ARGUMENT 37 Paleanshipping basketss 是否是由Palea村所唯一拥有

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6 K7 Y; L??D8 `8 }本篇文章一万七千字,包括 2 B9 H* c. O??z5 F - L( ~??E3 o# J7 V3 ?8 [3 r8 w对实验类考古类自然类难题的解读,从这些难题及其思考过程中谈谈argument如何有效的形成思路 + o0 h% m+ M6 @1 B??C 1 ?( R2 @2 m* p' N( O& f. D& S. |: X) m 从辛普森世纪大审判出发,谈论我们应该抱有怎样的一种心态对待survey . s5 c5 \, k$ j 6 W. @. X6 b- |Argument中不同于传统的一些另类错误, |3 M4 K$ A1 K6 X. a! n* ` 1 z$ v1 L/ f+ T/ Z??e# i) Q/ f- @, c) }6 ^9 e% G7 E 从argument思维出发,谈谈issue中同样要注意的严谨问题) s/ M) o. ^??H8 u6 E7 ]! x) M, N
& O( K, i* L( k1 \7 A3 Y2 K& N2 d! I (版权声明:这个系列花费了本人大量的心血,版权归Dincyfeng所有,未经允许,不得转载) - z) Z7 D7 T5 J5 ?1 Z
+ M2 r! i- p0 p9 u% c- x/ W9 ~! g 读这篇文章之前,我想先提醒两句,这篇文章不是要给出一个通法,事实上连方法都没有,这篇文章的目的在于去启发如何去思考argument,以怎样的心态去对待argument及其内部的细节。 ( t6 d& D5 W/ i4 |: {) L( r9 Q& K/ B9 d! c7 H7 o 姊妹篇之一讨论完issue中思维如何发散的艺术,现在再来看看GRE作文另一个同样重要的地方——严谨性) N4 j6 ]$ Z; s( y& N: e , C2 {. S, g) r3 w 严谨一向是人们认识这个世界的最需要的素质之一,也是认知过程中所必须遵循的一条原则。对于一个论述系统而言,就如数学中的希尔伯特空间一样,需要一个完备性,观点没有和自身矛盾的地方,思路也务必做到清晰有致。其实在这个方面,argument题库做的是相当的不错,论据,中间前提,最终结论一个不少,每个逻辑链也至少做到了“seems logical”。这里就来谈一谈对于这样的一些seems logical背后,有着怎样的玄机。. R9 Q& L% ^0 k3 G # v/ o* ^$ ?. A% }2 X$ G 其实很遗憾的是,由于在刚刚面对AW时,不少人肯定还是会有畏难和恐惧情绪的,毕竟字数要求之高,速度要求之快,体系要求之完善,都是传统的四六级没有办法相比的。于是相当多的人在初期面对AW的时候选择了从相对熟悉一点的issue来入手,在经历了一定的时间之后又满足于自己issue所取得的成就感不愿意开始argument(至少我认识相当多的人是这样)。直到最后阶段匆匆忙忙弄了一点argument模板,提心吊胆的去考试。, Z+ l) k4 Y! S4 ` ! h( v* ~7 ]. u, v2 p) I7 ] 当然这样的情况还有另外一个大背景的原因,大家似乎对argument都抱着比较轻视的心态,毕竟argument中包含的逻辑错误相对固定一点,不像issue涵盖范围广,语言要求高。在这样的大背景下,对于argument的盲目乐观对于近两年中国学生AW大面积低分起着非常重要的因素。 , e- ?# @6 _0 g' S??a. Q5 W/ t% @* k' \ 诚然,argument逻辑错误在很多题目都非常的相似,开头结尾的模板也可以比较的万能化,然而就凭着这两点,绝对不能说argument是一件很简单的工作。这里似乎又存在着一个误区,就是大家普遍都认为因为argument比较容易写,所以分数也容易得的高 - ^/ t( t* G& y! X7 U6 _) m 4 y! i# q! o! V1 M& F; H然而这又是一个完全没有道理的推论。# }( W* y5 B0 x+ A9 C # T6 `9 ~0 d# Y3 `' v- Y# _, ?% B7 z. C. D/ D??q+ h 谁敢说,argument就一定比issue简单,随便套个模板就可以拿到5分?谁又敢说,中国学生的argume
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【题目】37Woven baskets characterized by a particular distinctive pattern have previously been found only in the immediate vicinity of the prehistoric village of Palea and therefore were believed to have been unique to the Palean people. Recently, however, archaeologists discovered such a & Palean& basket in Lithos, an ancient village across the Brim River from Palea. The Brim River is very deep and broad, and so the ancient Paleans could only have crossed it by boat, but there is no evidence that the Paleans had boats. And boats capable of carrying groups of people and cargo were not developed until thousands of years after the Palean people disappeared. Moreover, Paleans would have had no need to cross the river—the woods around Palea are full of nuts, berries, and small game. It follows that the so-called Palean baskets were not unique to Palea.
While the arguer supports kinds of evidences to prove the conclusion that so-called Palean baskets were not unique to Palea, the argument is not well reasoned and need to be examined in the following aspects closely and minutely: the ancient river’s width and depth, the means and the motivations of crossing the river and some special cases.
Firstly, the arguer fails to represent any evidence that the Brim River must also be so deep and broad in ancient age. Absent evidence of supporting this inference, it is just as likely that owing to giant geological change, including earthquake and moving of plates etc, the river had gradually changed from narrow and shallow into the today's style. Perhaps there was no river back in that times that Paleans can walk to Lithos, or even if there was a river back then, the river may not be as broad and deep as it is now.
Secondly, even if the river was broad and deep then, there is no compellent reason to draw the conclusion that the Paleans cannot cross the river. Although the archaeologists haven’t find any evidence that the Paleans had boats, it is necessary to take account of the possibility that the relevant evidences are decayed or buried deeply. It is clear that no evidence of boat does not equal to no boat. Additional, there are many means of crossing the river such as building bridges, swimming and walking around.
Thirdly, even though the Paleans do not have to go across the river for what they already had, it does not necessarily mean that they would not do so. Human beings are always curious about things that they do not know, even back into ancient times. It may be the case that Paleans go across the river simply out of the inherent curiosity of human like Columbus Christopher. Besides, there are abundant causes that forced the Paleans crossed the river such as war, disease, business, and so forth. As is known to all, the relationship between human beings is complex and connection is too tight to be cut by a river.
Moreover, even if Paleans had never reached Lithos, the basket may be brought to the Lithos in other ways. Perhaps the basket was dropped in the river by the Paleans, then floated across the river and found and kept by the Lithos.
In conclusion, the argument can be more convincing if more evidence can be provided. It can be further improved by taking into account more factors that may affect the conclusion.
[ Last edited by udo on
at 02:56 ]
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不错 论证的很好 很流畅 能写这么多已经不易了 结尾再来两句就更好了
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非常感谢tomatopotato 、xiaolang 、matlab 的鼓励和建议。
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ARGUMENT 37 Palean baskets 是否是由Palea村所唯一拥有
TIME: 00:40:00&&&&&&&&& DATE:
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