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范文一:核能英语翻译技巧摘 要: 本文根据《核能简介》一书第一至第八章的翻译实践,分析与对比译文与原文中的术语、句子与篇章,总结了一些科技英语翻译原则与技巧,为翻译工作者提供了一些建议。   关键词:核能简介;科技英语;翻译原则与技巧   中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:X(0-01   一、 科技英语与《核电简介》   科技英语起源于20世纪50年代,70年代引起了人们的广泛关注与研究。   科技英语是以英语为基础,辅以数学与工程制图传播科学与技术的一种特殊文体。从广义上来说,科技英语可以划分为五种类型:科技著作、科技论文(报告)、实验报告(方案);各类科技情报及其他文字资料;科技实用手册,包括仪器、仪表、机械和工具等的结构描述和操作规程的描述;科技问题的回忆、会谈及交谈用语;科技影片或录像等有声资料的解说词等。   《核能简介》(Nuclear Power A Very Short Introduction)是牛津大学简介系列之一,目前尚无汉语译本。该书由物理学家麦克斯韦尔?欧文(Maxwell Irvine)撰写,书内探索了核能安全、核能发展以及发展代价和核能废弃物处理等方面的内容。麦克斯韦尔?欧文在书中肯定了核能以及核聚变的发展潜能,致力消除公众对核能的不解和恐惧担忧。   之所以选择这一文本进行翻译实践,是因为本文作者是文科生,平时阅读书目内容绝大部分仅限于文学、艺术和社会人文。对于包含物理、化学等内容的理科类书籍鲜少接触。选择这个文本进行翻译实践极大地扩展了作者的视野,提高了作者的科技英语翻译水平。   二、 科技英语特征分析以及翻译技巧   科技英语与其他非科技英语相比,具有以下显著特点:专业术语多、多采用名词性词组、长句使用频率高。   1.专业术语   作为科技英语基础组成部分,专业术语是必不可少的。这些特定意义的词语是不可替代的。因此在翻译过程中必须正确翻译这些专业术语。科技英语中专业术语组成方式一般有以下几种:第一种为比较长的词,这些词来源于希腊或拉丁语。第二种为多义词,同一个词有多种对应译法。第三种为缩略词。   下面以《核能简介》一书中出现频率较高的几个专业术语作为示范:   例1 uranium,plutonium,thorium,zirconium   铀、钚、钍、锆   例2 Nulcear power Nuclear reactor   核能核反应堆、核反应器   例3 IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)   国际原子能机构   例1中四个词的后缀-ium表示元素,来源于拉丁语。例2中的power、reactor两次在汉语中对应词义很多,nuclear power有两种译法:核电和核能。之所以选择翻译成核能是因为在阅读完整本原著的基础上,作者了解到了整本书的主要内容是关于核能而不仅仅是核电。而nuclear reactor对应的中文为核反应堆与和反应器。这两个中文词代表的不是同一物质,译文选择要靠原文上下文具体所指来决定。例3是缩略词,选取的每个词的首字母。一般来说,这些缩略语都能在相应的专业字典、书籍或者网络上搜索出来。   2.名词性词组   名词性词组被大量应用于科技英语。这种词组的运用使科技英语概念表达明确,句式简明扼要。下面以《核电简介》一书的高频名词性词组为例:   例1.neutron beta decay   中子衰变   例2.deuterium-deuterium fusion reaction   氘氘聚变反应   以上两个例子是表示物理化学现象名称的名词性词组,相对应的译文一般都能在词典中查找出来。因此不多赘述。   3.长句处理   科技英语是用于描述客观现象、阐述客观真理、展示科学技术发展进步的特   殊文体。为了使概念或主题表达清新,长句在科技英语中是经常被使用的。一般可以按照逻辑关系采取以下三种方法来进行翻译:顺译、逆译、分译。下面以《核电简介》书中的三个句子为例:   例1.Already the worlds largest consumer of energy,the USA,which built its industrial might on the back of enormously rich resources of fossil fuels,is importing nearly two-thirds of the oil that it consumes.   美国作为世界最大能源消耗国,在丰富化石燃料资源的支撑下建立了强大的工业实力,其消耗的将近三分之二石油仍然通过进口取得。   例2.The moderator also acts as the coolant but becomes radioactive during   operation and is circulated through a heat exchanger linked to an external,non-radioactive supply of water that turns to steam and drives the turbines.   减速剂也起到冷却作用,但是在运行过程中呈放射性。减速剂在运行过程中穿过热能转换器,这个热能转换器接触到外部不带放射性水,这些水将会变成蒸汽驱动涡轮机发电。   例1原文表达顺序基本符合汉语表达习惯,因此译文并未对原文句子顺序做很多改动,译文句子顺序与原文基本一致。例2原文中的定语从句过长,无法采用顺译或逆译法,因此译文采取按照逻辑与顺序将原文重新按照中文习惯重组,形成了最终的译文。   三、对翻译人员的要求   作为中国人,似乎使用中文表达是一种本能,这种本能是毋庸置疑的。但是在实际翻译过程中却并非如此,特别是在科技英语翻译中。许多人特别是文科生表示看得懂原文的每个单词却看不懂原文表达的是什么,也有人表示看得懂原文大致内容却无法用相应中文表达。这些情形对翻译人员的素养提出了要求。翻译人员必须通过不断学习了解其他领域内的相关专业知识扩大知识面。其次,翻译人员不光要具备外语能力与翻译技能,更重要的是在外语与母语语言之间灵活转换与表达的能力,避免出现词不达意的情形。最后,翻译人员必须加强实践,不断积累,逐渐提高翻译水平。   参考文献:   [1] Maxwell Irvine,Nuclear Power A Very Short Introduction[M].Oxford University Press,2011.   [2] 方梦之,范武邱,科技翻译教程[M].上海外语教育出版社,2008.   [3] 郭江,赵晓凤,彭直兴,原子及原子核物理[M].国防工业出版社,2010.   [4] 周洪洁,科技英语的语域特征与科技翻译的标准[J].重庆大学学报(社会科学版),2002,(8).
范文二:考研英语翻译---特别报道:核能Special report: Nuclear energy特别报道:核能The prospects前景Over the rainbow跨越彩虹If there are better ways to split atoms, they will be a long time coming核裂变技术进展需要耐心Mar 10th 2012 | from the print editionTweetAfter the dream, the humdrum reality梦醒后,现实黯淡。“THERE IS ONLY one reason for America to subsidise nuclear,” says Ernest Moniz, of MIT, “and that is the climate.” He has a point. By 2020, carbon emissions since the start of the 21st century will have surpassed those of the entire 20th. There is a real risk that emissions on such a scale will bring disaster to humans, or to the natural world, or both. Nuclear power, which produces no direct carbon-dioxide emissions, should be able to make things better.麻省理工大学的Ernest Moniz说:“美国给核电补贴只有一个原因,那就是气候问题。”他说得对。到了2020年,21世纪的碳排放量就将超过整个20世纪。这种规模的排放真的可能会让人类受灾,自然受损,也可能让两者都受难。核能不会直接产生二氧化碳排放,可能会让情况好转。Robert Socolow, of Princeton University, and his colleagues calculate that if the world were to replace 700GW of coal-fired plant with nuclear reactors over 50 years—which would more or less triple its current nuclear capacity—it could reduce its annual emissions of carbon dioxide by 3.7 billion tonnes. Allowing for the need to replace most of the current fleet over the same period, that would mean deploying nuclear reactors at three times the speed of China’s planned record-breaking deployment between now and 2020, and doing it for five decades straight.But even that would make only a minor dent in the problem. In 2010 the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by industry was about 30 billion tonnes, and was growing at 3% a year. At that rate, the savings from such a beefed-up nuclear-power programme would compensate for just four years of emissions growth.据普林斯顿大学的Robert Socolow与其同事计算,在未来50年内,如果能用总产能7亿千瓦的核反应堆来代替燃料发电站(大约为目前核电站总产能的三倍),每年就能减少二氧化碳排放量370亿吨。如果考虑到同期必须更新大多数现有核电站,核电站建设速度将三倍于中国计划中的核电站建设速度(该计划到2020年为止,打破了记录),而且还得在五十年中一直保持这种高速。即使这能够做到,也只能解决小部分问题。2010年,工业产生的二氧化碳排放量约为300亿吨,并且以每年3%的速度增长。按照这个速度发展下去,这种强化版的核电站建设计划只能抵消四年的二氧化碳排放增长。No technology can solve the climate problem on its own. Even in combination, today’s remedies—renewables, nuclear and energy efficiency—hardly seemup to the job. To have a reasonable chance of keeping down the rise in temperature to less than 2°C, industrial economies need to reduce emissions by 80% by 2050. The true scale of this challenge is not widely understood. A thorough study of options for such cuts in California, long a leader in energy efficiency, concluded that with today’s technology and plausible extrapolations of it, 60% was the best that could be done. If California can’t do better than that, says Jane Long, of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, who led the study, “neither can anyone else”.没有哪种科技能单枪匹马解决气候问题。即使综合利用现在的补救手段——可再生能源、核能、节能,似乎也不能解决问题。只有在2050年前把工业国家的碳排放量减少80%,才有可能把温度升高控制在2°C以内。很少有人知道这个挑战的规模有多么巨大。加利福尼亚素来是节能先锋,人们对它的节能减排情况进行了深入研究,发现如果运用当今科技,同时考虑上合理的未来技术进展,最多也只能做到减排60%。研究的负责人,洛伦兹 利佛莫尔国家研究所的Jane Long表示:“如果加利福尼亚也只能做到这样,别的地方就更不用提了。”Even getting close to such goals, though, is easier with more technologies than fewer. Even if nuclear can make only a small contribution, it could be worth having. The IEA’s 2011 World Energy Outlook calculates that, between now and 2035, an emissions path that keeps the 2°C limit plausible would cost $1.5 trillion more if OECD countries were to stop building nuclear plants and other countries halved their nuclear ambition, largely because much more would have to be spent on renewables.万丈高楼平地起。即使我们只能接近目标,多用些科技减排总比少用些科技容易些。即使核电站对此贡献不大,修建核电站也算值得。国际能源署的《世界能源展望2011》中称,从现在到2035年间,如果经合组织成员国停止修建核电站,其它国家削减一半的核电计划,那么想将碳排放造成的升温控制在2°C以内,会让世界多花1.5万亿美元。这大部分是因为利用可再生能源要更多的钱。Germany, long keen on renewables and squeamish about nuclear, provides an example. Its decision after Fukushima to phase out nuclear power entirely will mean that most of the lost capacity will need to be made up with even more renewables, though it will also build new fossil-fuel plants and import electricity from nuclear plants in France. As the new fossil-fuel plants will probably run on gas, emitting less carbon dioxide than do coal plants which are also due for retirement, this may keep the carbon in check. But electricity prices for industrial customers, according to an analysis by UBS, will rise by more than 60% in real terms by 2020. Ottmar Edenhofer of Berlin’s Technical Universitysays this is a pretty middle-of-the-road projection.德国就是个例子。该国家很长时间以来都喜爱可再生能源,对核能过分谨慎。福岛核电站泄漏事故发生之后,德国决定逐步彻底淘汰核能;尽管它已经修建了一些燃料发电设施,还从法国核电站进口电能,它还是需要更多的可再生能源发电设施来弥补能源缺口。新的燃料发电设施使用天然气,碳排放量少于那些使用煤的设施(同样应该被淘汰),所以也许能控制碳排放量。不过据瑞士联合银行集团调查,到了2020年,制造业购买能源的实际价格将会上升60%;而柏林科技大的Ottmar Edenhofer说,60%还算比较温和的估计。In a low-emissions world, the role for nuclear will be limited to whatever level of electricity demand remains when renewables are deployed as far as possible在低排放世界,如果尽力发展可再生能源发电设施仍不能满足的电力需求,核能才会得到运用——仅限于弥补电力缺口。The market, too, will probably need some re-engineering. Systems with a lot of renewables make life hard for fossil-fuel generators, which have to shut down when it is sunny and windy and take up the slack when it is not. To get the fossil-fuel investment it needs, Germany may well have to pay for the capacity built even if it stands idle, or guarantee rates of return.市场可能也需要重组。电网里有很多可再生能源设施,让燃料发电设施的日子很难过。有太阳有风的时候燃料发电设施要关闭,天阴无风的时候又要补缺顶班。就算现有的燃料发电设施派不上大用场,德国也得直接付给它们大量资金,或者保证它们有利可图,让这些设施能有资金维持运转。But though renewables are expensive, so is buildin the bills Britain will face as it tries to meet carbon goals with new nuclear should keep any Schadenfreude in check. The cheap new supply-side route to lower carbon-dioxide emissions is to replace old coal-fired stations with new gas-fired ones, which emit half as much carbon dioxide per megawatt hour. Plumping for renewables or nuclear will cost a lot more.尽管可再生能源发电设施十分昂贵,新修核电站也所费不赀。英国试图采用新建核电站的方式达到减排目标;它即将面临的账单大得足以让德国没法幸灾乐祸。有利于提高生产积极性的便宜减排方式是:用天然气燃料发电设施(每千千瓦时碳排量只有煤的一半)代替老式的煤炭燃料发电设备。使用核能和可再生能源则昂贵得多。Still, renewables are getting cheaper, through technological change and through the benefits of mass production and market competition. In the long run, technologies that get cheaper can be expected to edge out a technology that has only ever got more expensive. In a low-emissions world, therole for nuclear will be limited to whatever level of electricity demand remains when renewables are deployed as far as possible.不过,托科技革新、大规模生产和市场竞争的福,可再生能源越来越便宜。以长远计,变得便宜的技术会挤掉那些变得昂贵的技术。在低排放世界,如果尽力发展可再生能源发电设施仍不能满足的电力需求,核能才会得到运用——仅限于弥补电力缺口。That is a large enough role for some Greens to have become nuclear converts. For the most part, though, they are thinking about a nuclear programme more exciting than the slow, expensive and only marginally helpful deployment of PWRs. There are many alternative reactor designs, and each has its champions. An international body called the Generation IV International Forum (GIF), co-ordinated by the NEA, is drawing up plans for prototypes using such ideas, all claiming to offer improvements over the current crop.这个角色已经足以让很多环保人士成为核能的拥护者。不过,比起那些建设缓慢、价格昂贵、产能低下的压水反应堆,他们的核计划多半让人振奋。现在,有许多反应堆设计可供选择,它们各有所长。美国全国教育协会协调组织了第四代核能系统国际论坛(GIF)。在论坛上,参与者们为制作这些反应堆模型制定计划,都说自己的反应堆比现在的那些强。Yet the problems these new reactors solve are for the most part those that the industry wishes it had, rather than those it actually faces. The GIF designs, and others, are mostly “fast” reactors that use highly fissile fuel and
they can both burn plutonium and create it in copious amounts. If fissile material were in short supply that might be an advantage. But uranium is not currently in short supply, and it makes up only a small part of nuclear energy’s costs. The ability to make new nuclear fuel solves a problem that reactors will run into only if their use becomes massively more widespread. What new reactors need is an advantage that will make them popular in the first place.不过,这些新反应堆基本上没有解决实际问题,只能迎合核能产业自身的想法。与其它设计一样,第四代反应堆大多数是“快堆”,使用容易裂变的燃料和未经减速的中子;它们用钚燃料,同时还可以大量产生钚燃料。如果核裂变燃料短缺,这可算是个优势;但是近期的铀供应充足,燃料费用也只占核能费用的一小部分。制造核燃料的能力确实解决了一个问题,但是只有在更广泛地运用核能时,这个问题才会出现。新反应堆得先有些长处让自己流行起来才行。Indeed, at present the ability to make plutonium is a disadvantage. Dissuading countries with nuclear programmes, or that want nuclear programmes, from reprocessing their fuel to produce plutonium is one of the core priorities in anti-proliferation work (the other is trying to keep newly nuclear countries from developing their own enrichment systems). If established nuclear powers were to stop reprocessing (as Britain is doing), it might help to persuade others, such as South Korea, that it is better not to start. A new generation of plutonium breeders would completely undermine that effort.自然,制造钚的能力是个麻烦。防核扩散的核心工作之一,就是劝说那些已经或试图拥有核计划的国家,让它们不要通过循环使用核燃料制造钚;另一项核心工作,则是让新的有核国家不要建设自己的浓缩设施。如果已有的核电站停止回收使用核燃料(如现在的英国),可能能够劝服其他国家(如韩国)不要这样做。而新一代的“产钚机”会彻底摧毁这种努力。Admittedly, other kinds of breeders are available. Molten-salt reactors, which keep their fuel in liquid form, could be used to turn thorium, of which the world has an abundant supply, into a type of fissile uranium not found in nature, U-233. This would be rather unsuitable for bomb-making and gets round the continuing use of U-235 or plutonium, so thorium molten-salt reactors offer the possibility of breeding fuel in a way that does not facilitate proliferation.不过我们必须承认,其它的反应堆同样可以制造核燃料。熔盐反应堆(使用液态燃料)可以把自然界中储量充足的钍变成一种在自然界中并不存在在核燃料——铀233。这样可以避开持续使用铀235和钚,并不适宜用来制造核武器。所以,熔盐反应堆可能被用于制造某些“燃料”,而且不会导致核扩散。Like some of the other GIF designs, molten-salt reactors also have n but although safety is a condition of getting into the game, it is hardly a means of winning it. If generation III reactors, well operated, prove safe, why upgrade? If they are not safe, who would trust generation IV? The way to win will be on price.就像其它的第四代反应堆,熔盐反应堆也有新的安全措施,但是核反应堆必须安全。所以安全并不是制胜的法宝。如果只要操作正常,第三代反应堆就能安全运转,那么为什么要用第四代?相反,如果第三代反应堆都不安全,我们凭什么去信任第四代?制胜的法宝应该是价格。At the moment, those who want to bring down the cost of nuclear power are not, for the most part, looking at big generation IV reactors that will not be built for 20 years, if ever. Instead, they are thinking small. Particularly in America, small modular reactors (SMRs) of up to 300MW are all the rage. Some, such as the 100MW mPower reactor offered by Babcock and Wilcox, are scaled-down PWRs. Others are more exotic.当下,那些试图降低核电成本的人大多不会考虑建设周期超过20年的项目(他们可能根本没有考虑过)。他们考虑的是小型核电站。尤其是在美国,小型模块反应堆(又称SMR,最大功率只有30万千瓦)风头正劲。有些反应堆只是微缩版的压水反应堆,如巴威公司的10万千瓦反应堆;有些则奇异得多。Think small往“小”处想Such reactors can reach markets which today’s big reactors cannot. Many utilities—and smaller countries—have little interest in gigawatt-scale plants: they prefer to build around 100MW of capacity at a time. Small reactors might also open up new applications, perhaps in desalination, district heating or even transport. He Zuoxiu, a Chinese physicist critical of his government’s rush to build lots of big PWRs, has suggested that SMRs for ships, both military and merchant, would be a good way to train up a cadre of engineers and designers.这种反应堆能占领大型反应堆无法企及的市场。许多公用事业企业和小国对大功率核设施并不感冒;它们每次只想建个功率10万千瓦左右的电站。小型反应堆还有可能派上新用场,比如淡化海水、给局部地区供暖,甚至可以用于交通运输。中国物理学家何祚庥批评了政府的大型压水核电站热。他指出,修建军用和商用的小型船舶反应堆是个培养工程师、设计师的好方式。SMRs can also be slotted into underground silos, which cuts down on civil engineering costs. Perhaps most promising of all, they would be built in factories, not on site. That should make them less subject to delay than manufacture in the field. And a factory building ten such reactors a year for years on end might be able to make significant cost reductions through incremental improvements—economies of number as opposed to economies of scale.小型反应堆还能建在地下筒仓中,减少民用设施的建设费用。最有前途的是它们能建在工厂里,不用另据一处。这让它能更快得到运用。日积月累,每年修建十个这种反应堆的工厂最终有可能大幅度降低成本——通过数量效应,而非规模效应。But these advantages do not add up to a conclusive case for a small modular future. Babcock and Wilcox claim overnight costs per kilowatt of capacity for the mPower roughly on a par with those of big PWRs like the AP1000. But in an industry that has long pursued economies of scale, many are unconvinced that smaller reactors can deliver the same costs per kilowatt. Atam Rao, who led the design of an advanced generation III reactor, GE’s ESBWR, describes such claims as “complete BS”. Things like control systems are needed for all reactors, big or small. Providing them for each small reactor is bound to push up costs. Will any utility really think it makes sense to field ten SMRs with ten control systems and ten safety systems rather than one big PWR? Only if it has seen it done economically elsewhere.不过,这些优势还不足以给小型核电站的未来增加决定性筹码。巴威公司突然宣称在每千瓦产能的成本上,千千瓦级的小电站几乎能与大型压水反应堆(如AP1000)持平。核电业一直追求规模效应,所以很多人并不相信小型反应堆每千瓦的成本能与大型反应堆相同。Atam Rao是通用电气公司ESBWR反应堆(一种先进的第三代反应堆)的设计者;他觉得这种说法“纯属胡扯。”不管大小,反应堆都需要控制系统,为每个小反应堆修建控制系统肯定会增加成本。会有哪家公司真的觉得修十个小反应堆,建十个控制系统,再加上十个安全系统会比只修一个大反应堆好?如果有公司因此得到了实惠,别的公司才会相信小反应堆好。In the end, that is the biggest problem for proponents of new approaches to nuclear energy. If a radically new technology, as opposed to an incremental one, is to take off, it needs not only to be rese it needs to be deployed, and industry will not do this until it has seen the technology work. It was the American navy’s deployment of nuclear reactors that convinced the world that they could be used as power generators. And it was the experience of deploying them that allowed Admiral Rickover, in the 1950s, to sum up the gap between ideas that might work and those that are in fact working, in a way that still seems spot on 60 years later:最后是那些新型核能拥护者们面临的最大的问题。如果要使与渐进式科技截然相反的崭新科技腾飞,光搞研发可不够;它必须得到运用。只有在产业确信这种科技可行之后,才会运用它。美国海军使用了核反应堆,别的国家才相信核反应堆能用来做发动机。20世纪50年代,Admiral Rickover对理论和实践中的种种核反应堆构想作出了总结;60年后的今天看来,这些结论仍然有些道理:An academic reactor or reactor plant almost always has the following basic characteristics: (1) It is simple. (2) It is small. (3) It is cheap. (4) It is light. (5) It can be built very quickly. (6) It is very flexible in purpose. (7) Very little development will be required. It will use off-the-shelf components. (8) The reactor is in the study phase. It is not being built now. On the other hand a practical reactor can be distinguished by the following characteristics: (1) It is being built now. (2) It is behind schedule. (3) It requires an immense amount of development on apparently trivial items. (4) It is very expensive. (5) It takes a long time to build because of its engineering development problems. (6) It is large. (7) It is heavy. (8) It is complicated.象牙塔里的核反应堆、核反应设施普遍拥有如下基本特征:(1) 简单; (2)规模小;(3) 便宜;(4) 轻巧; (5) 修建迅速;(6) 用途广泛;(7) 不需要太多科技革新,只需要些过时的科技;(8) 反应堆正在试验阶段,还没有人建造它。 与此不同,实用的反应堆特征如下: (1)正在进行建造;(2) 已有明确的时间表 ;(3) 需要改进许多大大小小的现存物件;(4) 非常昂贵; (5) 因为工程建设总是出现问题,所以修建它需要很长的时间;(6) 规模庞大;(7) 笨重;(8) 复杂。Innovators need to be able to take risks, to try variations on their ideas and to be able to learn. They flourish in unregulated markets. They frequently depend on venture-capital funds which are dwarfed by the cost of even a single utility-scale power plant. They also need rewards. Yet makers of nuclear reactors cannot take risks that might compromise safety, and they cannot try lots of different things because it would be too expensive. And even if they succeed, all they will be making is commoditised electricity. Power stations are not conducive to radical innovation.发明家必须承担风险,修正自己的主意,善于学习。他们在无序的市场竞争中繁荣。他们常常依靠风险投资,而这些投资通常连一个实用级别核电站的资金需求都无法满足。他们也需要回报。不过,核反应堆的建设者不能以牺牲安全性做代价;就算是为了降低成本,也有很多事情不能尝试。即使他们成功了,这些反应堆的用途也仅限于商用电。电厂对崭新的发明无甚助益。Nuclear reactors, as Philippe Jamet notes, the technology is, by its own standards, still young. Longevity and inertia ensure that even a disaster like Fukushima cannot wipe it from the world. But they also ensure that it cannot grow fast. In energy in general, technologies mature and succeed each other over decades. Nuclear seems likely to lag behind even in this slow field. That does not mean it will not, eventually, play a larger role, but that it will get there slowly. Inside a reactor, things can change in milliseconds. Outside, it takes lifetimes.正如Philippe Jamet所言,虽然核电站的寿命可达百年,这种科技本身尚处幼年。即使发生了福岛核电站事故一类的灾难,核电站的寿命和人们的惰性也保证人们不会将核电从世界上抹去。不过,这两种特征也导致它发展缓慢。在能源领域,各种科技需要数十年的时间相互促进,相互竞争,才能取得成功。在这个发展缓慢的领域里,核电似乎被抛在了后头。这倒不是说它无法得到到更重要的地位,只是说它需要慢慢来。反应堆里头,事物更替以毫秒计;反应堆外头,改变需要穷尽一生之力。
范文三:英语翻译(8)I.英译汉一. 句子翻译。下面每个英语句子均有3个汉语译文(分别标为A,B,C),请选择你认为的最好译文。(每题2分,共20分)1. When it came to reading, they were as good as blind.A, 来读书时,他们和瞎子一样好。B, 一拿起书本,他们可都成了睁眼瞎了。C, 说到读书,他们可都是瞎子。2. They did not reopen the Pandora’s Box they had peeked into in 1972.A, 他们在1972年曾挖掘过这些丑事了,如今却不要开这个潘多拉的盒子。B, 他们没有再次打开他们1972年曾经偷看过的这只潘多拉的盒子。C, 他们1972年就曾探知这个潘多拉盒子,现在不再揭露这些丑事了。3. The United Nations is no stronger than the collective will of the nations that support it. A, 联合国没有支持它的各成员国的集体意志强大。B, 联合国的强大程度取决于各成员国的集体意志对它支持的程度。C, 联合国的作用依靠其成员国集体意志的支持,否则它不会有什么力量。4. In some poverty-stricken areas now, not a few people are found failing to achieve food security.A, 现在在一些贫困地区,还有相当多的人被发现未达到食物安全。B, 现在在一些贫困地区,许多人的食物还没有保障。C, 现在在一些贫困地区,相当数量的人还没有解决温饱问题。5. Watching television, of course, is an evening ritual for people throughout the world. A, 晚上看电视当然已成了人们的习惯,全世界都如此。B, 晚上看电视当然已成了全世界人民的习惯。C, 晚上看电视当然已成了全世界人民的仪式。6. These hospital expenses made inroads on my savings.A, 医院的这些费用严重地消耗了我的积蓄。B, 这些住院费耗掉了我大部分积蓄。C, 我住院花的这些费用用掉了我一半以上的积蓄。7. Everyone of us, except my poor hoodwinked grandmother, heard of the bad news. A, 我们每一个人,除了我那可怜的受蒙蔽的奶奶,都得知了这个不幸的消息。 B, 除了我那可怜的受蒙蔽的奶奶,我们大家都得知了这个不幸的消息。C, 我们大家都得知了这个不幸的消息,只有我那可怜的奶奶还蒙在鼓里。8. There’s been some dirty work with the club accounts and some money is missing. A, 俱乐部的帐目有鬼,有些钱不知去向。B, 俱乐部的帐目有卑鄙的勾当,有些钱不知去向。C, 俱乐部的帐目是吃力不讨好的工作,有些钱不见了。9. On these pages you get the story of what happened —— and how leading Americans see the priorities now.A, 以下几页叙述的是事情的来龙去脉——以及美国领导人当前如何看待事情的轻重缓急。B, 以下几页叙述的是事情的来龙去脉——以及领导的美国人当前如何看待事情的轻重缓急。C, 以下几页叙述的是事情的来龙去脉——以及当领导的美国人当前如何看待事情的轻重缓急。10. If you learn to read the signs, you can tell whether what a person says is what he really means, or whether, like the man whose stomach does not move when he laughs, he is trying to deceive you.A, 如果你学会理解这些姿势,你就会分辨出一个人说的是否是他真正的意思,或者他是否像那种“笑里藏刀”的人在试图蒙蔽你。B, 如果你学会理解这些姿势,你就会分辨出一个人是否口是心非,是否像那种“笑里藏刀”的人试图蒙蔽你。C, 如果你学会理解这些姿势,你就会分辨出一个人所说的话是否是他真正要表达的东西,是否是那种“笑里藏刀”的人试图蒙蔽你。二.
段落翻译。下面每个英语段落后提供的汉语译文有未完成的地方,这些未完成的地方均提供了三个译文(分别标为A,B,C),请选择你认为的最好译文。(每题2分,共20分) These last few painful moments make me wonder if what my friends told me about college was all true. ①Where are the freedom and relaxed atmosphere my friends bragged about? I’m supposed to be enjoying myself instead of suffering! Everybody seems to have forgotten that college is hard work too. My first days in writing class prove②译文:这最后的几分钟真是难熬,我不禁怀疑起朋友们对我描述的大学生活是否全是真的。…… 他们描述的自由和轻松在哪里呀?我是来享乐,不是来受罪的!好象大家都忘了上大学也很苦。头几天的写作课证明:……① A. 我假定在每个教室都要遇见并谈话的漂亮女孩在哪里?B. 我在每个教室都能碰上并和她聊聊天的漂亮女孩在哪里?C. 漂亮的女孩上哪儿去了?不是说随便在哪个教室都能碰上,并和她们聊聊天的吗?② A. 快乐和愉悦常常在该交作业的时候消逝得无影无踪。B. 快乐和愉悦常常在有作业的时候消逝得无影无踪。C. 快乐和愉悦常常在作业来临的时候消逝得无影无踪。The appearance of the island when I came on deck next morning was altogether changed. Although the breeze had now utterly failed, we had made a great deal of way during the night, and were now lying becalmed about half a mile to the southeast of the low western coast. Grey-colored woods covered a large part of the surface. ③many tall trees of the pine family, out-topping the others — some singly, some in clumps, but the general coloring was uniform and sad. ④Spy Glass, which was by three or four hundred feet the tallest on the island, was likewise the strangest in configuration, running up sheer from almost every side, ⑤译文:第二天早晨,我走上甲板一看,那个岛完全变了样。虽然风已全息,我们的船夜里还是走了一大段路,此时正停在地势较低的西岸东南约半英里外。岛的表面很大一部分覆盖着灰暗的树林。…… 并有不少松柏科的参天大树或者昂然独立,或者三五成群地凌驾于其他树木之上,但整个色调还是单一、暗淡的。……这些山无不呈现着奇形怪状,比岛上其他山丘高出三四百英尺的望远镜山的轮廓也非常奇特:它的每一面山坡几乎同样陡峭,……
③A. 这种平均的色彩确实被一条条的黄沙在低地打破,B. 这种素净的色彩诚然也杂有一条条带状的黄沙低地,C. 这种均匀的色彩也确实被一条条黄沙在低地被隔断,④A. 每一座山上都有光秃秃的岩石清晰地暴露在高山植被的顶端。B. 每一座山峰都在裸露的岩石中升到植被的顶端。C. 每一座山峰都清晰地升到裸露的岩石的植被上。⑤A. 然后,突然在顶上切断了,像放雕塑的基座。B. 然后,突然在顶上像放雕塑的基座那样隔断了。C. 到了顶上突然削平,犹如一个安放雕像的基座。⑥We are considering providing each of our sales representatives with an eight-digit electronic Last week I saw a demonstration of your Model GH Wizard at the Boise Business Show, and I think it would fill our needs very nicely. I understand that the Wizard retails for$33.95. Is there a trade discount for companies that buy in fairly large quantities? ⑦Our initial译文:…… 而我上周在波伊斯的商展上看到贵公司GH魔法型计算器的操作示范,发现它很能满足我们的需求。据我所知,魔法型计算器的零售价是每台33.95美元。大批订购的话是不是另有优惠呢?……⑥A. 我们公司目前正在考虑为所有的业务代表每人准备一台八个字的电子计算器。B. 我们公司目前正在为所有的业务代表每人买一台八位的电子计算器。C. 我们公司目前正在考虑为所有的业务代表每人准备一台八位数的电子计算器。⑦A. 我们最先的订货是80台,然后再订20台之多。B. 我们预先订货80台,后续还会有几批每次20台的订货。C. 我们预先订货80台,然后还有很多新的20台。The occupation of coastal areas by tourist infrastructures, including associated urbanization, roads, marinas, golf courses, secondary homes, etc., ⑧Tourists demand water supply per capita at a higher rate than local inhabitants and at a time of water scarcity, in summer, ⑨Marine ecosystems suffer from water sports, anchoring, and waste disposal. ⑩译文:旅游设施大量侵占沿海土地,其中包括相关的城市化建设、道路、游艇船坞、高尔夫球场和度假屋等,……游客的人均水需求量高于当地居民,夏季是供水紧张季节,……水上运动、船只抛锚和废水处理正在危害海洋生态系统。……⑧A. 导致地区性的生态系统和湿地的破坏。B. 对脆弱的陆地生态系统和湿地造成了严重的破坏。C. 导致了对脆弱生态系统和湿地的严重破坏。⑨A. 因此当地不得不添设特大型供水设备和水处理设备。B. 因此导致了过大的供应和处理设备。C. 因此带来了特大型的供水设备和水处理设备。⑩A. 由于忽视和有时候的犯罪行为,森林大火成倍增加。B. 森林大火由于忽视和犯罪行为而成倍增加。C. 而由于玩忽职守或犯罪行为所造成的森林大火则成倍增加。三.
短文翻译。下面的英语短文已被翻译成汉语(共10句,分别标为①、②、③、④、⑤、⑥、⑦、⑧、⑨、⑩),但该汉语译文的句序混乱,不合逻辑。请将这些不合逻辑的汉语句子按照你认为恰当的顺序重新排列,组成符合逻辑的语篇。(每句1分,共10分)According to the treaty of 1868 between the United States Government and the Sioux Indians, the land between the Missouri River and the Bighorn Mountains was granted to the Sioux forever. But within the territory lay the Black Hills, most sacred place of the Sioux, where braves went to speak to their gods. To many white men, however, the ponderosa-clad hills, which from a distance looked so strangely black, seemed a likely place to find gold. And in violation of the treaty, prospectors entered the Indians’ holy mountains.By 1874 there were so many rumors about gold in the hills that the Army sent General Guster with one thousand men to reconnoiter the area. Geologists soon proved what everyone had so long suspected ___ the hills were indeed filled with gold.So much for treaties. Within two years the whole of the Black Hills were being cut to build crude cabins. Sluice boxes, ditches, dams and hundreds of stamp mills cluttered the small creeks in Deadwood Gulch. When the Sioux exacted their fruitless revenge by massacring Guster and all his men at the battle of the little Bighorn in June 1876, the narrow main street of Deadwood was already lined with saloons, stores and hotels. These South Dakota hills had become the richest gold producing area of North America, and the stage for some of the most colorful sagas in the opening of the West.译文:根据美国政府同苏族印第安人于1868年签定的条约,密苏里河和比格霍恩山脉之间的这片土地永远划给了苏族印第安人。但是,①在苏族印第安人心目中,它是最神圣的地方,勇士们到这里向他们的神灵祈祷。②然而在许多白人眼里,这片长满茂密的美国黄松、远望黑得出奇的山峦却像是一个很有可能找到金矿的地方。③在这片土地上屹立着的黑山却引起了麻烦。④条约成了一纸空文。⑤于是,探矿者们违反条约,闯入了印第安人的圣山。⑥到了1874年,人们盛传山中有金矿,陆军部派卡斯特将军率领一千名士兵踏勘这一区域。地质学家们很快证实了大家猜测已久的事——山中确实遍布黄金。⑦在1876年的比格霍恩山战斗中,苏族印第安人杀死了卡斯特将军和他的全体部下,但他们的报复是徒劳的,因为那时戴德伍德狭窄的大街两旁早已建起了许多酒馆、商店和旅馆。 ⑧不到两年,人们在黑山到处开凿,盖起了粗糙简陋的小屋。⑨泄水槽、沟渠和水闸,还有数以百计的捣岩机杂乱无章地不满在戴德伍德干涸的条条小溪上。⑩这些南达科他州山峦已经成了美国北方最富饶的黄金产地,也成了西部开拓时期一幕幕有浓厚传奇色彩的演出舞台。II. 汉译英一.
句子翻译。下面每个汉语句子均有3个英语译文(分别标为A,B,C),请选择你认为的最好译文。(每题2分,共20分)1. 大多数的子女都想要自立,不愿依赖他们的父母。A. Most children want to be independent on their parents.B. Most children want to be independent of their parents.C. Most children want to be dependent of their parents.2. 他觉得杂碎是他从来没有尝过的美味,哪怕是在中国也没有。A. He thought the Chop Suey was more delicious than anything he had ever tasted before,not even in China.B. He thought the Chop Suey was more delicious than anything he had ever tasted before,even in China.C. He thought the Chop Suey was such a delicacy he had never before tasted anywhere,even in China.3. 虽然他病过好几年,现在却完全好了。A. After having been ill for years, he is now quite well.B. Though having been ill for years, he is now quite well.C. Although having been ill for years, he is now quite well.4. 黄先生在中山大学读博士学位。A. Mr. Huang studies the doctor’s degree at Zhongshan University.B. Mr. Huang is studying the doctor’s degree at Zhongshan University.C. Mr. Huang works for the doctor’s degree at Zhongshan University.5. 从汽车的挡风玻璃望过去,我们远远地就看见了那宝塔。A. Looking out of our windshield, the pagoda would be seen by us in the distance.B. Looking out of our windshield, the pagoda was seen by us in the distance.C. Looking out of our windshield, we could see the pagoda in the distance.6. 名画落入了那人之手。A. The famous painting came into the possession of the man.B. The famous painting came into possession of the man.C. The man came into the possession of the famous painting.7. 像这一类的问题有不少,如果处理不当,就很容易动摇我们的方针,影响改革的全局。A. There are many more such issues, and if we don’t properly handle them, they could easilyshake our policies and affect the overall situation of reform.B. There are many more such issues, and if not properly handled, they could easily shake ourpolicies and affect the overall situation of reform.C. There are many problems like this one, and if we don’t handle them properly, our policiescould easily be undermined and the overall reform affected.8. 有了研究方向,我便一头扎进图书馆,一呆就是两个月。A. Since there was research direction, I plunged myself into the library and stayed there fortwo months.B. After setting up the research objective, I worked in the library for as long as two months.C. After setting up the research objective, I went into the library for as long as two months.9. 在这短短的十几年内,我们国家发展这么快,使人民高兴,世界瞩目。A. In the short span of the last dozen years, the rapid development of our country hasdelighted the people and attracted world attention.B. In the short span of the past 10 more years, the rapid development of our country has delighted the people and focused world attention.C. In the short span of the past decade years, the rapid development of our country has delighted the people and accumulated world attention.10. 我们的信息技术取得了一个又一个辉煌胜利。A. Our information technology has won one brilliant victory after another.B. We have won one brilliant victory after another in information technology.C. Our information technology has made one brilliant victory after another.二.
段落翻译。下面每个汉语段落后提供的英语译文有未完成的地方,这些未完成的地方均提供了三个译文(分别标为A,B,C),请选择你认为的最好译文。(每题2分,共20分) ①因使用土地发生的征地、拆迁安置费用,企业用地范围内的基础设施建设费用,②与市政公用基础设施接通部分的建设费用,以及因企业特殊需要或专用而建设的市政公用基础设施费用,由合营企业自行承担。The joint venture shall pay the following: ……the costs for infrastructure within the land used by the joint venture and ……and the expenses for constructing public infrastructure specially required by the joint venture or for its specific use.①A. the costs arising from the use of the land, such as reclaiming fee, destroying fee, resettlementfee,B. the expenses causing by the use of the land, such as claiming fee, destroying fee,resettlement fee,C. the expenses arising from the using of the land, such as requisition fee, demolition fee,resettlement fee,②A. the costs for making them connected to the city’s public infrastructure constructionB. the construction costs for the part of the connecting to the city’s public infrastructureC. the costs for constructing the part with the city’s public infrastructure ③本宾馆是集航空运输与地面服务为一体的旅游涉外酒店,拥有不同规格的客房200间。内设中央空调、中央音响、国际国内直拨电话、卫星电视及先进的消防安全系统,为您提供舒适安全的旅居环境。④装修豪华、设备先进的KTV、RTV、卡拉OK歌舞厅让您在娱乐中享受酒店的温馨。…… We provide 200 guest rooms of different types which are equipped with central air conditioning, central hi-fi system, DDD, IDD, Star TV and advanced fire protection systems. …… ③A. The hotel is a modern building equipped to meet both the needs of air transportation andthose of ground services.B. The hotel is a foreign-related hotel which offers air transportation and ground services.C. The hotel is a modern hotel that combines both the needs of air transportation and those ofground services.④A. The well decorated and advanced Karaoke hall, KTV and RTV halls make you enjoy thewarmth of the hotel.B. The guests are invited to enjoy the warmth of the hotel in the luxurious Karaoke hall, KTVand RTV halls.C. The luxury and advanced Karaoke hall, KTV and RTV halls make you enjoy yourself whilein the entertainment.张衡是中国古代杰出的科学家。他长期观察日月的运行规律,⑤知道月亮本身不发光,月光只是月球反射了太阳光。他还正确地解释了“冬天日短夜长,夏天日长夜短”的道理。张衡在他写的书中,提出了“空间和时间都是无限的”等理论。⑥他画出了中国第一张完备的星图,记录了2500颗恒星,还记录了它们的亮度和出没时间。⑦他的观测,与我们今天在同一个地点看到的星空相近。Zhang Heng was an outstanding scientist in ancient China. For a long time he observed the laws of the movement of the moon and the sun. …… He explained the phenomenon “longer nights and shorter days in the winter, longer days and shorter nights in the summer.” In his works, Zhang Heng advanced the theory that “space and time are both limitless.” …… which recorded 2500 fixed stars, their brightness and their time of appearance and disappearance. ……⑤A. He knew that the moon was not bright itself but only reflects the sun.B. He knew that the moon does not send light but only reflects the sun.C. He knew that the moon does not in itself shine but only reflects the sun.⑥A. He made China’s first complete star chartB. He drew the first complete star map for ChinaC. He made the first complete star chart for China⑦A. His observations were quite similar to the stars we observe at the same place today.B. His observations were quite similar to the observations made today at the same place.C. His observations were quite similar to the skies we observe at the same place today.国和前苏联之后第三个成功将人类送上太空的国家。对于中国来说,这是航天科技上的巨大突破。从长远的观点看,⑩人类进入外层空间,向宇宙的深度和广度进军是历史的必然。载人航天技术的发展及其实际应用,对国家的政治、军事、经济和科技等均有重要的影响。 …… on October 16, 2003 has made China …… For China, this has been a huge breakthrough in space technology. In the long run, …… The development and application of manned space flight technology will have great influence on the nation’s politics, military affairs, economy and science and technology.⑧A. The safe return of the first man-made spaceship in ChinaB. China’s first manned spaceship returned safelyC. The safe return of China’s first manned spaceship⑨A. the third country in the world that has successfully sent man into space following the UnitedSates and the former Soviet Union.B. the third country in the world to successfully send man into space after the United Sates andthe former Soviet Union.C. the third country in the world to successfully send man into space since the United Sates andthe former Soviet Union.⑩A. it is a historic inevitability for man to venture into the outer space and explore the depth andwidth of universe.B. it is a historic inevitability for man to venture into the outer space and explore the universe indepth and in width.C. it is a historic inevitability for man to venture into the outer space and explore the universe’sdepth and width.三.
短文翻译。下面的汉语短文已被翻译成英语(共10句,分别标为①、②、③、④、⑤、⑥、⑦、⑧、⑨、⑩),但该英语译文的句序混乱,不合逻辑。请将这些不合逻辑的英语句子按照你认为恰当的顺序重新排列,组成符合逻辑的语篇。(每句1分,共10分)断裂力学的研究成果在六十年代后期才被介绍到中国来。不久中国的学者和工程师便对它产生了极大的兴趣。在冶金工业中,人们需要断裂韧度作为金属材料的一种重要的力学性能指标;在设计和使用中,需要知道断裂准则和裂纹扩展规律以及环境对断裂的影响。这样就使断裂的实验研究与理论工作相比,先在中国发展起来。到了七十年代,应用数学家和力学家运用弹性学和塑料学探讨裂纹顶端的应力场和形变场,得到一些解析的和近似的解。数字计算机的广泛使用又使人们注意到数值计算特别是有限元法,微观机理的研究也逐渐受到重视。实际上一门科学或技术在一个国家的发展或多或少就是这个国家在世界上向前迈进的一个缩影,断裂力学当然也不例外。具体的一些成果我和沈为教授不久前已在本刊作过评述。①The achievements of fracture mechanics were not introduced into China until the late 1960s. ② In fact, the development of a branch of science or technology in a country is more or less an epitome of that country’s march forward in the world. ③ Fracture mechanics is of course no exception. ④ It however did not take long to arouse immense interest of the Chinese scholars and engineers. ⑤By the 1970s, scientists in applied mathematics and mechanics studied stress and deformation fields around crack tip by the employment of the theories of elasticity and plasticity and analytical and approximate solutions were found. ⑥ Hence, compared with the theoretical work, experiments and investigations on fracture developed earlier in China. ⑦Then, the study of microscopic mechanisms came to be recognized. ⑧ The wide application of digital computers directed their attention toward numerical calculation, in particular, the finite element method. ⑨ In metallurgical industry, people needed fracture toughness as an important index for mechanical p while in design and application, it is necessary to know fracture criteria and the laws of crack propagation as well as the influence of environment on fracture. ⑩Specific attainments in this field in China have shortly before been treated by Professor Shen Wei and myself in an earlier issue of this journal.湖北省第十二届外语翻译大赛非专业英语组初赛(答题纸)姓名:
评分:I. 英译汉(50分)一. 句子翻译(每题2分,共20分)1.6.二. 段落翻译(每题2分,共20分)1.6.三. 短文翻译(每题1分,共10分)1.6.II. 汉译英(50分)一. 句子翻译(每题2分,共20分)1.6.二.段落翻译(每题2分,共20分)1.6.三.短文翻译(每题1分,共10分)1.6.湖北省第十二届外语翻译大赛非专业英语组(标准答案)I.英译汉1.句子翻译。(每题2分,共20分)B C C C A, B C A A B2.段落翻译。(每题2分,共20分)C A B A C, C B B A C3.短文翻译。(每句1分,共10分)③①②⑤⑥④⑧⑨⑦⑩II. 汉译英1.句子翻译。(每题2分,共20分)B B A C C, A C B A B2.段落翻译。(每题2分,共20分)C A A B C, A B C A B3.短文翻译。(每句1分,共10分)①④⑨⑥⑤⑧⑦②③⑩湖北省第十二届外语翻译大赛初赛答题纸(非专业英语组)姓名:___________
考号:___________I.英译汉1.句子翻译。(每题2分,共20分)2.段落翻译。(每题2分,共20分)3.短文翻译。(每句1分,共10分)II. 汉译英1.句子翻译。(每题2分,共20分)2.段落翻译。(每题2分,共20分)3.短文翻译。(每句1分,共10分)
范文四:英语翻译3英语③翻译第一单元:1、 承蒙邀请,不胜荣幸。(honour)It is a great honour to be invited.2、听到这个消息,她感到快乐、满足并充满力量。(cheerful) Hearing the news ,she felt cheerful ,satisfied and full of strength.3、我们最好不要打扰他们,让他们自己解决自己的问题。(leave…alone)We’d better leave them alone and let them solve their own problems.4、他答应来参加我的生日晚会的,但是整个晚上他都没有出现。 (show up)He had promised to come to my birthday party ,but he didn’t show up the whole night.5、我们喜欢同样的东西和同样的人,所以我想我我们有许多共同点。(have ..in
common)We like the same things and the same people ,so I think we have a lot in commom.第二单元:1、所有观众都站起来为他精彩的演讲欢呼。(cheer)All the audience stoop up and cheered for his wonderful speech.2、你应该原谅他的错误,毕竟他只是个孩子。(ater all)You should forgive him for his mistake, he is a child ater all.3、为政府应该实施新计划来改善人民生活。(carry out)I thought that the government should carry out a new plan to improve people’s life.4、哈利尽力让自己语气听上去平静,但是他显然很生气。
(do one’s best)Harry did his best to sound calm , but it was obvious that he was really annoyed.5、教练讲了个事,以便将大家消极的态度转变成积极的态度。(negative,attitude)The coach told a story in order to turn our negative attitudes into positive ones.第三单元:1、他计划在新年之前找她谈谈。(prior to)He’s planning to have a talk with her prior to the New Year’s Day.2、他不在那列火车上,令我大失所望。(disappointment) To my great disappointment , he was not on the train.3、她开始工作时还处于半梦半醒的状态。(asleep)She was still half asleep when she began to work.4、玛丽似乎对他儿子的安全一点都不关心。(be concerned about). Mary didn’t seem to be concerned about her son’s safety at all.5、警察想知道他是什么时候出发前往飞机场的。(leave
for) The police was wondering when he had left for the airport. 第四单元:1、你愿意就我刚才所说的再作补充吗?(add…to …)Would you like to add anything to what I have said?2、我明白这事对你有利,但对我有何好处呢?(benefit) I can see this is good for you ,but how will I benefit.3、不要为一次失去的机会而哭泣,抓住下一个。(lost)Don’t cry over d lost opportunity .Take the next one.4、在我们感到紧张的时候,体育锻炼可以让我们放松。(relaxation) Physical exercise can result in relaxation when we feel nervous.5、她通过了考试,作为奖励,父母给她买了一辆新自行车。(reward) She passed the exam .As a reward ,her parents bought her a new bike.第五单元:1、孩子对一切都显示出好奇。(curiosity)Children show curiosity sbout everything.2、他的新书充满挑战性的想法。(challenging)His new book is full of challenging ideas.3、阳光和新鲜空气对健康同等重要。(no less …than)Sunlight is no less important than fresh air to health.4、我自己一个人抬不动这个箱子,它太重了。(on one’s own) I can’t carry the box on my own ,It is too heavy.5、由于担心父母的身体,他们都尽量呆在他的身边。(stay close to) They tried their best to stay close to their father ,because they worried about his health.第六单元:1、她充分意识到她这份新工作的责任。(be aware of)She is fully aware of the responsibility of her new jod.2、他没有看出第1页中有个拼写错误。(unworthy)He overlooked a spelling error on the first page.3、他认为这部影片不应获得这样的大奖。(unworthy)He thought this film was unworthy of such a great award .4、充分利用这个机会,否则你会后悔的。(otherwise)Take full advantage of the chance , otherwise you’ll regret it.5、我忘了他的名字,不过也许过一会儿我会想起来(come to )I have forgotten his name, but maybe it’ll come to me later.第七单元:1、上班时间禁止吸烟。(forbid)Smoking is forbidden during office hours.2、我通宵在写那份报告。(work on )I worked all night on that report.3、杰克向劳拉倾诉他孤独的情感。(pour out)Jack poured out his feeling of loneliness to laura .4、他非常想念他的女朋友,正想办法见她。(seek)He misses his girlfriend very much and is seeking a way to see her.5、他们把消息告诉布朗先生时,他好像无动于衷。(display)Mr.Brown seemed to display no (personal) feelings when they told him the news.第八单元:1、她希望能从这次经历中受益。(profit)She hopes to profit from the experience.2、我们像友谊商店订购了200件衬衫。(place)We placed an order
with friendship
Store for 200 shirts.3、你离开时要确保教室的门窗都要关好了。(see that)When you leave the classroom ,see that the doors and windows are closed.4、他的结论是建立在大量的实验基础之上的。(base on ) His conclusion is based on a great number of experiments.5、这个计划是帮助员工完成他们的销售目标。(target)The plan is helping the staff to achieve their sales target.
范文五:英语翻译(1)苏格拉底的申诉柏拉图(公元前427-347),古希腊哲学家、散文家,《苏格拉底的辩护》是散文和演讲中的名篇。我们如果从另一角度来思考死亡,就会发觉有绝大理由相信死亡是件好事。死亡可能是以下两种情形其中之一:或者完全没有知觉的虚无状态,或是人们常说的一套,灵魂经历变化,由这个世界移居到另一个世界。倘若你认为死后并无知觉,死亡犹如无梦相扰的安眠,那么死亡真是无可形容的得益了。如果某人要把安恬无梦的一夜跟一生中的其它日子相比,看有多少日子比这一夜更美妙愉快,我想他说不出有多少天。不要说平民,就是显赫的帝王也如此。如果这就是死亡的本质,永恒不过是一夜。倘若死亡一如人们常说的那样,只是迁徙到另一个世界,那里寄居了所有死去的人,那么,我的诸位朋友,法官,还有什么事情比这样来得更美妙呢?假若这游历者到达地下世界时,摆脱了尘世的审判官,却在这里碰见真淳正直的法官迈诺、拉达门塞斯、阿克斯、特立普托马斯,以及一生公正的诸神儿子,那么这历程就确实有意义了。如果可以跟俄耳甫斯、谬萨尤斯、赫西亚德、荷马相互交谈,谁不愿意舍弃一切?要是死亡真是这样,我愿意不断受死。我很希望碰见帕拉默底斯、蒂拉蒙的儿子埃杰克斯以及受不公平审判而死的古代英雄,和他们一起交谈。我相信互相比较我们所受的苦难会是件痛快的事情。更重要的是,我可以像在这个世界时一样,在那个新世界里继续探求事物的真伪,我可以认清谁是真正的才智仁人,谁只是假装聪明。法官们啊,谁不愿舍弃一切,以换取机会研究这远征特洛伊的领袖--奥德修斯(荷马史诗中特洛伊远征领袖之一),西昔法斯(希腊神话中奥德修斯之父,被罚不断从山下推动一块石头上山顶,来回往返)和无数其他的男男女女!跟他们交谈,向他们请教,将是何等快乐的事情!在那个世界里,绝不会有人仅仅因为发问而获死罪!如果传说属实,住在那里的人除了比我们快乐之外,还能得到永生。法官们啊,不必为死亡而感到丧气,要知道善良的人无论生前死后都不会遭恶果,他和家人不会为诸神抛弃。快要降临在我身上的结局绝非偶然。我清楚知道现在对我来说,死亡比在世更佳。我可以摆脱一切烦恼,因为未有神谕显现。为了同样的理由,我不怨恨起诉者或是将我判死罪的人,他们虽对我不怀善意,却未令我受害。不过,我可要稍稍责怪他们的不怀善意。可是我仍然要请你们为我做一件事情。诸位朋友,我的几个儿子成年后,请为我教导他们。如果他们把财富或其它事物看得比品德重,请像我烦劝你们那样烦劝他们。如果他们自命不凡,那么,请像我谴责你们那样谴责他们,因为他们忽视了事物的本质,本属藐小而自命不凡。你们倘能这样做,我和我的儿子便会自你们手中得到公正。离别的时刻到了,我们得各自上路--我走向死亡,你们继续活下去,至于生与死孰优,只有神明方知。三个纽约埃尔文.布鲁克斯.怀特孙致礼译大致说来,有三个纽约。首先是那些土生土长的男男女女的纽约,他们对这座城市习以为常,认为它有这样的规模和喧嚣,乃是自然而然、不可避免的。其次是家住郊区、乘公交车到市内上班的人们的纽约--这座城市每到白天就被如蝗的人群吞噬进去,每到晚上又给吐出来。第三是外来人的纽约,他们生于他乡,到纽约来寻求机缘。在这三座充满骚动的城市中,最了不起的是最后一座--那座被视为最终归宿的城市,视为追寻目标的城市。正是由于这第三座城市,纽约才有了紧张的秉性、诗人的气质、对艺术的执着追求、无与伦比的成就。上班族给纽约带来了潮汐般时涨时落的骚动,当地人保证了纽约的稳固和持续发展,而外来人则赋予纽约以激情。无论是从意大利来到贫民窟开小杂货店的农夫,还是从密西西比州某小镇跑出来躲避邻居的淫秽目光的年轻姑娘,还是从玉米地带满怀酸楚地拎着手稿跑来的小伙子,情况都没有什么两样:每个人都怀着初恋的激情拥抱纽约,每个人都是以冒险家的新奇目光审视纽约,每个人散发出的光和热,足以令爱迪生联合电气公司相形见绌.上班族是天下最怪异的人。他们居住的郊区没有自身的勃勃生机,仅仅是他们晚上回来睡觉的栖息所。那些住在马马罗内克、利特尔内克、蒂内克,到纽约上班的人,除个别情况外,对这座城市了无所知,只晓得火车汽车到站离站的时间、去快餐店的路径。这些人整日伏案工作,从来没有闲暇徜徉在暮色之中,意外地走到公园里的观景塔跟前,瞧见湖中突兀而起的防护堤,沿着湖边钓米诺鱼的男孩,大大咧咧地舒展着身子躺在石台上的女孩。他们从未在纽约游游逛逛偶然遇见什么,因为他们从下火车到再上火车,这中间是没有闲工夫的。他们把手伸到曼哈顿的钱包里捞钱,抓到几个微不足道的小钱,但却从未聆听过曼哈顿的鼻息,从未在醒来时见到曼哈顿的早晨,也从未在曼哈顿的夜幕中入睡过。每个工作日的早晨,大约有40万男男女女走出地道口、隧道口,涌上曼哈顿岛。他们之中没有多少人跑到公共图书馆沉寂得只能听到沙沙声的阅览室,懒洋洋地度过一个下午,看着图书传送机像旧水轮一样,将书吐在书盘里。他们在韦斯特切斯特和泽西烧火炉,却从未见过鲍厄里街在气温降至零度的冬夜用油桶烧火取暖。他们可能在市中心的金融区工作,却从未见过洛克菲勒中心那枝繁叶茂的花木--春光明媚的早晨,黄水仙、风信子和鸢尾花,齐崭崭地迎风摇曳。他们的办公地点可能位于商业区和居住区之间,可是一年到头也没从海堤上眺望过加弗纳斯岛。上班族一生中有惊人的行程,但是从未东游西逛过。他们进进出出的地方比草原犬鼠的地洞群还要曲曲弯弯。即使火车陷进东河底的淤泥中,他们也会若无其事地只管打桥牌。去年,仅长岛铁路就运载了4千万上班族,只不过许多人是反反复复往返乘车罢了。纽约的地形比较特别,有时住在城里的人最终走的路可能比上班族还要远。作曲家欧文·柏林是通过一条小巷,从下东区来到住宅区公寓,原本只有三四英里路程,却好像绕着地球走了三圈。我想告诉马云,非常容幸能来到这里,代表美国大使馆,代表美国人民,代表中国这么多的朋友,在座的很多人都是在美国学习或者是美国人交朋 友,做生意,有很多的交往,真的非常高兴来到杭州这个美丽的城市,我认为杭州在整个中国最漂亮的城市了。它是历史名城,一个成熟有底蕴的城市,有深厚的文 化底蕴,而且是阿里巴巴的网商大会的一个主场,而且看到来自这么多网商在中国正在冉冉升起的一个网络行业,网商的行业的年轻人,我相信大家对这个主题,对 我来说,了解的更多,所以对我来说我其实在这里就是在班门弄斧了。来到杭州主要的原因其实对我来说也是一个挑战,你们今天来了很多人,其实这个挑战就是很简单的,我这么说吧,是在座的企业精神可以联合的,企业家团结起来,我很相信这一点,这是一个历史性的时刻,我们应该遵循进步、保护以及创新的精神团结起来,我们精神的引擎应该点燃全世界,我们应该有个非常公平的竞争的场地跟环境,首先我想说再次表达我来到杭州有多高兴。我们去年底主办了中国和美国之间的一次商务会议,我们谈到了很多的问题,包括市场的开放、知识产权、信息技术、服务等等所有的重要的事情以及问题,你们需要面对的我们都谈到了,现在我有机会再次来回复我一直在想的这些问题,而且作为CEO,对你们CEO来说都是非常重要的,这个都是我们共同的一个事业,解决了问题,我们可以共赢的。去年的商务会议也提醒我们贸易跟商务始终是美国跟中国美好关系的一个重要的基石,因为这个总额是40亿美金这么大的,在全球是无与伦比的。杭州是一个很重要的地方,中美建交的时候扮演了一个很重要的角色,基辛格国务卿访问过中国杭州,当时中美还没有恢复建交,40年之前中美建交的谈判在杭州举行,做了一些秘密的协议,实际上你要读一读历史书才知道过去的这段历史,当时没有移动电话,没有电脑,没有阿里巴巴,当时马云可能才5 岁、6岁那么大吧,尼克松总统在西湖旁边渡过一段非常美好的时光,他说过北京是中国的都城,但是杭州是这个国家的心脏,我的朋友曾经有说过鱼米之乡。尼克松总统访问杭州可以说是最近美国历史上的一大突破,这是发生在你们出生之前的一段时间,这也说明了中美之间合作的重要性,当时美国的关 系跟韩国、中国都是很敌对的,我们认为你们是共产主义者,你们认为我们是资本家,但是因为两国领导人的远见,我们两国走到了一起,很多重大的事件就从杭州 开始,可以预言,很多的差异还会继续的弥合,当然现在还有很多的差异,你想40多年前这么大的差异都可以弥合,我们过去从敌对变成了最好的、最真诚的 合作伙伴,同时是互利的一个合作关系,1970年代,从很多角度来看都是对美国人来讲是非常艰难的一个时刻,当时的越南战争对我们国家造成了巨大的创伤, 同时我们当时是在非常高的生活水平上,但是整个经济滞胀,我们的总统又被暗杀了,当时美国整体的经济模式都遭到了挑战,有人预言说美国要走下坡路了,他们 会失去在世界舞台的地位,其实在美国内部来讲的话,我们也关闭了很多的国界线。但是发现一件有意思的事情,可能在美国其他的历史篇章上又看到,发现美国又回到了一个非常好的经济发展渠道上,这可能是有赖于我们很高的雇佣率,很低的失业率,以及很强大的经济基础,既使是在当时最艰难的时刻,我们也一直坚信不已,一个开放的市场是非常重要的,参与是非常重要的。我们欢迎成千上万的国际学生来到美国,也许你们某些家庭成员也去过美国的大学学习,现在我们继续欢迎外国的学生,我们有自己独特的思路,美国人有非常强的创业精神,我们美国人到目前为止还是有非常强大的精神力量,我们认为人才是美国经济的基础和引擎,我们也非常坚信社会公民的平等,我们认为企业跟科学家的合作是非常重要的,需要来交换理念,来为未来的业务机会创造一个孵化机会,这样一个理念今天还在持续,我想最好的例子大家可能都知道了,就是硅谷,我们不仅在硅谷出现了大量的电脑的创新,还看到了很多成功的案例,我们可以看到那里已经成为了很多的巨大的一个新技术的发生地,从布鲁克林到北京到充满了我们在硅谷出现的新技术,这样的新技术使得我们经济得以重振,而且产生了三千万的新工作机会,我们企业家的;Nowbothcountrieshaveexpe;40年前产生的中美建交之后,我们的经济跟文化都有;IntheUnitedStateswevener;在美国像爱迪生发明了灯泡,同时福特发明了汽车,诺;Sowe'veallheardstoriesab;我觉得企业创业精神是很重要的,不管是中国美国人都重振,而且产生了三千万的新工作机会,我们企业家的精神得到了在更大一部分的培养,这也直接带领美国走出了1970年的经济困境,而且持续了30年的繁荣。40年前产生的中美建交之后,我们的经济跟文化都有了巨大的发展,我们都明白这样一种关系对未来是至关重要的,我觉得在这个过程当中,我们需要有解决能源的问题、交通的问题、通讯的问题,这只是其中一部分,我的问题就是创新在中美关系当中重要吗,我们希望未来创新是处于什么个地位,我觉得确实是的,我相信创新是最重要的一点。在美国像爱迪生发明了灯泡,同时福特发明了汽车,诺可菲尔创造了新的石油企业,巴菲特巨大的成功在投资上面,美国人总是有美国之梦,如果你努力工作,你想得远大,最终你就会收获。马云又是一个很好的案例,他创立了我们可以称之为中国之梦,他最开始的时候用得是全球连接最慢的互联网,可能你花一天的时间,马云就下载了一个页面,但是他会等一天来等这个页面,在一个月之后,他就知道如何很快的上网了,很快他居然建立了中国最早一个网络企业,叫中国黄页,后来又建立了中国最大的网络企业叫阿里巴巴,大家都知道,马云是我的一个好朋友,也许我说完话之后,他已经拥有更多的钱了。我觉得企业创业精神是很重要的,不管是中国美国人都一样的,需要四个基本的素质,首先他们是开放的思路,第二很快得到资金和信息,第三欢迎合作,第四他们人承受失败,也许最好的创新例子就是互联网,我想这也是我们今天在庆祝企业家精神的一个最好的平台,因为它像磁石一样吸引了那么多的创业者,在美国也为美国的经济带来了每年三千亿美金的一个金钱,我们的互联网其实就驻扎在一个创新的社区,它确实也是鼓励开放的理念,它其实也是通过互联网来鼓励合作,所以毫不惊奇,目前互联网创造了一个巨大的、很大的新一代的创新者。论友谊很少有美国人留下来了一生 我们从郊区小镇到城市,从高中到大学在不同的状态,从工作在一个地区的一个更好的工作在其他地方,从家中,我们提出我们的孩子的家中,我们计划在退休后的生活 随着每个动作我们永远是结交新朋友,谁成为我们当时的新生活锅
对于我们许多人的夏季是一个特殊的时间形成新的友谊今天,数百万美国人和他们去国外度假不仅要看到新的景点,而且在那些地方,他们并不觉得太陌生了迎接新人们希望的没有人真的需要一个假期旅行产生一种亲密的朋友但肯定是一个友谊的开始是可能的? 当然每个国家的人民珍视友谊?他们做的困难时,来自两个国家的陌生人见面,是不是缺少的友谊表示赞赏,但对什么是友谊,它是如何得来的不同的期望在这些美国人是最有可能访问欧洲国家,友谊是很明显区别于其他,更休闲的关系,是有不同的家庭生活有关对于法国人,德国人或是英国人的友谊通常更具体且带有较重的负担的承诺但是,正如我们用一个词,“朋友”可以应用到广泛的关系到一个人一个人知道了好几个星期在一个新地方,在密切的业务联系,在童年的玩伴,一个男人或女人到一个值得信赖的知己这些关系之间存在着真正的差异,美国人,可能是肤浅的友谊,休闲,情景或深刻而持久的 但对一个欧洲人,谁只看到我们的表面行为,区别不明确当他们看到它,人们已知的和暂时接受,随便,流入和美国人的家庭出现许多小仪式,并经常与一些个人承诺他们可能是孩子们的朋友的父母,邻居家里的客人,一个委员会的成员,从其他城市甚至另一个国家的商业伙伴作为进入美国的家里做客的到来,欧洲游客没有发现明显的地标 气氛是轻松的大多数人,老的少的,被称为首先名字那么,谁是朋友?即使是简单的从一种语言翻译成另一种是困难的,“你看,”法国人解释说,“如果我说你在法国,这是我的好朋友,'这个人不会像我这样的人靠近约人我说的只是,这是我的朋友。' 关于他我要多说任何人是真的少了。“在法国,在许多欧洲国家,朋友一般都是同性,友谊是人与人之间的关系基本上是看到 法国女人笑的想法:“女人不可能成为朋友,”但他们也承认,有时,为妇女“这是一个不同的事情。” 和许多法国人怀疑的一个男人和一个女人的友谊的可能性此外,还有什么样的关系在一个组,男性和女性谁工作了很长的时间在一起,谁可能是非常密切,共享伟大的忠诚和温暖的感觉他们可致电彼此copains,一个词,在英语成为“朋友”,但对“好朋友”或以上的感觉“哥们”在法国的眼里这不是友谊,虽然两个这样一个小组的成员可能成为朋友对法国来说,友谊是一对一的关系,要求对其它人的智力,气质和特殊利益的深刻认识 一个朋友是谁的人掏出了自己最佳品质,和谁在一起你就会精神焕发,成为任何借鉴更多的友谊假设你的政治理念更深入,一出戏欣赏变得更清晰,食物或酒的味道是突出,一个是加强运动乐趣而法国的友谊隔离一个人可以玩了三十多年的朋友棋不知道他的政治观点,否则他可能说话长达一时间不知道他的个人生活与他的政治不同的朋友填写每个人的生活的不同利基 这些友谊不是用家庭生活的一部分朋友是不会花晚上善待儿童或礼貌,一聋的祖母 这些工作,也严重和禁止,主要是亲属 男人可能遇到谁都是朋友在咖啡馆里 知识分子朋友可能满足晚上在大组的谈话在职人士可满足在小酒馆喝酒,在那里他们交谈,远离家人 婚姻不影响这种友谊;妻子不


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