
    记得原来在考试的时候看到一个词组,叫confidence man,想都没想,就选择了自信的男人那个选项,下来后发现是错的,一查,是骗子的意思,百思不得其解,这明明是自信的意思啊。也许,这就像中文里心宽体胖中的“胖”其实不读pang这个音,而是读“盘”,语言里有些词组是不按最简单的规则来进行的,今天列举几个常见的容易被误会的词组,希望能对喜爱英语的朋友有所帮助。  1. Lover.    老友记里有一集Phoebe去见Mike的父母,本意想当着母亲的面儿给足Mike面子,夸Mike两句,不成想把Mike说成了一个gentle lover, 母亲顿时脸色就变了。第一次看的时候我还纳闷,Mike不就是Phoebe的lover吗,后来看的美剧多了,发现lover这个词往往不是爱人的意思,而是情人,而且有sexual的意思,所以在家长面前说lover其实是不大礼貌的。男女之间最好还是说boyfriend或girlfriend,男生间的好友用buddies,女生间的好友用besties。  2. Dead president.    没背过这个词组的朋友一般都会翻译成已经去世的总统,但实际的意思是美钞。在美国俚语里,美钞有很多说法,dollar, buck, green, 都是指绿颜色的印有总统头像的钞票。  3. Busboy and bellboy.    第一个是公共汽车售票员?不是,是餐厅打杂的杂工。第二个是圣诞节要铃铛唱圣诞歌的男孩子?不是,是星级酒店里帮你把行李送进你房间等着你给小费的行李员。  4. Busybody.    小的时候看语文课本,总是说一些商人非常的繁忙,看到这个词,那日理万机的形象就油然而生了,可惜我又猜错了,这个词不是大忙人的意思,而是多管闲事的人,经典句型是you’re such a busybody!  5. Con man.    如开头所说,骗子的意思。完整的拼法是confidence man。 尼古拉斯凯奇的电影火柴人就是讲述的con man的故事,非常好看!
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  别误会这些英文的意思(二)  2006年年初,在英国的电视荧屏上出现了一部叫做《Eleventh hour》的电视剧,中文翻译为第11小时,又名危机逼近,而这个剧名也是一个容易被误读的词组。  1. Heart man.    意为接受心脏移植手术的人,即换心人,但容易被误解为好心人。  2. Dry goods.    在美语里为纺织品的意思,在英国为谷物的意思,但无论在哪里,都不是干货的意思。  3. Mad doctor.    精神科医生的俗称,即专门诊断和治疗精神病人的医生,具有处方权,不是发疯的医生。  4. Eleventh hour.    最后时刻的意思,所以英剧《Eleventh hour》的翻译“危机逼近”更接近其原意,不是第11小时的意思。  5. Blind date.    很容易被翻译成瞎约会或者盲目的约会,在老友记里,有一集Phoebe给Rachel安排了一个男孩子和她约会,Rachel在此之前并没见过这个男孩子,所以blind date一般惯常的翻译是由第三方安排的男女初次见面。
  别误会这些英文的意思(三)  打开微博,铺天盖地的负面新闻,如果去看一些正处于舆论漩涡的名人微博,就会发现在他们的评论处会有很多匿名网友的语言攻击,称为verbal assault, 而针对个人的语言攻击就是personal remark.  1. personal remark.    人身攻击。 容易误解为个人评论,这个习语很唬人,以后看到名人微博下面那些痛骂的文字,记得那是personal remark.  2. sporting house.    妓院。不是运动室的意思。  3. horse sense.    常识。不是马的感觉。  4. criminal lawyer.    刑事律师。不是有罪的律师。  5. service station.    加油站。不是服务站。  6. sweet water.    淡水,不是甜水的意思。  这些习语里,personal remark和sweet water确实很容易被误解,我问过身边五个同事,五个里有五个说的答案是个人评价和甜水。
  别误会这些英文的意思(四)  记得以前老师有教过white lie就是善意的谎言,somebody looks blue是看起来没精打采,这些和颜色相关的习语里有些确实还蛮容易让人误会的,今天来区分下列五个。  1. Black tea.    红茶。 绿茶是green tea,但红茶却不是red tea。  2. Black art.    妖术。这个习语除了妖术外,还有两个意思,一种是用不大诚实但很聪明的方法达到目的的方式,另一种是黑人的艺术形式,但没有黑色艺术的意思。  3. Black stranger.    完全陌生的人。不是陌生的黑人,这个习语还蛮容易闹误会的,需谨慎使用。  4. White coal.    (作为动力来源的)水。我看一些地方也翻译成白煤,对应的英文翻译是  flowing water considered as a source of hydroelectric power,可见还是作为动力的流动水是更接近的。  5. White man.    忠实可靠的,善良的人。不是白人的意思。关于在危难时刻挺身而出的人,我最先想到的就是老友记里的Joey,虽然花心,但是对朋友绝对两肋插刀,靠谱!  上面五个里,我最后一个总是记不住,区别的方式是,一般提到白人,一般用的是复数,即white men,而且white man本身也不是非常常用,其实reliable完全可以代替忠实可靠这个修饰词。
  confidence man  Noun  1. a swindler who exploits the confidence of his victim  (synonym) con man, con artist  (hypernym) swindler, chiseller, chiseler, gouger, scammer, grifter, sharper, sharpie, sharpy  lover  n. one who is involved in a sexual or romantic relat fan, devotee, one who is enthusiastic about something   lover  Noun  1. a person who loves or is loved  (hypernym) person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, human, soul  (hyponym) admirer, adorer  (derivation) love, enjoy  2. an ardent follower and admirer  (synonym) fan, buff, devotee  (hypernym) follower  (hyponym) aerophile  (member-holonym) following, followers  (derivation) love, enjoy  3. a significant other to whom you are not related by marriage  (hypernym) domestic partner, significant other, spousal equivalent, spouse equivalent  (hyponym) fancy man, paramour  (derivation) roll in the hay, love, make out, make love, sleep with, get laid, have sex, know, do it, be intimate, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, screw, fuck, jazz, eff, hump, lie with, bed, have a go at it, bang, get it on, bonk  Lover  (n.)   O -- usually limited, in the singular, to a person of the male sex.  (n.)   One who has a strong liking for anything, as books, science, or music.  (n.)   Alt. of Lovery  (n.)   A one strongly one who greatly desires the welfare of as, a lover of his country.
  Dead Presidents (disambiguation)  Literally, dead presidents are people who have held the title of president of some organization and then died. "Dead Presidents" can also mean:  List of United States Presidents by date of death  Money, especially Federal Reserve Notes that depict dead Presidents of the United States  busybody  n. nosy person, one who involves himself in other people's affairs   Busybody  A busybody is someone who meddles or pries into the affairs of others.   busybody  Noun  1. a person who meddles in the affairs of others  (synonym) nosy-parker, nosey-parker  (hypernym) meddler  con man  swindler, fraud, crook, trickster, cheat, charlatan   con man  Noun  1. a swindler who exploits the confidence of his victim  (synonym) confidence man, con artist  (hypernym) swindler, chiseller, chiseler, gouger, scammer, grifter, sharper, sharpie, sharpy  Confidence trick  A confidence trick is an attempt to defraud a person or group by gaining their confidence. A confidence artist is an individual operating alone or in concert with others who exploits characteristics of the human psyche such as dishonesty and honesty, vanity, compassion, credulity, irresponsibility, naivety and greed.  dry goods   notions, haberdashery, small items   Dry goods  Dry goods are products such as textiles, ready-to-wear clothing, and . In U.S. retailing, a dry goods store carries consumer goods that are distinct from those carried by hardware stores and grocery stores, though "dry goods" as a term for textiles has been dated back to 1742 in England or even a century earlier. Dry goods can be carried by stores specializing only in those products (a type of specialty store), or may be carried by a general store or a department store.  Dry goods  A commercial name for textile fabrics, cottons, woolens, linen, silks, laces, etc., -- in distinction from groceries.
  mad-doctor  psychiatrist   Mad scientist  A mad scientist is a stock character of popular fiction, specifically science fiction. The mad scientist may be villainous or antagonistic, benign or neutral, and whether insane, eccentric, or simply bumbling, mad scientists often work with fictional technology in order to forward their schemes, if they even have a coherent scheme. Alternatively, they fail to see the potential objections to playing God. Not all mad scientists are evil or villains. Some may have benevolent or good spirited intentions, even if their actions are dangerous or questionable, which can make them accidental villains. In the same relation, some are protagonists (or at least positive forces), such as Dexter in the animated series Dexter's Laboratory, Professor Calculus in The adventures of Tintin, Dr. Muto, Professor Farnsworth, Philo in UHF, Rintaro Okabe, Dr. Benjamin Jeffcoat, Professor Cuthbert Calculus, or Dr. Emmett "Doc" Brown from the Back to the Future movies. Occasionally, there are self parodies of mad scientists making fun of the stereotype.  blind date  n. date between two people who have never met   Blind date  A "blind date" is a date between two people who have not previously met.   blind date  Noun  1. a participant in a blind date (someone you meet for the first time when you have a date with them)  (hypernym) date, escort  2. a
"she never goes on blind dates"  (hypernym) date, appointment, engagement  Brothel  Brothels are business establishments where patrons may engage in sexual activities with prostitutes. Brothels are known under a variety of names, including bordello, cathouse, knocking shop, whorehouse, strumpet house, sporting house, house of ill repute, house of prostitution and bawdy house. In places where prostitution or the operation of brothels is illegal, establishments such as massage parlors, bars or strip clubs may offer sexual services to patrons.
  sporting house  Noun  1. a building where prostitutes are available  (synonym) whorehouse, brothel, bordello, bagnio, house of prostitution, house of ill repute, bawdyhouse, cathouse  (hypernym) building, edifice  (hyponym) massage parlor  horse sense  common sense, plain good sense   horse sense  Noun  1. soun "I can't see the sense in doing it now"; "he hasn't got the sense God gave little green apples"; "fortunately she had the good sense to run away"  (synonym) common sense, good sense, gumption, sense, mother wit  (hypernym) sagacity, sagaciousness, judgment, judgement, discernment  (hyponym) logic  horse sense  wisdom in making decisions He doesn`t have much horse sense and doesn`t always make the correct decision.   Criminal defense lawyer  A criminal defense lawyer is a lawyer specializing in the defense of individuals and companies charged with criminal conduct. Criminal defense lawyers can be permanently employed by the various jurisdictions with criminal courts. Such lawyers are often called public defenders. For a much more extensive discussion of criminal defense, see public defender. The terminology is imprecise because each jurisdiction may have different practices with various levels of input from state and federal law or consent decrees. Other jurisdictions use a rotating system of appointments with judges appointing a private practice attorney or firm for each case.
  service station  location where one c gas station   Service station  Service station may refer to:  Filling station, a gasoline or petrol station   Automobile repair shop, a place where automobiles are repaired   Rest area, a public facility on motorways or controlled-access highways for resting or refuelling   Motorway service area, a rest area in the United Kingdom  service station  Noun  1. a station where service is provided  (hypernym) station  (hyponym) gasoline station, gas station, filling station, petrol station  sweet water  water that is not salty   Sweetwater is a synonym for freshwater.  Black tea  Black tea is a type of tea that is more oxidized than the oolong, green, and white teas. All four types are made from leaves of the shrub (or small tree) Camellia sinensis. Black tea is generally stronger in flavor than the less oxidized teas. Two principal varieties of the species are used – the small-leaved Chinese variety plant (C. sinensis subsp. sinensis), used for most other types of teas, and the large-leaved Assamese plant (C. sinensis subsp. assamica), which was traditionally mainly used for black tea, although in recent years some green and white have been produced.  black tea  Noun  1. fermented tea leaves  (hypernym) tea, tea leaf  (hyponym) congou, congo, congou tea, English breakfast tea  black art  black magic, witchcraft, sorcery   black art  Noun  1. the belief in magical spells that harness occult forces or evil spirits to produce unnatural effects in the world  (synonym) sorcery, black magic, necromancy  (hypernym) magic  (hyponym) witchcraft, witchery  Black art  The art practiced by c magic.
  White coal  White coal is a form of fuel produced by drying chopped wood over a fire. It differs from charcoal which is carbonised wood. White coal was used in England to smelt lead ore from the mid-sixteenth to the late seventeenth centuries. It produces more heat than green wood but less than charcoal and thus prevents the lead evaporating. White coal could be use mixed with charcoal for other industrial uses than lead smelting. White coal was produced in distinctive circular pits with a channel, known as Q-pits. They are frequently found in the woods of South Yorkshire.  white man  Caucasian man who is white in color (as opposed to the Asian "yellow man" or the African "black man")
  别误会这些英文的意思(五)  对于八零后,后街男孩是一代人的集体记忆,从96年开始就活跃在欧美流行乐坛,一般后街迷会说后街的前四张专辑更为经典和好听,第四张的名字是《black and blue》,对于我来说,真的是致青春的一张专辑,因为之后大学再听到的后街体验就不像从前了,祝福今年后街的专辑能更上一层楼,Backstreet Boys’ back! 今天一起学习一下和颜色相关的习语。  1. Yellow book    黄皮书,不是黄色书籍。法国政府报告书,以黄纸封,故被成为黄皮书。  2. Red tape    官僚习气,或者繁文缛节,不是红色的带子。  3. Green hand    新手,不是绿色的手。在口语中类似rookie或者newbie的意思,新手。  4. Blue stocking    女学者,不是蓝色的长筒袜。  5. Black and blue    遍体鳞伤,尤指那种青一块紫一块的淤青,而不是那种出血的划伤。
  别误会这些英文的意思(六)  以前看中央台的国际新闻时,听到主持人讲China policy,以为是中国的政策,后来听到其他国家的领导人提到这个词,我还纳闷中国的政策为什么会从别国的总统口中说出来呢?后来查了辞典才知道这个习语的意思是对华政策,而非中华政策,今天和大家分享几个和国家相关的习语。  1. Chinese dragon.    麒麟。不是中国龙的意思。中国古代的神兽,雄为麒,雌为麟,明代郑和下西洋带来了长颈鹿后,又用来代指长颈鹿(在日本依然如此),常用来比喻杰出的人。  2. American beauty.    美国一种月月开花的红蔷薇。不是美国的美人。同名电影在奥斯卡奖颁奖礼上出尽风头,影片翻译到中文后变成了《美国丽人》,这个翻译并不是错,很可能有双关的意思。  3. Indian summer.    愉快宁静的晚年,不是印度的夏天。  4. Greek gift.    害人的礼物,不是希腊的礼物。电影《特洛伊》中的木马就是这样的一种礼物,表面是礼物,实际是另外的意思。  5. Spanish athlete.    吹牛的人,不是西班牙的运动员。  6. French chalk.    滑石粉,不是法国的粉笔。最近激战正酣的NBA总决赛主角之一,勒布朗詹姆斯在赛前有个习惯性的仪式,就是把滑石粉抛向天空。  7. English disease.  软骨病,不是英国病。  这些和国家相关的习语中,有些容易记住,有些很容易忘记,但China policy如何也忘不掉了,毕竟只要你看国外的新闻就基本会听到播音员常常念叨,下周见!
  别误会这些英文的意思(七)  最近很红的美剧《生活大爆炸》中的男主角Sheldon在一集中这样讲,my socks are on, knock them off,在美语里knock someone’s socks off的意思是让人大吃一惊,理解这个习语才能懂这句话的笑点,今天带来几个常见的容易被误解的习语句子。  1. pull one’s leg.    类似kidding是开玩笑的意思,不是拉后腿的意思。还有一个常见的句子是break a leg,意思是祝你好运,不是断腿的意思。  2. in one’s birthday suit.    类似naked是赤身裸体的意思,不是穿着生日礼服。  3. eat one’s word.    这句话很容易被误解为食言的意思,实际为收回前言的意思,即take it back。  4. an apple of love.    Apple of my eye的意思是你是我的掌上明珠,apple of love有一个近似的意思是爱情信物,但还有一个令人意想不到的意思,即西红柿。  5. handwriting on the wall.    不是大字报的意思,而是不祥之兆。  Sheldon在剧中有时会把习语按字面意思拆开来用,下次看的时候记得看双语字幕版,字幕组的翻译高手们经常会把文化的部分放在屏幕上方,把一语双关的地方解释得很清楚,按照情境学习美语的时候,美剧是很好的选择,下周见!
  别误会这些英文的意思(八)  美国饶舌歌手Eminem在他的半自传电影《8英里》里的最后部分将影片带入高超,底特律黑人区的即兴饶舌大赛中,他扮演的Jimmy获得了冠军,当全场的饶舌歌迷随着音乐和Eminem一起上下挥舞手臂时,你可能会感到热血沸腾,许多众多的饶舌歌手就是看了这部分而坚定了自己做中文饶舌音乐的信念,而这种让全场high起来的英文却很容易被误解为别的意思。  1. bring down the house.    博得满堂喝彩,不是推倒房子。  2. have a fit.    发脾气,勃然大怒,不是试穿衣服的意思。  3. make one’s hair stand on end.    令人毛骨悚然,不是令人发指。  4. be taken in.    受骗上当,不是被接纳。  5. pull up one’s socks.    鼓起勇气,不是提上袜子。
  China duck 是鸳鸯的意思,不是中国鸭子
  @星星享蓉 16楼
15:06:26  China duck 是鸳鸯的意思,不是中国鸭子  -----------------------------  感谢亲滴,大力普及英文中易误会的词语~
  别误会这些英文的意思(九)  我在手机里常存的两部美剧,一部是《老友记》一部是《人人都爱雷蒙德》,我的朋友问我这两部是不是太老了,其实《生活大爆炸》和《破产姐妹》我也在追,学些最新的美语,不过这两部一个是强调年轻人的社会生活,一个是强调家庭生活,我发现里面的句子确实实用性超强,我看过18遍老友记,现在正在第19遍,仍然没有停下来的感觉,每一次都发现新的句子是我过去没懂的。今天介绍的几个句子也都曾在这两部美剧里出现过。  1. Don’t have the heart to do.    不是没有心去做,而是不忍心做。女孩子常用这句话表明一些不好拒绝别人,不好伤害别人感情的事情上。有时也可以简单说为 I didn’t have the heart.  2. What a shame.    太可惜了的意思,不是多可耻的意思。经常用于表达一个人对另一个发出邀约但另一个人有事在身无法赴约的情景。  3. You don’t say.    老友记里Joey说过的一句台词。表示“是吗”的意思,不是“你别说”的意思。经常发生的状况是一个人说了一句显而易见的话,或者有时干脆就是自吹自擂,你可以很nice的说一句you don’t say,表示你同意。  4. You can say that again.    说得好的意思,不是你可以再说一遍。基本上就是同意的意思,我在现实中和美国同事聊天的时候他们有时也这么说,表示的是yes+you’re right。  5. I haven’t slept better.    我睡得很好,不是我从未睡好过。如果有人问你昨晚睡得怎么样,你还可以说I slept like a baby, 或者I slept like a log。
  别误会这些英文的意思(十)  1. You can’t be too careful in your work.    正确的意思是你工作越仔细越好,但很容易被翻译成你工作不能太仔细。  2. It has been 4 years since I smoked.    我已经戒烟四年,这句话很容易被误解为我已经抽了四年的烟了。如果你的男友对你说这句话,不要批评而是表扬他。  3. All his friends did not turn up.    他的朋友没全到,不是他所有的朋友都没到。这句话我到现在也不是很理解为什么不说成not all of his friends showed up.  4. It can’t be less interesting.    太没劲了,不是它不可能没有兴趣。  5. He was only too pleased to let him go.    他很乐意让他们走,too…to的直接翻译就是太…以至于的意思。  6. People will be long forgetting him.    人们会在很长时间内记住他的,不是人们会永远忘记他。
  顶楼主 好帖子
  @南昌雅思托福培训 20楼
16:12:07  可惜,这样有趣又科普的东西就这样沉了~  -----------------------------  楼主 多弄点啊 我会努力回复的
  yellow bookn.  (in France) official government publication having yellow covers   red tape  bureaucratic routine   Red tape  Red tape is excessive regulation or rigid conformity to formal rules that is considered redundant or bureaucratic and hinders or prevents action or decision-making. It is usually applied to governments, corporations and other large organizations.   red tape  Noun  1. needlessly time-consuming procedure  (synonym) bureaucratic procedure  (hypernym) procedure  red tape  government forms and procedures An immigrant faces a lot of red tape - many interviews, forms.   Bluestocking  A bluestocking is an educated, intellectual woman. Until the late 18th century, the term had referred to learned people of both sexes. However it subsequently was applied primarily to intellectual women, and the French equivalent bas bleu had a similar connotation. The term later developed negative implications, and in some instances such women were stereotyped as being "frumpy". The reference to blue stockings may arise from the time when woollen worsted stockings were informal dress, in contrast to formal, fashionable black silk stockings. Curiously, the most frequent such reference is to a man, Benjamin Stillingfleet, who reportedly lacked the formal black stockings, yet still participated in the Blue Stockings Society.  black and blue  adj. bruised, covered in contusions   black-and-blue  n. bruise, contusion
  Bruise  A bruise, also called a contusion, is a type of relatively minor hematoma of tissue in which capillaries and sometimes venules are damaged by trauma, allowing blood to seep into the surrounding interstitial tissues. Bruises can involve capillaries at the level of skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle, or bone. A bruise may be named by the length of its diameter as an petechia (less than 3 mm), purpura (3 mm to 1 cm) or ecchymosis (1 to 3 cm), although these terms can also refer to internal bleeding not caused by trauma.  black-and-blue  Adjective  1. discolored by coagulation of bl "beaten black and blue"; "livid bruises"  (synonym) livid  (similar) injured  Chinese dragon  Chinese dragons are mythical creatures in Chinese mythology and folklore. In Chinese art, dragons are typically portrayed as long, scaled, serpentine creatures with four legs. In yin and yang terminology, a dragon is yang and complements a yin fenghuang ("Chinese phoenix").  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_dragon  American Beauty may refer to:  Rosa 'American Beauty', a hybrid perpetual rose  Indian summer  period of unusually warm weather in the late autumn or early winter (in North America)   Indian summer  An Indian summer is a heat wave that occurs in the autumn. It refers to a period of considerably above normal temperatures, accompanied by dry and hazy conditions, usually after there has been a killing frost. Depending on latitude and elevation, the phenomenon can occur in the Northern Hemisphere between late September and mid November. This is the opposite of a Blackberry winter.
  Greek gift sacrifice  In chess, the Greek gift sacrifice or classical bishop sacrifice is a typical sacrifice of a bishop by White playing Bxh7+ or Black playing Bxh2+. The position to the right, which might occur after the moves 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.Nf3 Bb4 6.Bd3 O-O?? (see diagram at right), is a simple case where the Greek gift sacrifice works. White can play 7.Bxh7+! Kxh7 8.Ng5+ to force black to give up the queen to prevent mate:  8...Kh8 9.Qh5+ Kg8 10.Qh7#  8...Kg8 9.Qh5 Qxg5 (9...Re8 10.Qxf7+ Kh8 11.Qh5+ Kg8 12.Qh7+ Kf8 13.Qh8+ Ke7 14.Qxg7#) 10.Bxg5 wins the queen  8...Kh6 9.Nxe6+ wins the queen  8...Kg6 9.h4 and there is no satisfactory way to meet the threat of 10.h5+ Kh6 (10...Kf5 11.Qf3#) 11.Nxf7+, winning the queen  8...Qxg5 9.Bxg5 wins the queen   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_gift_sacrifice  french chalk  n. talc used on cloth by tailors to talc that cleaners use for removing grease (Chemistry) soft mineral having the feel of soap (can be grayish greenish or whitish in color)   pull one's leg  fool, make fun of   pull someone's leg  fool someone, make fun of someone   pull one`s leg  fool someone with a humorous account of something, trick someone The man was pulling my leg when he told me that I would not be able to enter the movie theater after the movie started.   in one's birthday suit  Adjective  1. as naked as at birth  (synonym) mother-naked, naked as the day one was born, naked as the day you were born, in your birthday suit  (similar) unclothed  eat one's words  take bac repent of what has been said   eat one`s words  admit being wrong in something one has said, retract one`s statement He was forced to eat his words after his boss proved that he was wrong.   eat one's words  retract what one has said, especially in a humiliated way.
  handwriting on the wall  clear sign, omen, something that is an obvious symbol   The writing on the wall  "The hand writing on the wall" (or "the handwriting on the wall" or "the writing is on the wall" or "Mene Mene"), an idiom, is a portent of doom or misfortune. It originates from the Biblical book of Daniel chapter 5 in which the fingers of a supernatural hand write a mysterious message in the presence of Belshazzar, king of Babylon, who is meanwhile drinking at a major feast. It is revealed by Daniel that the writing foretells the demise of the Babylonian Empire and the story concludes with the Persians capturing Babylon. The phrase "the writing is on the wall" is now a popular idiom for "something bad is about to happen."  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_writing_on_the_wall  handwriting on the wall  a sign that something bad will happen The handwriting is on the wall. Business conditions are bad so probably nobody will get a pay raise this year.   handwriting on the wall  an omen of one's unpleasant fate   bring down the house  cause energetic applause, cause a standing ovation, excite a lot of cheering   bring down the house  or bring the house down : to win the enthusiastic approval of the audience   had a fit  became hysterical, lost control   have a fit  Verb  1. get very angry "The professor combusted when the student didn't know the answer to a very elementary question"; "Spam makes me go ballistic"  (synonym) flip one's lid, blow up, throw a fit, hit the roof, hit the ceiling, have kittens, combust, blow one's stack, fly off the handle, flip one's wig, lose one's temper, blow a fuse, go ballistic  (hypernym) rage  have a fit  become very excited, have a conniption Promise me you won't have a fit if I fail math.
  make one's hair stand on end  v. scare, frighten greatly, fill with terror or shock   make one`s hair stand on end  frighten, horrify The horror movie that we rented last week really made my hair stand on end.   was taken in  was cheated, believed what he was told   pull up one`s socks  make a greater effort It is time that you pull up your socks and begin to work hard and take this job seriously.   what a shame!  too bad!   you don't say!  what are you saying, what are you talking about   you don't say  that is surprising, how about that """We have ten kids,"" the man said. ""You don't say!"" my mom replied."   You don't say!  Really? / Is that really true?
  容易产生误会的几个英语句子(一)  1. You have matches  最近一次机会登上一艘豪华游轮观光。一次,我在酒吧台拿了两杯鸡尾酒回房间享受,途中遇到一位女士,她看看我后笑着说:“You have matches?”我一愣,回答说:“很抱歉,我十五年前就戒烟了,所以没有火柴。”她立刻会意到我误解了她的意思,好像是有点抱歉地说:“It’s a joke.” 然后,我们就相互尴尬地笑了笑,走开了。事后和朋友在吃晚饭的时候聊天,我趁机向一个美国朋友请教白天的那句话,他解释说:“因为她看你两手都占着,就故意开玩笑跟你要火柴,这是个非常普通的笑话,非但没有恶意,反而是想问你需不需要帮忙。”  2. Turn the table  一位亲戚和妻子失和到了要离婚的地步。几天前接到亲戚电话,说他们在走进律师楼之前,先去求助于心理和婚姻问题专家。夫妇俩心平气和地坐下来谈了好多次,互相之间多了一份理解,少了一份猜疑、埋怨,结果化干戈为玉帛。说简单也简单,就这么拯救了这场婚姻。我打心眼里为他们高兴,把这一消息告诉了同样也认识他们的一位美国朋友。这位朋友挺激动的,连连说着“感谢上帝,感谢上帝”,她还补充了一句“He turned the table”。  这话让我心里很不舒服,她是指我亲戚动粗吗?我打抱不平说:“不会,不会,他很斯文,很有绅士风度,不会以粗鲁的举动压制对方,不会以高压让对方屈从。” 结果,越说谁也听不懂谁。看着我那一脸不快的表情,朋友突然茅塞顿开了,以另一种方法向我解释。终于让我明白,她是说我亲戚“扭转了局面”,那 “table”和我想到的“桌子”根本无关。  再说远一点, turn the tables (on someone)这个短语也和“桌子”没什么关系, 它的意思是to suddenly take a position of strength or advantage that was formerly held by someone else (反败为胜,转弱为强)。例如: “She played badly in the first set, but then she turned the tables on her opponent and won the match. ”  3. Wearing two hats  同事朋友聚会,少不了相互介绍。先生在向我介绍他的同事Larry时,说他可是个大忙人:“He is wearing two hats.” 我说,你开什么玩笑,他根本就没戴帽子。 Larry 一直以笑作答,倒是先生察言观色,知道我不懂,便帮我找台阶下。原来,先生是指Larry在医院某一部门担任要职,除此之外,还有自己的生意,就是说Larry身兼两职,而不是真的戴了两顶帽子。   4. With a grain of salt  一天吃饭的时候,好友Allen和他的中国籍太太坐在餐桌旁大谈最近流行的一种草药,说它能包治百病。 Allen 说了一句:“I’d like to take it with a grain of salt”。他太太笑道:“你以为它是蔬菜啊,还要加点盐再吃。健康专家可没有说过要加盐。”Allen 愣了一下,然后大笑不已,解释道“ Take something with a grain of salt” 是“对某事有保留、持怀疑态度”的意思。 原来刚才Allen 是说他对这种草药的神奇疗效表示怀疑,而不是说要“放些盐再吃”。   5.You are in for a treat!  这天,同事们正在讨论为我和 Rhonda 开生日 party的事情,为了尊重寿星,大家让Rhonda 和我选择一家中意的餐厅。Rhonda建议去镇上一家叫做BBQ 的美国餐厅。我从来没有去过那里,于是就问她那里有什么特色。Rhonda便开始滔滔不绝地介绍他们的招牌菜,听得我十指大动,直咽口水,Rhonda便笑着说: “You are in for a treat !” 我愣了一下,以为Rhonda要请我去那里吃饭,心里十分不好意思,试探着问过她之后,Rhonda 笑着解释说: “You are in for a treat means you’ll like it !”
  容易产生误会的几个英语句子(二)  1. Knife and fork  朋友D说日前在某大酒楼饮茶,见邻桌有青年夫妇和大概是他们在外国结识的老太太一起饮茶。老太太对操作筷子很感兴趣,在那里学用 chopsticks夹虾饺。D说他有个美国朋友,曾花了一些时间学习正确使用筷子的方法,每有机会就要表演一下,还说用筷子是一种艺术,是古老的中国文化的表现。  中国人吃饭用筷子,洋人进餐用刀叉。其实洋人从前没有knife and fork,用的是木片削成的叉子。这种木叉从意大利经伊斯坦堡传到英国,是两刺的肉叉(two-pronged fork)。在此之前,人们吃肉用手,因此对于改用肉叉有人说是“对赐人五指之神的侮辱。”  筷子又叫作“箸”,据说由于箸与“住”同音。住有停止之意,航船忌停,江苏一带行船的人们改称箸为“筷儿”。筷音同“快”,不住而快,一帆风顺矣。日语中筷作箸,但读作hashi,和作桥解的hashi相同,似乎和行船有点关系。日谚有“只会拿着筷子吃”指“茶来伸手,饭来张口。”中餐桌上每人有一份箸匙 (zhuchi),一双筷子一把汤匙,也许就没有knife and fork那么杀气腾腾了吧?   2. Skeleton in the closet  一天朋友谈及一则大爆“名人”家丑的八卦新闻,说那些家族中人以搬弄“skeleton in the closet”为乐事,难道这些名人家的壁橱中真的有骷髅? 他说的“skeleton in the closet”(英国人则习惯说成skeleton in the cupboard)现在的意义并没有那么可怕。不过据说当年这个习语产生的时候的确指那些有钱人家谋杀了一个人,把骸骨暗藏在壁橱中,不让外人知道,从此 skeleton in the closet 就成了那家人的秘密,后来这个短语用来指不可或不愿外扬的家丑,简称作family skeleton。例如: Many old families have a number of skeletons in their closets which they are loath to discuss(许多古老的家族中有很多秘密,他们不愿谈及这些话题。)   3. Skin off one’s nose  Joe很热心公益,每周固定有一天去做义工。在他的影响下,我也参加了几次。有一次跟他提起如果能到附近的剧院做义工的话,也许会比较有趣。有一天他拿了一份报纸,上面就有剧院要找义工的消息,我打算下班后过去看看,可是不巧碰上那天身体不舒服,下了班躺在床上就不想动了。第二天碰到Joe,问我有没有去,我把实情跟他解释。他听完后说: “No skin off my nose.”我不懂,只好怔怔地望着他,心想,他大概以为我是“叶公好龙”吧。  回家查了俚语词典,才知道skin off one’s nose是与某人有关的意思。Joe是在说我去不去其实“不关他的事”,他只是顺便问一下罢了。   注:no skin off sb.’s nose 也可说成 no skin off sb.’s teeth  4. Small beer  Small beer是“小啤酒”的意思吗?难道啤酒还分大小?其实,在英国small beer指的是口味比较淡啤酒,但是在美语中则是“少量啤酒”的意思。比如说夏天有客人来访,问他要喝些什么:Anything to drink?客人就可能回答说:“I’ll have a small beer(给我一点儿啤酒。)”比喻用法中说的small beer,指规模或者格局不大的事物。自以为了不起,不是小人物的人:He thinks no small beer of himself. Be small beer常用作与人比较的表现。 口语中常用small beer作形容词,因此开快餐店的朋友可以说:Ours is a small-beer fast-food joint beside McDonald.   5. Spaghetti  朋友S说,意大利面食pasta,除实心粉spaghetti外,还有通心粉macaroni,宽面条lasagna,有肉馅做小方块形的意大利馄饨(云吞)ravioli,细长面条tagliatelle以及细线状的细面vermicelli(我们将“粉丝”译作vermicelli,原是意大利细面借之名)。  意大利是欧洲第一个吃面食的国家。十三世纪时马可波罗从中国传去制面食方法后,大受欢迎,特别是实心意粉spaghetti,以其容易烹调,可以配上各种佐料, 很快就风行全国。不过那时没有刀叉可用,因此吃的都是无汤汁的实心意粉,便于用手抓送入口。现在的肉汁意粉(spaghetti with meat sauce),是后来才出现的吃法。当然,马可波罗当年在中国也吃过我们的牛肉汤面或者排骨汤面。但是有汤的spaghetti乃至以之作汤的 spaghetti soup,全是后来出现的意粉吃法。  Spaghetti一词源于意大利语spago,意思是一条线。一条意粉是spaghetto,通常用复数的spaghetti。意粉一碟,面条杂乱,因此车辆往来多,交通混乱的街口称为 spaghetti junction。
  @guiqihong 21楼
16:46:17  长见识了  -----------------------------  望大家长顶撒~~~楼主也会努力滴~~
  @松洛松达尔 22楼
06:15:46  顶楼主 好帖子  -----------------------------  谢谢撒,希望大家大力支持~~~
16:12:07  可惜,这样有趣又科普的东西就这样沉了~  -----------------------------  @松洛松达尔 23楼
06:17:36  楼主 多弄点啊 我会努力回复的  -----------------------------  谢谢,楼主俺也会继续加油滴~~~
  @鑫森淼火炎焱 10楼
21:15:01  White coal  White coal is a form of fuel produced by drying chopped wood over a fire. It differs from charcoal which is carbonised wood. White coal was used in England to smelt lead ore from the mid-sixteenth to the late seventeenth centuries. It produces more heat than green wood but less than charcoal and thus prevents the lead evaporating. White coal could be use mixed with charcoal fo......  -----------------------------  大哥,你是要逆天吗~~~~
  容易产生误会的几个英语句子(三)  1. Speaking of the devil  几个同学聚到一起聊天,大家都到齐了,唯独不见Wayne。其中一个说“今天好像没见到Wayne”,另一个接着说“他的女儿放暑假,东西要从宿舍里搬出来,他大概帮忙去了”。正说着,只见Wayne从外面走过来。Joe于是说“speaking of the devil”。几个人乐了起来。我心想Wayne 这个人平常挺老实的,为什么说他是devil呢?于是我悄悄地去问Joe。  原来“speaking of the devil”是一条成语,相当于中文的“说曹操,曹操到”。也就是刚说Wayne 不在,结果他就来了。我不禁惊诧于语言的共通性,因为曹操不是也有“奸雄”的称号吗?中英文在这一成语上有着这样惊人的异曲同工之处。   2.Stolen from ... dealer  高速公路上人车奔驰,朋友突然指着前方一部小轿车,说:“哇!这人好嚣张,贼车还敢挂上招牌!”我顺着他的目光看过去,不禁哑然失笑,我说:“先生呀!人家车牌上写着 ‘stolen from … Dealer’,是指他这部从… Dealer那儿买来的车,价格低廉,便宜得像偷来得一样。” 这是一种美式幽默广告手法,吸引顾客去… Dealer那儿买车,不是贼车啦。 ”   3. Sweet tooth  我最害怕看牙医,但是因为有一颗蛀牙让我实在疼痛难忍,所以只好鼓足勇气,到牙医诊所挂号。当医生为我检查的时候,他问我:“Do you have a sweet tooth?”我很无辜地回答:“I had a doughnut this morning before coming here. I brushed my teeth. There is no sweet tooth.”他听了后摇摇头,便开始替我补牙。 很敏感的我,知道可能答非所问,闹了笑话,但是却百思不解。我懂 Sweet 及 Tooth 这两个单字,但把这两个字放在一起合用,我就不知道意思了。回家查了字典后,我才恍然大悟,原来sweet tooth的意思是“爱吃甜食”。   4.The Hong Kong dog  一次在一堂电脑课上,铃响后,系里的女秘书突然跑到教室来宣布:“Dr. Walker has a touch of the Hong Kong dog and will be here a little bit late.” 听完宣布后,我一脸正经地向坐在隔壁的美国朋友抱怨说:“Dr. Walker 怎么可以抚弄他的爱犬以至于来不及上课呢?”老美听完后居然大笑着说:“真是太好笑了!The Hong Kong dog 并非指一种狗,而是指某人吃坏了肚子、拉肚子的意思。”这一解释让我尴尬得无地自容。  5. Throw the book at Somebody  和先生从car wash(洗车场)里开出来,车上的水珠还依稀可见,这让先生想起一件事:曾经有一个美国人在高速公路上超速开车,时速达100多英里。警察当然把他截下来。在法庭上,他辩解之所以开快车,是因为想让风尽快把刚刚洗过的车吹干。我听了好笑,更好奇结果如何。先生答曰:结果是“They threw the book at him”。我不禁诧异,想像着他被“书砸”的样子。原来并非如此,“Throw the book at somebody”是指给某人最大极限的惩罚:charge someone to the full range of law。如果法律是一本书,那么这本书中所有被违犯了的条例,他都将为之遭受最严重的惩罚。
  4. Greek gift.  害人的礼物,不是希腊的礼物。电影《特洛伊》中的木马就是这样的一种礼物,表面是礼物,实际是另外的意思。  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  Trojan Horse  According to Greek mythology,in the war between the Greeks and the people of Troy,the Greeks besieged the city of Troy for nine years.Finally the Greeks built a large hollow wooden horse in which a small group of soldiers were concealed.The Greek army appeared to sail for home.The Trojans took the horse into the city,thinking the Gods had sent it.At night the Greek army returned and the hidden soldiers crept out of the horse and opened the city gates,and Troy was destroyed.
  4. Greek gift.  害人的礼物,不是希腊的礼物。电影《特洛伊》中的木马就是这样的一种礼物,表面是礼物,实际是另外的意思。  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  @xiaoyunche2013 37楼
14:40:26  Trojan Horse  According to Greek mythology,in the war between the Greeks and the people of Troy,the Greeks besieged the city of Troy for nine years.Finally the Greeks built a large hollow wooden horse in which a small group of soldiers were concealed.The Greek army appeared to sail for home.The Trojans took the horse into the city,thinking the Gods had sent it.At night the Greek army re......  -----------------------------  顶一下~
  最容易误解意思的45句英语(一)    1. The house is really A-1.    (误译)那间房子的门牌确实是A-1号。  (正译)那间房子确实是一流的。  2.He bought a baker’s dozen of biscuits。    (误译)他买了面包师做的12块饼干。  (正译)他买了13块饼干。  3.A bull of Bashan woke the sleeping child with his noise。    (误译)贝兴的一头公牛弄醒了那个酣睡的孩子。  (正译)一个大嗓门的人把那个酣睡的孩子吵醒了。  4.He was a cat in the pan。    (误译)他是盘子中的一只猫。  (正译)他是个叛徒。  5.A cat may look at a king。    (误译)一只猫都可以看到国王。  (正译)小人物也该有同等权利。  6.Even a hair of dog didn’t make him feel better。    (误译)即使一根狗毛也不会使他觉得好些。  (正译)即使是再喝解宿醉的一杯酒,也不会使他觉得好些。  7.Is he a Jonah?    (误译)他就是叫约拿吗?  (正译)他是带来厄运的人吗?  8.Jim is fond of a leap in the dark。    (误译)吉姆喜欢在黑暗处跳跃。  (正译)吉姆喜欢冒险行事。  9.A little bird told me the news。    (误译)一只小鸟将此消息告诉我。  (正译)消息灵通的人士将此消息告诉我。  10.Angela is a man of a woman。    (误译)安吉拉是个有妇之夫。  (正译)安吉拉是个像男人的女人。
  turn the tables  cause a major change, change the situation drastically   turned the tables  caused a major change, changed the situation drastically   with a grain of salt  skeptically, with reservations (e.g., "take your friend's advice with a grain of salt")   Grain of salt  "(With) a grain of salt," in modern English, is an idiom which means to view something with skepticism, or to not take it literally. It derives from the Latin phrase, (cum) grano salis.  with a grain of salt  he's a spinner of tales, so take what he says with a grain of salt WITH RESERVATIONS, with misgivings, skeptically, cynically, doubtfully, doubtingly, suspiciously, quizzically, incredulously.   knife and fork  n. hearty eater   skeleton in the closet  bad record, matter to hide   skeletons in the closet  bad things that someone is trying to conc unpleasant reputation   skeleton in the closet  Noun  1. a scandal "there must be a skeleton somewhere in that family's closet"  (synonym) skeleton, skeleton in the cupboard  (hypernym) scandal, outrage  skeleton in the closet  unpleasant secrets, old scandals Every family has a skeleton in the closet - a dark secret or two.
  skin off one`s nose  matter of interest, concern or trouble to one It is no skin off my nose as to whether or not I get invited to the party or not.   small beer  n. something worthless   small beer  Noun  1. something of small importance  (synonym) triviality, trivia, trifle  (hypernym) object, physical object  (hyponym) bagatelle, fluff, frippery, frivolity  small beer  ■
noun   Brit. an unimportant or insignificant person or thing.   archaic weak beer.   speak of the devil  here he comes now (expression said when a person shows up who was just the object of a conversation)   sweet tooth  love for sweet foods   sweet tooth  Noun  1. a strong appetite for sweet food  (hypernym) appetite, appetency, appetence  sweet tooth  a need to eat candy, a craving for sweets A piece of dark chocolate will satisfy my sweet tooth. Yum!
  楼主 加油 我会继续支持你的
  @东风至温雪来 42楼
22:02:11  好帖,收了  -----------------------------  谢谢,楼主俺会加油滴~~~~
  @松洛松达尔 43楼
10:14:51  楼主 加油 我会继续支持你的  -----------------------------  正能量满满呐~马力全开~~~~
  最容易误解意思的45句英语(二)  1.Nellie is a man of his word。    (误译)内莉是他所说的那个人。  (正译)内莉是个守信用的人。  2.He paid a matter of 1000 yuan。    (误译)他付了1000元的货物账。  (正译)他大约付了1000元。  3.It is a nice kettle of fish! I have a stomachache。    (误译)这是一锅好鱼,(可惜)我胃痛。  (正译)真糟糕,我胃痛了。  4.She is a nose of wax。    (误译)她的鼻子是腊制的义鼻。  (正译)她没有主见。  5.Glen spent a small fortune on a tour round the world。    (误译)格伦花了一笔小钱周游世界。  (正译)格伦花了巨资周游世界。  6.He is very glad that his wife’s going to get a visit from the stork。    (误译)他为她的妻子将获得参观鹳鸟的机会感到非常高兴。  (正译)他为妻子即将生孩子感到非常高兴。  7.Archibaid was a whale at fishing in his young days。    (误译)阿奇比德年轻时捕鱼捕到了一条鲸鱼。  (正译)阿奇比德年轻时擅长捕鱼。  8.Is there a world of difference between Kenneth and Louie?    (误译)肯尼斯和路易是生活在不同的世界吗?  (正译)肯尼斯和路易之间有极大的不同吗?  9.The ABC hopes to settle in China。    (误译)那个美国广播公司希望在中国设立公司。  (误译)那个在美国土生土长的华裔希望在中国定居。  10.Bruce was taken up above the salt。    (误译)布鲁斯坐在盐上。  (正译)布鲁斯被请坐上席。
  @鑫森淼火炎焱 41楼
20:14:41  skin off one`s nose  matter of interest, concern or trouble to one It is no skin off my nose as to whether or not I get invited to the party or not.  small beer  n. something worthless  small beer  Noun  1. something of small importance  (synonym) triviality, trivia, trifle  (hypernym) object, physical object  (hyponym) bagatelle,......  -----------------------------  问下,亲是自己翻译滴不?
  最容易误解意思的45句英语(三)  1.These commercial transactions are aboveboard。    (误译)这些商业交易是在船上进行的。  (正译)这些商业交易是光明磊落的。  2.Colin is absent in Shanghai。    (误译)科林现在不在上海。  (正译)克林去上海了,不在这里。  3.I only use Accent for soup。    (误译)我只须强调做汤。  (正译)我只在做汤时加味精。  4.We should call him Adam。    (误译)我们应该把他叫做亚当。  (正译)我们应该叫他的名字。  5.Donna can sing after a fashion。    (误译)唐纳能唱时代歌曲。  (正译)唐纳多少能唱一些歌。  6.Her opinion is all my eye。    (误译)她的主张也完全是我的观点。  (正译)她的主张是胡说八道。  7.Bess ate all of six fruit cakes。    (误译)贝丝吃光了所有的六块水果蛋糕。  (正译)贝丝足足吃了六块蛋糕。  8.All the world and his wife were so kind to Marlin。    (误译)全世界和他的妻子都对马林这么好。  (正译)人人都对马林这么好。  9.Mr. Smith is an American China trader。    (误译)史密斯先生是一个美籍华裔商人。  (正译)史密斯先生是一个做对华贸易的美国商人。  10.These youths are full of animal spirits。    (误译)这些年轻人充满动物精神。  (正译)这些年轻人充满活力。
  最容易误解意思的45句英语(四)  1.Jim is discussing anything under the sun with Paula。    (误译)吉姆和葆拉在阳光下讨论问题。  (正译)吉姆与葆拉海阔天空,无所不谈。  2.Why is Merry like April weather?    (误译)为什么梅里好像四月天气?  (正译)为什么梅里喜怒无常?  3.The bank is open around the clock。    (误译)那家银行准时营业。  (正译)那家银行24小时营业。  4.Bath Festival is just around the corner。    (误译)巴斯音乐节就在那个拐角周围举行。  (正译)巴斯音乐节即将到来。  5.The child is as good as gold。    (误译)这个孩子像黄金那样宝贵。  (正译)这个孩子很乖。  6.Mr. Norman will help you, as likely as not。    (误译)诺曼先生不可能帮助你。  (正译)诺曼先生很可能会帮助你。  7.I am as old again as you。    (误译)我又像你那样老了。  (正译)我的年纪比你大一倍。  8.Tom asked after you。    (误译)汤姆在后面叫你。  (正译)汤姆问候你。  9.The escaped prisoner is still at large。    (误译)那个逃犯罪行仍然很大。  (正译)那个逃犯仍逍遥法外。  10.Gary spoke at length about the bridge。    (误译)加里讲述了那座桥的长度。  (正译)吉里详细地讲述了那座桥的事。
  最容易误解意思的45句英语(五)  1.Gordon is at once modest and clever。    (误译)戈等立即显得聪明和谦逊。  (正译)戈登即聪明又谦逊。  2.Why did Berk have a good laugh at Allan’s expense?    (误译)为什么伯克大笑艾伦的花费?  (正译)为什么伯克对艾伦大加嘲笑?  3.Carrie never changes her mind at pleasure。    (误译)卡里从来不会高高兴兴地改变主意。  (正译)卡里从不随意改变主意。  4.He has athlete’s foot。    (误译)他的一只脚长得像运动员的脚一样。  (正译)他患香港脚。  5.Your august father is my friend。    (误译)你父亲八月份成为我的朋友。  (正译)令尊是我的朋友。
  美剧中易误解的单词  1、hello(有没有搞错)  并不总是打招呼的意思,有时是“有没有搞错”的意思,要根据上下文来判断。例子:Hello,anybody home,we'll be late!(有没有搞错,我们要迟到了!)  2、chick(女孩)  容易误解成“鸡,妓女”,实际上此词是叫年轻女孩常用的,语气中确实有轻佻的不尊重的含义。例子:Look at that chick at the door.(看门口那个女孩)  3、pissed off(生气,不高兴)  千万别认为是“尿尿”的意思,piss off在词典中是“滚开,滚蛋”的意思,实际上此词是表示“生气,不高兴”的意思,与angry同意。例子:Man,is that guy pissed off?(哎呀,那家伙真的生气了?)  4、Hey,give me five(嘿,你好,或者是与他人击掌,表示庆祝胜利或高兴等)  此短语非常流行,经常在大片中出现,击掌庆贺时用。例子:Hey,dude!Give me five(嘿,老兄,好啊!)  5、freak out(大发脾气)  总是在片子中看到这个词,freak是“奇异的,反常的”的意思,但此词是“大发脾气”的意思,out也可以省略,这个词在美国很常用,老式说法是be very upset。例子:He's gonna freak(他快要发脾气了)  6、Get out of here(别开玩笑了,别骗人了)  这个词大家都很熟悉,容易联想到“滚开”的意思,现在很多时候都是“别开玩笑了,别骗人了”的意思,在片子常可以听到,在美国非常流行。例子:  You look very beautiful.(你很漂亮)  Get out of here.(别骗人了)  7、gross(这恶心)  不是“混乱”的意思,词典中gross是“总的,毛重的”意思,实际上此词是表示“恶心的”意思,与gag同意,是美国年轻人一天到晚挂在嘴边的词。例子:Yuck,what is this stuff?It looks gross.(哎呀,这是什么东西?真恶心)  8、dude(老兄,老哥)  开始时很多人把它误解成“花花公子,纨绔子弟”,实际上此词是叫男性年轻人常用的,与guy的意思相同,只是guy用的范围更广。例子:Hey,dude,look at that girl.(喂,老兄,看那个女孩)  9、green(新手,没有经验)  不是“绿色”的意思,也不是“生气”的意思,有事表示“新手,没有经验”。例子:She's really green,she looks nervous.(她是新手,看起来很紧张)  10、Have a crush on someone(爱上某人)  由于crush是“压碎,碾碎”的意思,因此整个短语很容易被误解为“对某人施加压力”的意思,实际上此词表示“爱上某人”,与fall in love with同义。例子:She thinks she has a crush on John.(她认为她爱上了约翰了)
  美式英语:英式英语,你好吗?(一)    or    有人在美国拉斯维加斯的时候曾经在餐厅里向服务生要“napkin”,服务生很纳闷,为什么你找我要“尿布”呢?原来“napkin”在最初在英语中指的是小孩用的尿布,而“餐巾纸”这种含义则在只在美国东部比较流行。     or    pants这个词在美语中是“裤子”的意思,但在英式英语中却是“内裤”的意思。如果美国人对英国人说“your pants is very pretty。”英国人就会认为你这个美国人没素质。  英式英语(English English)和美式英语(American English)的差别是客观存在的,并且在语法上也是有一定差别的。   其实,不单是语法结构方面如此,甚至单词的使用也有这样的倾向。这是说,在“英式英语”和“美式英语”中,假若是用不同的词汇表达同一个意思的,那么,使用"美式英语"的人远较使用"英式英语"者多。   笔者曾对一些用词作过研究,藉此判别上述这种趋势是否普遍存在,结果是肯定的。根据一些英美人士所作的调查,在日常应用的词汇中,“英式英语”和“美式英语”各有表达用语的大约有一千个,其中通用的占了大部分。但所谓“通用”,其实是指英国人采纳了美国人的用词而已。在英、美两国本土以外的地区,使用英文的人习惯了“美式英语”而少用“英式英语”者亦占了大多数。   以下举一些例子说明上述情况的表现。     Antenna,aerial(前者为“美式英语”,后者为“英式英语”,下同)--泛指无线电上使用的“天线”,但antenna远比aerial(或aerial wire)流行。     Apartment,flat--指大厦中的住宅单位,前者也被译为“(住宅)公寓”。不过,东南亚地区目前流行用“座”来表达,故使用flat的机会较多。     Ash can,dust bin--指垃圾箱。在美式英语中,含有同等词义的还有garbage can和junk heap,但英式英语则只有dust-bin。香港目前多用dustbin。但废纸篓的两种称呼分别是waste basket和waste paper basket,流行度则似乎相等。     Automobile,motor-car--汽车。美式英语很多时更简为auto,如“车祸”即称为auto accident。两个字的使用度似乎相差不大。     Baggage,luggage--行李。这两个字都是总称,故此不能说a baggage(或luggage),而应说a piece of baggage(或luggage),two pieces of baggage等。流行度好像没有多大差别,但要注意:当美国人用luggage的时候,一般是指大的皮箱或皮包。美国人说baggage car(行李车)英国人则说luggage van。     Bank-bill,bank-note--纸币,钞票。Bank-bill是美国人的钞票,但是英国人却用来指“银行与银行之间的汇票”,以bank-note较为流行。campus, school grounds---校园,学校场地。由于美国学上运动近年甚为蓬勃,故此campus字常见应用,school一grounds则罕有所闻。campus所指的范围包括了整个学校(多指大学)的场地,而非单指花园、操场等开阔的地方。例如campus activities是指大学的“校内活动”,campus building是大学内的建筑群等等。     Canned goods,tinned goods--罐头食物。can和tin是美式英语和英式英语中的同义词,均指保藏预制食物的罐头,tin有时更被音译为:“听”。这两个字同时亦可以作动词使用,解作“把食物装罐”。在使用上,canned goods比tinned goods流行。     Department store,stores--百货公司。美国人口中的store,相当于英国人的shop。百货公司一般规模较普通商店大,分为若干部门(department),故称为 department store是很贴切的。这个用词在英国也逐渐流行,代替了英国沿用的stores。     Editorial,Leading article--社论。英式英语中除了leading article外, Leader一字也可用来指社论。但现时editorial用得最多,甚至香港的《南华早报》(South China Morning Post)也用 ditorial来指其社论。     Gasoline,petrol--汽油。 gasoline有时也写作 gasoline,口语上更可简写为 gas。汽油站是gas Station(=英 Petrol station),也可说gasoline station。但是, gasoline bomb(汽油弹)却不能说是 gas bomb。     Long-distance call,trunk call--长途电话。美式英语的 Iong-distance call词义一看便明,远胜于英式英语的trunk call,自然被多数采用。     Overcoat,great coat--大衣,大氅。两字的通用度差不多,但overcoat似乎稍胜一筹。
  美式英语:英式英语,你好吗?(二)    Radio,wireless--收音机。原本两字后都有set,即radio set及 wireless set,但为了节省,一般都略去。两个字中,当然是美式英语radio流行得多。     Second floor,first floor--二楼。这种对楼宇的层数的称呼方法在不少地区造成了很大的不便。以往,许多楼宇按英式英语的叫法,故此问题尚不大。但近年来,不少的楼宇使用了美式英语的叫法,因此就产生了混乱。现在一般对人家说第若干层楼时,一定要附带说一声“电梯多少字”,以免误会。     Soft-drinks,Minerals--软饮品:汽水等不含酒精的饮料。美式英语的soft-drinks原来泛指不含酒精的饮料,包括汽水和果汁等,现时多用来指汽水,代替了原先的 air-ate water。英式英语的 minerals由于没有 soft-drains那么通行,故此用来指汽水的机会少了,但比较多用来指矿泉水,等于 mineral water。   字母Z的不同读法     这里特别提出英文字母Z的发音问题。美国人念 zee,英国人念 zed。中国人受英国人影响较深,往往把 z 念成 zed,建议大家改一改习惯,按美国发音念 zee。我国许多北方人(包括不少电台广播员〕把 z 念成“贼”,则是非改不可的了。英文字母歌里的 z,不应是英国发音 zed,而应该念成 zee,跟后面的词 Now you see / I can say my ABC 押韵。   别客气和欢迎你     or    美国人表示“别客气”,“不用提”等意思,常说 You're welcome。英国人从来不用 You're welcome来表示“别客气”,如果他们说 You're welcome 的话,则意思是“欢迎你”。他们表示不用谢说 Not at all 或 Don't mention it。另外,正如前面已经讲过那样,美国人也说 sure 表示“不用谢”。所以,你在美国会听到这样的对话:"Thank you." "Sure.”或“Thank you.”   “You're welcome.”这里需要提一下的是,在 You're welcome 里 welcome 是个形容词, 不能说成welcomed 。但是,welcome 也可以是动词,这就可能有词形变化。例如在 He was welcomed with kissed and hugs 这句话(人们以接吻和拥抱来欢迎他 ),welcome 必须写成 welcomed,以构成被动语态。   男孩和女孩     or    男孩是 boy,这是没有争议的。但是,英国人爱说 lad。例如,Round up a few of the lads for a game of football(找几个男孩来一起玩足球 )。男孩跟女孩谈恋爱,一种幼稚的恋爱,英国人会说 lad-and-girl love,美国人则说boy-and-girl love。英国人还把小男孩叫 laddie。美国人也很爱用 kid 这个词,不仅用来表示小孩,而且也表示年青人,如 college kids 就是大学生。除了kid 以外,美国人也用 kiddy 或 kiddie。   打电话的种种方式     除了telephone 和 phone 以外,美国人也爱用 call 这个词表示打电话,例如Call me at nine,不是九点钟喊我或拜访我。英国人则用 ring,例如Give me a ring when you have time (有空给我来个电话),美国人打电话有那么几个种类:local call(本地区电话〕;long distance call(跨地区电话或国际长途电话);overseas call(越洋长途电话);collect call(对方付钱电话);toll free call (免费电话);emergency call(紧急电话);operator assisted(接线员协助的电话)。Long distance call 最好在夜里11点钟以后打,价格可以便宜很多。Toll free call 是指 area code 为800的电话,美国许多公司为了鼓励客户打电话,或者政府机构向社会提供服务,用的都是800免费号码。Emergency call主要是指火警之类的电话。   朋友和老兄     or    美国英语 fellow 往往是指男性 a man,a boy,a boyfriend 或 an associate。美国人也用 guy 来称呼朋友,单数 guy 等于 fellow,指男性,复数 guys 男女都指。此外英语里还有 buddy,相当于中国话里的老兄或老弟。英国人不称呼别人为 guy,因为guy 在英国英语里指一个衣着古怪的人。英国人用 bloke 或 chap来称呼朋友,但这两个词意义上稍有区别,chap 是一个 much trusted male friend ,而 bloke 则是 someone who is friendly but not someone you know that well,也就是说 chap 要比bloke 更亲切些。
  盘点全球最萌的王室宝宝(一)  1. British little prince  英国小王子    On July 22, Prince William and Princess Kate have welcomed Baby Windsor into the world at St. Mary’s Hospital in London. The blue-blooded baby was said to be weighed around 3.8 kilograms. The little prince will be the third in line to England`s throne after his grandfather and his father. With the birth of the baby, it has been the first time that the British Royal Family has four generations under one roof over 100 years.  7月22日,威廉王子和凯特王妃的长子在伦敦圣玛丽医院出生。据报道,这位出身贵族的温莎宝宝出生时体重约3.8公斤。小王子将成为继祖父查尔斯王储、父亲威廉王子之后,英国王位的第三顺位继承人。这是100多年来英国王室首次出现君主和准君主“四世同堂”。  2. Spanish Princess— Princess Leonor    西班牙莱昂诺尔公主  Having blond wavy hair and smiley blue eyes, the Spanish Princess Leonor carries her parents’ perfect genes. She is well behaved with her nice temperament in public. This Spanish future queen is beloved not only by her Spanish people, but also by the whole world. She is elected as the most favorable royal kid in the world by a German magazine.  西班牙公主莱昂诺尔继承了父母的良好基因,她拥有一头精致的金色卷发和一双笑眯眯的蓝眼睛。小小年纪的她在公众面前表现得大方得体又流露出绝佳气质。这位未来的王位继承人不仅征服了西班牙人,同时也受到全世界人民的爱戴。她曾被德国某杂志评选为最受喜爱的王室孩子。  3. Norwegian Prince— Prince Magnus    挪威玛格努斯王子  Nothing can be better for a prince to wear the traditional folk style clothing in public. From Prince Magnus’s double-breasted coat to the vertical stripe vest, the folk style clothing makes this young prince adorable in another way.  没什么比王子身着本国传统服饰在公开场合亮相更令人惊艳了。挪威王子玛格努斯的这身装扮,无论是双排扣的外套还是竖条纹马甲,都用另一种方式将年幼王子的稚气可爱诠释得一览无余。  4. Swedish Princess— Princess Estelle    瑞典埃斯特拉公主  Closest in age to Baby Windsor is Princess Estelle of Sweden, the daughter of Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel. Second in line to the Swedish throne, the adorable little girl was born in February 2012 and is currently a year and five months old.  瑞典公主埃斯特拉是王储维多利亚公主和丹尼尔亲王的女儿,年纪仅次于英国王室宝宝——小乔治,是目前“王室二代”里面年龄第二小的成员。埃斯特拉公主是瑞典王位的第二顺位继承人。这位可爱的小公主出生于2012年2月份,现在有一岁零5个月大。
  盘点全球最萌的王室宝宝(二)  5. The Denmark Royal Family    丹麦王室  The people seen here are Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark and Princess Mary with their children. The eldest prince, Prince Christian was born on October 15, 2005, is the second in line to the Danish throne. The eldest princess, Princess Isabella, was born on April 21, 2007. She is the first princess in Denmark Royal Family over 60 years. The royal couple was holding the pigeon pair born in 2011-----Princess Vincent and Princess Josephine.  图为丹麦王储弗雷德里克王子和玛丽?王妃及他们的孩子。长子克里斯蒂安王子生于日,是丹麦王位第二继承人,长女伊莎贝拉公主生于日,是丹麦王室六十多年以来诞生的首位公主。夫妇怀里抱着的是生于2011年的王室龙凤胎——文森特王子与约瑟芬公主。  With the help of his most stylish royal mother, Prince Christian has a good taste on clothing. He loves dressing like a gentleman-----the customized suit and jacket naturally makes young Prince Christian look royal anyway.  拥有一位“着装最时尚”的王室母亲,丹麦王子克里斯蒂安的着装品位自然也不会差,绅士风是他最擅长的装扮,量身定制的西装、夹克让小小年纪的克里斯蒂安自然流露出贵族气息。  6. Moroccan Princess—Princess Khadija    摩洛哥哈迪贾公主  Princess Lalla Khadija, daughter of Mohammed VI of Morocco and Princess Lalla Salma, was born in Royal Palace, Rabat in February, 2007. The Royal Family was so happy that the King granted a royal pardon to thousands of prison inmates in honor of the little princess’s birth.  摩洛哥公主拉拉?哈迪贾于2007年2月在拉巴特王宫内出生,是摩洛哥国王穆罕默德六世和王妃拉拉?萨尔玛的女儿,她出生的时候,摩洛哥皇室甚为喜悦,还对摩洛哥上千名囚犯实行特赦或减刑,以庆祝小公主的诞生。  7. Belgian Princess—Princess Elisabeth    比利时伊莉莎白公主  Princess Elisabeth was born on October 25, 2001. Just 10 years before she was born, the Constitution of Belgium was revised so that the Princess Elizabeth becomes the second in line to the Belgian throne. Early this year, the Belgium Royal Family released a photo of the whole family on January 20 for celebrating the 37th birthday of Princess Mathilde.  伊莉莎白公主出生于日。在她出生前10年,即1991年,比利时修改宪法,使得伊莉莎白公主成为王位第二顺位继承人。为了庆祝玛蒂尔德王储妃37岁生日,比利时王室与今年1月20日发布了一张王室全家福。  8. Netherland Princess—Princess Catharina-Amalia, Alexia and Ariane    These three young princesses with blond hair are daughters of King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands. The three princesses respectively are nine-year-old Catharina-Amalia, her sisters, eight-year-old Princess Alexia and six-year-old Princess Ariane. According to the rule of the Netherland Royal Family, Princess Catharina-Amalia, born on December 7, 2003, became heiress apparent when her father ascended the throne on 30 April 2013.  这三位稚龄的金发小公主是荷兰的威廉?亚历山大国王与马克西玛王后的女儿。她们分别是9岁的凯萨琳娜?阿玛莉娅公主、8岁的阿丽西娅公主及6岁的阿丽安公主。依照荷兰王室的规定,今年4月30日,在父亲继承王位后,生于日的大公主凯萨琳娜-阿玛莉娅成为王储继承人。
  美语习惯用语(一)   cold turkey    美国人很喜欢吃火鸡。每逢感恩节和圣诞节,火鸡总是家家户户节日盛宴的主菜。有的时候,人们把感恩节称为"火鸡日"。火鸡在英文里就是:turkey。  尽管美国人很喜欢吃火鸡,但是大多数人认为火鸡不仅很难看,而且还笨头笨脑的。所以,要是你把某一个人叫做turkey,那就等于说那个人无能、很笨。我们来举个例子吧:  "I wouldn't go out on a date with Mary if she was the last woman in the world. She's such a turkey with that boring personality and stupid grin."  这人说:"即便我在世界上找不到其他女人,我也不想约玛丽一起出去玩。她那性格很让人讨厌,还有她那傻笑。她真是个笨蛋。"  可是,有的人表面上很精明,实际上也是个turkey,就像下面这个办公室主任说的那样:  "This man came with a good recommendation from his last job, but it turns out he's just a turkey who simply can't do anything right!"  这位主任说:"这个人来的时候,他原来工作的公司还给他写了很好的推荐信。可是,他原来是个笨蛋,干什么都干不好。"  说到吃火鸡,美国人有的时候吃热的,也有的时候吃冷的。可是,cold turkey作为一个俗语,它的意思就不是冷火鸡肉了。Cold turkey作为俗语的意思是指一些人突然终止某种已经成隐的习惯,如非法吸毒、酗酒或抽烟等。我们用一个烟隐很大的人来做例子吧:  "You know, for 25 years I smoked two packs a day. But the day a good friend of mine died of lung cancer, I decided to go cold turkey and never light up another cigarette. It was tough, but it was the smartest thing I ever did in my life."  他说:"你可知道,我以前每天抽两包烟,抽了二十五年。后来我一个要好朋友因为肺癌而死了。就在他去世的当天,我下定决心戒烟,从此以后我再也没有抽过一支烟。那是很不容易的,可那是我一生中我做的最明智的一件事。"  从这个例子我们可以看到,cold turkey是指立即全部停止一个行为,而不是逐步的。 下面这个例子也很说明问题:  "I needed to lose weight quick, so I gave up ice cream, cake and other rich foods cold turkey. And do you know I lost ten pounds in just a little over a month!"  这个人说:"不久前,我认为我必须要减肥。于是,我就开始不吃奶油、蛋糕和其他热量很高的食品。你知道,仅仅一个多月我就减掉了十磅。"  我们今天讲了turkey和cold turkey。用turkey这个字来指人,那就是说那个人不聪明、笨头笨脑的意思。Cold turkey是立即停止长期养成的习惯。
  @wenhannah 58楼
17:42:54  很好很强大。  -----------------------------  谢谢支持,楼主会加油的~~
  美语习惯用语(二)   bum steer    在这次节目里我们要讲的两个习惯用语都是形容有的人用来欺骗别人的手法。美国人有许多有关欺骗的习惯用语,但是像其他的习惯用语一样,有的随着时间被淘汰了,而新的习惯用语又不断出现。最近几年来,在形容欺骗方面,人们经常用下面这个习惯用语:Smoke and mirrors. Smoke就是烟,mirrors是镜子。Smoke and mirrors这个说法是从那儿来的呢?   实际上,这是从变魔术而来。魔术师往往让观众们相信他能使得一个人突然不见,然后又突然出现。要使人产生这么样的幻觉,魔术师一般都是用烟和镜子作为手段。所以,smoke and mirrors就成了欺骗别人的常用语。换句话说,也就是使用不真实的消息来蒙混别人。克林顿总统曾经在一次讲话中也用了smoke and mirrors 这个说法。他说,在他的发展经济和减少预算赤字方面,他不会用欺骗手段来蒙蔽全国人民。   在看魔术的时候被骗倒是很好玩,但是在实际生活中被人欺骗,那绝对不是好玩的事。下面是一个例子。这是一个参加竞选的人在批评对立党内的一个竞选对手。   例句1: My opponent's plan is nothing but smoke and mirrors: he's simply pulled his numbers out of the air to make it look like he can balance the budget without new taxes.   他说:我那竞选对手的计划根本就是一个骗局。他只是毫无根据地提出几个数字,让人们觉得好像他可以不增加新的税收就平衡预算。   我们再来举一个例子。这是一个人受了他朋友的骗,正在发泄心中的不满。   例句2: I told Mark about my plan to merge with a company in New York and asked his help. He promised to do all he could and even offered some ideas. But this was all smoke and mirrors. He bought that New York company himself last week - what a nasty trick!   这个人说:我告诉马克有关我想跟纽约那个公司合并的计划,并希望他能给予帮助。他说他一定尽力帮忙,甚至还给我提了一些建议。可是,结果这些全是骗人的。上个星期他自己把那个纽约公司买下来了。真下流。   现在我们来讲第二个意思是欺骗的习惯用语。Bum steer. Bum就是不好的,或者是错误的。Steer就是引导向某个方向发展。把bum和 steer两个字合在一起就成了一个习惯用语。意思是:假的信息,或者是使人迷惑的信息。下面是一个例子,这是一个受害于假信息的公司总裁。   例句3: I flew out to Los Angeles when I heard this company wanted to buy a million dollars worth of our equipment. But it turned out to be a bum steer, just a rumor spread by one of our competitions to make trouble for us.   这个总裁说:我搭飞机到洛山矶去,因为我听说这个公司要买我们的设备,价值达一百万美元。但是,这个消息结果是假的,是我们竞争对象之一为了给我们制造麻烦而散布的谣言。   下面这个例子是一个人在说他认识的一个女孩。   例句4: I really feel sorry for Mary. She moved a


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