
wrap me up是什么意思_wrap me up在线翻译_wrap me up什么意思_wrap me up的意思_wrap me up的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
wrap me up是什么意思
wrap me up是什么意思 wrap me up在线翻译 wrap me up什么意思 wrap me up的意思 wrap me up的翻译 wrap me up的解释 wrap me up的发音 wrap me up的同义词
wrap me upwrap me up 双语例句1. Please wrap up two croissants for me.&&&&请替我包两个牛角面包。2. Please wrap it up for me when it is ready.&&&&我带走。做好后请为我打包。3. Will you wrap them up pretty for me, please?&&&&能麻烦你把它们给我包装得漂亮点吗?4. The color on campus We come from a noisy Young mind Unlimited looks forward to the overflow The wrap-World We give vent to your The fiery feelings The colorful life of radioimmunoassay Green campus Those silly juvenile Zhang Yang's life-dressed Enjoy the knowledge of the infinite Hot campus Those young face Loaded with the harvest of knowledge Look forward to the new school year Four Seasons campus Colorful year after year Blink of an eye We grow up As a result With the growth of pleasure We leave quietly A purity of the fertile soil We are pregnant with hope for tomorrow We are eager to become the next powerful eagle This fly in the sky above You Let me make a good start in life You I stirred up the desire for knowledge You I have become useful help, help me fly.&&&&色的校园我们喧闹而来年轻的胸怀溢满无限的期待素裹的世界我们尽情宣泄火热的情怀放射生活的多彩绿色的校园那些懵懂少年张扬生命的光鲜领略知识的无限炽热的校园那些年轻容颜满载收获的知识期待新的学年四季的校园多彩的一年又一年转眼间我们长大于是带着成长的愉快我们默默离开一片纯洁的沃土上孕育着我们对明天的希望我们渴望未来变成矫健雄鹰翱翔于这苍穹之上是你让我在人生中有了好的开始是你激起了我对知识的渴望是你助我成材,助我飞翔。5. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D5. Ok. I'll take it. Will you please wrap up the gift for me?&&&&好。我买了。请把它包装成礼品好吗?6. 6. Can you wrap it up for me.&&&&你能帮我包装一下吗?7. 7. Would you like me to wrap it up?&&&&我给你包起来好吗?8. Can you wrap it up for me?&&&&你能替我包装好吗?9. That's good. Could you wrap it up for me?&&&&好的。能帮我包起来吗?10. Please help me to wrap it up.&&&&请帮我把这个包起来。11. Could you wrap it up for me?&&&&&&好的。能帮我包起来吗?12. You want me to wrap that up, or should I just give it to you?&&&&&&你想让我把它包起来,还是直接给你13. 13. Let me wrap it up for you.&&&&&&让我来为您包好裙子。14. Thanks madam. Let me wrap it up for you.&&&&&&谢谢您。让我来为您包好裙子。15. Let me rub your hair dry and wrap up the towel.&&&&&&请稍等,我来帮您擦干净,包上毛巾。16. Will you please wrap up the meat for me?&&&&&&你替我把肉包起来好吗?17. Hey hey hey, Hey hey hey All the ladies tell the fellas we can do what they can do We can do it even better in broken heels I roll my sleeves up Wrap my hair up There's no sign on the road So i never stop Can you catch me?&&&&&&日hey hey hey,日hey hey hey 所有的女士告诉小伙子们,我们可以做他们能做什么我们可以做得更好破碎的高跟鞋余卷了我的袖子总结了我的头发有没有关于路标所以我从来没有停止你能赶上我?18. Take this and wrap up that disgusting head that you said you found with one of the specimens then give it to me. I want to look at it.&&&&&&拿着这个和那个恶心的脑袋,做一个样本,然后给我,我想看看。19. Illiam, sorry, I`m running late! William: That`s OK. What`re you doing? (showing Hogan Polishing the boss'shoes) Hogan: Oh! The boss just wants me to wrap up some business before I leave.&&&&&&rap up=to finish 你和女朋友约定在6点见面,可是马上就到点了,你的老板还在没完没了地谈事情,那么这时你要做的就是装作有很重要的事情要做,对老板说:I`m running late。20. If you go to store, please take some packing paper for me so that i can wrap up the birthday gift for bill.&&&&&&如果你去商店的话,请帮我带一些包装纸来,以便我可以把给 Bill 的生日礼物包起来。wrap me up是什么意思,wrap me up在线翻译,wrap me up什么意思,wrap me up的意思,wrap me up的翻译,wrap me up的解释,wrap me up的发音,wrap me up的同义词,wrap me up的反义词,wrap me up的例句,wrap me up的相关词组,wrap me up意思是什么,wrap me up怎么翻译,单词wrap me up是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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