anasycss中solid solid226,KEYOPT(1)=1001是什么意思啊!!

一、Y切石英板的静态分析 1.1 问题描述 计算对象为一块石英板,其尺寸为: 长度方向(x轴):L=0.5m 厚度方向(y轴):H=2h=0.01m 宽度方向(z轴):W=0.05m 板厚度方向两个平面有电极,大小为V/2=1000v。用ANSYS计算自由和夹支边界两种情况下的电极所在平面单位面积上的电荷σe。
该石英板的材料常数为: 密度ρ=2650kg/m3 弹性常数矩阵:
1.2 理论解 边值问题为:
电极所在平面单位面积上电荷的理论解为: (1)自由表面
1.3 ANSYS求解 (1) 单元选择 根据该石英板的材料属性,可以选择solid226单元进行求解。Solid226单元为耦合场20节点六面体单元,KEYOPT(1)=1001即可激活压电自由度、位移和电压。 输入“/prep7”进入前处理。 APDL:et,1,solid226,1001 ET命令的功能为从单元库中指定一个单元类型。其使用格式为: ET, ITYPE, Ename, KOP1, KOP2, KOP3, KOP4, KOP5, KOP6, INOPR
(2) 介电系数矩阵 由于该石英板介电常数为不是各项同性的,所以需要用TB,DPER和TBDATA命令指定各向异性介电系数矩阵中的各项,ANSYS中需要输入的是相对介电常数,因此需要用介电常数除以真空中介电常数ε0=-8.854?10-12。TBOPT=0则指定恒应变介电系数矩阵[εS]; TBOPT=1则指定恒应力介电系数矩阵[εT],后者将被转换为恒应变介电系数矩阵[εS]。值得指出的是,solid5单元只能用MP命令制定PERX,PERY和PERZ三项,所以本次计算不采用。 ANSYS中输入相对介电系数矩阵的各项时也需要注意顺序,其顺序如下:
从而该石英的介电系数矩阵可以按如下输入: tb,DPER,1 tbdata,1,4.4,4.5642 tbdata,5,0.0971 TB和TBDATA指令用于输入矩阵中的各项。其中DPER用于指定该矩阵为各向异性相对介电系数矩阵,另外ANEL为各项异性弹性系数矩阵,PIEZ为压电系数矩阵。与ANSYS中介电系数矩阵的输入类似,弹性系数矩阵和压电系数矩阵的输入也要遵从ANSYS中的规则。
(3) 弹性系数矩阵 弹性系数矩阵主要包括刚度系数矩阵[c]和柔度系数矩阵[s]。用户可以用TBOPT在这两种矩阵中选择。ANSYS中刚度系数矩阵[c]中常数的顺序为:
从而该石英的弹性系数矩阵可以按如下输入: tb,ANEL,1 tbdata,1,86.74E9,-8.25E9,27.15E9,,-3.66E9
! c11,c21,c31,c61,c41 tbdata,7,129.77E9,-7.42E9,,5.7E9
! c22,c32,c62,c42 tbdata,12,102.83E9,,9.92E9
! c33,c63,c43
! c66,c46,c56 tbdata,19,38.61E9
! c44 tbdata,21,68.81E9
(4) 压电系数矩阵 压电矩阵可以定义压电应力矩阵[e]或压电应变矩阵[d]。压电应力矩阵[e]与各项异性弹性刚度矩阵[c]相联系,而压电应变矩阵[d]与弹性柔度矩阵[s]相联系。ANSYS中压电应力矩阵[e]中常数的顺序为:
因此命令流可以输入如下: tb,PIEZ,1 tbdata,1,0.171
! e11 tbdata,4,-0.152
! e21 tbdata,7,-0.0187
! e31 tbdata,11,-0.095,0.067
! e62,e63 tbdata,13,0.067
! e41 tbdata,17,0.108,-0.0761
(5) 网格划分 由于本次求解使用的solid226为高阶单元,因此厚度方向划分两层网格即可,即单元长度可选为H的一半0.005m: LESIZE,ALL,5e-3, , , ,1, , ,1 Vmesh,1 LESIZE命令用来对所选择的线设置网格单元大小,格式为: LESIZE, NL1, SIZE, ANGSIZ, NDIV, SPACE, KFORC, LAYER1, LAYER2, KYNDIV 划分后网格如下图:
(6) 静态求解 输入“/solu”进入求解部分。 通过“ANTYPE”命令指定一种分析类型和重启动状态。其格式为: ANTYPE, Antype, Status, LDSTEP, SUBSTEP, Action 本例是静态求解,故该命令可为: /solu antype,static
!选取静态求解 nsel,s,loc,y,0
!定义下表面电压 d,all,volt,1000 !d,all,ux,0
!约束下表面,若自由边界则不需要 nsel,s,loc,y,H1 d,all,volt,-1000
!定义上表面电压 !d,all,ux,0
!约束上表面,若自由边界则不需要 nsel,all solve fini
通过NSEL命令来选择一组节点子集。使用格式为: NSEL, Type, Item, Comp, VMIN, VMAX, VINC, KABS
通过D命令在节点上施加DOF约束。其格式为: D, NODE, Lab, VALUE, VALUE2, NEND, NINC, Lab2, Lab3, Lab4, Lab5, Lab6
(7) 通用后处理 三亿文库包含各类专业文献、外语学习资料、应用写作文书、高等教育、中学教育、专业论文、37华科大压电材料等内容。 
 压电材料概述_广告/传媒_人文社科_专业资料。本文介绍了压电效应的作用机理以及材料产生压电效应的原因,并综合概括了压电材料的发展历程及现今的研究方向。压...  压电材料及其应用 学院:材料学院 专业:材料科学与工程系 班级:1019001 姓名:李耘飞 学号: 压电材料及其应用李耘飞 材料科学与工程
一、压电...  华科大压电材料_能源/化工_工程科技_专业资料。一、Y 切石英板的静态分析 1....c44 ! c55 (4) 压电系数矩阵 压电矩阵可以定义压电应力矩阵[e]或压电应变...  压电材料PZT_材料科学_工程科技_专业资料。压电材料PZT 压电材料 PZT 压电常数(Piezoelectric Constant)是压电体把机械能转变为电能或把电 能转变为机械能的转换...  关于压电材料_材料科学_工程科技_专业资料。压力与电流关系现阶段研究较多的压电复合材料是由压电陶瓷 (如 PZT,PbTiO。)和聚合物(如 PVDF,环氧树脂) 复合成的。...  压电材料的研究现状及其应用摘要:简要介绍了压电材料的发展历史,详细叙述了压电陶瓷、压电单晶、压电复合材料及 压电聚合物的发展状况,并对压电材料对日常生活的...  压电陶瓷_电子/电路_工程科技_专业资料。上海大学课程论文 论文题目:压电陶瓷的发展现状与趋势 课程名称:先进无机材料 学号: 姓名:汤立 2016 年 5 月 ...  压电复合材料_材料科学_工程科技_专业资料。复合材料压电复合材料摘 要: 从压电材料的压电效应入手, 介绍了压电材料的分类及 结构组成。针对不同压电材料在生产...基于ANSYS的多场耦合问题的仿真
l 单元类型和关键字选项
l 材料属性
l 单元坐标系统
l 求解分析选项
l 载荷步选项
l 约束方程
l 耦合节点集
l 边界条件
l GUI偏好设置
l 分析标题
单代码耦合方式是在ANSYS APDL中进行求解的,虽然此时有多个物理场,但是都在用ANSYS APDL求解器。
此时,首先在ANSYS APDL中创建结构分析模型,然后在CFX中创建流体分析模型,接着在ANSYS
APDL中进行耦合关系的设置,接着分别启动ANSYS APDL和CFX进行计算,并通过接口进行通信。其流程如下
1.PLANE13,KEYOPT(1)= 7,耦合场4节点四边形实体单元;
2.SOLID5,KEYOPT(1)= 0或3,耦合场6节点六面体单元;
1.介电常数(Relative Permittivity)
2. 压电矩阵(Piezoelectric matrix)
S1=S11T1 ,
changes(Form ANSYS 14.0)
This section describes changes
to elements at Release 14.0.
Some elements are not available
from within the GUI. For a list of those elements, see
following elements have been enhanced in this release:
-- These target segment elements now have an option to
define the symmetry condition of a constrained surface. This option
applies when a force distributed constraint uses a single pilot
node for the target element. The new KEYOPT(6) allows you to define
the symmetry condition with respect to the nodal coordinate system
of the pilot node.
-- These 2-D surface-to-surface target and contact
elements now support a geometry correction feature that can be
applied to circular contact and target surfaces to reduce
discretization errors associated with linear elements.
-- These 2-D surface-to-surface contact elements now
support the surface-projection-based method specified by setting
KEYOPT(4) = 3 for the contact detection option.
-- These 3-D contact elements now include squeal
damping for use in brake squeal analyses via the new real constants
FDMB and FDMS and the new KEYOPT(16).
-- For these 2-D and 3-D surface-to-surface contact
elements, the surface projection method of contact detection
(KEYOPT(4) = 3) can now be used in conjunction with the MPC contact
option (KEYOPT(2) = 2).
, , , , , , and
-- These 2-D and 3-D contact elements now offer the
following new or enhanced features:
Contact stabilization damping is now available via the new real
constants FDMN and FDMT and the new KEYOPT(15). As a result of this
new method, the use of real constant FKOP to input a damping
coefficient for standard or rough contact is
A critical temperature for bonding can be input via the new real
constant TBND.
For the birth and death option, contact elements are no longer
restricted to following the birth and death status of the
underlying elements.
-- These linear interface elements can now simulate
interfacial delamination of laminate composites and VCCT-based
general crack growth. The new KEYOPT(2) allows you to select
whether the element is to be used with a cohesive zone material or
-- These coupled-field solid elements have a new
option (KEYOPT10) to control the diagonalization of the element
damping matrix in coupled-field analyses with thermal and diffusion
degrees of freedom.
-- These hydrostatic fluid elements can now be used in
following legacy element has been undocumented at this
Undocumented Legacy
Suggested Current-Technology
Set KEYOPT(1) =
information about other elements that have been undocumented in
prior releases, see the archived release notes on the .
changes(Form ANSYS 13.0)
This section
describes changes to elements at Release 13.0.
Some elements
are not available from within the GUI. For a list of those
elements, see
New Elements
Modified Elements
Undocumented Elements
Archived Elements
New Elements
The following
new elements are available in this release:
-- This element models axisymmetric solid surface loads acting on
general axisymmetric solid (
elements. The element has quadratic displacement behavior on the
master plane and is well suited to modeling irregular meshes on the
master plane. It is defined by two or three nodes on the master
plane, and nodes created automatically in the circumferential
direction (based on the master plane nodes).
-- This 3-D 20-node acoustic fluid element models the fluid medium
and the interface in fluid/structure interaction problems. This
element is well suited for modeling sound wave propagation and
submerged structure dynamics.
-- This 3-D 10-node acoustic fluid element models the fluid medium
and the interface in fluid/structure interaction problems. This
element is well suited for modeling sound wave propagation and
submerged structure dynamics.
-- This 2-D hydrostatic fluid element models fluids that are fully
enclosed by 2-D planar and axisymmetric solids. This element is
well suited for modeling fluid-solid interaction with
incompressible or compressible fluids under uniform pressure. It
can be used in geometrically linear as well as nonlinear static and
transient dynamic analyses.
-- This 3-D hydrostatic fluid element models fluids that are fully
enclosed by 3-D solids or shells. This element is well suited for
modeling fluid-solid interaction with incompressible or
compressible fluids under uniform pressure. It can be used in
geometrically linear as well as nonlinear static and transient
dynamic analyses.
-- This 2-D reinforcing element is used with a standard 2-D solid
or shell element (referred to as the base element) to provide extra
reinforcing to that element. It uses a smeared approach and is
suitable for modeling evenly spaced reinforcing fibers that appear
in layered form.
-- This 3-D 8-node thermal solid element is applicable to steady
state and transient analyses. The element has two forms:
homogeneous thermal solid and layered thermal solid. It is designed
to be a companion element for structural solid element
-- This 3-D 20-node thermal solid element is applicable to steady
state and transient analyses. The element has two forms:
homogeneous thermal solid and layered thermal solid. It is designed
to be a companion element for structural solid element
Modified Elements
The following
elements have been enhanced in this release:
-- This element now has a plane thickness option
-- This coupled thermal-fluid pipe element has a new KEYOPT(1) = 3
option to specify the PRES degree of freedom when it is connected
to a hydrostatic fluid element (
This option converts the fluid element mass flow rate to volume
change for compatibility with the new hydrostatic fluid
-- For improved accuracy in convection analyses, this 2-D surface
effect element has a new option for adding two extra nodes
elements. For the one-extra-node option (KEYOPT(5) = 1), film
effectiveness and free stream temperatures may now be input for
convection surface loads.
-- For the one-extra-node option (KEYOPT(5) = 1), film
effectiveness and free stream temperatures may now be input for
convection surface loads.
-- These 3-D surface-to-surface contact and target elements now
support a geometry correction feature that can be applied to
spherical and revolute contact and target surfaces to reduce
discretization errors associated with faceted surfaces.
-- These 3-D surface-to-surface contact elements support the new
projection-based method specified by setting KEYOPT(4) = 3 for the
contact detection option.
-- The following improvements are available for these contact
KEYOPT(10), which controls the contact stiffness update method, has
been simplified in these elements. Several of the options have been
removed from this KEYOPT; KEYOPT(10) = 0 and 2 are still
A new real constant, STRM, allows you to specify the load step
number in which the ramping option for initial contact penetration
will take place. Used in conjunction with KEYOPT(9) = 2 or 4, this
feature is useful for modeling multiple interference fits that take
place sequentially over several load steps.
The following new contact output quantities are available: VREL --
GGAP -- true geometric gap/penetration at current
FSTART -- fluid penetration starting time.
(FSTART is available only for surface-to-surface contact
-- You can now input a coefficient of restitution via the new
contact element real constant COR. When using impact constraints to
model impact between rigid bodies, the coefficient of restitution
can be used to model loss of energy during impact.
-- KEYOPT(4) has been removed from this four-node structural shell
element. The element now uses the constitutive algorithm
exclusively for nonlinear shell-thickness updates. Real constant
support has been undocumented.
-- KEYOPT(4) has been removed from these shell elements. The
elements now use the constitutive algorithm exclusively for
nonlinear shell-thickness updates.
-- These coupled field elements have been enhanced with new
nonlinear material capabilities. Plasticity, viscoelasticity, and
viscoplasticity/creep material properties can now be specified via
-- These current-technology elements now support stranded coil
analyses via the new KEYOPT(1) = 2 option. The stranded coil
analysis option is suitable for modeling a stranded winding with a
prescribed current flow direction vector. The stranded coil may be
voltage- or current-driven, as well as circuit-fed.
-- KEYOPT(2) and KEYOPT(4) have been removed from this eight-node
structural shell element. The element now uses an advanced shell
formulation that accurately incorporates initial curvature effects.
The new formulation generally offers improved accuracy in curved
shell structure simulations, especially when thickness strain is
significant or the material anisotropy in the thickness direction
cannot be ignored. Real constant support has been
The following
legacy elements have been undocumented at this release, as
Undocumented Legacy Element
Suggested Current-Technology
Set KEYOPT(3) = 3. Constrain
UZ, ROTX, and ROTY to simulate 2-D behavior. Issue a
,,BEAM command.
Set KEYOPT(3) = 3. Constrain
UZ, ROTX, and ROTY to simulate 2-D behavior. Issue a
,,BEAM command.
Set KEYOPT(3) = 3. Issue
a ,,BEAM command.
Set KEYOPT(3) = 3. Issue
a ,,BEAM or possibly a ,,TAPER command. A
command may be necessary.
Set KEYOPT(3) = 3. Constrain
UZ, ROTX, and ROTY to simulate 2-D behavior. Issue a
,,TAPER command. A
command may be necessary.
Set KEYOPT(1) = 6.
To simulate LINK10
functionality, set the
tension/compression option (real constant
Set KEYOPT(1) =
Set KEYOPT(3) = 2.
Issue ,,SHELL.
Set KEYOPT(1) =
The p-method has been
For information
about other elements that have been undocumented in prior releases,
see the archived release notes on the .
The following
legacy elements have been moved to the :
Archived Legacy Element
Suggested Current-Technology
Set KEYOPT(3) =
3. Issue a ,,BEAM command.
Constrain the UZ
degree of freedom to simulate 2-D behavior.
not support the circular gap option of CONTAC12.
Set KEYOPT(1) =
Set KEYOPT(2) =
(OCxxxxxx) commands to apply ocean
Set KEYOPT(3) =
2. May require a finer mesh.
(Homogenous Structural Solid)
Set KEYOPT(2) =
1. For nonlinear analysis, set KEYOPT(2) = 0 (default).
changes(Form ANSYS 12.1)
This section describes changes
to elements at Release 12.1.
Some elements are not available
from within the GUI. For a list of those elements, see
New Elements
Modified Elements
New Elements
following new element is available in this release:
-- This 2-D quadrilateral
element is available for modeling planar and axisymmetric magnetic
fields. It has up to two degrees of freedom per node: Z-component
of the magnetic vector potential (AZ), and electric scalar
potential (VOLT). The element is applicable to a static,
time-harmonic, and time-transient electromagnetic
following elements have been enhanced in this release:
-- For improved accuracy in
convection analyses, this 3-D surface effect element has a new
option for adding two extra nodes from elements.
-- For higher thermal accuracy
in fluid flows, two new options have been added to this
thermal-flow element (KEYOPT(9) = 1 and 2): central difference and
exponential schemes.


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