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1. guts: 勇气,魄力
I don't have the guts to ask her out.
2. nerve: 勇气,胆量
I wanted to ask her out, but I lost my nerve and couldn't go through with it.
I didn't have the nerve to tell him what I really thought of his suggestion.
3. backbone: 骨气,勇气
Will he have the backbone to tell them what he thinks?
4. dare: 敢,不惧
I wouldn't dare have a party in my flat in case the neighbours complained.
5. afraid: 害怕的,担心的
I've always been afraid of flying.
6. dread: 惧怕,担心
I dread to think what would happen if he was left to cope on his own.
7. balls: 勇气,胆识
You have to admit it - the woman's got balls!
8. pluck: 勇气
She showed a lot of pluck in standing up to her boss.
9. sand: 勇气,胆量
She had more sand in her than any girl I ever see.
在日常生活中,我们常常会用到“我不敢“、”滚开“、”呵呵“、”气质“、”算我一个“、”讲真“、”抱抱“、”脸红“,本文就告诉你这8个词怎么用英语说才地道?“我不敢”用英语怎么说? 画面太美我不敢看——此语常被网友引申为对奇葩事物的形容。嘴上说“美”,但用“不敢看”表达了对它的否定,暗含讽刺意味。那么问题来了,“我不敢”用英语怎么说呢?1. guts: 勇气,魄力I don't have the guts to ask her out.我不敢约她。2. nerve: 勇气,胆量I wanted to ask her out, but I lost my nerve and couldn't go through with it. 我曾想约她出来,但我失去了勇气,说不出口。I didn't have the nerve to tell him what I really thought of his suggestion. 我没有胆量告诉他我对他的建议的真实看法。3. backbone: 骨气,勇气Will he have the backbone to tell them what he thinks? 他有胆量把自己的想法告诉他们吗?4. dare: 敢,不惧I wouldn't dare have a party in my flat in case the neighbours complained.我不敢在公寓里开趴踢,怕邻居投诉。5. afraid: 害怕的,担心的I've always been afraid of flying.我一直不敢坐飞机。6. dread: 惧怕,担心I dread to think what would happen if he was left to cope on his own.我不敢想象,如果让他自己去应付会怎么样。7. balls: 勇气,胆识You have to admit it - the woman's got balls! 你得承认一点:这个女人很有胆量!8. pluck: 勇气She showed a lot of pluck in standing up to her boss. 她顶撞老板显示出了很大的勇气。9. sand: 勇气,胆量She had more sand in her than any girl I ever see.她比我认识的任何女孩都更有勇气。“滚开!”英文咋说? 正如中文的“滚开”一样,英文的“滚开”也是言简意赅、铿锵有力——两个单词足矣。一起来看吧,也许有一天用得上。1. drop deadJust drop dead!给我死开!此外,drop-dead可作副词,形容某人美得或者帅得不要不要的:He's drop-dead gorgeous!他简直帅呆了!2. Beat it!滚开!3. go awayGo away and leave me alone! 走开,别烦我!4. fuck offJust fuck off and leave me alone! 滚开,让我一个人呆一会儿!5. get lostTell him to get lost! 叫他滚开!6. scramGet out of here! Go on, scram! 别在这儿晃荡!快走开!7. bugger offBugger off, will you? 滚开,好不?8. buzz offBuzz off, I'm busy! 滚开,我很忙!9. piss offWhy don't you just piss off - you've caused enough problems already! 你为什么不滚开呢——你已经惹了够多麻烦了!“讲真”英文怎么说? 不知从什么时候开始,“讲真”二字流行开来,时不时地出现在大家的口头禅里。这个词言简意赅,中文意思让人一听就懂。那你知道“讲真”用英语应该怎么说吗?1. actually: 其实,事实上Actually, I didn't see her - I just heard her voice. 实际上,我并没有看见她,只是听到了她的声音。2. to put it bluntly: 坦率说To put it bluntly, I can't afford it. 坦率地说,我买不起。3. to be candid with you: 坦白的说To be candid with you, I think you're making a dreadful mistake. 跟你说实话,我觉得你在犯一个可怕的错误。4. to be perfectly frank with you (= Frankly): 十分坦诚的说To be perfectly frank with you, I don't think she's the woman for the job. 十分坦诚地告诉你,我认为她不适合做那份工作。5. tell me straight: 坦白说Tell me straight, would you rather we didn't go tonight? 请坦白告诉我,你是不是希望我们今天晚上不去?6. to be honest (= Speaking honestly): 老实说To be honest, I don't think it will be possible. 说老实话,我认为那根本不可能。7. to tell the truth: 说实话To tell the truth, I'm quite pleased he's not coming. 说实话,他不来我很高兴。8. stop/quit beating around the bush: 别绕弯子Stop beating around the bush and tell me what you want.别拐弯抹角了,直接告诉我你到底想怎么样。“算我一个”英文咋说? 1. Count (someone) inCount 大家知道有“计算”的意思,count (someone)in 意思就是“算上某人”。看到别人兴高采烈的一群人狂欢,如果你也想加入,就大喊一句“Count me in”吧!例:Do you want to go to the beach with us?想跟我们一起去海边么?Yes! Count me in!想!算我一个!2. Up for sth表达有兴趣加入还可以用up for sth这个短语。例:We're going out dancing tonight. Are you up for it?我们今晚想出去跳舞,你想一起吗?3. In表示你也想加入,也可以用一个极简的表达in,一个词就能告诉别人组团也捎上我!例:Does anyone want to go to a movie tonight?今晚谁想去看电影?Sure, I'm in.好啊,我想去。4. Same here如果别人想购入某物,你也想要,可以用same here。I'll have a coffee.我去买杯咖啡。Same here, please.请帮我也带一杯。5. On boardOn board 本身可以表示“在船(火车、飞机)上”,但它还有另一个意思,就是表示某人的“参与和支持”。其实中文我们也会说“大家都在同一条船上”,以此表示咱们是一伙的。例如:It's good to have you on board for this project.你能来一起完成这个项目真是太好了。主要看气质:“气质”英文怎么说? 在微信、微博常常被“主要看气质”刷屏。不美、不萌、不倾城?没关系,主要看气质!那你知道“气质”用英文怎么说吗?1. class: (风度、举止等)漂亮、优雅She's got real class.她很有气质。2. elegance: (举止)典雅It was here natural elegance that struck me.她浑身散发出的天然气质给我印象极深。3. charisma: 魅力,气质On screen she had this great charisma so that you couldn't take your eyes off her.荧幕上的她有一种超凡的气质,能让你深深地迷恋上她。How did a man of so little personal charisma get to be prime minister?如他这般没有个人魅力的人,是怎么当上首相的?4. refinement: 文雅,有气质She's the personification of culture and refinement.她既有修养,又有气质。5. posh: 谈吐高雅的A woman with a very posh accent telephoned for him earlier. 一位谈吐高雅的女士早些时候给他打了个电话。6. polished: 优雅而又自信的He's suave, polished and charming. 他文雅、自信,富有魅力。7. grace: 气质,风度Joanna has natural grace and elegance. 乔安娜举止自然优雅。They accepted their defeat with good grace. 他们很有风度地认输了。8. chic: 时髦,别致I like your haircut - it's very chic. 我喜欢你的发型——很别致。British politicians are not renowned for their chic.英国政治家并不以优雅而著称/英国政治家向来不讲优雅那一套。“抱抱”英文怎么说? 1. hug: 拥抱Hug me, please.抱抱我吧。Nothing says it quite like a hug.拥抱最能表达情感。He hugged her close to him. 他将她拥入怀中。She gave a bear hug to him.她紧紧地抱住他。2. cuddle: 亲昵地搂抱They sat in the back row of the cinema kissing and cuddling.他们坐在影院后排拥吻。3. hold/hug to bosom/chest: 抱住She held him tightly to her bosom. 她紧紧地抱住他。Emily hugged her teddy bear tightly to her chest. 埃米莉把她的泰迪熊紧紧抱在胸前。4. clasp: 紧紧地抱住She clasped her son in her arms. 她把儿子紧紧抱在怀里。5. cling: 紧抱They clung together in terror as the screams grew louder. 尖叫声越来越大,他们惊恐地紧紧抱在一起。6. embrace: 拥抱They embraced.他们拥抱在一起。She saw them embrace on the station platform. 她看到他们在站台上拥抱。He leant over to embrace the child. 他弯腰去拥抱那个孩子。“脸红”英文怎么说? 性格比较内向的人,在某些特殊场合(面试、演讲、表白……),特别容易紧张,这就会让脸部迅速潮红起来,开始脸红发热。这种情况用英语怎么说呢?Red in the face?还有更地道的说法哦!1. burn: (脸)发烧Why is your face burning like mad?你脸怎么那么红?His face burned with embarrassment. 他因尴尬而感到脸上发烫。2. blush: (因尴尬而)脸红I always blush when I speak in public. 当众讲话时我总是脸红。I blush to think of what a fool I made of myself. 一想到我出了那么大洋相我就脸红。A blush of shame crept up his face. 他羞愧得脸红了。3. flush: (因尴尬、发热而)脸红A faint pink flush coloured her cheeks.她的脸微微的红了。The champagne had caused his face to flush. 香槟使他脸色发红。4. glow: 脸色容光焕发The children's faces were glowing with excitement. 孩子们兴奋得满脸通红。Like all the staff at the health club she had the healthy glow of the young and fit.与健身馆里其他员工一样,她的脸上散发出年轻人特有的健康光彩。如何高冷地用英语表达“呵呵”? 当外国人听你讲了一堆他觉得很扯的东西,一般都会说“interesting”。如果你真觉得他表示感兴趣的话,那就错了,他们只是想表达“呵呵”而已。1. I hear what you say.看起来好像是:你说啥我听到了。实际上人家的意思:呵呵(你说的是狗屁,我完全不想跟你再讨论下去了)。2. With all due respect...看起来好像是:他特别尊重你。。。实际上人家的意思:呵呵,恕我直言。。。3. Not bad.看起来好像是:马马虎虎但是不太好。实际上人家的意思:挺好的。4. Quite good.看起来好像是:挺好的。实际上人家的意思:稍欠火候。5. It's interesting.看起来好像是:他们很感兴趣。实际上人家的意思:呵呵呵呵。6. That is an original point of view.看起来好像是:他们挺喜欢你的idea。实际上人家的意思:呵呵(你有毛病吧,扯的什么玩意?)。猛戳阅读原文,获取更多英语知识
watch outlook out be careful
心有灵犀The hearts which have a common beat[ 直译为:"具体共同节拍(韵味)的心" ]心有灵犀一点通The hearts w...
be something
如he's somethin...
My heart feels very tired
翻译:Heart tired or body tired希望能帮到你,麻烦给“好评”
答: #CAESER PARK HOTEL KENTING(屏东垦丁凯撒大饭店)#我想问一下高雄的接驳车是怎样预约的?
答: training management assistant
答: natural science
答: 翻译:education management


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