
NO NO No,we cant manufacture enough ozone to replenish the ozone hole.没门。没门?没错,我们无法生产臭氧来取代臭氧层空洞。No, why not?为什么不行?Several reasons prevent us from doing this.我们无能为力,原因诸多。For one thing, ozone in large quantities is extremely hazardous and volatile, which makes it hard to work with, to say the least.要知道,大量的臭氧是有害且易挥发的。因此,至少不便于我们运作。Also, the ozone layer is immense-theres roughly twenty billion tons of it-and wed have no way of handling such large quantities.此外,臭氧层是密集的,大约有200亿吨,我们无法操作如此庞大的臭氧。Plus, the ozone layer requires a huge amount of energy to maintain itself, which right now it gets from the sun.再者,维护稳定的臭氧层需要不少能量,而这些目前来自太阳能。Taking over natural ozone production would require more than double the energy the ed States produces annually.要接手生产天然臭氧层需要的能源是美国每年生产的两倍以上。Thats a lot of rolling blackouts.这有可能会引发灯火管制。And that’s why the only way we know to fight ozone depletion is by cleaning up our act and giving nature the chance to take its course.这就是我们保护臭氧层消失的唯一可行办法是从我们自己做起,爱护环境,顺其自然。623
When you eat a fatty food, it moves through the stomach andon to the intestines.当你食用富含高脂肪的食物时,脂肪通过胃流入肠道。In the intestines, a number of processes occur to transfer fat from the foodto special fat cells in your body.在肠道中,脂肪经过一系列的消化流程从食物转化为体内的特殊脂肪细胞。First, the gall bladder produces bile that breaks the foods fat droplets into smaller droplets.首先,胆囊分泌胆汁分解食物脂肪滴,使其更小。Next,the pancreas secretes enzymes that attack the fat droplets and break them down into two parts:fatty acids and glycerol.然后,胰腺分泌胰腺酶作用于脂肪滴,将其分解为两个部分:脂肪酸和甘油。This happens because fat droplets are too big to pass through cell membranes.这是因为脂肪滴过大,无法穿过细胞膜。The broken downfat is absorbed by the cells lining the intestine, where it is reassembled into fat molecules andeventually shuttled into the bloodstream with the help of lipoprotein particles.分解的脂肪被肠粘膜细胞吸收,重组成脂肪细胞,最后负载在脂蛋白颗粒上进入血液循环。For the most part fat is stored in the fat cells that compose fatty tissue.大部分的脂肪储存在脂肪细胞内,形成脂肪组织。Think of a fat cell as a tinyplastic bag filled with a drop of fat.脂肪细胞好比一个容纳脂肪滴的塑料袋。Interestingly, fat cells do not multiply.有趣的是,脂肪细胞并不会变多。The body contains a finitenumber of fat cells that expand as they absorb fat.身体内的脂肪细胞数量有限,它们在吸收脂肪后体积膨胀。So how can you make those fat cells smaller?那么,如何使得这些脂肪细胞变小?Eat well and exercise.健康饮食和运动。When you work out, yourbody burns energy, primarily in the form of glucose.运动时,身体消耗葡萄糖以燃烧能量。After breaking down stores of carbohydratesto produce glucose, the body goes after fat, which it breaks down into fatty acids that can also beused to make glucose.当储备的碳水化合物转化成的葡萄糖被完全消耗后,身体就开始分解脂肪,由此产生脂肪酸,而脂肪酸也会产生葡萄糖。212
Science and technology科学技术Scientific publishing科技出版业Brought to book好书来了Academic journals face a radical shake-up学术期刊面临彻底改变IF THERE is any endeavour whose fruits should be freely available, that endeavour is surely publicly financed science.如果有人试图把成果免费公开的话,那他一定是科学资助者,Morally, taxpayers who wish to should be able to
about it without further expense.确实,纳税人都希望不再花额外的钱来阅读科学著作,And science advances through cross-fertilisation between projects.并且科学的进步也是通过各个学科之间的相互促进吸收,Barriers to that exchange slow it down.而其间的交流障碍使这种进步慢了下来。There is a widesp feeling that the journal publishers who have mediated this exchange for the past century or more are becoming an impediment to it.在过去一个世纪,期刊出版商给人广泛的感觉就是他们调停了这种交流,甚至阻碍了这种交流。One of the latest converts is the British government.而最新的改变发生在英国政府身上,On July 16th it announced that, from 2013, the results of taxpayer-financed research would be available, free and online,它在7月16宣布,从2013年开始,由纳税人资助的科研成果都会在网上免费公开,for anyone to
and redistribute.并且任何人都可以阅读和转发。Britains government is not alone.并不是只有英国政府这么做,On July 17th the European Union followed suit.17日欧盟也紧随其后,It proposes making research paid for by its next scientific-spending round―which runs from 2014 to 2020, and will hand out about 80 billion, or 100 billion, in grants―similarly easy to get hold of.建议下一个科研经费周期拿出800亿欧元来补贴类似易于获取资料的方法。In America, the National Institutes of Health has required open-access publishing since 2008.在美国,国家卫生研究所从2008年开始就要求开放出版业。And the Wellcome Trust, a British foundation that is the worlds second-biggest charitable source of scientific money, after the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, also insists that those who take its shilling make their work available free.仅次于比尔和梅林达?盖茨基金会的英国维康信托基金是世界上第二大科研资金获取来源,也坚持―要用我的钱就必须免费公开成果。Criticism of journal publishers usually boils down to two things.而期刊出版商对此的批判常常归结为两件事,One is that their processes take months, when the internet could allow them to take days.一是他们对资料的处理要花费数月,实际上有互联网他们只需要花费数天;The other is that because each paper is like a mini-monopoly, which workers in the field have to
if they are to advance their own research,另一个原因就是由于每篇论文就像一个小型垄断,相关领域的工作者想要提升研究水平就必须得阅读那些论文,there is no incentive to keep the price down.这样根本没有动机把价格降下来,The publishers thus have scientists―or, more accurately, their universities, which pay the subscriptions―in an armlock.因此出版商就把那些科学家―准确来说是那些付钱订阅期刊的大学牢牢限制住了,That, combined with the fact that the raw material is free, leads to generous returns.再加上原始材料免费这一事实,这些常常为出版商带来了巨额回报。In 2011 Elsevier, a large Dutch publisher, made a profit of 768m on revenues of 2.06 billion―a margin of 37%.在2011年,荷兰出版商爱思唯尔从20.6亿欧元的投资中获取了7.68亿欧元的回报―利润达到了37%,如此高的收益被认为太过分,Indeed, Elseviers profits are thought so egregious by many people that 12,000 researchers have signed up to a boycott of the companys journals.因此爱思唯尔遭到了12000名研究人员的联名抵制。A golden future?未来一片光明?Publishers do provide a service.出版商也确实做了一些工作,They organise peer review, in which papers are criticised anonymously by experts.他们要对论文经行同业互查,And they sort the scientific sheep from the goats, by deciding what gets published, and where.并且还要对论文进行分类和挑选,决定是否出版和在哪里出版。That gives the publishers huge power.这就给了出版商很大的权利,Since researchers, administrators and grant-awarding bodies all take note of which work has got through this filtering mechanism,因为研究者、管理员和拨款奖励机构都在注意谁的论文通过了这个过滤机制,the competition to publish in the best journals is intense, and the system becomes self-reinforcing,在最好的期刊上发表论文的竞争非常激烈,出版系统就变得更加自我强化,increasing the value of those journals still further.也推高了那些期刊的价值。But not, perhaps, for much longer.或许以后不会再这样了,Support has been swelling for open-access scientific publishing:持开放科学出版业的呼声越来越强烈:doing it online, in a way that allows anyone to
papers free of charge.把研究成果放到网上,让任何人都可以免费查阅。The movement started among scientists themselves,这个运动开始由科学家发起,but governments are now,但是现在政府也站了出来,as Britains announcement makes clear, paying attention and asking whether they, too, might benefit from the change.比如英国政府的通告就很清楚,它不仅在关注此事,还询问科学家们是否可以从这个变化中受益。The British announcement followed the publication of a report by Dame Janet Finch, a sociologist at the University of Manchester,Dame Janet Finch的报告发表之后英国政府才发出通告,which recommends encouraging a business model adopted by one of the pioneers of open-access publishing, the Public Library of Science.这位曼彻斯特大学的社会学家建议鼓励一种商业模式,这个方法被一家开放出版业的先锋―公共科学图书馆所采纳。This organisation, a charity based in San Francisco, charges authors a fee and then makes their papers available over the internet for nothing.公共科学图书馆是一家位于旧金山的慈善组织,它会付给作者一笔费用,然后再把他们的论文在网上免费公开。For PLoS, as the charity is widely known, this works well.对于公共科学图书馆来说,它的慈善事业广为人知,并且做得很好,It has launched seven widely respected electronic journals since its foundation in 2000.并且从2000成立开始,已经出版了7大类备受推崇的电子期刊,For reasons lost in history, this is known as the gold model.虽然由于各种各样的原因,它们都淹没在历史的尘埃中,这种方式被称为 “黄金模式”。The NIHs approach is different.国家卫生研究所的方法不一样,It lets researchers publish in traditional journals, but on condition that, within a year, they post their papers on a free “repository” website called PubMed.它允许传统学术期刊发表研究人员的论文,但是有一个条件,就是在一年之内他的论文会在一家名为PubMed网站的免费“知识库”中公布,Journals have to agree to this, or be excluded from the process.期刊出版商必须同意这么做,要么就会被排除在该程序之外,This is known as the green model.这就被称为“绿色模式”。Both gold and green models involve prepublication peer review.不管是黄金模式还是绿色模式都涉及到正式出版前的同业互查问题,But a third does away with even that.但第三种就不需要这样了,Many scientists, physicists in particular, now upload drafts of their papers into public archives paid for by networks of universities for the general good.现在很多科学家都为共同利益而把他们的草稿上传到由大学运营的网络公共档案馆中,Here, manuscripts are subject to a ruthless process of open peer review, rather than the secret sort traditional publishers employ.在这里,手稿都暴露在严格的同业互查之下,而不是被传统出版商私下分类。An arXived paper may end up in a traditional journal, but that is merely to provide an imprimatur for the research team who wrote it.一份被arXiv化论文可能会以传统期刊的出版而结束,但这仅仅只是为研究小组提供出版许可,Its actual publication, and its value to other scientists, dates from its original arrival online.它的实际出版物,还有对其他科学家的价值和原始数据都可以在网上找到。The success of PLoS, and the political shift towards open access, is encouraging other new ventures, too.科学公共图书馆的成功让其把政策转向开放阅览,这也鼓励了其他新的投资者。Seeing the writing on the wall, several commercial publishers are experimenting with gold-model publishing.在看到这些“不祥之兆”后,一些商业出版商开始尝试以“黄金模式”出版,Meanwhile, later this year, a coalition of the Wellcome Trust, the Max Planck Institute and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute will publish the first edition of eLife, an open-access journal with ambitions to rival the most famous journal of the lot, Nature.与此同时,在今年晚些时候,马普研究院和霍华休斯医学研究中心将与维康信托基金会合作,出版首期eLife电子期刊,这份开放阅览的期刊有信心与它们之中最著名的《自然》竞争,The deep pockets of these organisations mean that, for the first few years at least, this journal will not even require a publication fee.那些财大气粗的组织甚至想至少在头几年不对期刊收取出版费。Much remains to be worked out.仍然还有许多要解决的东西,Some fear the loss of the traditional journalscuration and verification of research.一些人担心会失去传统期刊的内容治理和调查核实,Even Sir Mark Walport, the director of the Wellcome Trust and a fierce advocate of open-access publication, worries that a system based on the green model could become fragmented.甚至维康信托基金会的主管和开放出版的坚定持者Mark Walport先生也担心基于绿色模式的系统会分崩离析,That might happen if the newly liberated papers ended up in different places rather than being consolidated in the way the NIH insists on.如果新式宽松论文政策被某些原因终结而不是如NIH所坚持走统一合并的路子,这一切就有可能发生。But research just published in BMC Medicine suggests papers in open-access journals are as widely cited as those in traditional publications.但是根据《BMC医学》最近公布的调查显示,开放阅览期刊被引用的广泛程度和传统期刊一样多。A revolution, then, has begun.所以一场革命已经开始了,T researchers and politicians want it.不仅技术上可行,研究人员和政客也需要。If scientific publishers are not trembling in their boots, they should be.如果传统科技图书出版商没有觉得胆战心惊的话,那现在就是时候了。
  Science and technology科学技术Cancer and the microbiome癌症和微生物组A punch in the gut肠道里的元凶How microbes promote liver cancer in the overweight微生物如何诱发胖人的肝癌OBESITY brings problems―notably heart disease, diabetes and cancer.肥胖产生了问题D尤其是心脏病、糖尿病和癌症。It is not hard to understand its connection with heart disease and diabetes: excess fat clogs arteries and messes around with the metabolism.肥胖与心脏病、肥胖与糖尿病的联系不难理解:多余脂肪堵塞血管,使新陈代谢紊乱。Its link with cancer is less intuitive.但是肥胖与癌症的联系凭直觉就不能理解了。Shin Yoshimoto of the Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research, in Tokyo, and his colleagues suspect this is at least partly because researchers have been looking for that link in the wrong place.位于东京的日本癌症研究基金会的Shin Yoshimoto以及他的同事怀疑,这主要是因为研究人员的研究角度错误。Most work in the field is focused on the cells of the human body.此领域的多数工作只是集中在人身细胞的研究。But researchers should, Dr Yoshimoto believes, be at least as interested in the cells of the microbiome, the collection of 100 trillion bacteria that live in the gut.Shin Yoshimoto认为,研究人员应当留心微生物组,这群生活在肠道的100万亿个细菌群。Mostly, the microbiome is beneficial.微生物组中的大多数都是有益的。It helps with digestion and enables people to extract a lot more calories from their food than would otherwise be possible.它们帮助消化,让人体从食物中分离出更多的能量。Research over the past few years, however, has implicated it in diseases from atherosclerosis to asthma to autism.然而,近几年的研究工作认为,微生物组是造成动脉硬化或孤独症等的病因。Dr Yoshimoto and his colleagues would like to add liver cancer to that list.但是,Yoshimoto以及他的同事则认为微生物组也是肝癌的病因。Their paper making this accusation is published in this weeksNature, and it is a careful, step-by-step analysis of the matter.他们的论文指出指控,发表在本周的《自然》杂志上。本篇文章进行了仔细、逐步的分析。They start from the facts that fat animals have different gut bac that some bacteria produce inflammatory molecules as part and that inflammation promotes cancer.文章开始便列举了事实,肥胖动物的肠道细菌与瘦的不同;某些细菌在新陈代谢过程中产生一种能引起炎症的分子;炎症诱发癌症。They began their experiments by feeding laboratory mice a fatty diet, to make them obese.他们通过实验小鼠进行实验,喂养高脂肪食物,让它们长胖。Such mice, they found, are no more likely to develop cancer than those fed an abstemious diet.他们发现,吃了脂肪含量高的小鼠患癌症的机率不高于饮食有度的小鼠。Obesity alone, then, does not seem to cause tumours. But it might still promote them.因此,单独肥胖一项因素不会引起肿瘤,但是仍然会诱发肿瘤。Their next experiment therefore started by giving the mice a carcinogen known to trigger tumour formation throughout the body.因此,他们下一步的实验就是喂养小鼠能在全身形成肿瘤的致癌物质。One group was then fed standard fare while another got the high-fat diet.一组实验小鼠喂养标准食物,另一组喂养高脂肪食物。After 30 weeks, just 5% of the slim group had developed tumours, not in the liver but in the lungs.30个星期后,体形瘦削的那组只有5%患有肿瘤,不是在肝脏,而是在肺部。In the obese group, every animal had developed liver cancer.体形肥胖的那组,每只小鼠都患上了肝癌。To understand how this happened, the researchers began with the tumours and worked backwards.要了解其中的原因,研究人员先从肿瘤入手,采用了反正法。First, they found that the cancerous liver cells in their mice were generally accompanied by cells that had the symptoms of old age.首先,他们发现,实验小鼠中癌化的肝脏细胞周围的细胞出现了老龄化的症状。Such cells also emit chemical signals which promote inflammation, and thus encourage tumours.这些老化细胞会释放出引发炎症的化学信号,并进一步诱发肿瘤。The researchers suspected that these cells were being made senescent by something produced by gut bacteria.研究人员怀疑,细胞出现老化是由肠道细菌产生的某些物质所致。That suspicion was confirmed when they served some of their mice a cocktail of four antibiotics, to prune the animals microbiomes.研究人员混合了四种抗生素,喂养小鼠时,减少小鼠体内的微生物群。This treatment lowered the number of senescent and cancerous cells, suggesting the microbes were indeed to blame for promoting cancer.此时,他们的怀疑得到了实。这种喂养方法减少了老化和癌化细胞的数量,表明微生物确实是诱发癌症的因素。Dr Yoshimoto and his team then started to focus on which bacteria were causing the problem.接下来,Yoshimoto和他和团队开始研究是何种微生物导致问题。First, they discovered they could get the same cancer-suppressing effect using just vancomycin, an antibiotic that kills only “Gram-positive” bacteria.首先,他们发现,用专杀“革兰氏阳性”细菌的抗生素万古霉素进行实验,也能取得相同的抑癌效果。They also observed, as prior research had suggested, that a fatty diet raised levels of a chemical called deoxycholic acid and that antibiotics lowered it.同时,他们发现,高脂肪饮食会提升化学物质脱氧胆酸的水平,万古霉素会使其降低。Previous research had demonstrated too that DCA damages DNA in a way that promotes senescence.先前的研究也发现,DCA会以一种诱发衰老的方式破坏DNA。Dr Yoshimoto showed that lowering DCA levels in mice did indeed reduce the development of liver cancer.Yoshimoto让人们看到,降低实验小鼠体内DCA的水平确实会减少诱发肝癌的机率。Certain types of gut bacteria, including strains of Clostridium, are known to burp out DCA.某些肠道细菌,包括梭状芽胞杆菌菌株,研究人员进行进一步的工作,包括研究小鼠粪便。And further detective work, including examination of the mices faeces, revealed higher levels of a strain of Clostridium called OUT-1105 in the fat mice than in the thin ones.他们研究发现,肥胖的小鼠粪便中OUT-1105这种梭状芽胞杆菌的水平要高于瘦削小鼠。This strain, Dr Yoshimoto thinks, is the most likely culprit.Yoshimoto认为,这种梭菌很有可能就是罪魁祸首。There is, then, a chain of causation leading from the gut to the liver that promotes tumours in obese mice.之后,他们又发现了一连串的因果现象,说明了肥胖小鼠体内从大肠到肝脏诱发肿瘤的成因。And the chances are good that something similar pertains in Homo sapiens.这提供了好机会,因为这个过程与人体内的过程相似,Humans are not mice, of course.虽然人不是老鼠,But the two species microbiomes often do behave in the same way.但两者的运行机制还是相似的。If cancer does end up being added to the growing list of problems which an upset microbiome can cause, that may stimulate research into ways of tweaking it to stop it causing disease.人体内的微生物组令人烦恼,因为它会导致一些问题,而且由它导致的问题还在不断增加。假如由它导致的癌症防止不了,那么这就会刺激研究对微生物组进行调整,地防止产生疾病。It will also, once again, emphasise the microbiomes role, for both good and ill, as an adjunct part of the human body在此需要再一次地强调微生物组的作用,不论好与坏,毕竟它们都是人体的附属部分
  Those spots are a natural part of the ripening process.其实那些斑点是香蕉成熟过程中的自然组成部分。You see, just like all fresh produce, your bananas are alive.你知道,和所有的新鲜果蔬一样,香蕉是活的。Theyre taking in oxygen to help them convert sugars into energy, and releasing carbon dioxide.它们不断地吸收氧气来并把糖类转换成能量,释放出二氧化碳。This process is called respiration.这一过程称为呼吸作用。The quicker a fruit or vegetable respires, the quicker it ripens.果蔬的呼吸作用越快,则成熟得越快。For most fruits, the respiration rate slows down after the initial growth stage and the fruit ripens slowly.呼吸作用会在生长初期过后减弱,水果的成熟过程也会变慢。The growth and ripening process of bananas, however, is different.然而,香蕉的生长和成熟过程却并不是这样。Although at first the bananas respiration slows down too, when its y to ripen, the bananas pulp releases a chemical that increases respiration.尽管一开始香蕉的呼吸作用也会减弱,但当它快要成熟时,香蕉的果肉会释放出一种化学物质促使呼吸作用增强。This converts the starches in the banana to sugars and gives it its fabulous taste.在这一过程中香蕉会把体内的淀粉转化成糖,从而变得美味无比。With all this respiration, the banana eventually processes all the starches available.正是这种呼吸作用使香蕉最终把所有的淀粉转化成糖。And thats when it begins to die.而这也是它开始变质的时候。 966
  Finance and Economics;Centrally cleared derivatives;Clear and present danger;财经;集中清算衍生品交易;迫在眉睫的危机;Clearing-houses may add danger as well as efficiency;清算所的危险和效率料并行上升;Stock exchanges have not been lucky in love recently. Deutsche Borses proposed merger with NYSE Euronext was blocked by regulators in February. Romances between the exchanges of Singapore and Australia, and between the Toronto bourse and the London Stock Exchange (LSE), have also fizzled.券交易所近期的“联姻”不那么顺利。德国券交易所( Deutsche Borse)与纽约泛欧交易所集团(NYSE Euronext)的合并提议2月份被监管当局否决。而新加坡和澳大利亚券交易所的联姻以及多伦多券交易所和伦敦券交易所( LSE)的联姻也都已搁浅。Tired of such dalliances, the LSE has taken up with the plumber. On April 3rd its shareholders backed its plan to take control of LCH.Clearnet, a big clearing-house. Clearing-houses are the back-room wizards of the exchange-traded securities and derivatives markets. They ensure that once a deal has been agreed upon it will be honoured, even if one of the parties goes bust. The 2008 financial crisis proved their worth. Interbank markets seized up because no bank knew how big a risk the other was carrying, but the clearing-houses had a much better idea of their exposures and could rapidly demand more cash or other collateral from counterparties.LSE厌倦了此类周旋, 开始对“管道工”产生兴趣。4月3日该集团股东持掌控LCH.Clearnet的计划,LCH.Clearnet是一家大型清算所(欧洲最大的衍生品独立清算所)。清算所是股票交易和衍生品市场的幕后向导。他们确保一旦交易达成,就会生效(即买卖双方分别与交易所发生关系),即使交易一方破产。2008年发生的金融危机明了清算所的价值。间市场失灵,因不知彼此担负多大的风险,但清算所对其敞口却知之甚详,进而可快速的要求交易方提供更多现金或其他抵押品。Regulators now want clearing-houses to act as central counterparties (CCPs) for as many derivatives transactions as possible. Their biggest target is the mountain of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives products, whose notional amounts outstanding, reckoned at around 700 trillion dollar in June 2011, easily dwarf the 83 trillion dollar of derivatives on exchanges.目前监管当局想让清算所扮演中央对手方(CCPs)的角色,尽可能多的为衍生品交易进行清算。其最大的目标是大量的衍生品柜台交易(OTC),2011年7月OTC名义总值约达700万亿美元,而交易所的衍生品交易名义总值为83万亿美元,明显低很多。Some OTC derivatives are aly centrally cleared: LCH.Clearnets Swap Clear service has 290 trillion dollar of interest-swaps on its books. Many are not. A G20 resolution in
set a framework for moving standardised OTC products into clearing-houses. This is being applied through bits of legislation worldwide, most importantly via the Dodd-Frank Act in America and the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) in Europe, which was voted through the European Parliament on March 29th. Any remaining bilateral deals would be much more expensive for banks to carry on their books.部分衍生品柜台交易已被集中清算: LCH.Clearnet的掉期清算业务中利率掉期账面值达290万亿美元。但多数OTC衍生品交易并未进行清算。年颁布的一项20国集团决议为标准化OTC产品进入清算所制定了一个框架。这一框架可通过世界范围内的零星立法来实施,最重要的立法有美国的多德?弗兰克法案(Dodd-Frank Act)和欧洲的欧洲市场基础设施监管条例(EMIR),该条例于3月29日获欧洲议会投票通过。剩下的双边交易对来说都要昂贵得多。All of which means that the volume of business flowing to clearing-houses, and the fees they can charge, will rise. For a stock exchange like the LSE, whose trading volume in cash equities is being eroded by much cheaper multilateral platforms, it makes sense to risk overpaying―the deal values LCH.Clearnet at around 800m (1.1 billion dollar)―to secure a business that is almost bound to grow by regulatory fiat.所有这些都意味着流向清算所的业务量,及其收取的费用会增加。对于像LSE这样的券交易所来说,其股票现货交易量将受到更便宜的多边交易平台打压,(因此)冒险多掏钱购入一项在监管法令下势必会增长的业务是有意义的。LSE购入LCH.Clearnet 股权的交易额约达8亿欧元(11亿美元)。Others are also crowding round. NYSE Euronexts merger with Deutsche Borse would have plugged it into Eurex Clearing, the German exchanges CCP. Now it will work on making NYSE Liffe Clearing, which clears the trades on Londons Liffe futures exchange, a full CCP. On March 28th it announced plans for its continental derivatives-clearing activity to migrate there by early 2014, subject to regulatory approval (its continental cash equities will continue to be cleared by LCH.Clearnet).其他交易所亦前仆后继。纽约泛欧交易所集团与德国券交易所的合并本可与欧洲期交所清算公司( Eurex Clearing)拉上关系,欧洲期交所清算公司是德国券交易所的CCP。目前纽约泛欧交易所集团将致力于打造泛欧交易所清算所(NYSE Liffe Clearing),该清算所清算伦敦国际期货金融交易所(Liffe)的期货交易,完全是一个CCP。3月28日LSE宣布计划在2014年初将其衍生品清算业务扩张至欧洲大陆,而这取决于监管当局的许可(其欧洲大陆股票现货交易将继续在LCH.Clearnet进行清算)。This will create new concentrations of risk. If the CCPs consolidate into three or four big players in Europe, and a handful more worldwide, that will be a lot of risk tied up in a few institutions. Since they are involved in cross-border business and meant to be “interoperable”―ie, allowing access to a wide number of counterparties―the responsibility for the bail-out of a CCP may not be a clear-cut geographical one. All this should be sorted out before the game goes much further.新风险集中将应运而生。如果欧洲的CCPs整合成三或四个大机构,全球则整合成稍多几个,那么大量风险就将会被集中在几个机构上面。因为这些机构的业务涉及跨境,意味着会“相互影响”,即业务向更广泛的交易方开放,那么要负责救助一个CCP,或许就不是地理上明确划分的那一个了。在进一步整合之前,所有这些问题都应解决。Another looming problem is the quality of collateral that CCPs take. Apart from cash, the most common type of collateral posted with clearing-houses is government bonds. These no longer have the “risk-free” status they used to enjoy. As more deals migrate to CCPs, the pressure to find suitable collateral could intensify (by how much depends on the extent to which clearing enables offsetting transactions to reduce the amount of collateral needed). There is a risk that clearing-houses could expose themselves to assets which are not as stable as they should be.另一个若隐若现的问题是CCP接受的抵押品质量问题。除现金外,清算所接受的最普遍抵押品是政府债券。而这些债券已不再是过去享有的“无风险”地位。随着更多交易转向CCP,其找寻合适抵押品的压力料加剧(这多少取决于哪一种清算令对冲交易削减所需抵押品数量的程度)。这就存在一种风险:清算所面临的资产敞口不如应该那样稳定。Clearers swear blind that they would never relax their standards. “Were not plumbers, were risk-management firms,” says Ian Axe, the boss of LCH.Clearnet. This is true, but it and many other CCPs are run for profit, and are bound to steer a course between risk and reward. The European Securities and Markets Authority is supposed to set new capital rules and collateral standards for CCPs by June 30th. What regulators give with one hand, they may take away with the other.清算所誓言决不会放宽标准。LCH.Clearnet老板Ian Axe表示:“我们不是管道工,我们是风险管理公司”。虽然这是事实,但LCH.Clearnet和其他CCP都是逐利的公司,定会在风险和收益之间前行。欧洲券与市场(European Securities and Markets Authority, 简称ESMA)应在7月30日前为CCP制定新的资本规则和抵押标准。上有政策,也许下就有对策。 /311
  Water gets into a fishs body through osmosis, the process in which water diffuses from a higher to a lower concentration.水通过渗透作用进入鱼儿的身体,在这一过程中,水从高浓度的地方扩散至低浓度的地方。For example, if there is more water outside of a cell than inside, water will try to flow into the cell until there is the same concentration of water on either side of the cells membrane. The body of a fish acts the same way, either absorbing or losing water depending on its surroundings.比方说,如果细胞外的水多于细胞内,水就会流入细胞内,直到细胞膜内外的浓度相同。鱼儿的身体与细胞一样,吸水还是失水取决于它生存的环境。Whether a fish absorbs or loses water is based on the fact that all fish must maintain a certain amount of salt in their bodies to stay healthy. Fish that live in fresh water have a higher concentration of salt in their bodies than the surrounding water.不管鱼儿吸水还是失水,事实上,所有的鱼要想保持健康其体内就必须维持一定量的盐分。淡水鱼体内盐的浓度要高于周围的水。Consequently, water continuously flows into the fishs body to attempt to dilute the amount of salt in the fish until it is equal to the amount of salt in the surrounding water. Since fish cannot allow their salt content to be diminished, their kidneys work overtime to expel excess water in the form of urine.因此,水就不断地进入鱼儿的体内以稀释盐份,直到鱼儿体内与外界的盐的浓度持平。因为鱼儿自身无法减少体内的盐分,所以他们的肾就要不断工作以将多余的水以尿液的形式排出体外。Ocean fish have the opposite problem. Surrounded by salt water, their bodies contain a relatively lower concentration of salt than the ocean water. In this case, osmosis causes the fish to constantly lose water in order to equalize salt concentration inside and outside the fish.海鱼的问题则恰恰相反。由于被盐水包围,他们体内盐的浓度与海水相比相对较低。在这种情况下,渗透作用使得鱼儿不停地失水以平衡体内外盐的浓度。To partially compensate for the water loss, ocean fish actually drink water through their mouths. To get rid of the excess salt they take in by drinking seawater, they excrete some salt through cells in their gills.为了补偿失去的部分水分,海水鱼通常要用嘴喝水。而为了去除喝海水带来的多余盐分,它们会通过腮里的细胞排出一些盐分。 /168。
  A long wait, on this Moment of Science. 本期《科学一刻》将和您聊聊长久等待。You might have heard the old adage that glass is a liquid,你可能听老话讲玻璃是一种液体,and if you go over to Europe and look at the stained glass windows in the cathedrals, youll find them thicker on the bottom than the top because they are gradually spilling out. Is this true?如果你看过欧洲教堂的色玻璃窗,你会发现底部的玻璃要比顶部厚,因为它们正在逐渐变形。这是真的吗?Before we answer that one, lets take a second to think about what a cool image that is.在回答这个问题之前,让我们首先花几秒钟时间思考一个很酷的情景。Maybe if you lived for centuries instead of years, you could sit around and watch glass pour the way we watch molasses ooze out of a jar.也许如果你生活了几个世纪,而不是几年,那样的话你就可以坐在那里,看玻璃就像我们看糖蜜从罐子里洒出来一样。Well, sometimes little factoids like this get passed around that may or may not be accurate.嗯,有时这样的小趣闻会传达亦真亦假的信息。So, to set the record straight, glass is indeed a very slow-moving liquid-yep!所以,正确来讲,玻璃的确是一种流动非常缓慢的液体―是的!given the standard definition of a liquid, which is something that takes the shape of its container.再考虑到液体是能盛下容器的形状的标准定义。If you could wait a really, really long time, you might be able to watch a seemingly-solid piece of glass do this.如果你可以等上非常非常长的时间,你可以看到片状固体的玻璃。But it would take a lot more than a few centuries.但需要超过几个世纪的时间。In fact, a recent study by Edgar Zanotto in the American Journal of Physics showed that the amount of time youd have to wait to see glass change its shape with the naked eye would be longer than the age of the universe!事实上,埃德加?赞诺托最近发表在《美国物理学杂志》的一项研究表示你用肉眼等待玻璃改变其形状的时间会超过宇宙的年龄!Those cathedral windows are probably thicker in some places just because of the crude methods used to form them.那些在某些地方教堂的窗户可能会很厚,只是因为早先是用原油制成。So, yes, technically glass is a liquid, but no, you cant ever see it move.所以,是的,技术上讲玻璃是一种液体,但你却看不到它流动。Unless you have a few billion years. 除非你愿意花上几十亿年时间。279
  One of the really interesting things about the nicotine in cigarettes is that it works in two ways.香烟中尼古丁的其中一个非常有趣的特质是,它以两种完全不同的方式工作。When you take a long drag, it acts as a tranquilizer, but when you inhale in short puffs, it acts as a stimulant. And one of the side-effects of stimulants is that they suppress the appetite.如果你长期吸烟,那么它会起到镇定剂的作用,但如果你只吸几口,它则会成为兴奋剂。而兴奋剂的其中一个副作用则是抑制食欲。One of the most successful ad campaigns for cigarettes encouraged women to smoke instead of eat. And the fact is that cigarette smokers do weigh less on average than nonsmokers. Research shows that quitting smoking can make you gain between five and twelve pounds.其中一个最成功的香烟广告活动就是鼓励女士们用吸烟代替吃饭。实际上,吸烟者通常的确比不抽烟的人体重要轻。调查发现,戒烟会导致体重增加五到十二磅。Physicians recommend moderate exercise like walking for thirty minutes, three times a week. Not only does exercise help control weight gain, it also helps ease the stressful feelings associated with quitting.医生建议进行适当的锻炼,比如每周三次进行步行,每次步行三十分钟。运动不仅可以控制体重,而且能放松因戒烟导致的紧张情绪。You can also try to limit alcohol and cut down on foods high in fat, but keep in mind that most experts think that it isn’t a good idea to go on a strict diet and try to quit smoking at the same time. You should focus on one health challenge at a time.你也可以控制饮酒并减少高脂肪食物摄入,但请谨记,大多数专家不建议在戒烟的同时进行节食。你应该一次锁定一个健康目标。 /203


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