
请听下面一段材料.回答第1-2题. 1. What is the bread like? [ ]A .It's soft. B. It's dry. C. It's fresh.2. What does the man think the woman should do ? [ ]A. Throw the bread away.B. Eat the bread. C. Take back the b 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
& 题目详情
请听下面一段材料,回答第1-2题。 1. What is the bread like?
[&&&& ]A .It's soft. B. It's dry. C. It's fresh.2. What does the man think the woman should do ?
[&&&& ]A. Throw the bread away.B. Eat the bread. C. Take back the bread.
来源:重庆八中学年度(上)高三年极半期考试 英语试题
1.Where is Fred now?
A.At the office.
B.At home.
C.In class.
2.Whose dictionary is this?
B.The man.
C.The woman’s.
3.What is the woman doing?
A.Listening to the radio.
B.Reading a newspaper.
C.Watching television.
4.What does the woman say about the question?
A.She is ready to explain it.
B.She doesn’t understand it.
C.She has no time to answer it.
5.What is the conversation mainly about?
A.The car.
B.The bicycle.
C.The oil price.
6.What is the man?
A.A manager.
B.A nurse.
C.A doctor.
7.Who cooks dinner on weekdays?
8.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?
A.Interesting jobs.
B.Boring housework.
C.Changing family roles.
9.Why is woman so happy?
A.She had a pleasant walk.
B.She wrote a short play.
C.She met a famous poet.
10.What is the man working on?
A.A poem.
B.An article.
C.A love story.
11.What is the conversation mainly about?
A.How to find a way out.
B.How to make friends.
C.How to enjoy life.
12.How did Tom spend his vacation?
A.He went traveling.
B.He painted pictures.
C.He did some shopping.
13.Why does the man come to see the woman?
A.To give her a gift.
B.To ask her for help.
C.To tell her about his trip.
14.What did the woman do for the man?
A.She invited him to the café.
B.She bought him a fridge.
C.She watered his plants.
15.What is the main purpose of the talk?
A.To give a prize to a musician.
B.To introduce a guest speaker.
C.To invite a musician to a concert.
16.At what age did the pianist begin to play the own music?
17.What will the pianist mainly talk about?
A.His childhood.
B.His music school.
C.His experiences on his tours.
Courses in Harvard University
来源:教材完全解读 人教版课标版 高中英语 必修1 人教版课标版
1.What did the man do at the weekend?
A.He went to see some friends.
B.He went to the zoo.
C.He went to buy some animals.
2.When will the two speakers meet?
A.At 8∶40 pm..
B.At 9∶00 pm..
C.At 9∶20 pm..
3.What are the two speakers talking about?
B.Human beings.
C.Environment protection.
4.What does the man advise the woman to do?
A.Get her raincoat back.
B.Get her report back.
C.Not to worry about the rain.
5.Where is the man going?
A.A park.
B.A party.
C.His English teacher's place.
6.What is the woman going to buy?
A.A sweater.
B.A shirt.
C.A coat.
7.What colour does the woman prefer?
8.How much does the woman pay?
A.170 yuan.
B.168 yuan.
C.186 yuan.
9.Which is NOT true about the man's life in Seacombe?
A.He's got a new flat there.
B.He's got a new job there.
C.He's got few friends there.
10.What can we learn about the man's new flat?
A.It has two bedrooms.
B.It has a garden.
C.It is samller than the one in London.
11.Where does this conversation most probably take place?
A.At a medical school.
B.At a dentist's office.
C.At an X-ray room.
12.What's wrong with the woman?
A.She has a small hole in her tooth.
B.She cuts her finger.
C.She has a stomachache.
13.What are the two speakers talking about?
A.Using the left hand.
B.Designing machines.
C.Operating machines.
14.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
A.Master and servant.
B.Fellow workers.
C.Boss and secretary.
15.What can we learn from the conversation?
A.Left-handers can't run the machine.
B.The woman only uses her right hand.
C.The woman is more skillful than the man.
  Venice is built on   16  .
  In Venice people move from one place to another mainly   17  .
  All the mail is delivered by   18   postmen.
  Every postman in Venice has a boat, wich is called“  19  ”.
  Postman puts the mail   20   and then mail receiver will pull it back up.
请输入手机号听力 第一节 听下面5段对话.每段对话后有一个小题.从题中所给的A.B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项.听完每段对话后.你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍. 1.Where does the conversation take place? A.In the street B.In a bus C.In a restaurant 2. 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
& 题目详情
1.Where does the conversation take place?
A.In the street
B.In a bus
C.In a restaurant
2.What is the total cost for them?
A.50 yuan
B.300 yuan
C.200 yuan
3.What happened to the two speakers?
A.They had taken an umbrella
B.They had lost their way
C.They were caught in the rain
4.When will the speakers arrive in Guangzhou?
A.At 8∶45
B.At 8∶50
C.At 9∶20
5.What will happen?
A.The woman will go on with her reading.
B.The woman will turn off the light.
C.The man will go on reading.
6.What does the woman want to do after dinner?
A.Go to the cinema
B.Take a walk
C.Take some pictures
7.Why does the woman ask the man mot to take pictures of her?
A.Because she only likes the scenery.
B.Because she doesn't think she looks nice at the moment.
C.Because she is very sad.
8.Why does the man advise going out?
A.Because it is hot in the room.
B.Because they want to go to the movie.
C.Because it’s very cold in the room.
9.How long does the movie last?
A.About three hours
B.More than four fours
C.Four hours
10.When will the movie start?
A.At 6∶45
B.At 7∶15
C.At 7∶30
  M:Excuse me, but can you tell me where I can find the closest place to eat?
  W:Down the street about two blocks.I can take you there if you like.
  W:How much will it cost for my daughter and me to go to Shanghai?
  M:It’s 200 yuan for you and half of the price for your daughter.
  M:I wish we had taken an umbrella.
  W:That’s my fault.I thought it wouldn’t rain today.
  W:When will we arrive in Guangzhou?
  M:Let me see.It’s 8∶30.I think our train will arrive in fifteen minutes.
  M:Mary, would you mind turning off the lights?I’ m too sleepy.
  W:Sorry, I’ll turn it off in a few minutes.I just need to finish the last two pages.
  M:Where do you want to go after dinner tonight?
  W:I’d like to have a walk in the park.
  M:Good idea! Do you want me to bring our digital camera?
  W:Ok, but I don’t want you to take any picture of me.My coat looks terrible today.
  M:All right.
  W:It’s freezing here.What’s wrong with the heat?
  M:I have no idea.Why don’t we go out?
  W:Out?It’s snowing outside!
  M:I mean going to somewhere warm.For example, we can go to the theatre.I think Harry Potter is on at the theatre around the corner.
  W:Harry Potter! It’s four hours long!
  M:Oh, Jane, it’s only about three.
  M:Come on, Jane.It will be nice and warm in the theatre.Let’s see…It’s a quarter after 7 now.The newspaper says that there will be a show at 7∶30.
1.What time does the last train leave for London?
A.At 8∶30
B.At 8∶15
C.At 7∶45
2.Where does the conversation take place?
A.At the seaside
B.In the classroom
C.On the playground
3.What do you think the man is?
A.A weather reporter
B.A farmer
C.A traveler.
4.What does the man mean?
A.The woman should take her watch to a better repair shop.
B.The watch is too old to be repaired.
C.The woman didn’t find out what was the problem with the watch.
5.What does the man think the woman should do?
A.Move to another part of the restaurant?
B.Ask a waiter for a change.
C.Sit where the air is fresh.
6.Where could the man smoke?
A.On the floor
B.In the whole building
C.Outside the building
7.How did the man deal with his smoke?
A.He had tried many times but failed.
B.He had never tried to give it up
C.He had given it up for a few times.
8.What are the speakers probably doing according to the conversation?
A.Discussing a plan.
B.Having an interview
C.Having a meeting.
9.How many sisters does the man at least have?
B.Only one
10.When is the man leaving?
A.Tomorrow at 8∶00 AM
B.Today at 8∶00 PM
C.On Saturday at 8∶00 PM
11.What does the man invite the woman to do at the moment?
A.To go to his hometown with him.
B.To have a dinner with him.
C.To have a drink with him.
12.Why can’t the woman join the man for coffee?
A.She doesn’t drink coffee.
B.She has a plane to catch.
C.She has to go to a lesson.
13.Where does the conversation most likely take place?
A.At the railway station
B.At the bus station
C.At the airport
14.What did the man do with his lost suitcase?
A.He found his lost suitcase.
B.He put all his clothes in his lost suitcase.
C.He checked his lost suitcase.
15.What will the man do about his lost suitcase?
A.Wait until it reported.
B.Report to the staff.
C.Forget it.
16.Where the man let the woman wait?
A.At the bookshop
B.The place where the suitcase is lost
C.At the coffee shop.
17.What does the speaker mainly talk about?
A.The human being
B.The human beings and animals
C.The difference between the human beings and animals.
18.In what way are men different from animals?
A.Men can understand things quickly.
B.Men can learn.
C.Men have learned to use language.
19.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?
A.An ape can speak like men.
B.An ape can understand things.
C.An ape can learn words.
20.What do scientists know now?
A.How children learn to speak
B.Why apes can learn a few words.
C.Man’s brain helps him learn to speak.
1.What did the man want?
A.A large note.
B.Some stamps.
C.Small change.
2.What does the woman look like?
A.She is tall.
B.She is fat.
C.She is thin.
3.What is the woman likely to do at Christmas?
A.Meet some of her friends.
B.Help her mother do some cooking.
C.Do anything she may come across.
4.Why didn't John go home last weekend?
A.He was ill.
B.He was busy.
C.He went to New York.
5.What time is it when the dialogue happens?
A.At 9∶30.
B.At 10∶00.
C.At 10∶30
6.What would George rather do?
A.Do the dishes.
B.Clean the table.
C.Take out the rubbish.
7.What's the relationship between the two speakers?
A.Mother and son.
B.Sister and brother.
C.Teacher and student.
8.When will the party be held?
A.On May 2nd.
B.On May 3rd.
C.On May 4th.
9.What will take place at the party?
A.Some speeches.
B.A dance.
C.A contest.
10.Which museum will they go to?
A.The art museum.
B.The children's museum.
C.The history museum.
11.Who is Henry?
A.Jim's brother.
B.The woman's husband.
C.The woman's father.
12.How will they go to the museum?
A.On foot.
B.By bus.
C.By car.
13.What does the man want to do?
A.Buy a flat.
B.Change a flat.
C.Rent a flat.
14.Why doesn't the man like the flat in Kingston Road?
A.It's too expensive.
B.It's too small.
C.It's far from downtown.
15.How much will the man pay each year for the flat?
A.2,400 dollars.
B.2,500 dollars.
C.3,000 dollars.
16.Where is the bigger flat located?
A.In Kingston Road.
B.In noisy downtown.
C.Beside the park.
17.What is the man talking about?
A.The story of his name.
B.His parent's names.C.His grandfather's name.
18.What does the man know about the name“Evans”?
A.It has a lot of meanings.
B.It's common in Wales and all around Britain.
C.It's very popular among farmers.
19.Who was Itzhak Perlman?
A.A famous musician.
B.The man's father.
C.The man's grandfather.
20.What does Isaac Evans do?
A.A violinist.
B.A painter.
C.A doctor.
1.How much is the watch?
A.Fifty dollars.
B.Forty dollars.
C.Ten dollars.
2.What does the woman mean?
A.A true friend should tell the truth.
B.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
C.A friend should share the same ideas.
3.What do we know about Jack?
A.He might be ill in hospital.
B.He has been abroad for a long time.
C.He often sends cards to his friends.
4.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A.Writer and reader.
B.Salesman and customer.
C.Husband and wife.
5.Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A.In an office.
B.At home.
C.In a restaurant.
6.Where are the two speakers?
A.In a bank.
B.In a store.
C.In an office.
7.How much is the woman's new bill?
8.Where does the conversation probably take place?
A.At a party.
B.In a company.
C.In a conference room.
9.What is the relationship between the speakers?
10.Where is the man from?
C.The US.
11.What is the girl?
A.She is a new student.
B.She is a new teacher.
C.She is a new Internet manager.
12.What did the girl do at home a week ago?
A.She paid her tuition fees at the bank.
B.She got her receipt from the bank.
C.She registered for classes on the Internet.
13.What does the girl have to do now?
A.To go to the classroom.
B.To get the course list.
C.To have the first class.
14.What do the woman and her husband mainly argue about?
B.Money matters.
C.Children's education.
15.What did the woman persuade her husband to do?
A.Give up his job.
B.Come to see the man.
C.Collect their children from school.
16.What does the woman think of her husband?
A.He is forgetful.
B.He is clever.
C.He is lazy.
17.What is the speaker doing?
A.Reporting a football game.
B.Telling a story of a football fan.
C.Giving a special report about a football team.
18.How did the captain feel about the next day's game?
19.What did Carlo say about the cup?
A.He was not very sure of winning the cup.
B.His team would try their best though there was little chance of winning the cup.
C.His team would win the cup even if they lost the game.
20.Why did Carlo keep the names of starting players a secret?
A.He wanted every player to be fully prepared for the game.
B.He hadn't made the final decision about it yet.
C.He wanted to give the fans a surprise.
1.What is the woman going to do on Friday?
A.Go to a party.
B.Go to a meeting.
C.To a lecture.
2.When did the man arrive at the port?
A.At 7∶00
B.At 6∶30
C.At 7∶30
3.Where does the dialogue take place?
A.In a bank.
B.In a cinema.
C.In the street.
4.Why is the man late?
A.He didn’t walk fast.
B.He failed to catch his bus again.
C.His clock stopped.
5.What does the man say about his examination?
A.It will be easy.
B.He feels lucky.
C.He’s not prepared.
6.What is Mary’s plan for Saturday?
A.Visit her mother.
B.Cook dinner for Tom.
C.Ask John and his wife to dinner.
7.What does John say to Mary about the invitation?
A.He’s not free.
B.He’ll certainly go.
C.He’s not sure.
8.What has John promised to do?
A.Phone back with an answer.
B.Persuade Jane to join him.
C.Visit Mary’s mother on Saturday.
9.What will Mary’s mother receive for her birthday?
A.A shirt.
B.A skirt.
C.A plate.
10.Who’ll cook the special dinner?
B.Mary’s friend
C.Mary’s mother
11.Who will do the shopping?
A.Mary’s mother and father
B .Mary and her mother
C.Mary and her father
12.How many people are there in Pancho’s family?
13.What is his father’s job?
A.A taxi driver
B.A truck driver
C.A policeman
14.What does his mother do?
A.She owns a bookstore
B.She runs a small family store
C.She works at a bread shop.
听第9 段材料,回答第15~17题
15.What is the man doing?
A.Buying a plane ticket
B.Seeing a friend off
C.Waiting for his wife
16.When do you think this dialogue take place?
A.At the weekend.
B.At the end of a year.
C.At the beginning of a new year.
17.What language do you think the woman teaches?
听第10 段材料,回答第18~20题
18.Where does the writer come from?
19.Why did the writer come to England?
A.To study the customs of England.
B.To make a living.
C.To study at a college.
20.Which of the following statements is right?
A.Only people in Europe shake hands.
B.Only people in England shake hands.
C.People in Europe shake hands more often than people in England.
1.When will the next bus leave for New York?
2.What is true among the following?
A.The woman’s living condition is equally good.
B.The man’s living condition is not very good actually.
C.Both of them are living in a very good condition.
3.What did the woman mean?
A.She meant to comfort him.
B.She meant to help him.
C.She wanted to show her pride.
4.What is the man’s real meaning?
A.There is no time to buy a magazine.
B.They don’t have to pay for the magazine.
C.The woman can read the magazine on the train.
5.When had the woman bought that dress?
A.shortly after Christmas
B.during the Christmas season
C.during the sale
6.Why was the man so annoyed?
A.Because the driver charged him too much.
B.Because the policeman stopped him.
C.Because he had been robbed.
7.Which of the following is true?
A.The woman thought the man was wrong.
B.The woman thought the man was right.
C.The man calls the policeman every day.
8.How long have Jane and Jeff Smith known each other?
A.for a month
B.for a year
C.for ages
9.Where did they meet first?
A.at a cocktail party
B.at a coffee shop
C.at a wedding party
10.What is true among the following?
A.Jeff loved Jane at the first sight.
B.Jeff got to know Jane many years ago.
C.Jeff has been looking for Jane all these years.
11.What do we know about Tom?
A.He is always asking his teacher questions.
B.He never asks his teacher any questions.
C.He is a very careful student.
12.What is the problem with Tom this time?
A.He found a misprint in the paper.
B.He doesn’t like his teacher today.
C.He has got two apples today.
13.What does Tom have to do next?
A.to use his head.
B.to go on with his exercises.
C.to go home.
14.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
A.a manager and an interviewee.
B.a boss and his secretary.
C.an ad, designer ad his customer.
15.Which is true of Miss Brown?
A.She has just graduated from Peterson Secretary School.
B.She read the ad.in a magazine.
C.She can do a lot of things except typing.
16.What is a secretary NO expected to do according to the dialogue?
A.receiving phone calls.
B.sending faxes.
C.meeting and asking with people.
17.What did Mr.Thompson say to Miss Brown?
A.Her qualifications for the job are excellent.
B.He has little interest in talking with her.
C.She will not get the job.
18.What is the president going to do?
A.She will leave Brazil and Argentina.
B.She will leave for Brazil and Argentina.
C.She will return home in May.
19.Which is true of the president?
A.She was elected president in May this year.
B.This is her fourth visit to foreign countries.
C.She will hold talks on environmental problems.
20.Where can you probably find this passage?
A.in a newspaper.
B.in a cartoon magazine.
C.in a novel.


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