brice davoli华为p9青春版

This question has been answered by Mv82695
Please help this has been happening for a while now. I dont know what is causing it. It has been a month or so.
Alert! Previous attempts at booting this system have failed at checkpoint [nnnn]. For help in resolving this problem, please note this checkpoint and contact Dell Technical Support &
&&The computer failed to complete the boot routine three consecutive times for the same error (see&Contacting Dell &ADMIN NOTE: Broken link has been removed from this post by Dell&for assistance).
I believe that is the error, It goes so fast i never have time to figure it out. I read only parts of it. I have changed the powersupply and all the fans. I even put this dell into a new case! Yes, it has been done. It is currently a Dell 530s from November of 2008.
The issue can be resolved by removing the usb ports in the back. Should i buy extra usb addons from my tech astore and use those or is there a fix to this really irritating problem. Dell Technical support over the phone was not much help :(.
Can I please get a solution.
The computer tries to boot several times until it actually does. What is the problem?
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catobo17 and rasmus1, hi its been a long time, over a year actually. I'm sorry catobo17 if you ever see this for my late reply. I have however fixed my problem. I rebuilt my entire system into a new case and a new ps. New power wires and connectors. New power supply. For what? I had the same problem. But then i learned to fix it. WHat the problem is well its a bad circuit i guess. To solve it, you want to hold the power button down for a good two seconds every time you turn on the computer. Whenever you push that power button hold it down and say &one Mississippi two Mississippi& at a fast pace then let go of the power button. It should solve the problem. Whenever you press the power button hold it down for a good one - two seconds. This is what i do but i don't use that desktop much anymore. But holding down the power button always works i haven't received that error in well over a year.
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Hi Mv82695,
Replacing the power supply, fans and case is not going to solve this problem. Sorry you spent all that time for nothing.
My first suggestion would be to replace the motherboard battery and reset BIOS defaults. If you are still haivng trouble and unplugging the USB header works, then by all means just purchase a PCI card with USB ports.
Please post back and let me know if you need more help.
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sir im done touching my motherboard and the battery, i dont think its the battery because i dont have any battery problem signs. Ill try resetting the battery if i get steps on how to do it and if its safe. Instead of replacing the battery will resetting the bios help, and how do you do this. I know i spent the time for not much but I now have a full midtower case and a 400watt powersupply before i use to have only a 250watt slime case which was no fun.
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i tried resetting it no hope kinda got worse i hadda fix it. what should be the proper boot order the default is set to
first device: removable
second device: harddisk
third device: cd-rom
boot other device: enabled
should: removable even be on the boot screen
and what about boot other device enabled?
can you please give me a boot order to follow
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What is the checkpoint code [nnnn]?
The boot order is not important. What you have is fine.
Please post back and let me know if you need more help.
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I dont know what checkpoint it is, I never have time to read it cause it flashes so quick. next time I'll focus on that, but I turn my pc on without any usb cables attqached to it and it boots up fine.
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what items do you have attached as USB?
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Let me suggest you set the boot order as follows:
2. Hard drive
Nothing else.
Please post back and let me know if you need more help.
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the defaults are
1. removal
Boot other: Enabled:
^^should i leave that enabled. And should i remove &removable&
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Yes, remove &removable&.
Boot other should be disabled.
Please post back and let me know if you need more help.
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May we ask which OS you're using?
I had a problem like this when I moved a Windows install from an Intel-based board to an AMD-based one. Windows XP only, XP x64 and Windows 7 both worked alright.
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Windows Vista Basic 32Bit
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Have you applied all the service packs and updates?
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I changed my bios options as osprey4 said and ill let you know if it still occurs, plus i ordered a pci usb extra ports cause it boots up fine after i remove all the usb ports connected then boot it up, changing bios options helped, dell needs to issue a new bios update to configure the boot orders
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Nvm, bios options did not help, it might be my keyboard though causing the failed boots.
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奥运会立刻开幕,天天却还在被吐槽里约的文章刷屏,穷游最国际抉择和勇闯这儿两星期的卡兹聊一聊。她用242天简直走遍南美悉数“传说中”的城市,作为究竟一站的里约却为她带来了意料以外的震慑和沉迷。里约的风险、沙滩、傍晚、超实习梦境......这儿有太多新闻没通知你的事。里约,值得你千里迢迢来一次冒险。阅览时刻:在里约一同大冒险的5分钟(图一)(图二)(图三)(图四)&※初见里约,冒险达人也腿软(图五)“里约真的和新闻里相同吗?”“新闻里的作业是不假,可疑问是新闻既没通知你这些风险有办法防止,更没通知你里约的美啊!”卡兹回想起里约在心中的榜首幕:漫山遍野的贫民窟迎面而来,转角是无量的基督像在傍晚下的剪影。在此之前的7个多月里,她刚刚完毕从阿拉斯加到巴塔哥尼亚的旅程,途经美国、墨西哥、哥伦比亚、秘鲁、玻利维亚、智利和阿根廷,里约是她在巴西也是南美的究竟一站。“我自个都没想到,那个霎时刻居然是我这趟绵长游览里最震慑的画面。”(图六)不过,这究竟是到了“传说中”的里约。当她不得不单独步行到半山坡上的旅馆时,沿途的“风光”让她开端神通过敏:路周围各种肤色的人,全程直勾勾地盯着这张可贵一见的亚洲脸庞。她想起来之前,各国友人和她共享的各种阅历:“我兄弟早年在里约被人用枪指着脑袋。”“我在街上被四个孩子抢iPhone,张狂尖叫才把他们吓走。”身边“形势严峻”,脑海里小剧场高速旋转,和卡兹一同加快的除了脚步,还有心跳。在一个拐弯处,和路人打个照面都能让卡兹惊得往后弹开。“其时我腿都吓软了,这真是早年从没有过的感触!” 这句话从冒险达人员中说出,唔,我不自觉地跟着严峻了起来。“那你在游览中有真实遇见啥风险状况吗?”我想了想,究竟卡兹截止到此刻的惊惧,满是拜那些先入为主的“风闻”所赐。(图七)&“有啊!”关于这座让她满眼放光的城市,卡兹并没有挑选“护短”,而是兴味盎然讲起了两段风险阅历。“初次是由于自个抱着幸运心思啦有点作,去海滩时拿出了单反。一大群高个黑人直接围了过来,盯着相机说着葡萄牙语并且步步紧逼。后来我好不简略挪到差人边上,差人看到后说了些啥,他们才总算脱离。”“另一次略微可怕些。我吃完早餐从店里出来,刚走100米就听见后边传来两声枪声。我赶忙和本地人一同躲到店里,十多分钟后咱们开端淡定地回到街上持续去上班啥的,我才发现枪击案就发作在早餐店门口。”(图八)谈起这段让人后怕的阅历,卡兹却是较为淡定,“正本只需不作死,遇见紧迫状况跟从本地人一同行为,真的没有啥疑问。已然挑选了冒险,你当然得把功课提早做做足呀!”功课?我赶忙向卡兹讨教了一番。我深知,充沛了解和预备是悉数冒险的条件。(图九)(图一十)把宝典记好后,从如今起,你将迎来新闻不会通知你的里约。按卡兹的说法便是:当你抛开固有思想来到这个全新的本地,像婴儿学步通常感触这儿,你的收成简直超乎期望。&※这是里约,去海滩为啥需要理由?(图一十一)当咱们谈及那些不合自个口味的作业时,我国人通常会说“这不是我的菜”,英国人则是“这不是我的那杯茶”。里约人呢?“这不是我的海滩。”“我原方案在里约只待一星期,后来天天都想念不如第二天再去一次伊帕内玛海滩,成果足足多待了一个多星期!”让卡兹着了魔的伊帕内玛海滩坐落里约最安全的有钱人区,这儿24小时有人巡查,差人底子50米一岗。当然,在这儿掏出单反相机仍然不是啥精确的挑选。(图一十二)(图一十三)不过,来到这片海滩,忙着摄影自身就不契合里约派头。首要,你得在海滩上敏捷判别出本年的比基尼盛行趋势并斗胆参与其间--这儿用上斗胆一词是由于,里约的比基尼可是比那种最省布料的“通常比基尼”还要再省一些。(图一十四)在这片拥堵热烈的沙滩上,热辣的帅哥佳人天然少不了。令卡兹意外的是,里约白叟家们的热心可一点也不跟着年岁的添加而递减。他们安闲地展露着松懈的肌肤,老太太们穿戴比基尼跟着漂泊乐队的歌声摇晃,老头儿穿戴泳裤和热辣的姑娘们跳着桑巴。(图一十五)傍晚时分,落日大路,晒完太阳的男女老少团体穿戴比基尼光着脚走在街上。这一幕,里约独享。把握了着装技术后,你可千万别像欧洲人相同在海滨抱着本书,由于里约的沙滩可是用来吃喝和谈天的!当卡兹边吃边问动身边的里约人每周都来沙滩做些啥时,这个疑问里约人摸不着脑筋。也对。为啥咱们的逻辑里,做每件作业都非要有个意图呢?(图一十六)卡兹称心如意过上了旅馆和沙滩间两点一线的“打卡日子”。一到下午4点半,她学着本地人的姿势拿着毯子和少数的钱抵达海滩,在海角和咱们一对等着落日落下。天天的落日都美得如此不相同而又叫人沉醉,当一轮红日逐渐完毕了这一天的使命,海滩上迸发的拍手和喝彩让卡兹深受感动。(图一十七)(图一十八)“我买的沙滩毯子便是一面巴西国旗,如今铺在沙发上,我躺在上面闭着双眼听歌,YY在伊帕内玛晒太阳。”显着,回国后的卡兹对那片海照旧回想犹新。“灯光要扎眼些啊。”我说。※站在天主的视角,宽恕悉数(图一十九)除了海滩,糖面包山和基督山是里约的“门面”,也是游客最不容失掉的挑选。由于这两个本地都需要在山脚下提早支付门票,这笔开支成了阻挠掠夺的天然屏障,因而你可以在山顶纵情掏出相机为亲朋老友拍下这难以复述的美。&(图二十)站在糖面包山的山顶,整座城市尽收眼底。傍晚暮霭,天空色彩千变万化,咱们在太阳落下的那刻默契地大声拍手,整座城市的照明体系替代天然光辉悉数亮起,海岸线点点星光......“那个场景,如何说呢,我身边一贯诉苦里约太惊骇的德国人都惊呼这儿太美了!”(图二十一)(图二十二)至于对面的基督山呢,当卡兹在那座无量的基督像下,俯视这让人道不尽的里约时,站在天主的视角,或许能宽恕这儿的悉数。这让我想起卡兹在兄弟圈写的一段话:基督山、糖面包山,给了里约人崇奉和粮食。他们仅仅还缺一点耐性,被称为“将来之国”的巴西,他们期望的“将来”总会到来。※&里约专属的“难以幻想”(图二十三)&假如说海滩、桑巴、山顶的基督像和那部风行全球的动画片构成了你心中的里约,那么明日博物馆的存在,便是为了改写你的期望。这座大型博物馆坐落瓜纳巴拉湾,全体外型犹如将来的星际战舰,一半在陆地,一半延伸至海里。吸睛的超实习外型以外,谈及里边的展厅,卡兹不断重复地运用着震慑二字。(图二十四)“当你走进博物馆,迎候你的是三维球幕影片院,放映的短片在讨论国际、天然和人类这三者的联络。它的意图在于让你从最初就把思考上升到一个高度,继而带着思索去看接下来的展览。”&&其间一个展厅由5、6块无量的LED屏幕构成,你可以挑选躺在那儿静静赏识不断切换的画面:冰川湖泊、超级城市、树木河流、人工污染……整间博物馆通过极具表现力的办法,传递着一个最最朴素的启示:人类可以让地球变好,也可以毁了地球。明日,就在自个手上。(图二十五)(图二十六)思考明日究竟是个庞大的出题,咱们不如把眼光暂时放回今日的贫民窟。里约贫民窟的难以幻想不只在于数量多,要害是,这儿的贫民窟占有了城中的最好方位。“你能期望北上广的有钱人区紧贴着贫民窟吗?在里约,贫民和有钱人一街之隔,享用着同一片风光。”当卡兹极力为我复原那美好的景象时,我坚信除非亲临现场,我的期望力真实无法跟上里约公民的脚步。(图二十七)想要深化了解贫民窟,在本地参与规范的贫民窟游览项目是仅有主张的挑选。在导游的解说和陪同下,你可以安全地从贫民窟山脚一路走到山顶,期间会直面贫民窟居民的日子办法,也会看到一些来自别的国家的自愿者在这儿免费开设幼儿园等等。“这儿房子和房子挨这么近,跟咱们那很像啊。”同行的香港人不由得说。(图二十八)※啥,居然敢在里约泡夜店?“对了,我可是见过夜里11点半的里约。”卡兹笑道。我一惊。正本,除了超实习的明日博物馆以外,和卡兹打过交道的、那些去过里约的巴西人都满眼放光地引荐了一个叫做lapa的夜店集合地。(图二十九)夜日子和海滩相同是里约非常首要的一面。在这座城市,狂欢大可不必非等着节日的到来。每一夜,里约人都在以嗨翻天的姿势狂欢到天明。(图三十)周末月圆夜,卡兹总算在旅馆坐不住了。旅馆小哥化身夜店小王子,带着16自个声势赫赫启航前往大名鼎鼎的lapa。在这条长约500米的酒吧夜店一条街上,卡兹见到了里约人最最嗨的一面。猛一看是群魔乱舞,细细一瞧,他们的音乐感和舞姿真实太强了!(图三十一)&“黑夜真的不惧怕吗?”我关于里约的警戒心可一点也没放下。“喝完酒的咱们团体对着漂泊汉大喊‘咱们很风险,别惹咱们’,你说谁更可怕啦哈哈哈。”除了酒精和桑巴作用下的热心以外,每一天,那些颇爱和卡兹谈天的本地人都让她对这座城市有了更全方位的了解和领会。(图三十二)“他们都爱聊些啥呢?”“聊政治啊,吐槽吐槽上一任领导人。也喜欢聊我国,趁便傲娇一把里约人的日子里都是桑巴音乐和酒,不像我国人一贯作业。”带着一颗被戳中的玻璃心,我不由得诘问,“假如一贯在玩,他们的收入从哪里来啊?”“正本里约的花费很高,谈到收入疑问,许多人都会由于没有作业机遇而耸肩摇头。不过,他们究竟是里约人,快乐最首要。日子可以持续,酒更不能少!”(图三十三)※来给里约打个分吧!当卡兹坐在餐厅拿出iPhone时,旁人会好心肠提示她在大马路上要将手机收好。当她乘坐Uber,司机遇由于走错出口而提早完毕计费。关于治安作业感到烦恼的除了游客,还有这些非常介意外人观念的里约人。可除了抱歉以及做好自个以外,好像也没有别的非常好的办法了。这是每一座翻开中的城市或多或少都共通的烦恼。里约不是分外,也不是仅有。(图三十四)“来给里约打个分吧!”“打分?这咱们可得按豆瓣影片的规范来参阅了。”卡兹说,“假如8分以上算美丽影片的话,里约值得9.2分,由于它的冷艳,由于美。”“那风险系数呢?”我太厌烦了,老是揪着风险不放。(图三十五)“8.2吧。咱们要客观供认这儿的确比其它本地风险,但风险不恰是里约诱人的一有些吗。作为外来游客,了解和恪守本地的行事办法,按他们的逻辑来躲避风险,里约这座城市,太值得你千里迢迢来一次冒险。”里约交通贴士1. 防止乘坐公交,已底子掩盖悉数景点的地铁是好挑选2.&假如需要打车,Uber会比来路不明的租借车更规范咦,都说里约很风险,如何感触本地人过得比咱们快乐?--国际君&- END -撰文/邵沙拉 修改/骆仪&图像均由受访者卡兹供应(图三十六)长按二维码重视最国际回复“冒险”,带你探究更多影响领会!「最国际」 穷游网旗下新锐游览品牌运营大众号最国际、同名游览系列书及独家线路为会玩的重度游览者供应优异自创行记和不相同的玩法(图三十七)
关键字: 居然,不想,两周,勇闯,里约,颠覆,新闻,告诉,冒险,这里,危险,传说中
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Es Una Historia Frank SarkBrice Davoli Valerie Deniz - Stay With Me 楼主我要这两首 谢谢了 请发到
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Brice Davoli Valerie Deniz - Stay With
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我是水经验的 15字呀 水水水水水水水水水


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