let'let s get it startedan umbrella 的翻译

1. I have had great deal of trouble______________________________.(跟得上班上的其他同学)2. I don't mind your_____________(你延期做出决定) the decision as long as it is not too late.3. In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives_____________(起着不可缺少的作用) in raising children.4. Mark often____________________________(试图逃脱罚款) whenever he breaks traffic regulations.5. When I __________________(发现他骗我) I stopped buying thins there and started dealing with another shop.6. I suggested he ____________________ (使自己适应) his new conditions.7.
What a lovely party! It's worth_________________( 牢记一生 ).8.
If you won't agree to our plan,_____________________( 他们也不会同意 ).9.
His remarks left me ____________________________( 想知道他的真实目的 ).10.
If you had_____________________ ( 听从了我的劝告,你就不会陷入麻烦)11. Though you stay in the sea for weeks, you will not____________( 失去联系 ) the outside world.12. The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence,_____________( 正在研制 ) and perfected now.13. How close parents are to their children_________________ __( 有很强的影响 ) the character of the children.14. The room i it _____________________ (肯定没打扫过) .15. With tears on her face, the lady _____________________ (看着他受伤的儿子被送进手术室)Answer:
1. keeping up with the rest of the class.
「超级句型」trouble可以用在句型&have trouble doing sth. & 做某事有困难&中,这时,trouble可以用difficulty来代替。「超级短语」keep up with意为&跟上??&,指并肩前进,并驾齐驱,不至落后、掉队。catch up with意为&赶上&,指从后边追上或改变落后状。2. delaying making
「超级单词」mind作及物动词,后面通常接名词、代词、V-ing形式、复合结构、从句等。Delay后接动词时,应该接动词的ing形式。3. play indispensable roles
「超级短语」play a part/role in起着??作用,饰演??的角色。4. attempts to escape being fined
「超级单词」escape后面要接动名词形式。常与介词from搭配,如He has escaped from the fire.5. caught /found him cheating me
「超级句型」find/catch+宾语+宾补,如I found him standing by the river.6. should adapt himself to
「超级句型」suggest作&建议&时,其宾语从句中要用虚拟句型&suggest that sb.(should)do sth.&结构;从suggest还可以联想到宾语从句中同样要用虚拟语气的相关动词如:insist,demand,order,ask,advise等。「超级短语」adapt oneself to 使自己适应或习惯于,其他搭配: adapt from 根据??改写/改编7. remembering all my life
「超级单词」Be worth doing??/值得做某事,还有说法是worth sth. 如:He is worth the praise. 单8. neither will they
「超级词」neither表示&两者都不&, 表示&也&、&也不& 的句子要部分倒装。如:If you won't go, neither will I.9. wondering about his real purpose
「超级单词」leave sb doing 让继续处于某种状态;leave sb to do sth 让某人干某事10. followed my advice, you would not be in trouble now.
「超级句型」虚拟语气在if 引导的条件句中的用法从句:if + 主语+ 动词的过去式(be 用were) + ??主句:主语+ would (should, could , might) + 动词原形+ ??11. lose contact with
「超级短语」lose contact with/lose touch with与??失去联系12. are being developed
「超级句型」&be being done&现在进行时的被动语态表示此时此刻某事正在被做。其中动词be应随主语作相应变化。
13. has a strong influence on/effect on「超级短语」influence/effect作名词(常与on连用)对??有影响力。influence指&通过说服、举例等对行动、思想、性格等产生不易觉察到的,潜移默化的影响&,如:Influenced by a high-school biology teacher, he took up the study of medicine.effect指&实现&、&达成&,着重&造成&一种特殊的效果,如:This book effected a change in my opinion.14. can't have been cleaned
「超级句型」&情态动词+have done&表示推测,must/can/may/might/could各用于不同句型中,must只用于肯定句中,can/could不能用于肯定句中,may/might不能用于疑问句中。can't表示不可能,may not表示可能不。如题中推测的为过去的事情,情态动词后则用完成形式。15. watched her injured son sent into the operation room.
「超级句型」see/watch??sb./sth.+done强调某动作的全过程,且宾语和动作间是被动关系.1.(这个计划成功的关键) ___________is good planning.2. The specific use of leisure______(每一人都不同)3. The ship ' s generator broke down and the pumps____________________( 不得不用手工操作 ) instead of mechanically.4. Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used______________( 习惯了学生迟到 ) his lecture.5. I prefer to communicate with my customers ______( 通过写电子邮件而不是打电话)6. After the terrorist attack, tourists ______ ( 被劝告暂时不要去该国旅游)7.( 他把自己奉献于社区工作 ) ______ and is passionate about what he is doing.8. Man should not exploit the natural resources ______ ( 以牺牲其他物种为代价 ).9. When Sandy recovered from cancer, her doctor ______ ( 把此归因于她对未来的信念 ).10. At the end of his speech, the school master encouraged the children to work hard ______ ( 不要让父母失望 ).11. In the budget for this building, they failed to __( 考虑价格增长的因素 ).12. Only after I slapped him on the back ____( 他才发现我并高兴得叫起来 ).13. I didn ' t even speak to him, ____( 更不用说与他讨论事情 ).14. Some young people would rather try hard themselves to go through life than _____( 求助于他们的父母 ) with a sense of guilt.15. The victim _____( 本来有机会活下来 ) if he had been taken to hospital in time .
Answer:1. The key to the success of this project
「超级单词」key除作名词&钥匙&外,后接介词to,表示&??的钥匙,??的答案,??的关键&.2. from individual to individual.「超级短语」不及物动词vary 的用法。搭配为:vary ?? from ?? to 各不相同。3. had to be operated manually「超级短语」have to通常指由于客观原因则不得不做某事,意思为&不得不&. 其否定形式意思是&不一定&或&没有必要&.4. to students' being late for「超级句型」be used to+doing/noun,表示过去习惯于做某事。used to+do,表示过去有规律的习惯性动作或状态,而现在已不存在了。「超级短语」be late for,迟到。「超级句型」one's doing,非谓语动词的复合结构。5. via E-mail instead of telephone「超级短语」Instead of 的意思是&代替??&、&而不??&,后面常跟名词、代词和动名词,偶尔也跟复合结构。6. were advised not to travel to that country at the moment「超级单词」advise 一般用法: advise sb. advise doing特殊注意: 后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。即:advise that sb. (should) do的形式。7. he devoted himself to the community「超级短语」be devoted to 有两个含义:A.专心致志于,献身于;B.热爱,很喜欢。作为动词的devote常用下列成语类的搭配:devote oneself/one's life to sth/doing sth.8. at the cost of sacrificing/loss of other species「超级短语」at the cost of(以??为代价),其含义和用法与at the expense of相同。另at all costs意为&不惜一切代价&.9. attributed it to her firm belief in the future「超级短语」&attribute??to&,&把??归因于??&是大学英语四级考查率极高的一个语言点。10. and not to let their parents down「超级短语」let??down(使??失望),形容词表示失望有disappointed.11. consider/take into account the factor of increasing price.「超级单词」Take?? into account=take?? into consideration 把??考虑在内12. did he notice me and shouted with happiness
「超级句型」这是only引起的半倒装句,only+强调内容+助动词+主语+谓语+其它13. let alone discuss with him「超级短语」let alone用作连词,译为&更不用说了&14. turn to their parents「超级短语」turn to sb. for help 求助于别人15. would have survived「超级句型」在虚拟条件句中,如果表示与过去事实相反的情况,从句用过去完成时,而主句中则用&情态动词+现在完成时&,即would/ could/ should/ might have done
1. Though a skilled worker, _____( 他被公司解雇了 ) last week because of the economic crisis.2. He was disabled from birth, but he never felt frustrated, __( 也从未屈服于任何困难 ).3. The little boy next door has been beating his drum for a whole morning, which got on my nerves so much __( 以至于我无法集中注意力学习 ).4. The scientist tried to convince us that a tiger would not attack us __( 除非它走途无路 ).5. The nation ' s population continues to rise ______ ( 以每年 1200 万人的速度 )6.(如果你设法与Smith先生取得联系)___the problem will be solved easily because he is an expert in this field.7. The problem lies in how people look at those students ___(专心追求知识的).8. On Children's Day, kids ___有资格免费进入) to all the city parks.9. The restaurant next door serves good food, but the one across the street is much better ___(就服务而言).10.___(每当天气不好时), he takes whatever umbrella he can find.11. Animal experiments will continue to be necessary to resolve existing medical problems ___( 尽管一些人公开反对 ).12. Professor Clark was a bit strict with us, ____( 但我们确实从他那里学到了很多 ).13. The more you explain, ___( 我愈糊涂 ).14. He has done so much for the poor in his community that ___( 再怎么赞扬他都不过分 ).
15. Since my childhood I have found that __( 没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力 )
Answer:1. he was dismissed/fired/sacked「超级单词」主要考察&解雇&的表达方法。Dismiss解职、开除;fire解雇&口&;sack解雇、洗劫。2. and never yielded to any difficulties as well「超级短语」yield to屈服,让步。3. that I have no way to concentrate on my study「超级短语」concentrate on+sth./doing sth.全神贯注地做某事。4. unless it’s cornered「超级单词」unless除非,如果不;corner名词作&角落、绝路&,作为及物动词时表示&无路可走&.5. at a speed of 12 million per year「超级短语」at a speed of?? (以??的速度);其二是数字1200万人的表达,也就是12个百万――12 million 而million后面加上多余的复数s则是很多同学容易出现的错误。6. u manage to get in touch with Mr Smith「超级短语」manage to do表示成功地做成某事,不成功不可以用。7. who are kownledge-oriented/absorbed acquiring kownledge「超级单词」sth.-oriented追求??,orient n.东方adj.东方的,上升的vi.向东 vt.使适应、确定方向。oriented导向的,其实这里可以很多种译法。8. are entitled to free admissions「超级单词」be entitled to do sth. 对??享有权利, 值得; 有(做某事)的资格[权利]9. as far as the service is concerned「超级单词」so/as far as??be concerned就??而言,concerned用作形容词解作&有关的&时,是后置定语,大都放在它所修饰的名词之后。10. whenever the weather is bad「超级单词」whenever无论何时, 随时n.只要,11. even though some people object to/are against it openly「超级短语」object to/be against反对12. but I do learn a lot from him「超级单词」do放在动词原形前,加强该动词的语气。13. the more I am confused
「超级句型」&the more??, the more??&句型常表示&越??就越??&,是一个复合句,其中前面的句子是状语从句,后面的句子是主句。the用在形容词或副词的比较级前,more代表形容词或副词的比较级。14. you can't praise him enough「超级句型」用在&主语+cannot??+enough&句型中该句型形式上是否定句型,实际上表达的是肯定意义,意思是&再??也不过分;越??越??&.15. nothing is more attractive to me than reading「超级短语」&Nothing is more??than&和&Nothing is so??as&都具有最高级比较的意思,指&没有??比??更??&.1. The number of the students in this city has _____ (增加了6倍) in comparison with 2001.2. _____ (有些大一新生打定主意) to pursue a master's degree after undergraduate studies.3. _____ (不管任务多么艰巨), we must fulfill it in time.4. He had understood nothing, _____ (也没尝试着去) understand.5. _____ (随着时间的流逝), they forgot their bitter sufferings.6._____ ( 据说 ) the painter used his aunt as the model in that painting.7. Most of the people who die in earthquakes _____ ( 是正在倒塌的建筑物砸死的 ).8. Most people tend to believe that & the newer, the better, & _____ ( 尽管并不总是这样 ).9. _____ ( 没有人不称赞他们 ) for their great accomplishment.10. _____ ( 毫无疑问 ) he is qualified for the job.11. This leaflet tells you _____ (怎样在旅行期间防止生病).12. The book is _____ (我够不着); would you please pass it to me?13. I'm not accustomed to such luxury, _____ (它简直是浪费钱).14. He came to the meeting _____ (不顾重病).15. Then I found myself _____ (被许多男孩子包围着).Answer:1. increased 5 times2. Some freshmen make up their minds3. No matter how hard the task is\However hard the task is\No matter how hard the task may be\However hard the task may be4. nor did he try to
5. With the passage of time6. It is said that7. are killed by falling buildings8. though that is not always the case9. There is no one who does not praise them10. There is no doubt that11. how to avoid getting ill while traveling12. beyond my reach13. which is just a waste of money14. despite his serious illness in spite of his serious illness15. surrounded by many boys1. The substance does not dissolve in water _____ (不管是否加热).2. Not only _____ (他向我收费过高), but didn't do a good repair job.3. Your losses in trade this year are nothing _____ (与我相比).4. On average, it is said, visitors spend only_____ (一半的钱) in a day in Leeds as in London.5. By contrast, American mothers were more likely _____ (把孩子的成功归因于) natural talent6. There is no rush now ―― _____ (比赛已经取消了).7. I'm not supposed to let anyone in without a card, _____ (但对你我就破一次例).8. _____ (我们得把休假日推迟) until you're better.9. Don't bother carrying all those things, _____ (我本不想给你添许多麻烦).10. _____ (我不大想去参加那个聚会), but I'd better put in an appearance.11.__________________ (直到失去健康) that people know the value of health.12. The bag was stuffed____________________( 脏衣服)13.___________________ (很多朋友不在), we decided to put the meeting off.14._______________________ (给我印象最深的) were her liveliness and sense of humor.15. There engines are___________________ (不如我们制造的那些发动机功率大) .
Answer:1. whether (it is) heated or not2. did he charge me too much3. compared with mine
4. half as much (money)5. to attribute their children's success to6. the match has been called off7. but I'll make an exception in your case8. We'll have to put off (going on) vacation9. I didn't mean to give you a lot of trouble10. I don't really want to go to the party11. It is not until they lose it12. with dirty clothes13. With many friends absent14. What impressed me the most15. less powerful than the ones we have made1. That theory must go hand in hand with practice is a principle_______( 这是我们应当牢记的一条原则 )2. ________ (除了以身作则) , there ' s no better way to teach children.3. The more things a man is ashamed of, ________ (他就越受人尊敬) .4. True wisdom consists not only in seeing what is before your eyes, ________ (而且在于预见将来的事情) .5. Not until people can completely trust you ________ (你才能对他们产生积极的影响) .6. If you can't think up a new idea, try finding _________. (一个方法更好的利用老的观点)7. _________(为战争做好准备)is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.8.________ (如果全面考虑), work is less boring than amusing oneself.9. They thought it a pity ________(没有邀请她).10. Your character will have been completed _________(当生命走到尽头时).11. The boss would be angry________ (假如老板发现你经常在办公室打私人长途电话)。12. The journey took three days________ (比我们原先所预计的多用了)。13. The old and young should be________ (尊重和照顾)。14. (我为这些话所深深感动) ________I used them later for a Christmas card.15. (这就全看) ________whether you support me.Answer:1. we should always keep in mind2. Apart from setting a good example
3. the more respectable he is.4. but also in foreseeing what is to come5. will you be able to positively influence them.6. a way to make better use of an old idea.7. To be prepared for war8. Everything considered9. not to have invited her10. the time your life comes to an end.11. if he should discover you often make personal long distance calls in the office.12. longer than we had expected13. respected and taken care of14. I was so impressed by these words that15. It all depends on1: The truck driver is __________________________________(对这起交通事故负全责).
2:In the court, the defendant ____________________________(声称自己是清白的).
3:Unemployed, John ________________________________(几乎无法维持生计).4:________________________________(中国政府声明任何情况下都不首先) use nuclear weapons.5:___________________________(要想他人尊重你),you should learn to respect them first.
6: _________________________( 我刚刚到家 ) than the telephone rang.7:The old man regretted __________________________( 一事无成 ) in his life.
8:____________________( 他五十多岁 ), but he looks younger than his age.9:Many big cities in the world ________________________( 正面临淡水资源短缺 ).
10:He said nothing, leaving me _____________________ ( 对他的计划毫不知情 ).
11: He clenched his teeth to_______________ (确定事故中遭受的伤口的疼痛).12: I'd rather read books in the library ______________________( 也不愿上课 ).
13:Our aim is to ____________________________( 全心全意为人民服务 ).14:I'd like to _______________________( 借此机会 ) to express my heartfelt thanks for your help.15:The court ruling _________________________( 剥夺了他的政治权利 ).Answer:1. responsible for the transportation accident.
2. claims himself innocent3. nearly couldn't live on himself4. Chinese Government declares that under no circumstance will China first5. If you want to be respected by others6. No sooner did I get home7. being nowhere
8. He is more than fifty years old 9. are facing the problem of lack of water resource 10. having no idea about his plan 11. ensure the pain of the wound suffered from the accident 12. than go to lessons 13. serve the people with our hearts 14. take this opportunity 15. has deprived his political rights1. The students _____________ (有权进入) the library only in the afternoon.2. (我们都很同情) _____________the husband who was bereaved of his beloved wife.3. (如果我有钱了) _____________, I would like to cruise in the Southern Pacific for six months in a private yacht.4. The soldiers_____________ (非常疲累由于没有休息一直向前走) in a blizzard.5. No one likes _____________ (被当作) a poltroon.6. I don't want to ____________ (冒险去尝试) this.7. He pronounced not clearly but don't ____________ (妨碍) understanding.8. Guangdong might ____________ (征税) extra housing owners9. We are prepared to ____________ (采取武力) if negotiation failed.10. (除了大约半小时) ____________ for lunch I am here all day.11. He doesn't seem to ____________ (意识到) the coldness of their attitude towards his appeal.12. Majority ____________ (赞成) Golden Week holidays.13. Car drivers must ____________ (遵守) the rules of driving.14.____________ (相比较) the two companies,we see two different points of views.15. could you ____________ (照看) my child?Answer:1. have access to
2. We all sympathized with3. If I were rich4. are very exhausted for they have advanced forward without rest5. to be regarded as6. take the risk (of) trying7. interfere with8. impose tax on9. resort to force10. But for a half hour or so11. be aware of(=be conscious of , having knowledge or consciousness)12. approve of (=consent to, be in favor of, favor, agree to, consider good, right)13. adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to)14. By comparison of15. keep an eye on
我们坚信什么也不能阻止历史的车轮滚滚向前。We’re sure nothing can ________________ the wheel of history from ___________________ .2. 无论刮风下雨,我们的老师总是第一个到校。
windy or rainy, our teacher is always the first
from being polluted.4. We are all sure that Taiwan will
the motherland5. 正是团队协作使我们越来越自信。It is
that makes us
Taiwan Island is
one in China and its beautiful7. 提醒年轻人网上慎重交友是必要的。It’s
the young people
online carefully.(6-7泰州市20048. 在这么好的天气里被鞋绊倒你真粗心。It’s _________________ you to ________________ your shoes ______________________ weather.9. 至今为此似乎已有五起抢劫案发生,如果你被抢劫,可以拨打“110”求助。So far, there seem to _____________________. If you __________, you may call “110” for help.10. 当记者到时,音乐会已结束二个半小时。By the time the __________________,
the_____________________________________________________.11. 我们每个人都对通过入学考试充满信心,但我们不能有所谓的“骄傲”。We __________________________________, but we shouldn’t have _____________________.12. 记住不要沉湎于打桥牌,你最好每两小时停下来休息一下。Remember not _________________ bridge. You’d better stop ______________________.13. 年青人应当珍爱自己,远离毒品。Young people should _______________ themselves, and________________from drugs.14. 四分之三的地球表面被水覆盖。____________________of the surface of the earth ________________ water.15. 苏州产的丝手感好也好卖。Silk _____________ Suzhou _______________________________________.16. 吐鲁蕃的葡萄和山东的不一样。The______________ in Turfan _____________________________in Shandong.17. 今天我以我们的祖国而自豪,明天我将是祖国的骄傲。Today I_______________our country, in the future, I’m_______________________it.18. 是团队精神使那些病人存活了下来。他们将不断尝试直到成功为止。It was teamwork that__________________________. They would __________________________.19. 你写得越认真,犯的错误越少。The ________________________, the _____________________ you’ll make.20. 大量的共产党员为新中国的成立作出了巨大贡献。_____________________of Party members ______________________________ New China.21. 去年二月他们宁可把羊扣到树上也不喂草给他吃。__________________, they ______________________ the sheep to the tree to ______________.22. 京剧很值得听,它是我们的骄傲。Peking Opera is ___________________________. It is the ___________________________. 23. 所有数码相机上都没有写上英文单词。English words __________________ on _____________________________________________.24. 不管花费多少,我也要请人把那台现代化的电脑修一下。No matter ______________________, I’ll have the ____________________________________.25. 仔细检查以便你尽量少犯错误。________________________________________. so __________________________________.26. 清洁工的工作是清理垃圾,他们美化了环境理应受到高度赞扬。_______________________ is _______________________. They ______________________ and they __________________________.27. 孩子们经常被鼓励在汽车上给怀抱婴儿的妇女让出空间。Children are often ______________________________________________________________.28. 他花了一整天描述了上周某个时候发生的抢劫案。He spent the whole day _______________________which___________________________________last week.29.住院期间他每两天量一次体温。He _____________________ during ____________________ in hospital.30. 应该教育好小孩子如何与别人相处好。Children should _________________________________________________________________.31. 全中国人民期盼台湾尽快回归,我们认为没必要学会等待。Taiwan is ____________________________ by people ______________________. We don’t think there is need to _________________________________________________.32.历史表明台湾是中国不可分割的一部分。The history shows Taiwan___________________________ a part of China.33. 你在上海买房子有困难。You _________________________________in Shanghai.34. 在电脑房不许吃喝或吸烟。No _______________, _______________________________ in the computer room35. 她是个只说不做的人,我很生她的气。She is a person who _________________ much but _____________________. I’m angry ___________________________________.36. 他们说的话多少有些帮助。What he said will be__________________________useful. 37. 我们将不得不请王先生代替你去那儿了。We’ll ____________________ ask Mr. Wang __________________________ you.38. 在男子400米赛跑中吴鹏跑得比其他男生快得多。Wu Peng ran _________________ than the other boys during __________________________.39. 后来,当风越来越大,浪越来越高的时候,他放慢了速度。Then he _________________ as the wind became ___________________________________.40. 每当有人扔进一些垃圾时,它就放一段音乐。Whenever someone _________________, it _____________ a piece of music.41. 1943年雅克和他的朋友发明了水下呼吸器,才使这成为可能。In 1943 Jacques and his friend made it _____________________________.42. 你的书到处都是,请放好。Your books are ____________________. Please ________________.43. 在中秋节,家家户户欢聚一堂庆祝丰收。______________________, families ______________________ the harvest.44. 他厌倦反复演奏相同的曲子。He was ____________________ music __________________.45. 雪太小了,我们不能堆雪人。The snow is _____________________ for us ____________________.46. 你迟早会用新方法解决这个问题。You can ____________________________________in new ways.47. 我将积极参加即将到来的运动会。I’ll________________________________ the _____________________.48. 藏在抽屉里的信是一个爱捣乱的男孩写的。The letter ________________ in the drawer __________________ by a boy who _____________.49. 我想知道微软公司创办于哪一年。I wonder which year ___________________________.50. 由于大雨,探险家们被困在沙漠里了。___________ heavy rain, the explorers_________________________ in the mountain. 完成句子答案:1. stop / prevent / keep ,
going on2. No matter whether it’s, to get to3. must be done ,stop the earth4. come back to, sooner or later
5. teamwork, more and more confident6. the largest, attracts large numbers of tourists7. necessary for ,to make friends8. really careless of, trip over, in such fine9. have been five robberies, are a robber10. journalist arrived, concert had been over for two and a half hours.11. each have confidence in passing the entrance exam, the so-called pride12. to lose yourself in playing, to (have a ) rest every 2 hours.13. Take care of ,
keep away14. Three quarters(fourths), is covered with15. produced in, feels good and sells well16. grapes ,
are different from those17. am proud of, the pride of18. kept the patients alive, keep on trying until they made
it19. more carefully you write, fewer mistakes20. Large numbers, made a great contribution to founding21. last February, preferred
tying, feeding grass to them22. well worth listening to, pride of us23. are written ,
none of the digital cameras24. how much it costs, modern computer mended/ repaired25. Check carefully, that you’ll make as few mistakes as possible.26. A cleaner’s job, to clean up rubbish, make the environment beautiful,deserve to be spoken highly of27. encouraged to make room for the woman with a baby in her arms.28. describing the robbery ,
happened sometime.29. had his temperature taken every two days, his stay30. be taught how to get on well with others31. expected to return as soon as possible, all over China, learn to wait.32. deserved to be33. have problems/ difficulty/triuble buying a house34. eating, drinking or smoking is allowed35. talks, does little, with her 36. more or less37. have to, to go there instead of38. much faster, the boys’ 400-metre race.39. slowed down, stronger and waves higher40. throws in some rubbish, produces41. possible by inventing the scuba machine42.
here and there/everywhere, put them away On Mid-Autumn Day , get together to celebrate fed up with playing the same, again and again so light, to push snowmen solve the problem , sooner or later take an active part in, coming sports meeting hidden, was written, likes making trouble the company called Microsoft was opened up in Because of ,
were / became trapped(二)1、 入世后的中国发展与世界同步。The development of China and the world started to be____________________________ after China joined the WTO.2、现代社会,务必要鼓励孩子们勇于创新。______________ all the children are encouraged ______________ new ideas ______________.3、越来越多的人开始意识到食品安全(sanitary)对人的健康有多么重要。 (泰州市20044、大学生们下定决心积极参加到沿江开发的行列中去。The college students ______________ to take______________________
the areas along the Yangtze River.5、到目前为止,他已经捐赠了数了数百万美元给“希望工程”
dollars to Hope Project. (泰州市2004年中考试题) 6、1月25号,美国“机遇”号在火星安全着陆。
,the “Chance” spaceship_______________________
7、禽流感关系到人民的健康和安全,必须阻止其发生。TheBirdFluhasmuchtodowith people’s
,English is
between different countries.
10、在21世纪,那些观念陈旧的人将落后于时代。 stIn the 21 century, those people with old ideas
.11In the modern world ,
.12We are _____________ of fighting against the bird flu. We’re sure to ______________ an idea.13、中国女排由于其杰出的表现而受到人们的高度评价。The Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team are ______________ because of their ______________.14、每一个中国人都为之激动,并引以为豪的是2008年第29届奥运会将在中国北京举办。Each Chinese feels ______________ that the _____________ will ______________ in Beijing, China in 2008.15、三峡大坝工程全部结以后,将造福于人民。After the Three Gorges Dam is completed, it will ______________ the people.16、20世纪末,中国成功地收复了香港和澳门,当前,中国人们迫不及待地期盼台湾早日回归。 ______________, China ______________ took back Hong Kong and Macao, at the moment, the Chinese people ______________ Taiwan to return to China as soon as possible.17、为了迎接2010年在上海举办的世博会,仍然有许多工作要做。There’s much more work ______________ to welcome the 2010 World Fair in Shanghai.18、众所周知,成功发射“神舟五号”让中国更好走向世界。It’s _____________ that ______________successful Shenzhou-V will make China _____________ the world better. 19、最近几个月,全世界发生了几件重大事件,这让所有中国人明白团结合作是何等重要。In the last several months,_____________ to the world, it made all the Chinese people know ______________ is.20、杨利伟让所中国的人梦想变成了现实,人们把他看作英雄理所当然。Yang Liwei made all the Chinese people’s dream _____________, he ____________ a hero.21、不断增长的人口也许会成为当今世界上最严峻的挑战,必须采取措施降低人口增长。The ________ may be the greatest challenge of the world today. Something must ________ to
the population increase.229人死亡,43人受伤。________, an earthquake happened to Gansu province. 9 people ________ and 43 people ________.23、保护环境是每个人的职责,让我们齐心协力,共创美好家园。It’s ________ to ________________. Let’s work together to make a pleasant home.24、他的21小时的飞行表明了中国是第三个发射载人飞船到太空的国家。 His
shows that China is_________________
manned 25、一种叫禽流感的疾病,已夺去许多鸡的生命。______________ “Bird Flu” ______________ many chickens.26、联合国必须采取措施来阻止以色列攻击巴勒斯坦。 Something must be done to stop Isreal
you study,
you will get a job after graduation.
______________ of the science, man has reached the moon ______________.29、由于团结协作,中国将“神舟五号”成功发射到太空。________, the spaceship “Shenzhou V” with people has ________ by China.30.在伊拉克战争中,成千上万的人丧生了。我们反对战争,我们需要和平。In the Iraq War ______________. We _______________ any war and we need peace.31、独生子女的政策走进了千家万户,现在少生优生的家庭数目越来越多了。Each family keeps in line with one-child policy. Now_____________________
is becoming
.32 So far three robberies
. The robberies
.33We live in the society
.In the society 34We should ______________ to ______________ the developed countries as soon as possible.35、最近几年,泰州发生了很大的变化,吸引了越来越多的外商来此投资。In the last few years, Taizhou ____________ a lot, _____________ more and more foreign businessmen to spend money on her.36、让我们对在抗“非典“斗争中作出辛勤工作的医务者说声“谢谢”。Let’s ______________ the nurses and doctors ______________ in the fight against SARS.37、多亏了现代科技,如此艰巨的工作更容易操作了。________________________, such hard work can ____________________.38.的确可以说杨利伟是我国历史上最伟大的宇航员。It’s _______________________ that Yang Liwei is the greatest astronaut of our country in history.39、郁建新虽然牺牲了,但他热爱和平的精神依然存在。Though
Yu Jianxin is________________living,
his_______________________lives on today.40、我们坚信这种特殊的疾病迟早会消失的。We are sure this__________________will__________________________.41、神州五号发射成功后,举国上下沉浸在欢乐之中。After Shengzhou V ___________________________________, we Chinese people all __________________ great happiness.42、当警方到的时候,他已携带家属逃跑了。When the policeman arrived, he with his family____________________.43、据说,不久以后,又一颗人造卫星发射向太空。_____________________________ that __________________________ will be sent up into space successfully.44、几年来,他向希望工程捐赠了多达200万美元,为贫困地区的发展作出了巨大贡献,全国人民对之感激不尽。In the last few years, he _______________ Hope project, and ____________________ the poor areas, people all over the country _____________________ him.45、我们正在尽全力为成功举办第29届奥运会作准备。2008年我们会将热情好客展示给全世界。
We’re trying our best _____________________________, in 2008 we’ll show our ______________ the world..46、 我们对医学充满信心,“禽流感”得到了预防。We have__________________.“Bird Flu” was ________________________.47、上海赢得2010年世界博览会的举办权,全国人民的梦想成为现实。The nation’s dreams for the 2010 World Exposition ______________________ as Shainghai won the bid(举办权)。48、最近几年泰州沿江地区肯定会有很大的发展。There ______________ development in the part of Taizhou along the river ______________.49、杨利伟不仅是辽宁的骄傲,而且全国人民都为他感到自豪。Yang Liwei is not only ______________ Liaoning,but also people all over China
him.50、前天,一架飞机从墨西哥出发,开始了去多伦多的第一次飞行。A plane __________________ Moscow to Toronto _____________________________ the day before yesterday.参考答案1.neck and neck2.Make sure
to try out
in the modern world3.more and more, realize4.made up their minds
an active part in
developing5.So far ,has given away6.On January 25th
landed safely7.health and safety
be stopped from happening8.possible to enter
working hard9. in the modern world, widely used for business10.will fall behind the times11.business problems
in traditional ways12.confident
come up with13. spoken of
excellent performance14.so excited and proud , the29th Olympic Games , be held15.make contributions to16.At the end of the twentieth century,
can’t wait to except17.to be done18.well known
to send up/sending up,
step into19.several events have happened,
how important the teamwork<e true
deserves to be21.increasing population
slow down22.On October25th, 2003
were hurt23.everyone’s duty
protect the environment24. 21 hours’ flight
the third country to send up25.A kind of disease called, has killed26.from attacking27.the harder
the more easily28.With the development
by spaceship29.Because of the teamwork
been sent up into space successfully30.thousands of people lost their lives
are not for/ are against31.the number of the families with fewer but healthier children
larger and larger32.have happened
made us frightened33. which is full of challenge and chances
loses himself in his work34.try our best
catch up with35.has changed
attracting36.say thanks to
who made great contributions37.Thanks to the modern science and technology
be done easily38.true to say39. no longer ,
spirit of loving peace40.kind of disease
disappear sooner or later41. was sent up into space successfully
lose themselves in42.had run away43. It’s said another man-made satellite44.has given away two million to,
made great contributions to,
are thankful/grateful to45.to get ready for holding the29th Olympic Games
kindness to46.confidence in medicine
prevented47.has come true48.will surely/certainly be
in a few years’ time/years49.the pride of
are proud of50. set off from
on its first flight.(三)1.时间检验真理。Time _________________________.2.活到老,学到老。You’re _________________________.3.知足常乐。_________________________ a feast .4.人各有价。Every man
_________________________.5.作最坏的准备,怀最好的打算。Prepare for ___________ and hope ______________.6.人生必须永远前进。Life ___________ always ______________.7.Never do things _________________________. 做事切勿半途而废。8.事实胜于雄辩。Actions _________________________.9.滴水穿石。_________________________ outwear the stone .10.我思,故我在。____________,
therefore _____________.11.样样皆通,样样疏松。____________ is ___________________. 12.有志者,事竟成。Where _____________ , ____________.13.举止见人品。Manners _______________________.
14.凡事要一分为二。There’s _________________________ the picture.15.智者亦有一失。No one is wise _________________________.16.美的事物永远是赏心悦目的。__________________ is a joy _______.17.天无绝人之路。When one door _______,
another _______.18.凡事适可而止。_________________________ is too much.19.人定胜天。_______ can conquer ________ .20.豁达者长寿。A light heart ________ .21.大千世界,千奇百怪。It ______ all sorts ___________________ .22.没有一个胜利者相信机遇。No victor
_________________ .23.多问多知道。Ask ________ , _______ much .24.骄者必败。_________________________
a fall .25. 三思而后行。_________________________
you act .26.光阴不等人。Time and tide _________________________.27.无风不起浪。_________________________ without fire .28.人人为我,我为人人。____________ one , one _____________.29.远行者见闻多。He _________________________ much .30.千里之行始于足下。 A long journey__________________ the first step.31.爱屋及乌。Love _____, love _______.32.虎毒不食子。Dog _________________ dog.33.凡人皆有出头日。Every dog _________________ .34.杀鸡骇猴。_________________ the lion .35.别惹是生非。Let _________________ lie .36.人贵有自知之明。___________ is ___________________..37.谗言可畏。Give a dog _________ and ________ him .38.老虎不在家,猴子称霸王。When the cat __________ , ___________ .39.不要本末倒置。_________ the cart ________ the horse .40.人靠衣装,佛靠金装。________ make _________ .41.骑虎难下。Have a wolf _________________ .42.付出总比得到好。It’s better _________________ .43.人无完人。_________________ is _____ .44.识时务者为俊杰。It’s better _________________ .45.勤奋是成功的关键。_____________ is the ___________ .46.谨遵医嘱。 To do _________________ is important .47.世上无难事,只怕有心人。Nothing in the world is ______ , if you ___________ it .48.今日事,今日毕Never _________ till tomorrow _______________ today .49.捷足先登。The early bird _________________ .50.亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。It’s _________________ .
参考答案: 1.
tries truth2. never too old to learn3.Enough is as good as4. has his prize5.for the best6. in progress7. by halves8. speak louder than words9. Drops of water10. I I am.11. Tto know nothing12. there’there’s a way13. make the man14. another side of15. all the time16. Afor ever17.opens18. More than enough19. Mnature.20. lives long21.to make a world22. believes in chance23.know
24. Pride goes before25. Think before26. wait for no man27. No smoke28. Afor all.29. that travels far knows30. starts with t31. my dog32. doesn’t eat33. has its day34. Beat a dog before35. sleeping dogs36. To know oneself;true knowledge37. a bad name ;hang38. is away; the mice will play39. Don’t put ;before40. Fine feathers ;fine birds41. by the ears42. to give than to receive43. To make a mistake ; human44. to be on the safe side45. To work hard ; key to success46. what the doctor tells you47. impossible ; set your mind to do48. put off ; what you can do49. catches the worm50. better late than never(四)1.能够和你朋友相称,我感到非常的骄傲。
you my friend。2 He
. 3He ______________________ our enemy by what he did.4.这种慷慨的精神理应该高度赞扬。_____________________________________________________________5.我们不可能阻挡历史的车轮前进。We can’t
the wheel of the history
.6.地球上将会没有立足之地。There will not ________________________________________________.7.当我走到收款处,我才意识到把钱包忘在家中。When I went to _____________, I realized that _____________________.8.他一到家就迫不及待打开电视机。As soon as he got home.he ______________
TV9. 上半场结束时,我们以二比一领先。At the end of the______________, we were ____________ 2-1.
10.失败了两次后,他下决心下一次通过。He ____________________ to pass next time after
he had failed twice11.这座山很陡,很少有人到达山顶。The mountain_______________ reached the top.12.自尊自重是享受生活的保证。__________________________________.13. 雪一连下了以后的三天。The snow____________________ three days.14.这是因为没有一台允许人在水下呼吸很长时间的机器。This was because there was no machine___________________ under water for a long time .15.不是所有的鲨鱼都一样,它们的大小不同。_______________________.They come _______________.16.父母对女儿的考试结果感到满意。The parents________________ their daughter’s result in her exam.17.我们必须尽快查明事件的真相。We must ___________________________.18.国内国外的游客欢迎到昆明来。________________________________ are welcome to Kunming. 19.是团队精神使我们活了下来It was _____________________________________.20.在圣诞节能来到这儿的梦想实现了。___________________ at the Christmas time is a dream that _________________.21.在圣诞节期间朋友们相聚到一起挨家挨户地唱圣诞歌。During the Christmas season friends_______________________ and go from house to house ____________ Christmas songs.22.圣诞老人是以历史上一个真人为依据。Father Christmas_________________________________23.即使圣诞老人不存在了,但它的慷慨的精神流传至今。Even though Father Christmas is___________________________, his spirit of generosity lives on today.24.在当时,每个人得回到家乡点名上册。At that time, everyone had to go back to their hometown_________________.25.远亲不如近邻。_______________________________________________________.26.中国人民迫切期望台湾早日回归祖国。The Chinese people_______________Taiwan to return to motherland_______________.27.这个想法看起来很不错,但我们需要实地试试。The idea seems fine but we ____________________________.28.她发现他是一个好学生。She found________________________.29.这是美国火车上出售的第一份报纸。It was the first newspaper _____________________.30.校长作的报告很值得一听。The talk given by the headmaster is _________________.31.他总是考虑他人多而考虑自己少。He always__________________________.32.大部分问题与他的功课无关。Most of the questions ____________________.33.他小时候总是问这问那,还试验一些新的想法。When he was a child , he was always asking questions and_______________________.
34.成为一位发明家需要什么样的精神。_____________________ do you need to become an inventor?35.我父亲买了电脑的不同部件并组装起来。My father bought different parts of the computer and then ______________.36.调制解调器用于连接电脑与电话线。The modem ___________________________.37.许多国家发射人造卫星到太空中。Man-made satellites ____________________________ by many countries.38. 每个人在他的一生中都可能或多或少犯些错误。 Everyone may make ________ _____________ in his or her life.39.What can ________________the population increase ?40.增长的人口也许是现今最严重的挑战。The increasing population ________________________ of the world today.41.她把它下载下来并制成表格。She _________________.42.城里的家庭有能力提供孩子良好的教育。Families in cities ________________.43. 他们宁愿买一新车,也不愿意修理。They _______________ a new car_______________.44.她决定在上网订购一个数码相机,这样便能送到她。She decided to buy a digital camera online _____________.45.她在网上搜索了两个小时,才发现了一则有关相机的广告。She___________________________ for two hours when she found an ad for the camera.46.到上个月为止,他们以种植几千棵树。They______________________________ trees by the end of last month.47.我把所写的反复查看,这样不会出错。I _____________________________________.48.我们在广场中间请人拍了照。We __________________________ in the middle of the square.49.努力工作会带来成功。________________________________________.50.体育老师对他们的表现非常名满意。 The PE teacher _______________________________________.答案:1. pleased to call2 prefers to copy others’ rather than try out new ideas3 can’t be regarded as4 The spirit of generosity deserves to be spoken highly of5 stop from moving on6.standing room only7the check out, I had left my purse at home8couldn’t wait to turn on9 first half , winning10 made up his mind11 was so steep that very few of us12 Feeling good about yourself is essential to feeling good about life.
13 went on falling for the next14 allowing a person to breathe15 Not all sharks are alike, in different sizes.16 are very pleased with17 find out the truth of the matter as soon as possible.18 Tourists from home and abroad19 teamwork that kept us alive20 To be here ,has come true21 get together, singing22 is based on a real person in History.23 no longer living24 to be counted25 The relatives far away are not better than the neighbours nearby.26can’t wait to expect, as soon as possible.27 need to try it out in practice.28 him to be a good pupil.29 sold on trains in America30 worth listening to 31 thinks more of others than of himself32 had nothing to do with his lessons33 trying out new ideas.34 What kind of spirit35 put them together36 is used for connecting a computer to a telephone line.37 have been sent up into space38 more or less mistakes39 be done to slow down40 may be the great challenge41 downloaded it and made a chart.42 are able to give their children better education43 prefer to buy, rather than repair it.44 so that it could be sent to her.45 had searched the Internet46 had planted thousands of47 went over what I had written again and again so that I wouldn’t make any mistakes 48 had our pictures taken49 To work hard can bring success50 was very pleased with their performance
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