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Group Assignment One Case Study I
SATURN Things are about to change at Saturn. The General Motors brand had only three iterations of the same compact car for the entire decade of the 1990s. But Saturn will soon introduce an all-new lineup of vehicles that includes a midsized sport sedan, an eight-passenger crossover vehicle, atwo-seat roadster, a new compact, and a hybrid SUV. Having anticipated the brand's renaissance for years, Saturn executives, employees, and customers are beside themselves with glee.But with all this change, industry observers are wondering whether Saturn will be able to maintain the very characteristics that have distinguished the "brand since its inception. Given that Saturnestablished itself based on a very narrow line of compact vehicles, many believe that the move from targeting one segment of customers to targeting multiple segments will be challenging. Will Saturn still meet the needs of one of the most loyal cadres of customers in the automotiveworld?A NEW KIND OF CAR COMPANYIn 1980, GM recognized its inferiority to the Japanese big three (Honda, Toyota, and Dotson) with respect to compact vehicles. The Japanese had a lower cost structure, yet built better cars. In an effort to offer a more competitive economy cat, GM actually turned to the enemy. It entered into a joint venture with Toyota to build small cars. Soon, a Toyota plant in Northern California was turning out Corollas on one assembly line while making very similar Chevy Novas on a second.Meanwhile, in a long-term effort to make better small cars, GM gave the green light to Group 99, a secretive task force that resulted in formation of the Saturn Corporation in 1985.From the beginning, Saturn set out to break through t GM bureaucracy and become" A different kind of car. ”A different kind of company." As the single-most defining characteristic of the new company, Saturn proclaimed that sole focus would be people: customers, employees, communities. Saturn put significant resources into Customer research and product development. The first Saturn cars were made "from scratch," without any allegiance the GM parts bin or suppliers. The goal was to produce n only a high-quality vehicle, but one known for safety al innovative featuresthat would "wow" the customer.Saturn's focus on employees began with an unprecedented contract with United Auto Workers (UAW). The co " tract was so simple, it fit in a shirt pocket. It established progressive work rules, with special emphasis given benefits. work teams, and the concept of empowerment the retail end.Saturn selected dealers based on careful crafted criteria. It paid service personnel and sales associates a salary rather than commission. This would help create an environment that would reverse the common customer perception of the dealer as a nemesis.Finally, in addition to customer and employee relation Saturn focused on social responsibility. Human resource policies gave equal opportunities to women, ethnic minor ties, and people with disabilities. Saturn designed environmentally responsible manufacturing processes, even going
Saturn earned that honor for an astounding four consecutive years, and it was the only non-luxury brand to be at OJ near the top of J.D. Power's scores for the better part of 1 decade.THE HONEYMOON ENDSDespite the initially strong sales levels, overall Saturn revenues tapered off quickly (sales peaked in 1994 at 286, OOC settling in at an average of about 250,000 units per year). This may have been due partly to the fact that Saturn released n new models in the 1990s. Finally, in the 2000 model yea: Saturn introduced its long-awaited mid-sized L-series wit an optional V6 engine. But unlike the S-series, the L-series was reviewed as a generally bland and forgettable car.In 2002, Saturn broadened the lineup with the Vue, compact SUV model. In January of 2003, it replaced the S-series with the lon, a totally new compact that offered more options than before. But although these new vehicle addressed the issue of a lack of model options, they broughtwith them a new concern. Saturn's history of high quality and its long-cherished J.D. Power ratings began to slide. : the early part of the new millennium, not only was Saturn J.D. Power initial-quality rating not near the top, it fell below the industry average.Even with the new models, Saturn's sales didn’t improve. In fact, they declined. Thi industry-wide downturn in sales wrought by a recession Still, L-series production ended in 2004, only five weeks after it began. In 2005, Saturn sales fell to a low of 213,0 units, only about 1 percent of the overall market. It seem that sales of the L-series and Vue were coming almost Entirely from loyal Saturn customers who were trading to something different, something bigger,and, unfortunately, something not as good.Looking back, Saturn unquestionably defied the odds launch an all-new automotive company in such a fierce competitive and barrier-entrenched industry is one thing To achieve the level of sales, the customer base and awards that Saturn achieved in such a short period time is truly remarkable. But as GM and Saturn executives faced the reality of declining quality, plummeting sales, 1 annual losses of up to $1 billion, they knew they had to do something dramatic. In 2006, Saturngeneral manager Lajdziak said, "Saturn's initial image as a smart innovation small-car company was blurred by bumps in quality slow model turnover. We didn't grow the portfolio enough, and this year we're growing in a huge way."A NEW KIND OF SATURNWith all that Saturn has done wrong, the fact that def still moved 213,000 vehicles in 2005 against competition with better reputations and better cars testifies to the things it has done right. With itsrock-solid dealer network, high purchase process satisfaction ratings, and loyal customer base, Saturn has valuable assets to build upon. And GM plans to do just that as it addresses product quality and model selection problems. GM is currently investing heavily in a Saturn turnaround. Showering $3 billion on S it hopes to perform a makeover between 2006 and 2008 that is similar to the one achieved with Cadillac earlier this decade. GM, the world's biggest carmaker, lost $10.6 billion in 2005. It's clearly putting some faith in one of its smallest brands to help turn the tide. GM wants to raise Saturn's sales to 400,000 units by the end of 2007. If all goes as planned, sales could reach 500,000 not long after that. With higher prices and margins, this would represent an even greater growth in revenues and profits.
Key to the Saturn makeover will be an infusion of European styling from GM's German division, Opel. In fact, some of the new cars already hitting showrooms are largely rebadged Opels. In the future, new-product development will be carried out in a joint-venture fashion between thetwo divisions. For a company that in the past has been known as making the "car for people who hate cars," this is a 180-degree turnaround. Saturn clearly hopes to change its humdrum image to boost profits with higher-priced vehicles.If the first of four new Saturn models is any indication, Saturn is moving in the right direction. The Sky two-seat roadster hit showroom floors in early 2006 with long waiting lists. Based on the Opel GT, the Sky is a head-turning performance vehicle, dubbed by one observer as the"cubVette." For dealer John Bergstrom, this new model presented an unexpected but welcome dilemma. "Sky is just a flat-out home run," said "Bergstrom, referring to the waiting lists that he has started at all six of his dealerships. "I've never had that before," he says, noting that those on the waiting lists are people who have never even considered a Saturn before.In the fall of 2006, Saturn launched 2007 models of the mid-sized Aura sport sedan (based on the Opel Vectra) and the eight-passenger Outlook crossover vehicle (based on G***ambda platform being sold by Chevrolet, Buick, and GMC). For 2008, after a year without a compactcar, Saturn will replace the Ion with a mildly changed Opel Astra, already a European hit in its fifth generation. The new lineup will also include the Green Line, which will add hybrid technology to multiple models, starting with the 2007 Vue. The Green Line promises to make full-hybrid technology available at a price much lower than any other hybrid offering."The biggest advantage to re-branding Opel vehicles as Saturn is it doesn't mean additional costs to GM," said Guido Vildozo, a senior market analyst and industry fore caster at Global Insight Inc. "And since Opel is a kind of sporty European brand, Saturn will adopt this image too, or at least that is what they hope to happen." Some industry analysts suggest that because Saturn is such a new company, it can reposition itself more easily than other brands.GM makes it clear that with Saturn, it's not trying to make another Chevrolet. Chevrolet will remain the only GM brand positioned as "all things to all people." Along with the other GM brands, Saturn will playa niche role and target a specific segment of the market. In fact, GM says I that it's just trying to help Saturn do more of what it has been doing all along-reach the type of import-buying customer it can't reach with any of its other brands. Indeed, top executives at GM acknowledge that many Saturn owners already believe their car is an Asian brand, not a domestic one. "Saturn has always been the one brand in the GM lineup suitable for attracting import-intenders," says a GM executive.However, some questions remain as to what segment Saturn will actually target. After seeing the new Saturn lineup at the New York auto show, Tom Libby of Power Information Network says he's confused about what the brand is trying to do. He's worried that Saturn will stop focusing onthe retail experience and shift to emphasizing styling. "What's the message they're trying to get out?" he asks. "I'm just puzzled by the whole thing." Is Saturn losing focus, or is it simply adding style to its current image of providing a good value and an honest dealer experience? Many analysts believe that because Saturn's current image is only loosely based on the actual car, the company has plenty of room to add style to the formula. Questions for Discussion 1.
Using the full spectrum of segmentation variables, describe how GM has segmented the automobile market.2.
What segment(s) is Saturn now targeting? How is GM now positioning Saturn? How do these strategies differ from those employed with the original Saturn S-series?3.
Describe the role that social responsibility plays in Saturn’s targeting strategy. 4.
Do you think that GM will accomplish its goals with the “new Saturn”? Why or why not? 5.
What segmentation, targeting, and positioning recommendations would you make to GM for future Saturn models?Requirement: You are required to read the case carefully and discuss it in your group, and you (or your group representatives) have five minutes to present your understanding in class. Please read the text book carefully from Chapter 1 to 7, but focus on Chapter 7. You will analyze the case and answer the questions I give you, but not only the answer.
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我对室内空间设计的认识和体会 室内环境艺术设计是以创造满足人们物质和精神生活在室内环境中的需要为目的,它是建筑设计的继续和深化,是人类美化自己生存环境的活动之一,是物质文明与精神文明有机结合的具体体现。怎样合理而充分的利用空间,创造平静惬意的整体室内环境气氛才是对室内空间进行创造的重要内容。室内空间设计所涉及范围很广,根据物质需求和精神需求进行创作构思,使室内组织达到经济性、艺术性、理性和感性的完美结合,做出有特色、有个性的空间。并合理巧妙的利用空间,在功能和美学上达到和谐统一。 在室内环境空间中,不同的形状,或方或圆,或是多边形,给人的感觉是不同的。空间感觉是高而狭小,还是低而宽敞,用专业术语来说,就是空间的形状、比例、和尺度的问题。 一般室内空间的形状有两种:一种是规整的几何形体,另一种是不规整形式。根据不同空间所处的环境特点、功能要求等,再加上特定的艺术构思来选择室内空间的形式。如日内瓦机场酒店大堂需要突出宾馆亲切、舒适、温馨的环境氛围,圆形的透光天顶正好满足了这些要求。 室内空间尺度的处理是表达空间效果的重要手段。在高大的建筑空间中,如果缺乏必要的细部处理,就会使空间尺度感产生变小的错觉,甚至使人感到简陋和粗笨。梵蒂冈圣彼德大教堂回廊巨大的尺度感给人造成强烈的视觉冲击,相应的引起心理的变化。空间尺度的处理是和一定的创作意图分不开的,也可以说尺度是环境艺术创作的手段,它服务于一定的空间环境意境构思。包豪斯学校展厅,同时运用尺度感不同的砖石和现代大板材材料,厚重与轻快的结合产生了特殊的效果。 以上可以看出空间的形状大小和与之相适应的比例、尺度处理是分不开的,我们不能孤立的把它们拿出来研究,只能从它们之间的相互联系中深入分析,反复推敲。而室内空间组织与界面处理也是室内空间设计的重要方面。 室内空间组合首先应该根据物质需求和精神需求进行创造性构思。一个好的方案总是根据当地的环境,结合功能要求进行筹划设计。兼顾内外,从单个空间的设计到群体空间的组织,使室内空间组织达到经济性、艺术性、理性和感性的完美结合,做出有特色、有个性的空间组合。
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