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发言者barnowl《甘泉新论》只有一部分才是甘泉新论[url:ctext.org/wiki.pl?if=en&chapter=75798]cte []发言者zhanglongquan二十三史考证
同治刻本武英殿本二十三史考证图片不清晰???能发一个清晰的版本吗??谢谢。。。 []发言者xishangguang《左传》断句问题目前左传不知依何本标点,每段只有逗号,一句结尾不用逗号,引述之言没有引号,断句错误也颇多,希望能尽早 []
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名称: Ctext:中国哲学书电子化计划
Ctext:哲学书电子化计划是一个目的在于开发一个在线中国古代哲学电子书系统,试图将中国的古代哲学书及其相关的原典文献加以电子化,用交叉索引等技术充分利用电脑的功能, 给中外的学者提供更方便的方式来学习和研究这些古书。
本网站的目的是提供尽可能精确且便利使用的中国古代原典文献(尤其先秦两汉文献),把这些资料以 恰当结构、可模式来展现,并且广泛使用现代技术作为工具使这些文献更容易学习和研究,因而使更多人有机会接触这些原典文献。
本网站最主要的部分为古籍资料库,此资料库包含各种从哲学、历史、语言学等角度被视为重要的文献,写作年代以先秦两汉主。 本网站的所有资料都存在一个专门设计的数据库,以便读浏览和搜索的方便。 此外,部分原典有附英文或现代汉语翻译,这些翻译是一段一段对照原典而附上的,因此很容易从译文找出对应的原典,或从原典找出对应的译文。
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Simplified Chinese version
Welcome to the Chinese Text Project homepage. The Chinese Text Project is an online open-access digital library that makes pre-modern Chinese texts available to readers and researchers all around the world. The site attempts to make use of the digital medium to explore new ways of interacting with these texts that are not possible in print. With over thirty thousand titles and more than five billion characters, the Chinese Text Project is also the largest database of pre-modern Chinese texts in existence.
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This site is provided as an open-access resource. If you use this site in your teaching or research, please ask your university library to .
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Latest additions
Harvard Yenching Library Chinese materials addedThanks to the support of Harvard Yenching Library,
of scanned materials from the Yenching Library collection have been added to the Library section of the site, including high quality images from the Chinese Rare Books Collection. Approximate transcriptions created using the ctext.org
have also been added to the , making these materials full-text searchable. In future we hope to collaborate with other libraries to include materials from their Chinese language collections.Support for Unicode 8.0 adds new charactersA new version of the Unicode standard has been released, defining thousands of additional rarely used and variant Chinese characters. Support for these has been added to the dictionary to view these characters, please . Many new characters belong to "CJK Extension E" - you can confirm system support for these from the .
Previous technical updates are listed in the "" forum. Please note that only major technical upd for content updates and recently added texts (which occur daily and hourly), please
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Recent discussion topics
by barnowl《甘泉新论》只有一部分才是甘泉新论[url:ctext.org/wiki.pl?if=en&chapter=75798]cte []by zhanglongquan二十三史考证
同治刻本武英殿本二十三史考证图片不清晰???能发一个清晰的版本吗??谢谢。。。 []by xishangguang《左传》断句问题目前左传不知依何本标点,每段只有逗号,一句结尾不用逗号,引述之言没有引号,断句错误也颇多,希望能尽早 []
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In order to view the Chinese text on this site, you will need to have a Chinese font and compatible web browser installed.
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