English is really too difficult的比较级.How should I stud

人教版_九年级英语_全册写作同步练习 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &&Unit 1 How do you study for a test?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&【单元话题分析】怎样学习英语,怎样学好英语是我们每个学生、老师、家长共同关心的问题。本单元话题就是谈论如何学习英语。学会学习是《新课程标准》倡导的一个基本理念。如何学习英语或者如何学习某门功课是非常贴近中学生学习生活的话题之一,是每个中学生都有亲身感受与体验的。这个话题既有趣又实用,既能锻炼我们的表达能力,又能使我们学到一些实用的方法,对自身的学习大有帮助。它涉及到英语学习的各个方面,可以谈论听力、口语的训练,语法、词汇的学习,也可以谈论自己学习中遇到的困难,介绍学习经验、给出建议等内容。&&& 该话题常见的命题形式主要是要求考生介绍自己学习英语的具体方法、学习英语的体会、遇到的困难和给他人提出建议等。写该话题时要注意层次清晰、条理清楚,写作时要突出谈论的重点,使用恰当的时态(一般现在时较常用)。此外,大家还要掌握相关的词汇和常见表达方式,使自己的作文语言丰富,更具可读性。【写作指导】1、&&&&&&&&&&&& 对于写作而言,丰富的词汇储备十分重要。关于这个话题常见的词汇和短语有:memorize,pronunciation, read aloud, make mistakes in grammar/spelling, take notes,practice speaking,by asking the teacher for help/surfing the internet/getting an English tutor, have a problem,learn by heart…&&&&&&2、&&&&&&&&&&&& 由于本话题涉及的内容一般是日常学习生活,所以一般情况下选用一般现在时。如果涉及到发生在过去的事,则使用一般过去时。谈论本话题也常常用到现在进行时。一定注意要按照内容安排选择适当的时态。3、&&&&&&&&&&&& 从涉及的内容来看,无论是谈论自己的学习经验还是面临的问题,都需要逐一列举,为了使全文流畅、生动、层次清晰、条理清楚,在写作中,正确使用连接词,会使文章增色不少。常见的表示顺序或承接的连词或词组有:first of all,second,to begin with, later on,finally,at last等。4、&&&&&&&&&&&& 每个句子要简练,尽量避免语法错误。但句式也不可过于单调,要把平时学的知识用进去,在恰当的地方使用如定语从句、宾语从句、非谓语动词和比较等句型,特别是对关联词的使用,如“so that”、“not…but ”“not only...but also”等,更能显示出你的英文功底,但要做到这些并非一日之功,要靠平时的不断训练和积累。5、&&&&&&&&&&&& 注意不同语言的表达习惯,也是写好英语作文的重要环节。不要用汉语的句式去硬套英语句子,尽量使用学过的句型。【解题技巧】1、&&&&&&&&&&&& 先要认真审题,仔细阅读提示,弄清写作的要求,抓住要点,确定体裁。2、&&&&&&&&&&&& 根据要求构思,按要求确定人称、时态等要素,草拟提纲。根据作文内容考虑要使用的词汇和短语等内容。3、&&&&&&&&&&&& 认真选词、选句,尽量使用自己熟悉的、掌握较好的词句,最好能做到词汇使用恰当、丰富,句式多样。避免用汉语思维套用英语句式。4、&&&&&&&&&&&& 联句成篇,使作文自然流畅。适当应用连词把句子串联成为一篇短文,注意合理搭配句式,正确使用标点符号,不可“一逗”到底。5、&&&&&&&&&&&& 通篇检查,修改润色。主要看全文内容是否符合题目要求,有没有遗忘要点,看行文是否流畅,有无拼写及语法错误。【佳篇欣赏】AMy Ways of Learning EnglishEnglish is the most widely used language in the world. As a student in the 21st&century, learning a foreign language well is necessary. Unfortunately, a few of my classmates don’t learn English well, so they want to give up. Therefore,I think I should help them with their English. Here are my ways of learning English.First of all, I usually learn English by listening to the tapes. Correct pronunciation is the most important thing for beginners. I listen to the tape carefully every evening and read every sentence after the tape to improve my pronunciation. In this way, my English sounds very nice now, and I am more confident in learning English.Second, I think reading is another important way to learn English. I usually learn new words by reading English magazines. By reading, I not only learn a lot of words, but also get to know how to use them. Reading helps me to understand grammar better, it makes grammar more interesting.As for speaking, I join the English cub to practice spoken English. I talk with different students and foreign teachers. In my opinion, the best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.&BHow to Learn English Well?English is one of the most important subjects in middle school. Almost everyone knows that we should learn English well, but few of us know how to learn it well. When one is learning a foreign language, he must use it. In fact, most of us learn English just by reading the textbooks and listening to the tapes. But we are afraid to speak. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. A saying goes that practice makes perfect. When we learn English, we should practice speaking every day in order to learn it better. The more we speak, the fewer mistakes we make. Only in this way can we learn English well.CMy Problems in Learning EnglishI have been leaning English for more than six years. I find it difficult for me to learn it well. I have some problems in leaning English. I can’t follow my teacher when she speaks English in class. I am really worried.& I tried my best to learn English by memorizing all the grammar rules and new words, but I always make mistakes in grammar and spelling. What’s wrong? I feel frustrated.&【重点结构和句型展示】A.原汁原味(课本重点结构和句型)I learn English by reading aloud. 我通过大声朗读学英语。What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 大声朗读练习发音怎么样?She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all. 她补充说,和朋友交谈一点帮助都没有。It is too hard to understand the voice . 理解那些话太难了。He’s been learning English for six years. 他学习英语已经有六年了。First of all, it wasn’t easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked to the class. 首先是老师给全班讲课时我不容易听懂。I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner. 我认为进行大量的多听力训练是成为一个优秀语言学习者的秘诀之一。B.&精彩例句拓展Why not listen and read after the tape ?为什么不听录音跟读呢?You’d better take notes in class. 你最好上课记笔记。It is not difficult for you to learn English well if you spend time and energy on it. 只要你花时间下功夫,学好英语并不难。It is wise of you to take English seriously. 你能认真对待英语,这是明智的。Don’t be afraid to ask for help. 别怕请人帮忙。I always make mistakes in grammar. 我常常在语法方面犯错。I have trouble reading English magazines. 我读英文杂志有些困难。&【原创习作点评】假设你是一名英语成绩优秀的初三学生,请你写一篇短文,简要总结自己近几年学习英语的成功做法。要求:1. 题目自拟。2. 合理安排内容,尽量介绍英语学习各个方面的做法,避免只介绍某一个方面的经验做法。3. 语言通顺、语法准确。分& 析:这是一篇给定话题的自命题作文,要求以成绩优异生的身份介绍学习英语的成功做法和经验。写作的重点要放在学习方法的介绍上。首先,可以介绍自己的英语学习情况,再导入到方法的介绍说明上。其次,由于介绍的内容包括多方面的内容,所以要注意写作的条理要清楚。要做到条理清楚,就需要恰到使用表示顺序或承接的词或词组。&习作 1:How I study English&& I often hear some students say that English is too difficult to learn, and they can’t learn it well. But English is easy to me. I am good at it. I am very glad to say something about how I learn English.&& First, I think ①having interest&in English is very important. Interest is the best teacher. In order todevelop interest&in English, I always ②listen&and learn some English songs. When I sing these songs, I feel very confident that I can learn English well.&& Second, English is a foreign language,it’s not so easy to learn. In class, I listen to the teacher carefully, speak bravely, I am not afraid of making mistakes. After I listen to the tape, read aloud the new words many times and practice speaking again and again. I also have a good habit---ask questions. Whenever I have a question, I will ask my teacher for help and make it clear.&& Third, I often read English magazines. In this way, I can learn lots of new words and expressions. Reading helps me understand a lot of things.&I think it an important way to learn a foreign language.&&&Learning English takes time and energy. If you are hardworking and interested in it, you will do well in it. I hope every student can learn English well.教师点评&&&&得分点这是一篇非常优秀的学生习作。①内容完整,介绍时使用了first、second、third等副词使短文条理清晰,层次分明。②用词丰富,使用了多种句式,作文具有较强的可读性。③用词恰当,极少出现语言错误。对于初中学生来说,有些句型使用的非常精彩,如:I think it an important way to learn a foreign language和Learning English takes time and energy.&存在问题短文中出现了简单错误。①此两处分别应为 have an interest in和develop an interest。② 此处应为listen to。建议①可根据英语学习的具体情况介绍如何学习词汇、语法等内容。②如果是考试作文,字数最好控制在100—120左右。&习作 2:The way I learn English& I like English very much. My English is very good.& Usually, I like to listen to English songs very much. I learned many words by ③rememberingthe words of songs. This can help me practice listening, too.& Grammar is very important. I always try my best to remember all the grammar rules after class. Then I will make some sentences according to the grammar. ④Use&grammar helps me do well in exams.& For most of the students, speaking is a problem. In class,I work with my partners to practice the dialogues in the textbook. After class, I often read after the tape and try to remember all the sentences. When I speak with my classmates or foreign teacher, these sentences are very useful.&&English itself is not difficult, the most important for a student is to be confident. I think everyone can learn it well if you try hard.&教师点评&&&&&&&&得分点这是一篇中档习作。① 基本按照题目要求,简单介绍了自己在英语学习几个方面的做法。② 语言错误较少。③ 结尾句很好。失分点①使用的句型单一、简单。②条理性不强。段落关系联系不紧密。③语言错误:此处选词不当,根据短文内容判断,此处用memorize的动名词形式memorizing更为恰当。④语法错误,对于动名词做主语掌握不熟练,此处应为Using。&&【拓展练笔】1、关于学习英语,有人认为最重要的是学好语法,有人认为最重要的是尽可能多地记住一些单词和词组。而你认为这两种观点都有片面性。  以How to learn English well? 为题写一篇短文,谈谈你的看法。How to learn English well?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________One possible version:How to Learn English Well?  Some people think that if we want to learn English well we must learn English grammar well first of all. Others believe we can't learn English well if we don’t memorize as many English words and phrases as possible.  In my opinion,grammar rules,new words and phrases are both very important, but they are not enough. Fox example,some of my classmates are quite good at grammar and have learned by heart a lot of English words and phrases,yet they can't express themselves in English when they meet foreign friends. & I think the best way to learn English well is to learn and use English all the time. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. We'd better do a lot of listening, speaking, reading and writing. If you can form the habit of thinking and writing in English all day, you are sure to grasp the spirit of English and will be able to read works in English within a short period of time.Only in this way can we learn English well. So I think this is the best way.&2、 你准备参加一个关于学习方法的讨论会。在会上,你将用英语介绍自己学习英语的具体方法,对待困难的态度和解决问题的办法,并号召其他同学一起学好英语。请结合自己的实际情况,写一篇发言稿。要求: 1. 语言准确、语句通顺、书写规范;&&&&&& 2. 内容全面,可适当发挥;&&&&&& 3. 词数在100个左右。开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________One possible version:Hello,everyone! I am glad to tell you how I learn English.Like most of you,I am interested in English. When you are willing to do something,you will do your best to make it. Motivation is quite important.&For many students around me,it’s not so easy for them to memorize new words. I seldom repeat the same single word again and again,instead I memorize new words by using them. Whenever I learn some words,I will try to use it when I speak. I find it easy to remember things in the context. This is also true to grammar. The most important thing is to use it. Remember this,you will do better. I always keep myself busy, I read some pages every day. While reading,I not only learn lots of words and phrases,but also learn the skills of speaking. Reading helps me know many topics,so I always have something to say when I have to talk.Of course,I also have a lot of problems. But I never feel frustrated. Problems remind me that I am not the best one and I need to do more with it. When I have problems,I will try to solve them with the help of a dictionary first. If the dictionary doesn’t help,I will ask my teacher for help.So,everybody,be confident and hardworking,you will do well in English.&3、 (2007年福州市初中毕业会考、高级中等学校招生考试) 为了交流学习经验,提高学习效率,《新世纪英文报》正在举办以“How to be a good learner?”为题的征文比赛。请你踊跃投稿。内容提示:&要求:1.必须用上所有的内容提示,语句通顺,书写规范;&&& &&2.词数80左右,已给出的句子不计人总词数。How to be a good learner?As a good learner,we should_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________&&& I hope all these will be helpful to us.&One possible version:How to be a good learner?As a good learner,we should have good habits and ways in learning.We need to get ready for our lessons before class and always listen carefully in class.After class,we must go over the lessons and finish our homework on time.It is good to study in groups and help each other.As a student,working hard is important. But don’t forget to do sports and keep healthy.We should do more reading in our free time,If we have any problems.we’d better ask others for help.I hope all these will be helpful to us.&Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark&【单元话题分析】&&&随着年龄的增长、时间的推移, 人们的相貌、性格、兴趣爱好可能会发生变化,人们的行为习惯、生活环境也会发生些许变化。本单元的话题就是谈论变化,进行今昔对比。&& 《新课程标准》倡导体验、实践的学习方式。课程标准的第五级目标要求学生能根据所给的图示或表格写出简单的段落,简单描述人物或事物。本单元话题所谈论的内容就是要学生根据自己不同年龄阶段的生活体验,运用目标语言(如used to等 )描述自己生活中的一些变化情况。该话题常见的命题方式是要求学生根据文字提示、表格提示和图片提示等归纳、整理,写出条理清晰的短文,描述人物或事物的今昔变化。写作时要注意顺序得当,主次分明。由于本话题涉及到了过去和现在的情况,因此,要注意恰当的使用过去式和现在时,写作时尽量作到句式多样。【写作指导】1、本单元话题的特征是通过今昔比较发现变化。写作时要注意对作为描写对象的人或事物进行仔细的思考和观察,根据思考和观察的结果客观地将对比情况告诉他人。在完成考试题时,要仔细理解文字、表格和图片等提示,答题时不要遗漏内容要点。2、注意写作的顺序,做到顺序得当,主次分明。理顺要点在所给提示,按事件先后的顺序或各要点之间的内在联系排序,分出层次。如果是看图作文,则要按图构思,这样做既可避免要点遗漏,又可使表达内容条理清楚。3、尽可能在作文中使用多种句式,不可一种句式从头用到尾,篇幅不宜过长。【佳篇欣赏】AMy Life Has ChangedDear Robby,&& I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you? Do you play the piano every day now?&& I study in a junior middle school now,I am always busy with my lessons. I used to play the piano every evening, but now I can’t. I have to do my homework. As you know, I used to have lots of hobbies, but now I just have no time for them. I gave up collecting model cars, sent away my dog and stopped painting. I used to enjoy myself with my friends at weekend, while I spend most of my time doing my lessons now. My life has changed a lot, I feel frustrated.&& What about the life of middle school students in your country? I hope you can enjoy yourself.&& I am looking forward to your reply.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Yours,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& JayBMy Mother Has ChangedMy mother is 42 years old. She is a good mother. Recently, my father and I found that my mother has changed a little.She used to be very kind and gentle, smiles were always on her face. But now she gets angry easily and seldom smiles, she even gets upset if I speak too loud. In the past, she would smile and say “It doesn’t matter” if I made mistakes. Now, if I do something wrong, even it is a minor mistake, she will shout at me and will tell me a lot of “You should…” In the next few days ,she will talk about my mistakes angrily.I am really worried about my mother, is she ill?I really miss my kind and gentle mother.CMy ChildhoodI spent my childhood in a small city.There was a small river in the south of the city. My father used to take me there to catch fish on weekends. When we were tired, we always slept for a while under the big tree. At that time, weekends were a happy time for children. My little friends and I used to climb up the trees to play even it was dangerous.&& When I was very young, I was afraid to sleep alone because I used to be afraid of the mouse, I thought they would bite me and take away my toys. I was really a little fool then.& &I have a happy and colorful childhood. It is the best part of my memory.&【重点结构和句型展示】A.原汁原味(课本重点结构和句型)1.I used to be afraid of the dark. 我过去害怕黑暗。2. He used to cause a lot of trouble. 他过去常惹很多麻烦。3.I don’t worry about tests. 我不为考试担忧。4. My biggest problem is that I’m too busy. 我最大的问题是我现在太忙了5. Before I started high school,I used to spend a lot of times playing games with my friends. 在我上中学之前, 我常常花很多时间和朋友们一起做游戏。6. She also told me that though my father was no longer with us, he was watching me, and would take pride in everything good I do. 她还告诉我说, 即使爸爸不再和我们一起生活, 他还在注视着我, 并且为我所做的每件好事而自豪。&B.&精彩例句拓展1. I am terrified of being alone in the house. 我害怕一个人呆在屋里。2. I didn’t used to like Beijing opera. / I used not to like Beijing opera.过去我不喜欢京剧。3. Did you use to like documentary? 过去你喜欢纪录片吗?4. I am not used to getting up so early. 我不习惯这么早起床。5.She is worried about her son’s health. 她为儿子健康状况感到担心。6.The fact is that he didn’t help us at all. 事实上他根本没有帮助我们。7. He is busy writing. 他在忙于写作。& My mother is always busy with housework. 我妈妈经常忙于干家务活。8. He is no longer young. He is over fifty. 他不再年轻, 他已经50多岁了。9. Chinese people are proud of Shenzhou VI. 中国人民为“神州六号”感到自豪。【原创习作点评】(改自江苏省南通市中考题)请你按照下面表格的提示,写一篇题为“Changes in My Hometown”的英语短文,开头已给出。内容要点过&去旧房子现&在高楼河水肮脏河水清澈步行、骑自行车上班乘公交车、开小汽车上班要求:1.以今昔整体对比的方式写一篇短文;2.或者以单项对比的方式写一篇短文;&&&&& 3.词数:80词左右(包括已经写出的单词)。Changes in My Hometown&&Over the past 10 years, great changes have taken place in my hometown. In the past, ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________分析:本篇作文的题目和要点已经给定,有两种写法,一是今昔整体对比,也就是先说明过去的总体情况,再说明现在的总体情况;二是单项对比,也就是先说明过去的房子是什么样子的,而现在的房子是什么样子的,按照不同的比较项目逐一列举。最后也可通过对比,表达自己对家乡变化的喜悦之情或对家乡的热爱。&& 在选词方面,同学们可灵活运用本单元重点结构used to do/be 或there used to be/do,注意正确使用一般过去时。习作 1:& Over the past 10 years, great changes have taken place in my hometown. In the past, the houses were very ①old. The river used to be very dirty. People used to walk or ride bikes to work. But now things are different. Many people live in tall buildings. ②The river is so clean that people can swim in it.&People take buses or drive their own ③car to work.&&& I am happy to see that my hometown is becoming more and more beautiful.教师点评&&&&&&&&这是以今昔整体对比方式写的一篇习作。得分点(1)完整地将表格提示内容进行了表述,基本无语言错误。②处这句话摆脱了简单的罗列陈述,使短文显得比较灵活。(2)在内容完整的基础上,结尾表达了个人情感,为短文增色不少。失分点③ 此处应该使用复数形式cars。提示①此处用此除了选用old外,根据表格提示,旧房子也指房子的状况不佳,可选用用poor。&习作 2:Over the past 10 years, great changes have taken place in my hometown. In the past, the houses in my hometown were very old,①but now many people have moved into tall buildings.&The water in the river used to be very dirty,but now the river is very clean. People used to walk or ride bikes to work,but now they go to work by bus or by car.&The life of people in my hometown is much better than before. Best wishes to my hometown.教师点评&&&&&&&&&这是以单项对比的方式写的一篇习作。得分点(1)内容完整,无语言错误,能正确使用本单元目标语言。(2)①处这句话是短文所要描述的变化动了起来,体现了句式多样化。(3)表达了个人对家乡的感情与祝愿。提示短文中每处对比都是用了but, 选词单一。可省略一两处。&【拓展练笔】1、Jack以前在学习上不愿下功夫,学习成绩也不好。在朋友John的帮助下,他的学习有了明显进步。请根据下表的内容提示,写一篇短文。Jack过去经常上学迟到,不认真听课,不认真完成作业……现在在Jack的帮助下,认真学习……John关心Jack,和他谈心;帮助他复习功课、解决问题要求:1. 短文应包括表中所有要点,不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥。2. 简单表述自己对这一问题的看法。_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________One possible version:&& Jack is a student at No.2 School. He lives with his uncle because his parents work in another city. He does really well in his subjects. But he used to be a “problem student”. He was always late for school. What was worse, he didn’t listen to the teachers carefully in class and he never finished his homework on time. His teachers and classmates were very worried about him. John,a top student in the class, decided to do something to help him. He used to talk with Jack every afternoon after school. He did his homework at Jack’s home so that he can help his with his problems and help him review his lessons. At the end of the school year,Jack did better in the exams, he made great progress. Now, with the help of John,Jack is careful about his lessons, he is trying his best to do it well. John now is Jack’s best friend. I think Jack is really lucky, he got two things ---true friendship and good grades.2、马上就要初中毕业进入高中了,你是否还记得丰富多彩的小学生活,小学生活与你现在的学习生活有什么区别吗?请以此为主题写一篇80字左右的短文。_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________One possible version:My life has changed since I became a middle school student. When I was in primary school,I used to study fewer subjects,but now I have nine. I used to spend some time playing games with my little friends after school,but now I have to go home and do my homework. I used to like tests,but now I feel stressed out,I don’t like them so much. Now I get up early and stay in school all day, I am tired of the school life now.3、假如你叫李海,是光明学校的学生,请根据下面的提示向你的笔友Tina写封信,简单介绍学校近年来的变化。&& 内容要点:1.三年前,学校只有一座教学楼、一个室外操场,没有图书馆;&&&&&&&&&&&& 2.现在,学校有两座教学楼、一座图书馆、一座办公楼。今年新建了室内体育馆。&& 要求:1. 注意书信格式;&&&&&&&& 2.词数在100词左右。&& _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________One possible version:Dear Tina,&&&& How is it going? Last time you asked about the changes in my school in you letter. Yes, great changes have taken place in my school.&&&& My school is an old school. Three years ago,there was only one teaching building and one playground. There used to be no library. Now we have two teaching buildings,a library and an office building. This year,an indoor gym was built.&&&& Now our school is bigger and more beautiful. All the teachers and students are very happy to work and study here.&&&& If you have a chance to come,I will show you around. Best wishes!&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Yours,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Li HaiUnit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes【单元话题分析】&&&“ 没有规矩不成方圆”,每所学校、每个家庭都有自己的行为规范准则,该做什么,不该做什么。本单元的核心话题就是谈论规则,发表自己的见解。&&& 《英语课程标准》在情感态度和文化意识方面要求中学生在学习英语语言的同时,要学会遵守公共行为规范,并培养自身独立思考的能力。通过对本单元话题的学习,大家一要学会谈论允许做的事和不允许做的事, 深刻了解中学生应该做什么,不应该做什么,建立自己正确的价值观念;二要针对现实生活中的各种行为规范和要求, 发表自己独立的见解。&&&&& 本话题常见的命题形式主要有两种:一是根据自己的实际情况讲述身边的规则,有时要求谈论个人观点;二是根据内容提示写谈论规则的短文, 这种文体通常是夹叙夹议。写作本话题常用的结构除了课本上的含有情态动词的被动语态结构should(not) be allowed to 之外,have to,must,can’t,should,shouldn’t,you’d better等也很实用,大家应根据需要灵活应用。【解题技巧】&&&在很多情况下, 本话题的作文常带有议论文的色彩。因此,在写作时要注意以下几个方面:1.主旨鲜明、论点明确,即要怎么做、做什么,这是谈论规则的基本要求。因此,要做到具体、简练、开篇名义。如果有个人见解,可在其后表达。2.讲述个人观点时,要有论据支持,要讲原因。说理要结合同学们的实际情况,尽量做到透彻明了。3.恰当使用时态和语态。议论文或夹叙夹议的作文会涉及到多种时态,要根据内容选择选择恰当的时态,时态也有一定的感情色彩。为了使作文内容更加客观公正, 常常会用到被动语态;为了使作文给人以亲切的感觉, 常以第一人称的口吻写作,这时常用主动语态。写作时应根据需要确定使用哪种语态。4.结构清楚。议论文常见的结构是,先摆论点,在进行论证,最后得出结论。【佳篇欣赏】AOur School RulesI study in a strict school, and there are many rules here. I agree to some of them, but disagree to others.We have to wear uniforms every day. I disagree with it. The quality of the uniforms is bad and they make us feel uncomfortable. I think students should be allowed to wear their own clothes. We want to be different. At our school, even girls are not allowed to have long hair. That is really strange. Long hair makes girls look more beautiful, and in Chinese culture girls should have long hair.Of course, there are some rules I agree with. Younger students are not allowed to ride bikes. It is dangerous for them to ride bikes during the rush hours. We aren't allowed to eat snacks at school. I think it is good for us, most snacks are bad for our health.&BMy family RulesMy parents are strict with me. There are many rules in my family. Let me tell you some of them.I am not allow to spend too much time watching TV or surfing the Internet on school, and I must go to bed before 23:00, because I have to do my homework and get up early the next morning. I have to clean my room every morning. My parents think it is a very good habit to do so. But I don’t agree with them, because my room is not always dirty.Even I don’t agree with some of the rules, I will obey them. I think my parents won’t do anything that is bad for me.CThe Rules of students’ Lab in Our SchoolIn the students’ lab at our school, there are many rules for the students. Here some important ones. We must keep quite if we don’t have to speak. During the class, we must be careful to protect the instruments in the lab. While practicing, we should watch carefully and take some notes. We are not allowed to litter the ground with paper or take things in the lab away. After class, we must clean the lab and do it up before we leave.All of think that these rules are necessary, they make it easy for the teacher to teach here.&【重点结构和句型展示】A.原汁原味(课本重点结构和句型)1. I think twelve-year-olds should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 我认为应该允许十二岁的青少年选择自己的衣服。&Students shouldn’t be allowed to have part-time jobs. 不应该允许学生做兼职工作。2. He should stop wearing that silly earring. 他应该别再戴那无聊的耳环了。3. He doesn’t seem to have many friends. 他好像没有多少朋友。4. Parents should not be too strict with teenagers. 家长不应该对青少年要求太严格。5. That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy. 那将是一个让老师和学生都高兴的好方法。6.…that is good for studying. …那对学习有好处。7. But sometimes these hobbies can get in the way of schoolwork. 但有时这些爱好会妨碍学习。8. I am serious about running. 对于跑步,我十分认真。9. So they don’t allow him to practice running on school nights. 因此,他们不允许他在周内的晚上练习跑步。B.&精彩例句拓展1. Homework must be done on time. 应按时完成作业。2. Smoking is not allowed in public. 公共场所不允许吸烟。3. My parents allow me to choose my own clothes. 我父母允许我选择自己的衣服。4. Why did you stop talking? 你为什么不讲话了?& We stopped to help that boy. 我们停下来去帮助那个男孩。5. It seems that she is very old. / She seems to be old. 看起来她似乎很老了。6.My English teacher is very strict with us, and she is also very strict in her teaching.&我的英语老师对我们要求严格,她对自己的教学也要求严格。7.We must keep our classroom clean and tidy. 我们保持教室干净整洁。& I am sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。8. Doing exercise is good for health. 运动有益于健康。Watching TV too much is bad for your eyes. 看电视太多对眼睛有害。9. We practice speaking English every day. 我们每天练习讲英语。【原创习作点评】假如你是某班的班长,班主任让你明天早上在班上讲一下有关的班级管理制度,请按一下要点写一篇发言稿。内容要点:1.上学要穿校服,服装整洁;&&&&&&&&& 2.不迟到早退;3.保持教室清洁;4.课前要有准备。&& 要求:1.词数不少于80个;&&&&&&&& 2.可适当增加细节,使短文更连贯。分析:这是一篇发言稿,讲话的内容是说明班级管理制度。写作时要注意发言稿的格式。发言稿一般有称呼、正文和结束语三部分构成。写发言稿要注意用词要得体,要符合讲话者的身份。这篇作文是由班长向同学们介绍班级管理制度,因此语气上要有利于大家接受。在说明每条纪律规定时, 视情况使用本单元的重点句型结构be allowed to,为了保证作文的连贯性, 可在要求后简单说明理由。结束语部分可以包括希望和致谢两项内容。习作 1:& Good morning,class!Now I will tell you our class rules. First,we must wear school uniforms at school. Our clothes should be clean and tidy. Second,we are not allowed to be late for class or leave school before ①school is over. Third,it’s our duty to keep our classroom clean.&So from today on, we will②take turn to clean the classroom every day.&Finally,in order to have good results,it’s necessary for us to get things ready for class before it starts.&All the rules are necessary for everyone if you want to stay in a good class and learn something here.&Let’s work together to make our class a good one.Thank you!教师点评&&&得分点这是一篇较好的学生习作。(1)格式正确,称呼、正文和结束语齐全,符合发言稿(讲话稿)的要求。(2)条理清晰。恰当地使用了first, second, third 和finally等词。(3)适当增加了一些细节内容(如划线部分),使短文更流畅连贯。失分点①处为避免重复,school改为it。②处应为take turns to,意为轮流做某事。&&习作 2:& Now I will tell you some of the rules of our class. Everyone is asked to wear school uniforms at school,and you must keep your clothes clean and tidy. We can’t be late for school, and we are not allowed to①leave school earlier. We must keep our classroom clean and tidy. We should be ready for class before it starts,or our teachers may be angry. I hope everybody can obey our class rules.&That’s all. Thank you!教师点评&&&这是一篇一般的学生习作。得分点内容提示的要点完整。讲清了班级管理制度。失分点(1)发言稿个是不完整,只有结束语,没有称呼。(2)层次不够清晰。在陈述班级规定时应强调层次,使用表示先后顺序的词,如first, second等。(3)①处表达错误。早退应为leave school before it is over。&【拓展练笔】1、明天(星期六)全班同学将去参观历史博物馆,由你通知全体同学。请根据内容提示写一篇发言稿。&& 内容提示:1. 早上8:00整在校门口集合乘校车前往历史博物馆;2. 参观要求:认真听讲、做记录等;3.遵守博物馆的规则:不许拍照、大声喧哗。&& 要求:80词左右(开头和结尾已给出)。Fellow students,_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Thank you!One possible version:Fellow students,&& May I have you attention please? Tomorrow our class will visit the history museum. We will meet at the school gate at eight o’clock. Then we will go to the museum by the school bus. In museum, we must listen to the guide carefully and take some notes. Everybody will write a report after the visit. Everyone should obey the rules of the museum. We are not allowed to take photos in the museum. Remember don’t speak loud, or we may bother the other visitors.&& Remember the time. Don’t be late!&&& Thank you!2、(2007年潜江市、仙桃市、江汉油田中考英语试题) 俗话说:“国有国法,家有家规。”为了使子女身心健康、顺利成长,使家庭成员之间的关系更融洽、更和谐,每个家庭都会有这样或那样的家庭规矩。比如:必须按时回家,不准打电子游戏等。请你结合家庭的实际情况,根据下面的提示和要求,以“My Family Rules”为题,写一篇短文。&& 提示:1、家里有哪些家规;2、对家规的感受;3、对父母的建议。&& 要求:1、必须包括提示内容,可以适当发挥;2、词数:80个左右;3、文中不得出现真实的地名和人名。My Family Rules___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________&One possible version:My Family RulesMy parents are very strict with me, and they have made some basic rules which I must obey. Firstly, I must finish my homework in time. Secondly, I cannot play computer games, even in my free time or on weekends. Thirdly, I have to do some chores, such as making the bed and tidying my bedroom and so on. If I break one of them, I will be punished. But thanks to these rules, I can live a healthy and regular life.I think the second rule is unfair to me. I hope sometimes I could be allowed to play computer games for a while, it will make me relaxed.3、(江苏省徐州市中考题) 假如昨天你们班以“Shall We Keep Animals in Zoos? ”为开展了一次英语讨论,请根据下表用英语写一篇80词左右的报道,介绍讨论会的大概情况,第一句已给出,不计入词数。结果20人认为应该把动物养在动物园里30人认为不应该把动物养在动物园里理由● 人们可以在动物园里看到很多种类的动物。● 动物们在动物园里可以得到很好的照顾。●动物们被关在笼子里,无法自由活动。● 动物喜欢生活在自然环境中。&Yesterday we had a discussion about whether we should keep animals in zoos.& _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________---______One possible version:Yesterday we had a discussion about whether we should keep animals in zoos. Twenty of us thought that animals should be kept in zoos. Then we can see different kinds of animals there and all the animals will be taken good care of. Thirty students had a different opinion. They thought that animals shouldn’t be kept in zoos,because animals come from the nature and they love to live in a natural environment. If they are kept in the cages, they can’t move there and there. Keeping animals in cages is really bad for them.&Unit 4 What would you do?【单元话题分析】日常生活中,令我们意想不到的事情会常常发生,你做好准备了吗? 发生在别人身上的事,如果是你,你会怎么办?你有什么好的建议吗?本单元我们将重点谈论想象的情况和学会提出建议。&&中学生思维活跃,想象力丰富,这是学习语言的一大优势。因此,谈论想象的情况会极大的调动大家学习的积极性,提高大家对英语学习的兴趣,同时,也培养了大家学习过程中的创造力,使学习不只局限于课本,而是和生活紧密的结合在了一起。这样也就培养了大家积极主动学习的态度,和《英语课程标准》的总体目标是相符的。而提出建议则是《课程标准》要求学生掌握的一项基本技能,在生活中应用十分广泛。&&& 本单元话题的命题会就中学生生活中的趣事、烦恼的事等和一些热点问题,让大家来假设一些结果,可能会发生什么,事情发生后自己会怎么做。在有的材料作文中,还要求结合题目和生活实际提出一些解决问题的办法和建议。【写作指导】1. 要写作本单元话题作文,首先要了解谈论想象的情况的表达方式。常见的表达方式就是if引导的虚拟条件句,如If I had a million dollars, I would give some to charity, 在这个句子中从句谓语用动词使用了have的过去式had,主句用should(would,could,might)加动词原形。在虚拟语气的从句中,动词be的过去时态一律用were,不用was,如If I were you,I would take a small present。其次,要了解提出建议常见的表达方式。if引导的虚拟条件句除了用来谈论假设的情况外,也可用来提出建议,听起来比较语气委婉,让人容易接受。以下是提建议的几种常见表达法: What about/ How about + 名词/doing…? Why don't you / we do…? Why not + n. ( do …)? 主语+ should ( ought to ) +do等句式结构。2.写作给材料作文应注意的问题:(1)仔细审读所给材料(也叫内容提示),把握主旨,寻找可供写作的信息。(2)围绕中心打腹稿,拟定写作提纲。(3)不要逐字翻译内容提示,抓住信息大意,用学过的词句和句型结构进行表达。(4)表达要流畅,可以适当添加内容允许的细节内容,使上下文过渡自然。恰当使用and、so、or、because等连词,使作文连贯流畅。【佳篇欣赏】AIf I Had A Million YuanWhat would you do if you had a million yuan? Many people would buy a big house. As for me, if I had so much money, I would not take all the money. I would give half of it to the poor schools in the west part of China. I always hear that many children there can’t afford to go to school. I want to help them. Then, I would give some money to the Green Peace to help protect the environment. I would also travel all over the world, and it must be exciting. I would save the rest of the money for my education, because in this way my parents don’t have to work too hard.&&Of course, if I work very hard, I think my dream will come true.&BDear Tina,&& I am happy to hear that you will take part in the English speech contest. You told that you felt shy and nervous. Here I have some advice for you. First, you should read your speech many times and memorize it before the contest. This may make you feel confident. If I were you, I would print the speech on a small piece of paper. It may be useful if you forget the words. Second, take a deep breath before you start speaking, and it will make you calm down. Remember, take the listeners as you friends, so you won’t feel shy. I hope my advice work on you.I wish you success. Good luck.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Yours,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Liu Ying&&&&&CIf I Had A Big GardenI live on the fifth floor, but I really want to have a garden. If I had a big garden, I would make good use of it. First, I would plant many flowers. I would try my best to look after them. When festivals or birthdays come, I would send my flowers to my parents, my teachers and my friends. They can be valuable gifts. Second, I would plant some vegetables. It is safer to eat the vegetables I plant by myself. The last thing I want to do in the garden is to keep a rabbit in the garden, and I would feed them with the vegetables. How wonderful it would be if I had a big garden.【重点结构和句型展示】A.&&&&&&&&&&&原汁原味(课本重点结构和句型)1. What would you do if you had a lot of money? 如果你有很多钱,你会做什么?2. If I had a million dollars, I’d give it to medical research. 如果我有一百万美元,我就把它捐献给医学研究事业。3. If I were you, I would wear a shirt and tie. 如果我是你,我会穿衬衣打领带。4. What if I don’t know anyone here? 如果我不认识任何人,我该怎么办?5. I get nervous before big parties. 参加大聚会前我感到紧张。6. They look terrible. 它们看起来很糟糕。7. I’d wait for him to introduce himself to me. 我会等他向我介绍他自己。8. If you answered c for most questions, then you are probably pretty confident. 如果对于大多数问题的答案是c, 那你可能非常自信。9. Social situations don’t bother in the slightest. 社会环境根本困扰不了你。10. Your friends would probably say that you are easy to get along with. 你的朋友们也许会说你很容易相处。11. You like talking to one or two people rather than to a group. 你宁愿同一两个人说话而不愿同一群人聊天。12. She doesn’t want to let her friends down. 他不想让朋友们失望。13. I can’t think of any good advice to give her, but you always come up with good solutions to people’s problems.& 我给她提不出任何好建议来, 你却总能给人们找出解决问题的办法。B.&精彩例句拓展1. What if there is no water on earth? 地球上没有水怎么办?2. It’s getting colder and colder these days. 最近天气变得越来越冷了。3. He looks honest. 他看上去很诚实。& Her idea sounds good. 她的主意听起来不错。4. Liu Xiang is confident of winning the race. 刘翔有信心赢得这场比赛。5.We don’t permit smoking in the office. 我们不允许人们在办公室抽烟。6. You didn’t bother me in the slightest. 你一点也没有打扰我。7. How are you getting along with your classmates? 你和同学们相处的怎么样?8. I would stay at home rather than go to the party. 我宁愿呆在家里,也不愿去参加这个聚会。9. I won’t let my parents down. 我不会让父母失望的。10. We are thinking of going to France. 我们正考虑去法国。11.He couldn’t come up with a answer. 他答不上来。【原创习作点评】学校的校刊开展了一次“如果有烦恼,你向谁诉说”的学生问卷调查, 要求写清自己的想法和理由。假设你参加了这次问卷调查,请以此为题,写一篇80字左右的短文。分析:这篇作文比较贴近中学生的生活。在作文开始应先说明有了烦恼会告诉谁,然后再讲理由。讲理由时要注意主要理由在先,次要理由在后, 各条理由之间过渡应自然流畅。由于谈论的是一个假设的情况,所以要注意恰当使用本单元的虚拟语气结构。习作 1:& If I had some trouble,I would let my parents know. Because they have a lot of experience about life,they may know how to solve ①my problem and ②what should I do. My parents love me best in the world,so ③I believe them. Another reason is that I and my parents are good friends,I don’t feel shy to tell them young people’s problems. By the way,if I told my classmates,they may laugh at me.教师点评这是一篇较好的学生作文。得分点(1)按照要求写清了自己的想法和理由。(2)内容连贯,语言错误较少。失分点①此处应使用problem的复数形式;②此处语序不正确,应为陈述句语序what I should do;③根据上下文判断,此处是我信任他们,所以最好用I believe in them.&习作 2:& Teenagers usually have some ①troubles,and we need to tell someone. If I had some trouble, I would go to my classmates or friends. Because we are as old as each other,it is easy for me to talk and communicate with them, and we can understand each other very easily. We teenagers have our way of living,and we solve our problems in our own way. If I told my trouble to them,they would come up with better ideas to help me.教师点评这是一篇优秀的学生习作。得分点(1)写清了自己想法,理由陈述具体明确。(2)语言流畅,内容连贯。失分点①此处trouble当“烦恼”讲是不可数名词,应为troubles。&&【拓展练笔】1、吸烟有害健康。然而,有些中学生却认为吸烟是件很酷的事,如果你的身边有同学吸烟,你该怎么办? 请按提示写一篇短文,题目自拟。&& 内容提示:1. 吸烟不仅危害自身健康,也损害周围人的健康;2. 有些青少年因无足够的钱来买香烟而引致偷窃犯罪;3. 应该马上停止吸烟,多进行体育活动。& 要求:1. 不要逐字翻译内容提示;&&&&&&& 2. 词数不少于100词。&& __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________One possible version:Stop SmokingNowadays, some boy students smoke, and they think it cool to do that. But I don’t think so.If the boys around me smoked, I would do something to stop them from smoking. First, I would tell them that smoking is bad for health in many ways. As far as I know, smoking leads to cancer and bad memory. It’s not only harmful to the smokers but also to the people around them. Second, I would tell them that some students stole because they didn’t have money to buy cigarettes. Step by step, the broke the law, and were punished. Of course, I would also give them some advice to help them stop smoking. I think they should give up smoking at once, and they should do more exercise instead.If the students around me smoked, I would try my best to help them give up smoking.&2、网络已经成为现代生活中十分重要的一个方面,它在为我们带来便利的同时也带来了很多危害。现在,全国有很多中学生沉迷网络,不能自拔,严重影响了他们的身心健康。假设你们学校开展“网友知心一帮一”的活动,你要帮助一名沉迷网络的中学生李兵戒除网瘾。这是你第一次给他发邮件,请你告诉他长时间上网、沉迷网络的危害,并且告诉他如果你是他你会怎么办。你的名字叫王宁。& 内容提示:1.&长时间上网对眼睛、大脑和心脏有着严重的危害;2.&长时间上网不仅浪费时间而且极容易耽误学业;3.&请父母帮助控制上网时间;经常和朋友们一起进行体育锻炼等。要求:&不要逐字翻译内容提示,可适当增加细节内容。One possible version:Dear Li Bing,&& How are you?My name is Wang Ning. It’s the first time I write to you. I told that you love surfing Internet very much and always spend too much time on the Internet. I like the network, but I never spend too much time doing that. As far as I know, to our young students, spending too much time surfing the Internet is really bad for eyes, brain and heart. If I were you, I wouldn’t do like that, because it’s not only bad for health but also bad for study. As a student, we should have enough time to study and rest. So surfing the Internet is sometimes wasting time to us. I know that is pretty difficult to give up doing the thing you like. If I were you, I would ask my parents to help control the time I take. And I think it a good idea to spend some time doing sports or chatting with friends. It may help you forget the Internet for a while.&&& Wish you all the best!Yours,Wang Ning3、假如你的同学Lucy是独生女,父母对她的期望很高,只关心他的学习成绩,不让她看电视、上网,她觉得有很多烦恼,却不知向谁诉说。请你给她写封邮件,帮帮她吧。要求:1. 注意书信格式;&&&&& 2. 不要逐字翻译内容提示。&One possible version:Dear Lucy,How are you?I am sorry to hear that you have some trouble. My parents used to be very strict with me. I am not allowed to watch TV or surf the Internet. I felt very unhappy, because I thought that I was no longer a child and teenagers should be allowed to do things they like instead of studying all the time. Then I talked with them. I said I should be given more opportunities to develop myself,and I promised that the things I do wouldn’t get in the way of my schoolwork. Finally, they agreed with me, and of course I kept my word. Now, I would talk with my parents whenever I have some trouble, and they are always helpful.So I think your problem is that you and your parents should understand each other more. If I were you, I would talk to them about all these problems you have. Understanding between parents and child is very important&Good luck!Yours,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Tracy&Unit5 It must belong to Carla【单元话题分析】对于不确定的事物,我们总想去猜测它是什么,会根据某些依据或者现象进一步判断得出一个结论。本单元我们讨论的重点就是谈论猜测和判断。这也是《英语课程标准》要求我们能在日常生活中用英语进行有效的表达的一个重要方面。该话题的命题通常采用“Guided Writing”形式, 有中文或英文内容提示,根据提示内容写作;也有图画提示,一是看图片,猜测在图中可以看到什么;二是看图画,根据图画内容,发挥合理想象,描述图片内容并连接成一个小故事。【写作指导】1.英语中,通常用情态动词比表达猜测或这判断,常见的有must, may, might, could和can’t等词。情态动词表示推测,可能性从小到大依次为:can’t, might, may, could, must。2. 本单元话题同样涉及多种时态,因此要注意时态的正确使用。表示对现在或将来的推测或判断,用“情态动词+动词原形”的结构。Mr. Wang must be in his office now(王先生现在一定在办公室里), She may not go to the movie tonight(她今晚可能不去看电影了)。表示对过去可能发生过的动作或存在状态的猜测或判断,用“情态动词+完成时”的结构。 如I saw him just now, he can’t have gone to Beijing(我刚才看到他了,他不可能去了北京)。表示对现在正在进行的情况的猜测或判断,用“情态动词+现在进行时”的结构。如At this moment, my mother must be cooking(我妈妈一定正在做饭)。【解题技巧】结合本单元话题的特点,写作时注意:1.仔细阅读写作提示或观察图片,说清故事背景,在什么情况下猜测或者做出判断。2.确定写作要点,说清猜测的内容或判断的结论,选用适当的情态动词和时态。3.简要说明做出猜测或判断的理由。【佳篇欣赏】AI can’t find my VCD&Mr. Bean.&It’s my favorite. I was very anxious. My mother said that I might bring it to school but forgot to bring it home. But I never bring VCDs or CDs to school, because it is not allowed. My brother always takes my things without permission, he must have taken it away and lent to his friends. I asked him as soon as he got home, but he said he didn’t take it. Then, I went to ask my father if he knew where it was. To my disappointment, he didn’t know, either. I felt very sad. The next day when got home after school, my mother told me that she found the VCD under the sofa. I wonder how it can be under the sofa?BI am on duty today. So I went to school earlier than before to clean the classroom. But to my surprise, the classroom was very clean. Someone has cleaned it. I guessed who did it.It might be Lin Xiao. He is warm-hearted, and always helps the classmates. But I didn’t see him this morning. Someone told me that he was ill at home today. So it can’t be him. Then, it must be Wang Tao. He is my best friend, and he may help me clean the classroom. I asked him before class. He said he didn’t do that. I felt confused.The story turned out to be a surprise. In the first class, our head teacher told us that Wang Xiaoqing went to another city because his father got a new job there. He was so sad that he didn’t tell any student that he would leave. He loved the class very much, so he decided to clean the classroom for the last time.&C&Here are two interesting pictures. In the picture on the left, if I give a glance at the picture, it might be a man and he is playing the saxophone. If I look at the whole picture more carefully, it might be a photo of a women’s face. I can see her eyes, her nose and her mouse very clearly. In the picture on the right, there must six goblets in it. But if I pay more attention to the white part, there are three pairs of faces.I think this might be the visual delusion. Our eyes may cheat us sometimes.【重点结构和句型展示】A.原汁原味(课本重点结构和句型)1. It must be teenagers having fun. 一定是小孩们在玩。2. The T-shirt can’t be John’s. It’s much too small for him. 这件T恤不可能是约翰的,他穿太小了。3. The guitar might belong to Alice. She plays the guitar. 这把吉它可能是爱丽丝的, 她弹吉它。4. He might be running to catch a bus. 他有可能跑着去赶公交车。5. I am really anxious, because I can’t find my backpack. 我真的很着急,因为我的书包找不见了。6. He looks kind of scared. 他看上去有点恐惧什么。7. At first, I thought it might be a dog. 起初,我想那可能是一条狗。B.&精彩例句拓展1. The road is wet. It must have rained last night. 路上是湿的,昨天晚上一定下雨了。2. The kids are having fun playing in the park now. 孩子们在公园里玩得正高兴。3. We are all anxious about/for his safety. 我们都为他的安全而忧虑。4. He is anxious to enter for the competition. 他很想去参加比赛。5. The movie is kind of boring. 这部电影有点无聊。6. It’s dark and scary here. 这儿即漆黑又恐怖。7. We must catch up with times. 我们必须赶上时代。8. I was afraid at first. 起初,我很害怕。【原创习作点评】请以Jack的身份根据下面提示帮他给他的老师Mr. Black 发一封电子邮件。词数在80词左右。提示:1. 当Jack到家时,他发现自错拿了英语书,他认为肯定是Tracy的,因为书上有Tracy的名字。&&&&& 2. Jack的书可能在Mr. Black 家的书桌上。如果在,请老师帮忙保存起来,如果不在, 麻烦Mr. Black 告诉他Tracy家的电话号码。分析:这是一篇提示性作文,要求写一封电子邮件,由于错拿了书而需要老师的帮助。首先要表示对打扰别人歉意,然后说明发生了什么事,需要老师如何帮助,最后再表示感谢。写作时要注意正确使用表示猜测的情态动词及电子邮件的格式。习作 1:Mr. Black,& I need your help. When I got home, I found my English ①is lost, and I took a wrong book. I think it must belong to Tracy. Because there is her name on it. My English book ②may on your desk. If it is on it, please help me ③take it. If it is not there, please send me an e-mail and tell me Tracy’s telephone number, and I will ask her.&& Thank you very much.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Jack教师点评这是一篇中档学生习作。得分点(1)能按照作文要求写作,内容完整,格式正确。(2)能恰当使用单元目标语言和If 引导的条件状语从句。失分点①此处应为…my English book was lost,应与主句时态保持一致,用一般过去时。②此处遗忘了be动词。情态动词后使用动词原词。③此处用词不当,这儿的保存可使用keep, look after或take care of 。&习作 2:Mr. Black,&& I am sorry to trouble you. I want your help. After I got home, I found that my English book wasn’t in my backpack and I took a wrong book. I think it must be Tracy’s ①book, because her name is on it.&& I think my English book might be on your desk. If it is there, please help me keep it. If it isn’t on the desk, please tell me Tracy’s telephone number. She might take my book.&& I am looking forward to your e-mail.&& Thank you very much.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Jack教师点评这是一篇比较优秀的学生习作。得分点(1)内容完整,行文流畅(2)基本无语言错误,语言礼貌,格式正确。注意①此处的book可以省略,避免与前文重复。&【拓展练笔】1、观察下面两幅图,图1中位于中心的两个圆是否大小相同?图2中你可以看到什么?根据观察做出你的判断,并试着讲讲为什么。请以此为题写一篇不少于90词的短文。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&Picture 1&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Picture 2__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________One possible version:&&& In picture one, if you are not careful enough, you will think the pink circle on the right must be bigger than light green one on the left. Actually, they are of the same size. The reason might be that a circle will look smaller if other bigger circles surround it, and it will look bigger if it is surrounded by some small circles. In picture 2, it might be a goblet(高脚玻璃杯)if I focus on the white part. It must be two faces looking at each other if I pay more attention to the black part.2、 今天早上,大家发现Damion两眼通红。 于是大家纷纷猜测发生了什么事情, 有的同学为他昨天晚上一直在上网玩游戏,有的认为他昨晚做作业做到很晚才睡, 也有的认为……,而真正的原因是他感冒了。请以“What Happened to Damion?”为题写一篇短文。要求:1. 词数不少于90个;2. 意思表达连贯正确,可适当发挥合理的想象;3. 文中不得使用真实姓名。What Happened to Damion?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________One possible version:What Happened to Damion?&& This morning, we found that Damion’s eyes were red, what happened to him? We guessed. Some of the boys thought that he must have played computer games all night,because he always spends a long time doing that. But some girls didn’t agree. They believed that he must have done his homework very late. Others thought that he was watching TV the whole night, because there was a NBA game last night. But I didn’t agree with them. His parents are very strict with him, so he can’t have played games or watched TV. Then, we asked him during the break, and he said he caught a bad cold. Poor Damion!3、根据提示写一篇80词左右的短文。&& 内容提示:李洋在教室外面拣到一支钢笔, 他认为这支笔是刘林的, 因为他知道刘林有这样一支笔,于是他去给刘林,但不是刘林的。他们俩仔细想了一下,认为这支笔有可能是张力的, 他们见过他用过这样的笔。___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________One possible version:&& Li Yang found a pen outside the classroom this morning. He thought it must be Liu Ying’s, because he knows that she has such a pen. So he went to Liu Ying to give it back. But Liu Ying said it wasn’t her pen, hers was in her pencil case. Whose pen it might be? They thought for a while and agreed that it might be Zhang Li’s, because they used to see him use it. Then they went to Zhang Li and gave the pen back. Zhang Li was very thankful.Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to【单元话题分析】生活中,每个人都有自己的爱好。 中学生关于爱好的交流非常常见,是一个十分重要的内容。 即使同样喜欢听音乐的人,也会有不同的偏爱,有的喜欢古典音乐,而有点喜欢流行音乐。本单元谈论的话题就是谈论个人偏爱(preferences)。兴趣与爱好(Interests and Hobbies)这一话题是《英语课程标准》要求初中学生掌握的重点话题之一,也是这些年来各省、市地区中考命题的热点话题。它涉及到的内容广泛,如体育运动、美术、音乐、旅游、集邮、绘画、收藏、爬山、垂钓、看书等。本单元话题是在初二年级谈论兴趣爱好的基础进一步深入,帮助同学们更加精准、深刻的谈论自己的兴趣爱好,说出自己的兴趣爱好和它给你带来的无穷乐趣,感悟生活的愉悦与精彩。该话题的命题形式通常采用 “Guided writing”形式,有中、英文提示的形式,有图画、图表形式等。通常采用记叙或描述性话题作文形式, 写该话题时要注意文体,通过联想将这些画面的直观内容转换成传神达意的文字形式,用于反映图中所表现的思想内容。写作时要重点突出,确定好人称和时态,记住一些固定的习语和句式的使用,培养遣词找句的能力并背诵大量范文,达到熟悉这些地道的句子结构。【写作指导】1. 写作本话题常用的句型有:I like music that I can dance to.My favorite music is…I prefer … music.I like singers who write their own songs.I like groups that play quite and gentle songs.It makes me…It helps me to…It is good for…2. 开篇展示文章的主题,说清自己的爱好或偏爱是什么,下面的叙述内容就要围绕这个中心话题展开。3. 本单元话题谈论的是兴趣与爱好的日常话题,因此一般选用一般现在时。表示兴趣爱好的持续,则用现在完成进行时,它通常和“for+段时间”或“since+点时间(也可以是从句)”的时间状语连用。4. 提示性作文一定要按照题目要求去写,要做到内容完整,层次清晰,段落清楚。5. 注意连词、代词的使用,行文连贯流畅,表意清楚。【佳篇欣赏】AI like music that is quiet and gentle. When I am stressed out, I always listen to music to relax myself. My favorite music is country. This music is great,because it has great lyrics. I don’t like music that is too loud. I can’t stand rock music. As for musicians, I prefer musicians who can write their original lyrics and I like singers who can sing the words clearly. So Jay Chou isn’t my favorite though he is great. My favorite singer is John Denver. You can listen to his songs at night with your bedroom light on. He is really wonderful, I think.BDifferent preferences bring about problemsMy brother and I like music very much. It seems that we have the same hobby. Actually, we also have a problem. I like music that is gentle and quite. My brother likes music that is loud and energetic.I always feel a bit tired after school, so I usually play Bandari’s CD to get relaxed. While my brother doesn’t like it, he says the music that I like makes him feel like sleeping. Whenever I play the CD,he would ask me to turn off the recorder. If I don’t agree, he will be angry with me. When I take out My CD, he will play his Rock-and-roll music very loud. Then he won’t listen to anybody speaking. I just can’t stand noisy music. But I don’t want to argue with him.I came up with an idea to solve the problem. I will buy a pair of headphones for my brother as a birthday gift.&CMy Favorite Books& I like reading very much.,and I enjoy reading books that tell magic stories. Of course, Harry Potter series are my favorite books.& In books, there are many unbelievable things. The imagination is really great. In the books, there are many strange animals, the brooms that can fly,magic hats and magic wands. When I was a child, I really wanted to have a kind of magic power, then I can do every thing. Harry’s magic world is every child’s dream. That is why teenagers are crazy about the books and it’s movies.& In the books, Harry Potter is a courageous, honest and confident boy,and he is handsome. I like him very much, and I can learn something from him. Every teenager wants to be friends with him& Now the new book is going to come out. I can’t wait to read it.【重点结构和句型展示】A.原汁原味(课本重点结构和句型)1. I like music that I can dance to.& 我喜欢能跟着跳舞的音乐。2. I prefer music that has great lyrics. 我更喜欢歌词很棒的歌曲。3. I like musicians who write their own songs. 我喜欢能自己写歌的音乐家。4. The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music. 这音乐让我想起了巴西舞曲。5. What do you think of it? 你认为它怎么样?6. I can’t stand music that is too loud. 我不能忍受太喧闹的音乐。7. ...they don’t interest me as much. ……它们同样唤不起我的兴趣。8. I prefer quiet, traditional music so the concert suited me just fine.我更愿意听安静的传统的音乐,因此音乐会更适合我的胃口。B.精彩例句拓展1. My father prefers swimming to playing basketball. 我爸爸喜欢游泳,而不喜欢打篮球。We prefer living in the suburbs. 我们宁愿住在郊区。I prefer to stay at home rather than go to the noisy party. 我宁愿呆在家里,也不愿去参加那嘈杂的聚会。2. I like singers who sing clearly. 我喜欢吐字清楚的歌手。3. The pictures remind me of my school days. 这些照片使我想起了我的学生时代。& Remind me to write to Mother. 提醒我给妈妈写信。4. How do you like the fish? 你觉得这鱼如


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