
划拨是什么意思 划拨在线翻译 划拨什么意思 划拨的意思 划拨的翻译 划拨的解释 划拨的发音 划拨的同义词 划拨的反义词 划拨的例句
划拨 基本解释划拨[huà bō ]词典:使转移;使调动;转让(权利等);让与。词典:适当的;合适的;恰当的。词典:分派,选派,分配;归于,归属;[法律] 把(财产,权利、利息)从一人转让给另一人;把…编制。词典:拨给;分配,摊派给;分派,派给;指定(款项等)作某种用途。划拨 汉英大词典划拨[huà bō](从一单位或户头转入另一单位或户头) transfer:  例:划拨一笔款子    appropriate a sum划拨 网络解释1. 1. allocate:人民法院向银行、信用合作社和其他[划拨] (Allocate) 执行措施之一. 金融机构用转账的方法,将被申请[查封] (Compulsory Sealing) 执行措施之一. 执行程序开始后,为了[扣押] (Attachment) 执行措施之一.2. allocation:构型:Biomass allocation | 划拨:allocation | 垄断:resource allocation3. 划拨的近义词3. remit money:转拨 transfer | 划拨 remit money | 托收 collection4. Allocated:amenities 便利设施 | Allocated 划拨 | a relocated unit or household 搬迁户划拨 双语例句1. 国有产权数额为:划拨土地使用权一宗,面积169.714平方米;仓库13栋,建筑面积36940平方米;铁路专运线一条,长度1.556千米;办公楼一栋,建筑面积1043平方米;宿舍14栋,建筑面积6448平方米;装载机2台,8吨吊车1台;叉车2台等配套的储运基础设施设备和铁路运输中转资质。&&&&The amount of state-owned property right are: an area of 169.714 13 warehouses covering an area of 36940 a special railway transport line long for 1.556 an office building having an area about 1043 14 buildings for dormitory with an area of 6448 2 Loader cranes, 8- 2 sets of forklift as well as other transportation infrastructure equipment and railway transit qualification.2. 军产指中国人民解放军部队所有的房产,包括由国家划拨的房产、利用军费开支购建的房产以及军队自筹资金购建的房产。&&&&People's Liberation Army troops off to all premises, including the allocation of state property, the use of military spending out of the self-financing the purchase of the property and military property.3. 3. 北京市现状城市土地是从城市产生到土地使用制度改革以来长期积累形成的,存在着宗地单位分散、土地权属交错的局面,即:除了国家直接控制土地使用权的土地之外,还存在大量的私人房产、宗教房产、军产、海外华侨房产等,以及已经办理了土地划拨登记手续的单位用地等。&&&&Beijing urban land status from the city to produce long-term land-use system has accumulated formed, the existence of cases in scattered units, land management authority staggered situation, namely: In addition to national direct control over land use rights to land, There are still a lot of private property, religious properties, military products, overseas property, as well as the land has been allocated for units for registration.4. 911查询·英语单词大全4. 根据法律规定,将查封、扣押的财物拍卖或者将冻结的存款划拨抵缴罚款&&&&In accordance with law, the property sealed up and detained will be auctioned, or the deposit frozen will be allotted for payment of the fine5. 5. 应该划拨适当的资金提高农民的生活水平;应该邀请农业专家向农民介绍他们的经验,知识和信息,这些将有助于发展农经。&&&&They ought to invite some experts in agriculture to share their experiences, information and knowledge with peasants, which will contribute directly to the economic growth of rural areas.6. 东林寺坐落于上海市金山区朱泾镇东林街150号,始建于元至大元年(1308年),原名不雅音堂皇庆二年(1313)年,改额为东林禅寺在700年的风雨里,屡遭兵燹、火灾和年久失修而倾毁,又几度重建重建2002年11月,经金山区宗教事件管理部分批准,正式挂号为佛教活动场所2004年区当局贯彻落实党的宗教政策,无偿划拨原金山县当局大院20.5亩作为东林寺和西林寺两寺合一的扩建用地,并于2007年9月以重现元代古刹独特的地方的英姿展此刻广大香客和游人眼前&&&&Government in 2004to implement the Party''s religious policy, free allocation of the original 20.5acre compound Jinshan county government as the East Temple and West Temple Monastery One of the expansion of the two sites, and in September 2007in order to reproduce the characteristics of the Qiao Yuan Temple displayed in front of the vast numbers of pilgrims and visitors.7. 第四部分论述了当资金划拨链条中出现错误支付情况时的责任承担问题,比较了各国在责任承担的对象和赔偿范围的不同规定,以及在出现争端时准据法的适用问题。&&&&We compare the policies in different jurisdictions about who will take the liability and the extent of the error. In the end of the part the paper introduces the choice of the laws when there are disagreements.8. 被划拨担保金的企业则必须在7个工作日内补足担保额度。&&&&Guarantee payment to be allocated to enterprises in the seven working days to fill the security lines.9. 电子资金划拨是电子商务的重要环节。&&&&Electronic funds transfer is one of the important parts of electronic commerce.10. 将破产企业无偿划拨取得的土地使用权进行拍卖,按规定交纳土地出让金后,余款列入破产财产用于清偿债务,是处理此类财产的最佳途径;安置职工和维护职工的权益,是在处理试点城市国有企业的土地和房产抵押权时的首要原则;破产企业福利性设施的科学界定,是妥善处理此类财产的关键&&&&The best way is to sell the right to use land by auction and the remaining sum is used to pay off the debts after paying the assigned sum of money. It is the most important principle in handling the mortgage right of land and house property of state enterprise in experimental cities to arrange workers and safeguard the workers interests. It is also crucial to decide the welfare facilities of...11. 应该划拨适当的资金提高农民的生活水平;应该邀请农业专家向农民介绍他们的经验,知识和信息,这些将有助于发展农村经济。&&&&&&They ought to invit e some experts in agriculture to share their experiences, information and knowledge with peasants, which will contrib ute directly to the economic growth of rural areas.12. 保障性住房中的廉租房和经济适用房用地实行划拨供应,并按规定减免相关费用,但对于配套建设的商业、服务业等经营性设施用地,必须实行有偿使用。&&&&&&The protection of low-cost housing in the housing and economic implementation of the allocation of housing land supply, and costs associated with the provisions of relief, but for supporting the construction of commercial, business and facilities services space, must be paid to use.13. 摘要使用无偿划拨的土地原则上并无使用期限问题,但是在一些例外情况下这种永久使用权并不是真实的,这些例外情况包括有:只要以划拨方式取得土地使用权后两年閒置未用,原则上都要收回,除非事先经过批准机关同意;或者基于城市建设发展需要和城市规划的要求,市、县人民政府可以随时收回划拨土地使用权,并可以予以出让,不受任何限制;或者用地单位不按批准的用途使用土地时也可以收回。&&&&&&Although land allocated by the government without compensation generally can be used without a time limit, some may be taken back by the government under the following circumstances: it has not been used in two years after allocation except for those approved by concer it is needed for city construc and it has not been used in a way as permitted by the government units.14. 14. 因单位撤销、迁移等原因,停止使用原划拨的国有土地的&&&&&&The use of land originally allocated has been stopped due to cancellation or removal of units15. 15. 第四条 市建设行政主管部门负责对专用基金的划拨和使用进行监督。&&&&&&Four of the city building department is responsible for the allocation and use of funds earmarked for supervision.16. 国家提供的发展负担得起的住房可以划拔免费使用国有土地,但一些房地产企业负担得起的住房建设的名义划拨土地后,房地产开发变相从事牟利。&&&&&&Countries provide for the development of affordable housing can be划拔free use of state-owned land, but some real estate enterprises to building affordable housing on behalf of the allocation of land made after the real estate development in disguise engaged in profit-making.17. 911查询·英语单词17. 自管产包括国家划拨给全民所有制单位所有以及全民所有制单位自筹资金购建的房产。&&&&&&Since control off all state-owned units including national allocated to the self-financing state-owned units and the purchase of property.18. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD18. 第二百二十一条被执行人未按执行通知履行法律文书确定的义务,人民法院有权向银行、信用合作社和其他有储蓄业务的单位查询被执行人的存款情况,有权冻结、划拨被执行人的存款&&&&&&The people's court shall be empowered to make inquiries with banks, credit cooperatives or other units that deal with savings deposit into the deposit accounts of the person subjected to execution, and shall be empowered to freeze or t19. 第二百二十一条被执行人未按执行通知履行法律文书确定的义务,人民法院有权向银行、信用合作社和其他有储蓄业务的单位查询被执行人的存款情况,有权冻结、划拨被执行人的存款&&&&&&Article 221 If the person subjected to execution fails to fulfil according to the execution notice the obligations specified in the legal document, the people's court shall be empowered to make inquiries with banks, credit cooperatives or other units that deal with savings deposit into the deposit accounts20. 第二百二十一条被执行人未按执行通知履行法律文书确定的义务,人民法院有权向银行、信用合作社和其他有储蓄业务的单位查询被执行人的存款情况,有权冻结、划拨被执行人的存款,但查询、冻结、划拨存款不得超出被执行人应当履行义务的范围。&&&&&&Article 221 If the person subjected to execution fails to fulfil according to the execution notice the obligations specified in the legal document, the people`s court shall be empowered to make inquiries with banks, credit cooperatives or other units that deal with savings deposit into the deposit accounts of the person subjected to execution, and shall be empowered to freeze or t however, the inquiries, freezing or transfer of the deposits shall not exceed the scope of the obligations to be fulfilled by the person subjected to execution.划拨是什么意思,划拨在线翻译,划拨什么意思,划拨的意思,划拨的翻译,划拨的解释,划拨的发音,划拨的同义词,划拨的反义词,划拨的例句,划拨的相关词组,划拨意思是什么,划拨怎么翻译,单词划拨是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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〈書〉(=无比 wúbǐ )比べるものがない.たぐいがない.
obligor是什么意思 obligor在线翻译 obligor什么意思 obligor的意思 obligor的翻译 obligor的解释 obligor的发音 obligor的同义词 obligor的反义词
obligor英 [??bl?'g?:] 美 [??bl?'g?:] obligor 基本解释名词债务人,义务人obligor 网络解释1. danci.911cha.com1. 债务人:1.评级的对象(层次性):信用评级可分为对债务人(Obligor)和对其对应的信用工具(facility)两方面的评估. 一个合理,有效的银行内部信用评级系统应同时对这两方面评级,即信用评级可分为两层①对债务人综合财务状况和偿还非特定债务能力的综合评估.2. obligor2. 债务人;义务人:obligee 债权人 | obligor 债务人;义务人 | oblique aerial photograph 偏斜航空照片3. obligor的翻译3. 负债人:obligee 权利人 | obligor 负债人 | obligueshock 斜激波obligor 双语例句1. 1. As for the breaching act committed by accessoryof the obligor, the obligor still shall be liable for thebreaching act of the accessory due to the reason that all theperformance of the accessory are undertaken in accordancewith the will of the obligor, and the accessory does notperform its own tender to the obligee, nor in his own name, all the performance of the tender of the accessory are adhereto the status of the obligor.&&&&对于债务人履行辅助人的违约行为,由于债务履行辅助人是根据债务人的意思进行履行,并且既不是履行自己的债务,也不是以自己的名义进行履行,而是依附在债务人的身份进行履行,债务人因此应对其违约行为承担责任。2. obligor在线翻译2. A Any amount payable under a Finance Document by an Obligor is exclusive of any value added tax or any other Tax of a similar nature which might be chargeable in connection with that amount.&&&&a 在财务文件下经手债务人的任何应支付的金额不包括任何与此金额相关的可能应予征收的增值税或任何其他的具有相似性质的税款。3. Article 33 A disclosure obligor shall disclose the information related to equity changes on at least one media designate by CSRC; the contents of disclosure in other media shall be consistent with those on the designated media, and the time of disclosure shall be not earlier than that on the designated media.&&&&第三十三条信息披露义务人应当在至少一家中国证监会指定媒体上披露有关持股变动信息;在其他媒体上进行披露的,披露内容应当一致,披露时间不得早于指定媒体的披露时间。4. The obligor includes not only insurance applicant, but also its agent and the insured.&&&&告知义务人不仅包括投保人,还应包括投保人的代理人和被保险人。5. A civil obligation is one which has a binding operation in law, vinculum juris, and which gives to the obligee the right of enforcing it i in other words, it is an engagement binding on the obligor.&&&&民事责任是一个具有法律约束力,vinculum操作,并给出两个向债权人正确执行它在法庭的;换句话说,它是一个订婚的消息对债务人。6. 6. If the burden of the expenses of performance is unclear the cost shall be assumed by the obligor.&&&&履行费用的负担不明确的,由履行义务一方负担。7. In order to prevent the damages to the claimer caused by the indecent increase in the obligor's property, the law allows the claimer to have the rights based on the obligor and the third person's deeds.&&&&但是法律为防止因债务人财产的不当减少而给债权人的债权带来损害,允许债权人对债务人和第三人的行为行使法律所规定的权利。8. 8. Article 82 After the obligor receives the notice of assignment of the creditor's right, it may claim its demur in respect of the assignor to the assignee.&&&&第八十二条债务人接到债权转让通知后,债务人对让与人的抗辩,可以向受让人主张。9. 9. Ordinarily, where an obligor owing an existing simple contract debt gives security for its payment by a covenant under seal and a charge on property, the simple contract debt is merged into the specialty unless there is an express provision to the contrary.&&&&通常,当义务人欠下已存在的简单合约债项,并就其缴款通过经盖章的契诺给予抵押及就财产上的押记,简单合约债项与盖印文据即会合并,除非当中有明示的相反规定。10. obligor10. A disclosure obligor that holds or controls the convertible bonds issued by a listed company shall, during the conversion, combine in calculation of the part that it has the right to convert with the shares of the same listed company held or controlled by it.&&&&持有、控制一个上市公司已发行的可转换公司债券的信息披露义务人,在可转换公司债券的转换期间,应当将其有权转换部分与其所持有、控制的同一上市公司的股份合并计算。11. Article 18 A disclosure obligor that holds or controls more than 5% of the shares issued by a listed company shall submit the report on equity changes if he foresees an equity change of more than 5% of the shares issued by that listed company.&&&&&&第十八条持有、控制一个上市公司已发行股份百分之五以上的信息披露义务人,预计持股变动超过该上市公司已发行股份的百分之五的,应当提交持股变动报告书。12. The right and duty of the third obligor remains the important relationship with the establishing of the pledge of general obligation.&&&&&&在担保制度中,一般债权质押担保的地位越来越重要,第三债务人(入质债权出质人的债务人)权利与义务与一般债权质押设立存在重要的关系。13. obligor在线翻译13. The establishing condition of the pledge of general obligation should conclude the contract of pledge and the information to the third obligor.&&&&&&笔者认为,一般债权质押的设立条件应采用质押合同和通知第三债务人,这体现了民法的平等、公平、意思自治的基本原则,也体现了效率与公平的价值目标14. obligor14. Obligee's rights in advance, the pledgee shall return the pledged properties. Where an obligor fails&&&&&&第二百一十九条债务人履行债务或者出质人提前清偿所担保的债权的,质权人应当返还质押财产。15. The third is the lack of the defensive right of obligor. The fourth, the definition to act of disposition is unreason after registration.&&&&&&第三、义务人抗辩权的缺失。第四、预告登记之后的处分行为的界定不合理。16. The maritime obligor is active to settle debt that is the realization of maritime claims and the elimination of maritime lien, not the realization of maritime lien.&&&&&&在海事债务人主动清偿债务时,是海事请求权的实现、船舶优先权的消灭,而非船舶优先权的实现。17. obligor的意思17. Additional expenses caused to the obligee by partial performance shall be borne by the obligor.&&&&&&债务人部分履行债务给债权人增加的费用,由债务人负担。18. The respondent is the obligor designated by the specific a&&&&&&被申请人是该具体行政行为所确定的义务人;19. In the security system, the standing of the pledge of general obligation is more and more important. The right and duty of the third obligor (the pledgor's obligor) remains the important relationship with the establishing of the pledge of general obligation.&&&&&&在担保制度中,一般债权质押担保的地位越来越重要,第三债务人(入质债权出质人的债务人)权利与义务与一般债权质押设立存在重要的关系。20. Finally, clear the effectiveness of accounts receivable pledge to the pledgor, the pledgee and the secondary obligor's. ⅱ.&&&&&&最后,明确了应收账款质押对质权人、出质人以及次债务人的效力。obligor是什么意思,obligor在线翻译,obligor什么意思,obligor的意思,obligor的翻译,obligor的解释,obligor的发音,obligor的同义词,obligor的反义词,obligor的例句,obligor的相关词组,obligor意思是什么,obligor怎么翻译,单词obligor是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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