
登录百度帐号推荐应用& & 温馨提示!如果您担心买到假冒的『美国石度康』,还在纠结『美国石度康官网』怎么样?如果您正打算购买『美国石度康胶囊』,那么您不妨花5分钟时间认真看完本篇报道!!
& & 相信很多的朋友在选择产品前,都有这样的疑问:
& & 1、美国石度康效果怎么样?真有宣传的那么好吗?
& &&2、美国石度康有没有什么副作用?
& & 3、美国石度康价格多少钱?在哪里可以购买到正品?
& & 美国石度康中国区官网:
& & 如果你有以上疑问,请继续往下看,你的疑问将一一解答.......
& & 对现代人来说,胆结石及肾结石早已成为常见疾病,目前仅在中国大陆就有1亿人或多或少的受此影响,在如此庞大的治疗需求下,各类溶石排石产品也层出不穷,在中医西医轮番上阵之后,就连全球顶级排石品牌美国“石度康”(中文注册商标)也进入了中国,下面笔者就带大家一起去美国健康治愈大陆服务中心了解它吧。
& & “石度康”是一款专为消除胆结石、肾结石及相关并发症而研发的胶囊产品,诞生于1978年,是著名的美国全草药研发企业Healthy Healing
Enterprises , LLC(美国健康治愈)旗下产品。Healthy Healing创始人Linda
& &&当全草本自然恢复和自然治愈这个理念提出后,便获得一片好评,因为它不像传统西医为了实现治疗效果而不计身体损伤,也更不像古老中医那样强调身体保护却牺牲了治疗效率和生活质量。
& & 自然恢复系列产品通过直接萃取草本精华,将草药的原始药性得已高度浓缩和完整保留,中间没有经过任何化学合成或熬煮过程,使“石度康”胶囊在进入人体后可以快速还原和释放,以激发出自然治愈的力量。在足够药力的作用下,通过高效率的溶解和安全的排出最终实现了百万名患者的康复愿望。
& & 针对胆结石、肾结石及相关并发症的病理特性,“石度康”胶囊提供了多达19种草本成分(大陆专供版)加以应对,可以实现三大核心功效:
& & 作用原理:
& &&“石度康”配方中内含的甘菊、蜀葵及墨西哥野山芋等天然草本植物成分,可以消除由结石及并发症引起的腹部疼痛、恶心呕吐、寒战发热、肩背疼痛等不良感受。
& & &功效二:溶解顽固胆结石及泌尿系统结石,促进结石自然排出
& &&作用原理:
& & “石度康”配方中内含的二蕊紫苏、绣球花及卵磷脂等成分可以有效溶解结石,同时胶囊中富含的利尿植物可以促进结石快速自然排出。功效三:消除结石相关并发症,改善体质抑制结石再生
& & 作用原理:
& & “石度康”配方中内含的印度醋栗、山楂等天然成分均富含维生素C,可降低体内PH值,预防结石的形成。同时由水飞蓟种子提取物和俄勒冈葡萄组成的肝脏清洁配方可以维持体内良好的胆固醇水平,起到预防和抑制结石再生的功效。
& &“石度康”具备缓解疼痛、溶解结石、排出结石、改善体质及防止复发等功效,自上市之初便通过了美国有机非处方认证并正式进入全球市场。在后续不断的配方升级 和改进中,又先后获得了NON-GMO非转基因认证、无麸质过敏源认证,1990年时又通过了美国GMP质量规范认证。最终经过一连串的升级改进优化,使“石度康”成为全球最受欢迎的胆结石及肾结石消除产品。
& &2015年,已在全球畅销30余年的“石度康”正式登陆中国大陆,推出了适合中国人体质的大陆专供版并正式确认了中文商标“石度康”。
& & 相较于其它排石产品,“石度康”还拥有绝对领先的六大优势:
& & 一、美国原装进口的纯天然草本胶囊:“石度康”在选材用料、生产规范、检验标准及效果验证等方面,均在严格的美国法律监督下进行。配方全部来自天然植物自然萃取,无毒性及不良后果,能够真正实现自然恢复。而胶囊的形式对原料成分的保护、还原和吸收都具有天然优势。
& &&二、美国市场畅销38年品质保障:相较于许多新兴品牌,“石度康”有着更为悠久的研发和销售历史,在近半个世纪的美国,已成为最被大众认可的溶石排石产品。
& & 三、排石+抑制双效作用:“石度康”与大部分单纯强调排石效果的产品不同,从研发之初便充分考虑了结石抑制和预防再生能力,只有不会复发的恢复才最彻底。
& & 四、低廉的长期使用成本:“石度康”虽然是原装进口产品,但却拥有无可比拟的超高性价比。
& &&五、消除结石并发症:相较于许多专效溶石排石产品,“石度康”可以先消除结石引起的并发症,再从绝对安全的机体环境中溶解排出结石,真正实现完整恢复。
& & 六、可靠的修复及防护效力:相较于其它结石调理手段,“石度康”的排石和修复更彻底,除了没有不良反应及不影响正常生活之外,还提供了积极的身体调养及防护效力。
& & 现在,“石度康”跨越全球,只为把纯天然、无污染的恢复良方送到您的手中,并帮助您的身体自然实现再平衡。
& & 据悉,七成顾客源自口碑!5年来,美国石度康没有一例投诉事件,回头率高达96.3%。数以万计患者彻底康复。
& &&特别提醒:近期发现有许多不良商家,仿冒美国石度康产品信息与官网资料,鱼目混珠,推广假冒伪劣产品,让用户深受其害,请广大用户购前一定要用心
& & 同时也提醒大家,根据【315打假部门联合中国网络购物管理中心提示】,为贯彻落实“打击 假冒,净化网
络购物环境,维护消费者合法权益”的精神,切实保障消费者自身合法权益,远离假货危害,体验到美国石度康神奇的效果,请消费者购买时认准315权威认证美国石度康厂家中国区唯一官网【 】,如在其他任何未经过认证的不明渠道,本中心不保证产品真伪,出现任何问题与本中心无关。
When I was being released a court officer remarked, “You don’tseem to be
any the worse for your day in jail.” I said, “You canimprison my body, but not
the spirit.” It’s only the body they can putbehind prison bars. I never felt in
prison and neither will you ever feelin prison—unless you imprison yourself.
They took me to the spot where I had been picked up the daybefore. It was a
beautiful experience.
Every experience is what you make it and it serves a purpose. Itmight
inspire you, it might educate you, or it might come to give youa chance to be of
service in some way.
Most of my speaking is now scheduled well in advance but I amstill offered
speaking engagements in a most unexpected manner. InMinneapolis I was being
interviewed by a reporter at a gathering ofcivic club members who were awaiting
an address by the Minnesotagovernor. He was unable to make it so they invited me
to speak in hisplace. Of course I accepted!
And speaking of governors, as I stepped inside the big front doorof a State
House one day, a nice friendly gentleman greeted me andshook my hand and asked
if he could help me. I told him I was lookingfor the Governor’s office and he
promptly took me there. “Isthere anything else I can do to help you?” he asked.
“I thought I mighthave the privilege of shaking hands with the Governor,” I
said. “Youhave shaken hands with the Governor,” said the nice friendly
gentleman—the Governor himself.
It was the first year of my pilgrimage and I was somewhere alongthe highway
between El Paso and Dallas when I was picked up forvagrancy. I have never heard
of the FBI investigating people forvagrancy but I was. A man in a black car
stopped and showed me hisbadge. He didn’t even demand that I come with him, he
just said,“Will you come with me?”
I said, “Oh yes. I’ll be interested in talking with you.”
I got into his car, but first I scratched a large ‘X’ on the highwaywhere I
had been picked up. During the time I was counting miles,if I left the highway I
would make a large ‘X’ and then return to thespot to begin my walk anew.
He took me to this prison and said, “Book her for vagrancy,” andI went
through the routine.They first take you in for fingerprinting.
I was fascinated because I never had fingerprints taken before—orsince! He
then took a chemical and, just like that, he got all the blackink off my
fingers.When I was wondering how long it would take towash it off, it was
I spoke to him just as I would speak to anybody I was with, andsomething
interesting happened. Apparently he was used to beingtreated in a very
uncooperative manner. When I treated him like ahuman being he gave me a lecture
on fingerprinting and he showedme the charts. It was very interesting. I had
really not learned thatmuch about fingerprinting before. People were waiting in
line, but Ididn’t know that until I came out of the room and saw the long
Then they took me in to be photographed and hung a numberaround my neck
with a chain. When they were photographing mefrom the front and side, I
remembered all those pictures of wantedpeople you see in the post office. I
remembered how mad they alllooked, and I said to myself, “Let me be different.”
And I smiled assweetly as I could. There’s one smiling face somewhere in
Then they took me in to be questioned. They actually sat meunder a strong
light—it’s supposed to have a psychological effect onyou. But I had already been
on television at that time, and I said tomyself, “Do they really think this is a
strong light? They should see thelights in a television studio!” At that time TV
lights were not onlybright but hot.
They first asked me if I would answer any question, and I said,“Certainly,
I will answer your questions. Not because you are lawenforcement officers, but
because you are fellow human beings, andI answer the questions of all my fellow
human beings.Whatever youare in your official capacity, you are first and
foremost a humanbeing. And if we could get together as human being to human
beingwe can get done much faster.”
And it ended up that way!
They began with the confusing technique. One would fire aquestion at me.
Before I could answer the other would fire a questionat me. I had to keep
saying, “If you will pardon me for a momentwhile I answer the other gentleman’s
question.” Then they got downto meaningful questions such as college students
ask me. How Iwarmed up to the subject!
Then they referred to physical violence as being the intent tohurt.They
said,“Would you under any circumstances use or sanctionthe use of physical
violence?” I said, “No, this is contrary to God’slaws. I would rather have God
on my side than any power on earth.”
I told them the story of the disturbed teenage boy who hit me duringour
walk together.
Then they said, “Suppose it was necessary for you to defend aloved one?” I
said, “Oh, no, I do not believe I could defend a lovedone by disobeying Divine
Law.” I told them about the eight year oldgirl who had been left in my care and
the experience we had with thepsychologically sick man who tried to harm
Then they got into things very philosophical and said, “If you hadto choose
between killing and being killed, which would youchoose?” I answered, “I don’t
think I would need to make such achoice—not as long as my life remains in
harmony with God’s will.
Unless, of course, it was my calling to be a martyr. Now, that’s a veryhigh
calling, it’s a very rare calling. I don’t believe it’s my calling—but the world
learns to grow through its martyrs. If I had to make achoice, I would choose to
be killed rather than kill.”
They said, “Could you give a logical explanation for such an attitude?”
Here I was, attempting to explain the attitude of the self-centerednature
and the attitude of the God-centered nature so theycould understand it! I told
them that in my frame of reference I wasnot the body. I was just wearing the
body. I am that which activates thebody—that’s the reality. If I am killed, it
destroys merely the clay garment,the body. But if I kill, it injures the
reality, the soul!
And they put me down as having a religious basis for my pilgrimage.
But suppose I had said, “After all, you’ve heard of self-defense—why, even
the law recognizes self-defense.” This might have beenconsidered legal—but not
There was an occasion when I felt that I was indeed battling withthe
elements. It was my experience of walking through a dust stormwhich sometimes
blew with such force I could scarcely stand againstit, while sometimes the dust
was so thick I could not see ahead andcould only guide myself by the edge of the
road. A policemanstopped alongside me, threw open his car door and yelled, “Get
inhere, woman, before you get killed.” I told him I was walking a pilgrimageand
did not accept rides (at that time). I also told him thatGod was my shield and
there was nothing to fear.At that moment thewinds died down, the dust settled
and the sun broke from the clouds.
I continued to walk. But the wonderful thing was that I felt
spirituallylifted above the hardship.
Concealed in every new situation we face is a spiritual lesson tobe learned
and a spiritual blessing for us if we learn that lesson. It isgood to be
tested.We grow and learn through passing tests. I lookupon all my tests as good
experiences. Before I was tested, I believedI would act in a loving or
non-fearing way. After I was tested, I knew!
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