International Consultation on Urological Diseases颜色中文名称对照表是什么

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在此次会议中,来自印度全印度医学科学中心的 Rajeev Kumar 教授作为肾上腺摘要会场的主持人,与大家共同探讨了隐匿性肾上腺占位性病变、皮质腺瘤、肾上腺库欣综合征和腹腔镜下肾上腺切除术等。在此,小编与 Kumar 教授就隐匿性肾上腺占位性病变进行了采访。在采访最后,当被问及,如果不做泌尿外科医生,会选择其他什么职业的问题。Prof. Kumar 有趣地答道:若不当外科医生,那自己应该也会成为一名医学编辑。
图:Prof. Rajeev Kumar 与 AME 编辑合影
Could you kindly review the surgical management of patients with adrenal masses?
What&s the best management for incidental adrenal masses?
What&s your perspective of minimally invasive treatment of adrenal cancer?&
Do obesity and diabetes affect surgical outcomes?
Any clinical practice guideline for adrenal masses?
Any suggestion to young urologists for surgical management of adrenal carcinoma?
Why do you choose to get into the field of urology?
What would you like to choose as your career if not to be a urologist?
Rajeev Kumar is a Professor in the Department of Urology at All India Institute of Medical sciences, New Delhi, India. He has completed MBBS and MS and is well known for providing services in Microsurgery for male infertility, Andrology, Laparoscopy and Robotic surgery, Upper tract endourology etc.
Prof. Kumar is the Chief-editor of Indian Journal of Urology, Associate Editor of International Journal of Urology and International Consulting Editor of Journal of Urology. He is also the Co-chair of International Consultation on Urological Diseases on Male Infertility and Sexual Health and Co-opt Executive Member of Urological Association of Asia.
采访编辑丨高明珍,科学编辑,AME 出版社
视频编辑丨麦雪芳,视频编辑,AME 出版社
Please enable JavaScript to view theICUD-EAU International Consultation on Bladder Cancer 2012: Radical cystectomy and bladder preservation for muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma of the bladder.
New guidelines of the International Consultation on Urological Diseases for the treatment of muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) have recently been published.To provide a comprehensive overview of the current role of radical cystectomy (RC) in MIBC.A detailed Medline analysis was performed for original articles addressing the role of RC with regard to indication, timing, surgical extent, perioperative morbidity, oncologic outcome, and follow-up. The analysis also included radiation-based bladder-preserving strategies.The major findings are presented in an evidence-based fashion and are based on large retrospective unicenter and multicenter series with some prospective data.Open RC is the standard treatment for locoregional control of MIBC. Delay of RC is associated with reduced cancer-specific survival. In males, standard RC includes the removal of the bladder, prostate, seminal vesicles, in females, RC includes an anterior pelvic exenteration including the bladder, entire urethra and adjacent vagina, uterus, and distal ureters. A procedure sparing the urethra and the urethra-supplying autonomous nerves can be performed in case of a planned orthotopic neobladder. Further technical variations (ie, seminal-sparing or vaginal-sparing techniques) aimed at improving functional outcomes must be weighed against the risk of a positive margin. Laparoscopic surgery is promising, but long-term data are required prior to accepting it as an option equivalent to the open procedure. Lymphadenectomy should remove all lymphatic tissue around the common iliac, external iliac, internal iliac, and obturator region bilaterally. Complications after RC should be reported according to the modified Clavien grading system. In selected patients with MIBC, bladder-preserving therapy with cystectomy reserved for tumor recurrence represents a safe and effective alternative to immediate RC.
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