't
D. needn't
59.【2012北京】33. We ______ the difficulty together, but why didn’t you tell me?
A. should faceB. might face
C. could have faced
D. must have faced
60.【2012福建】31. We lost our way in that small village, otherwise we _____ more places of interest yesterday.
A. visited
B. had visited
C. would visit
D. would have visited
61.【2012陕西】17. If my car _____ more reliable, I would have driven to Lhasa instead of flying last summer.
B. had been
C. should be
D. would be
64.【2012湖南】29. Sorry,I am too busy now. If I _____ time, I would certainly go for an outing with you.
A. have had
B. had had
65.【2012天津】8. It’ we _____ turn the heating on yet.
A. couldn’t
B. mustn’t
C. needn’t
D. wouldn’t
66. 【2012天津】15. We would have called a taxi yesterday if Harold ______ us a ride home.
A. didn’t offer
B. wouldn’t offer
C. hasn’t offered
D. hadn’t offered
67. 【2012江西】22. We ____ have bought so much food now that Suzie won’ t be with us for dinner.
A. may not
B. needn’t
D. mustn’t
68.【2012辽宁】24. One of our rules is that every student ____ wear school uniform
while at school.
69.【2012辽宁】33. Jack is a great talker. It’s high time that he _____ something instead of just talking.
A. will do
B. has done
70.【2012四川】19. I got close enough to hear them speaking Chinese, and I said “Ni Hao ” just as I ____ do in China.A. must
71.【2012浙江】19. Had they known what was coming next, they _____ second thoughts.
A. may have
B. could have
C. must have had
D. might have had
72.【2012江苏】28. Days later, my brother called to say he was all right, but ____ say where he was.
A. mustn’t
B. shouldn’t
C. wouldn’t
D. mightn’t
73.【2012江苏】35. --Happy birthday!-- Thank you! It’s the best present I _____ for.
A. should have wished
B. must have wished.
C. may have wished
D. could have wished
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