HOMESTAY住single还是twin-twin share studio好

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房子的类型 house一般是一层或二层,房主是一个人,
apartment 美国,公寓中的单元 ?flat 英国,公寓中的单元 dormitory
dorm 大学宿舍 hotel 旅馆、客栈
student house 宿舍, youth hostel青年公寓;
student hostel???学生公寓 home stay/family stay 寄宿家庭;
host stay 住在当地居民家中
caravan 大篷车,
motel 汽车旅馆,
bungalow 平房,
residential college
房间 bedroom
a double/twin bedroom
a single bedroom 单人间,
a double bed room,double decker
sitting /living room
single room
double room 双人间 twin-bed room
double-bed room????有1张双人床的双人间 bathroom :shower
卫生间? :淋浴 entrance hall 门厅、大堂
porch 走廊
balcony?? 阳台
garage 车库,加油站,汽车修配厂
bathroom 卫生间
kitchen 厨房
breakfast room
dining room/hall
attic 阁楼
store room/house
hallway/corridor 走廊
entrance hall 一楼大厅
laundry room
garden 花园
pool 游泳池
tennis court
bedroom/bedsit pillow
pillow case?
pillow slip 枕套 bed linen被单;
shared kitchen
refrigerator 电冰箱
gas / electric
gas / electric
cooker?? 煤气炉/电炉 microwave oven 微波炉 dishwasher 洗碗机 cookware 刀具 ;炊具
bedspread ??床罩?
blanket 毯子;
comfortor carpet
mat?地席 towel??毛巾
furniture: bookcase
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"The Baker family made me feel at home, they were an exceptional host family and I recommend them from the bottom of my heart." - Roberto Perez, VenezuelaStaying in a homestay is a great way to practise your English and experience a new way of life. Around 40% of our homestay accommodation is within walking distance and we have four different types of homestay to choose from:
Standard homestay (&&) Shared bathroom Wireless Internet Maximum journey time to school 25 minutes Available meal plans: Half Board & Bed and Breakfast
Standard plus homestay (&&&) Private bathroom
Wireless Internet Maximum journey time to school 25 minutes Available meal plans: Half Board & Bed and Breakfast
Superior homestay (&&&&) Guaranteed walking distance to school (up to 25 min walking) Private bathroom Wireless Internet Available meal plans: Half Board & Bed and Breakfast
Independent homestay (&) Shared bathroom Full use of kitchen but meals are not included Maximum journey time to school 30 minutes
All of these options are also available as twin rooms, based on two people sharing. Shared accommodation is only available for two people travelling together.
Please note: &A supplement of &50 for the first accommodation week applies to all of the above accommodation options.&
&How do we choose our host families?
All of our host families are carefully selected by our specialist staff and while each family is different, they share a genuine desire to welcome students into their homes and their lives. &The UK has a rich history and is very proud of its cultural diversity. Our home stay providers are a reflection of our society and come from different backgrounds,&age groups and socio-economic groups. We do not discriminate and welcome all home stays that fit our basic criteria.
Genuine desire to welcome students into their home
A clean and comfortable home&
Speak English to native standard
We do our best to match students with the right hosts so it is important to book early and tell us about your requirements (e.g. dietary requirements, whether you smoke and whether you&d like a family with children or pets).&
"I was very happy with my host mother, she is a wonderful lady and we had a lot of conversations. She helped me to improve my English." - Hanna Kravchenko, Ukraine
Accommodation Rates 2017: Homestay
Breakfast only
Standard Single Room
Weekly rate
Standard Twin Room
Weekly rate
Standard Plus Single Room
Weekly rate
Standard Plus Twin Room
Weekly rate
Superior Single Room
Weekly rate
Superior Twin Room
Weekly rate
Standard Plus room criteria: student's own bathroom Superior room criteria: student's own bathroom and walking distance from school The prices for twin rooms are per person. Shared rooms are for 2 students travelling together.
If you require internet access in the homestay you must request this at the time of booking.
Standard Half-board extra night = &26
&20 per week supplement for special diets: halal, gluten-free and dairy-free.
A supplement of &50 for the first accommodation week applies to all of the above accommodation options.
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10:42:29 来源:新东方在线
  住宿类词汇在考试中经常出现,同学们在备考过程中一定要熟记这些词汇。为了方便同学们更好地进行雅思备考,为大家准备了雅思听力高频词汇整理:住宿,正在雅思备考的你可千万别错过以下内容哦。  landlady 房东太太  landlord 房东  rent / rental price 租金,房租价格(注意rental一般是指一个月的租金额)  dollar / $ 美元  pounds / £英镑(为了避免拼写错误,建议大家在考试中货币一律用符号表示,注意写法哦)  deposit 押金  expensive 昂贵的  reasonable 合理的  accommodation 住宿,食宿  homestay 住在当地居民家中  dormitory 大学宿舍  flat (英国)公寓中的单元  apartment (美国)公寓中的单元  hostel 青年公寓  student hostel 学生公寓  single room 单人间  share room 共用房间  double room 双人间  twin-bed room 有两张单人床的双人房,就是我们常说的&标准间&  double-bed room 有一张双人床的双人房  bedroom 卧室  bedsit 卧室兼起居室  no privacy 没有私人空间  surroundings (房屋周围)环境  Road / Rd. 路,街道,比较大的路  Street / St. 路,街道,比较小的街  downtown 市中心  suburb 郊区,市郊  rural areas 乡村  (not) near the center / railway station (远离)*近市中心/ 火车站  far from the bus stop 远离汽车站  near the airport *近飞机场  noisy 吵闹
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雅思公开课英国留学生住宿类型分析,以及各类房型(Ensuite, Studio, Twin Room, Cluster Flat等)到底有什么区别? - 知乎专栏
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{"database":{"Post":{"":{"title":"英国留学生住宿类型分析,以及各类房型(Ensuite, Studio, Twin Room, Cluster Flat等)到底有什么区别?","author":"xue-lu-jia-13","content":"留学,对很多第一次到异国生活的同学来说,都是一件既令人兴奋又头大的事!但还未出国就有层层挑战等着你:考试考试考试,申请申请申请,等等等......终于等到offer了,接下来还有更多的事情需要准备。而其中需要解决的最重要问题,就是出国了住哪儿?Homestay?Student Housing,?还是Campus Dorm? Ensuite?Studio?还是Single?Apartment?\n纳尼?!!这些都是什么鬼!我只想安安静静的找个带厕所带厨房带客厅带卧室又全宇宙最便宜的公寓啊!今天我们就好好和同学们分析分析:腐国学生住宿有哪些类型以及区别?公寓的各种房间类型又有什么区别?特献一套腐国租房常见的房型图全解,图文并茂,立马解决你的“房型选择恐惧症”。一、学生住宿类型的区别与分析1. Campus Dorm 校内宿舍校内宿舍想必大家都不陌生,毕竟在国内的小伙伴们基本上都是入住学校提供的宿舍的。但在海外,并不是所有大学都建有校内宿舍,而且并非像国内的大学一样要求学生一定要统一住在校内宿舍,校内宿舍也并非是大多数学生的首选。所以,这些校内宿舍大都实行申请制,需要的同学再自己申请,如果有空房就可以申请到。有的房间不多的,基本上就是先到先得。也有的学校每年空置很多房间的,毕竟有的学生不想要再住校内宿舍了。申请流程一般是学生接受录取通知后,向学校提出书面申请,按要求填写申请表并及时寄回学校办公室。住宿名额一旦确定,学校就会向学生发送住宿通知。2.
Homestay 寄宿家庭想要更加深入了解英国当地人生活文化的同学,会更倾向于入住Homestay。不管是语言上还是生活上,在寄宿家庭的帮助下都能更快适应。与寄宿家庭成员之间的接触和交流,提高口语能力的同时,也能更深入了解当地文化。不过这种方式风险也比较大一些,很难100%确保住到什么样的人家里去。同时不同文化背景下成长的人可能生活方式也有一些不一样,住在当地人家里,在沟通或者生活习惯上有可能会有小冲突。有的家庭不只是接受单个学生,所以有一些未知性在里面。3. Student Housing 学校周边的专业学生公寓海外留学生有一些更偏向于住在校外,或者有一些同学申请不到校内宿舍,这种情况下一般会选择校园周边一些专门为学生开发打造的专业学生公寓。&& 优势一:交通便捷,安全可靠这种专业学生公寓,一般位于学校周边,步行或巴士可达学校,上下学比较方便。这些公寓一般设施齐全,设计精致独特,价格也是为学生打造。最重要的是,因为住在这类房源里的都是学生,所以整套安全保障系统也超级给力,比如24小时的监控和安全门禁系统,为同学们的安全上了一把锁。&& 优势二:设施齐全,生活便利除了有利的安全保障,英国校外公寓设施齐全,厨房电器、家具该有的都有,还有很多公共活动空间,比如公共阅览自习室,电影播放时,桌球区,健身房等等,在小区内就有。万一啥啥坏了还有专业的维修人员,而且水电煤等琐碎的事情也不需要你去操心,甚至还配备了专业的清洁人员打扫公共空间。这些便利的服务和房源的高质量,都成为了很多留学生选择校外专业学生公寓的原因!二、不同房间类型的区别与分析英国的学生公寓主要有Ensuite、Studio、Apartment、Twin Room、Cluster Flat这五种房型,每种房型又有哪些区别呢?让我们一一为大家介绍:Ensuite就是国内最受大家欢迎自带独卫独浴的房间,和一般房间比多了独立卫浴空间不仅方便很多,也能治愈你的洁癖。除了独立卫浴,厨房、客厅之类还是和大家一起共享的,特别受女生或情侣欢迎。和Ensuite比起来,Studio房型通常多了一个房间内自带的简易厨房空间,方便同学们做做简单的早餐或沙拉等。空间也通常比Ensuite稍微大一些。喜欢更多活动空间的同学会更钟意Studio。 Aparement 即公寓套房,如果你是土豪、独行侠、或厨神,更喜欢有完全私密的生活空间,那么Apartment就是为你准备的。卧室与客厅是分开的空间,公寓中也自带独立卫生间和厨房。所以特别适合情侣过两个人的小生活!Twin Room,也叫Shared Room,可以理解为比Ensuite房间大一些,可以放下两张床的房型,是好基友好闺蜜的首选!两张床的贴心设计,互不打扰对方还能相互有个照应,想要和基友、闺蜜同住的小伙伴,选这个就没错了!Cluster Flat,即豪华版Apartment,通常也叫Entire Apartment,就是一套包含多个房间的套房。每个房间都可以放入一张床、一张桌子和衣柜,有自己独立的休息空间。不过每个房间的室友需要共用厨房和客厅。有的房间可能自带独立卫生间,但通常情况下是需要与室友共享卫生间。如果可以找两三位朋友,一起预订,那么房租平摊下来后,Cluster Flat还是性价比很高,又住得舒畅的房型选择!想住Cluster Flat的同学,如通过学旅家订房,我们还会为大家在有意向的基础上匹配室友哦~是不是超级贴心!了解更多关于留学住宿和留学生活的各方面攻略,欢迎关注学旅家哦~ 我们将为即将留学的你解答各种疑惑!鞠躬。------------------------------------------访问“”,留学住宿的那些事儿分分钟搞定!了解更多留学住宿情报,欢迎关注:知乎机构账号:微信公众号:学旅家 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