
  期中考试来了,,相信大家都想取得一个好成绩。下面是小编整理的2017六年级下册期中考试题,大家快点过来看看吧!  2017六年级下册期中考试题(语文)  一、填一填,搭配成适当的词语。  ( )的象征 ( )的前途 严格的( )  ( )的生涯 ( )的气质 严肃的( )  ( )的责任 ( )的出路 严密的( )  二、近义词。  坚强( ) 安全( ) 愤怒( )  三、反义词。  正义( ) 辛勤( ) 忙碌( )  四、 注意带点的字,照样子写词语。  心急如焚 千真万确 忙忙碌碌  ( ) ( ) ( )  ( ) ( ) ( )  五、把左右两边的词语连起来,组成一幅完整的对联。  水底月为天上月 炉香静对十三经  斗酒纵观廿四史 眼中人是面前人  精神到处文章在 学问深时意气平  六、按要求改写句子。  他这种无私奉献的精神,值得我们学习。(改为反问句)  弯弯的月儿倒映在水中。(改为比喻句)  小强说:“我知道小明今天为什么没来上学。”(改为转述句)  这个建议,大家十分赞成。(该为双重否定句)  蟋蟀在叫着,萤火虫亮着尾巴飞来飞去。(改为拟人句)  七、默写古诗,然后再写一首古人反映朋友分别的送别诗。  送元二使安西  八、短文理解。  最好的消息  阿根廷著名的高尔夫球手罗伯特•德•温森多是一个非常豁达的人。  有一次温森多赢得一场锦标赛。领到支票后,他微笑着从记者的重围中走出来,到停车场准备回俱乐部。这时候一个年轻的女子向他走来。她向温森多表示祝贺后又说她可怜的孩子病得很重--也许会死掉--而她却不知如何才能支付起昂贵的医药费和住院费。  温森多被她的讲述深深打动了,他二话没说,掏出笔,在刚赢得的支票上飞快地签了名,然后塞给那个女子,说:“这是这次比赛的资金。祝可怜的孩子早点康复。”  一个星期后,温森多正在一家乡村俱乐部进午餐,一位职业高尔夫球联合会的官员走过来,问他前一周是不是遇到一位自称孩子病得很重的年轻女子。  “是停车场的孩子们告诉我的。”官员说。  温森多点了点头,说有这么一回事,又问:“到底怎么啦?” “哦,对你来说这是一个坏消息,”官员说,“那个女子是个骗子,她根本就没有什么病得很重的孩子。她甚至还没有结婚哩!你让人给骗了!”  “你是说根本就没有一个小孩子病得快死了?”  “是这样的,根本就没有。”官员答道。  温森多长吁了一口气,然后说:“这真是我一个星期以来听到的最好的消息。”  1.为什么温森多说自己得到了这一周来最好的消息?  2.你觉得温森多是一个怎样的人?  3.读了这篇文章之后,你有什么感受?  九、习作。  六年的小学学习生活即将结束,在这几年里一定有一些老师给你留下了深刻的印象,你们之间也一定发生了难忘的事情,请你将她(他)写出来,要求内容具体,语句通顺,形象生动。题目《难忘师恩》  2017六年级下册期中考试题(英语)  一、 选出你所听到的单词。(10分)  ( )1. A more B men C many  ( )2. A stop B stamp C special  ( )3. A singing B dancing C dance  ( )4. A Mexico B million C meal  ( )5. A now B how C tomorrow  二、 根据录音,选择正确的回答。(10分)  ( )1.A:It has got eight million people.  B:It’s about six thousand kilometres.  ( )2.A:It’s very long.  B:It’s in the east.  ( )3.A:I’m sending an email to my friend.  . B:I like writing the letters.  ( )4.A:Sometimes.  B:Yes, I have.  ( )5.A:We fly the flag and we sing songs.  B:We always have a special meal.  三、听录音,标号。请根据录音内容,给下列图片标上序号。(10分)  ( ) ( ) ( )  ( ) ( )  四、听音判断。请在与录音内容相符的句子前写T, 不相符的写F.(10分)  1. 2. 3.  ( ) ( ) ( )  4. 5.  ( ) ( )  五、选词填空。(10分)  1. She can some English.  2. Have you got photos of America?  3. We always a big dinner.  4. a book and a pen on her desk .  5. Tell me about the Great Wall.  笔试部分  一、 选出不同类的一项。(5分)  ( ) 1. A. America B. China C. New York  ( ) 2. A. right B. collect C. strong  ( ) 3. A. kilometre B. thousand C. million  ( ) 4. A. lantern B. candy C. moon cake  ( ) 5. A. shop B. special C. restaurant  二、选择正确的答案,将选项填入括号内。(10分)  ( )1.It’s a picture _____the Great Wall.  A.to B.in C.of  ( ) 2. Do you want to ______ my pen friend?  A. is B. be C. are  ( )3.There are lots of _______there.  A.shop B.restaurants C.city  ( )4.These are some stamps_____Canada¬.  A.to B.in C.from  ( )5.Have you got toy cars?  A.some B. a C. any  ( ) 6. My favourite festival____ Thanksgiving.  A.am B. is C. are  ( ) 7. ---____ you collect stamps? ---No,I don’t.  A. Does B. Do C. Did  ( ) 8. There is a big Chinatown ______ New York .  A. to B. in C. on  ( )9. What are you doing ? I’m _______ an email to my family.  A. sending B.sends C.send  ( )10. How ______ is the Great Wall?  A. high B. short C. long  三、看图,判断。请在与图片内容相符的句子前写T, 不相符的写F。(10分)  ( )1. Taking pictures is my hobby.  ( )2. This is the Huangshan Mountain,  it’s very high.  ( )3. There is a Chinatown in New  York.  ( )4. New York is in the east of the US.  ( )5.. At the Mid-Autumn Festival,we all  go to see the dragon dances, and we eat zongzi.  四、给下列问句选择合适的答语。(10分)  ( )1.Have you got any story books?  ( )2.What’s your hobby?  ( )3.Can you be my Chinese pen friend?  ( )4. Where is New York?  ( )5.. What do you do on Flag Day?  五、连词成句。(10分)  1.do / do / Day / on / Thanksgiving / you / what / ?  2. got / you / any / from / have / Canada / stamps / ?  3. me / more / about / new / tell / your school / can / ?  4. lots of / there are/Chinese shops and restaurants/there / .  5. be / Chinese / pen friend / can / my / you / ?  六、根据短文内容判断正误。正确的写(T)错误的写(F)(5分)  Simon is an American boy. He collects stamps. He has got lots of stamps from Canada. There are famous men and women on the stamps. He has got lots of Chinese stamps, too. Some of them have got pictures of the Great Wall. Sometimes he collects toy cars. He has got some toy cars in his house. All toy cars have got Chinese names.  ( )1. Simon is an American boy.  ( )2. Simon collects books.  ( )3. There are lots of men and women on the stamps.  ( )4. Some of the stamps have got pictures of the Great Wall.  ( )5. Sometimes Simon collects toy ships.


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