
我们的家乡—东台,是一个美丽的地方,交通便捷,空气新鲜,人们很友好。她坐落在中国的东方,靠近大海。东台有很多独特的美食,当然了,我们也可以品尝到美味的海鲜(seafood)。东台是一个现代化的城市,有很多的购物中心,超市,也有休闲娱乐的地方,如电影院,体育馆,图书馆等。请你以“My home town”为题向来自远方的朋友介绍一下我们可爱的家乡东台吧。词数60词左右。()()()()()
书面表达。许多国外友人要到苏州游玩,他们对苏州有着浓厚的兴趣。请根据下面要点,写一篇介绍苏州的短文。&&&&& 1. 苏州是个古老的城市,很干净,空气污染较少;&&&&& 2. 苏州有很多园林(gardens),都很美丽。&&&&& 3. 苏州离上海近,开汽车到上海只需大约1小时。&&&&& 4. 在苏州你可以买到很好看的丝绸,还可以吃到很多美味的食物。&&&&& 5. 欢迎到苏州,你们将在苏州过得愉快。_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
内容包括:1.家乡的名称,位置2.你住的地方和周边的环境. 家乡的特色地方或食物.3.你在家乡通常可以做的事情.4.你对你家乡的评价.5.字数:60词左右____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________上海大世界官方攻略(地址+营业时间+介绍)
【导语】:大世界站到了!”地铁八号线熟悉的广播又响了起来,在不久之后,“大世界”三个字将不只是一个站名因为……盼星星啊盼月亮大世界将于3月31日正式对外开放啦!  为了让大家在大世界白相得更加开心当当当当!小编特地为大家准备了一份超详细的官方攻略!  值得一提的是,在攻略中出镜的这位帅哥,正是在之前“分享你眼中的大世界,讲述你与大世界的故事”互动活动中获奖的幸运粉丝!于是,我们特地跟拍了他在大世界游玩的全过程,制作出了这份史上最贴心官方攻略。  还等什么?一起去大世界看一看吧!Let’s go!“大世界之旅即将开始”  买票攻略!  大世界的票价为60元。  五折优惠票:  A:1.3米以上儿童,23周岁以下全日制大学本科及以下在校学生(凭本人学生证购票入场);  B:60周岁以上老人(持有本人有效身份证、老人证、户口本)  C:现役军人(持有本人现役军人证)  D : 残疾人(持有本人残疾证)  2. 免费兑换票(不包含周末和晚上19:00-22:00)  1) 1.3米以下(含1.3米)儿童 (进馆需有一位成人陪同)  2) 伤残军人(持有本人有效伤残军人证)  网络购票:据粉丝反应上海大世界网上购票链接系统有问题,出单不及时,已出现网友付款后无法参观。为避免更多网友损失,建议前往现场购票。  没关系,你到了大世界之后,还可以至大世界六角亭左右两边的票亭进行现场购票。购完票后,即可回到西藏南路沿街的人行道等候区域内,和大家一起等候入场过安检啦!  大世界小贴士  首先,购票需要身份证。其次,无论你是通过微信购买的电子票,还是现场购买的实体票,都会通过扫描二维码入场,检票无需身份证。为了能够让广大“票控”留下大世界票根的纪念,大世界特设了纸质票打印机,购买了电子票的朋友们再也不用担心无法收集票根啦!  安检提示  购完票,排完队,当然就要准备过安检进大世界啦!请大家排队,在工作人员的指引下有序地通过闸机,并将包包放入安检仪哦。  大世界内设有国内外的非遗美食,满足大家的味蕾,根本不需要带什么吃的增加负担啦,尤其是自制或已拆封的食品饮料,保证食品安全和舒适卫生嘛。大世界内可以携带饮用水,在过安检的时候,您只需试喝一口,就可以PASS啦!  另外,除了饮食,为了保护大家的安全,请不要携带易燃易爆物品、腐蚀性放射性物质以及管制刀具等入场哦!谢谢配合!  大世界小贴士  大世界采用4+2运营模式  即周日-周四运营时间为10:00-18:00,17:00停止入场;  周五-周六增设夜场19:00-22:00,21:00停止入场,每周三闭馆休整。  每日13:00-16:00为人流参观高峰期,建议您提前买票,错峰入场哦!  同时,考虑到客流管理与安保安防需要,大世界将采取基于实时监测的客流数据,提前预警限流措施,场内达到1900人次即实施限流,安排场外排队入场。请一定要注意哦!  精彩推荐
  最新优惠:上海39元门票抵用券免费送(即日-日)  领取方式:微信搜索关注上海本地宝(ID:shbendibao)官方微信公众号,回复【8】即可获取  
相关推荐 &&&&在我们习惯了城市的五光十色,有没有想去看看农村的月朗风清?小编在此为大家介绍几个上海周边农村的好去处,希望大家可以趁着休息日,去感觉月亮从树阴里筛下满地的光斑,闪闪烁烁,飘忽不定;去听月光在
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汇深网 版权所有扫二维码下载作业帮
求一篇关于family的英语短文,在100字左右就OK了 急用,
我是英语教师,这是经过我修改的学生作文,可供您参考!My FamilyI am Jason.I am a boy.I live in Kunming.It’s a very beautiful city.I study in Baima Primary School.I usually go to school by bus.Sometimes I go by bike.I like playing football very much.I play it with my friends on the weekends.My mother is a TV reporter.She goes work by car.She likes singing.She often listens to music on TV.My father is a teacher.He teaches P.E.in a school.He goes to work on foot.He likes art.He often draws pictures on Sundays.I love them very much.我的家庭我的名字叫Jason.我是一个男孩.我住在昆明.它是一个非常美丽的城市.我在白马小学学习.我经常乘公交车上学.有时,我骑自行车去.我非常喜欢踢足球.在周末,我经常和我的朋友一起玩.我的妈妈是一名电视台记者.她开车去上班.她喜欢唱歌.她经常听看电视上的音乐.我的爸爸是一名老师.他在学校教体育.他走路去工作.他喜欢艺术.他通常在星期天画画.我非常爱他们.
My FamilyI am delighted to tell you that I have a nice family.There are 4 members in my family and we love each other.My father is handsome and intelligent.He is an ordinary worker but he is also...
用英文 介绍教室我需要一篇介绍教室的英语短文.大概200字吧.
This is our classroom. It’s big and bright(明亮的). There is a blackboard on the wall. It’small. Under the blackboard, there is a platform with a table on it. It is a white table. Beside the blackboard, there is a tall case. Teachers and students get on well with each other in our classroom. We love our classroom and our class.例1Abstract
The essence of ecology is life and its diversity, integrity, openness and coexistence. When one contemplates and analyzes classroom from the perspective of ecology, classroom should contain open-ended and multiple goals instead of a single and pre- classroom is more flexible, allowing great diversity instead of being narrow-minded, identical and in sole possession. Classroom is characterized by equality, harmony and vigor, instead of being under hegemony, control and being mind- it is a place where students as principal parts exchange their minds instead of being a fearful “modern spiritual hell”; classroom is a stage where the vigor of students is stimulated, their nature is started and their colorful self is presented, instead of a knowledge-manufacturing place lacking in variety.例2Whether you're new
or are a power user, our classroom training provides the perfect opportunity to increase your skills and knowledge. You will receive comprehensive, hands-on training in an interactive and collaborative environment. And you'll learn from your peers— administrators from other companies who've faced challenges similar to your own.例3 以教室为背景的小说A Teacher for Life During the recent trip to Chengdu for Chinese New Year, as usual I met up with my high school friends for a drinking feast. We invited Teacher Chen, the head teacher of our class, to join us as well.When we started our high school in 1986, Teacher Chen was given the chance for the first time to head a high school class. In today’s standard, Teacher Chen might have been considered a 愤青 (angry youth) then. She was idealistic, passionate, and silently angry at the establishment for giving the young teachers few opportunities to prove their capabilities.1986 was an awkward yet exciting year for all of us. In Chengdu, jeans were still frowned upon and forbidden in school. Pop songs were being smuggled in from Hong Kong. Ballroom dance was just slowly sneaking back onto university campuses. Jing Yong’s martial arts fantasies, grouped together with other hand-copied fictions as corrupting and addictive, were completely off limit to the “good students”.The school, eager to send more students to famous universities and improve its reputation, repeated the same old message of studying hard. But time was changing. At the New Year’s Eve party for 1987, a few of us danced disco, a dance considered belonging only to “hooligans”, on the creaky wooden floor in our classroom, under our classmates’ curious stares. No one was penalized afterwards.Teacher Chen shielded us from much of the school’s criticism. Her mantra was “You have only one life. Live differently!”, which was such an invigorating message to us who had been trained all our lives to study and only study. Once, unsatisfied with our formulaic writing, she tasked us to write whatever we would want, on our lives, on our future, on our frustrations. For any one who wrote about their true thoughts and feelings, she gave a perfect score.Another time, she let us decide on an unorthodox and highly tacky class slogan – To Live, Not Simply Living (生活,而不是活着). That slogan hanged over the blackboard for an entire semester. It was with her encouragement that we put on plays, staged a break dance performance for the school variety show, and sing pop (oh my) songs at the school singing competition.We became good friends, highly inappropriate for teacher and students. A few of us close to her would sometimes study in her office, and report to her the latest impressionist poems or Freudian theories we had just picked on. One time we found her old love letters to the ex before her husband. When we confronted her, she blushed all over and told us we had gone too far.Now looking back, I feel she needed us then as much as we needed her. We were all pushing along to see how far we could go. Alas, how blessed we were.After high school, she and I continued correspondence, even after I went to America. Sometimes she would express envy at me living “freely”; sometimes she would tell me her frustration at not being able to do more, not able to win against the establishment. But in 1996 when I came out to her in a letter, she stopped writing.It was only then I knew there’s a limit to everything that seemed too good to be true.While waiting for her at the restaurant, my friends and I reminisced about the good old rebellious days in high school. When she finally arrived, it caused quite a stir. She had barely changed. After the warm greetings, she sat next to me, once her best student, at the dinner table.We talked about our respective lives. She was now a special-grade teacher and had garnered many teaching awards. I asked about her students. The time is changing, there were things off limit to them now but they were all doing great. I asked about her daughter who had just started a job in Singapore after graduation. The daughter missed home and wanted to move back, but Teacher Chen didn’t want her to get stuck in Chengdu, the slow-paced city which she had always considered only for those lacking ambition.She asked what I was doing. I replied filmmaking and writing. She sighed, “If you keep on switching, how can you get far?” Then we moved on to talk about her other successful students who had gotten doctor’s degrees or were making lots of money.I wanted to ask her then if she still taught her students To Live, Not Just Living. I wanted to tell her then that I’d always been true to our friendship, to her teaching that we should be living honestly and passionately. But my friends were falling off the chair from too much drinking, and Teacher Chen, with the pensive smile on her face, looked more and more distant.


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