look like是什么意思.like.it找出不同类

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[翻译]Game Programming Patterns Chapter4: Prototype
[翻译]Game Programming Patterns Chapter4: Prototype
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The first time I heard the word “prototype” was in Design Patterns. Today, it seems like everyone is saying it, but it turns out they aren’t talking about thedesign pattern. We’ll cover that here, but I’ll also show you other, more interesting places where the term “prototype” and the concepts behind it have popped up. But first, let’s revisit the original pattern.
The Prototype Design Pattern 原型设计模式
Pretend we’re making a game in the style of Gauntlet. We’ve got creatures and fiends swarming around the hero, vying for their share of his flesh. These unsavory dinner companions enter the arena by way of “spawners”, and there is a different spawner for each kind of enemy.
For the sake of this example, let’s say we have different classes for each kind of monster in the game — Ghost, Demon, Sorcerer, etc., like:
class Monster
// Stuff...
class Ghost : public Monster {};
class Demon : public Monster {};
class Sorcerer : public Monster {};
A spawner constructs instances of one particular monster type. To support every monster in the game, we could brute-force it by having a spawner class for each monster class, leading to a parallel class hierarchy:
I had to dig up a dusty UML book to make this diagram. The
means “inherits from”.
Implementing it would look like this:
class Spawner
virtual ~Spawner() {}
virtual Monster* spawnMonster() = 0;
class GhostSpawner : public Spawner
virtual Monster* spawnMonster()
return new Ghost();
class DemonSpawner : public Spawner
virtual Monster* spawnMonster()
return new Demon();
// You get the idea...
Unless you get paid by the line of code, this is obviously not a fun way to hack this together. Lots of classes, lots of boilerplate, lots of redundancy, lots of duplication, lots of repeating myself…
The Prototype pattern offers a solution. The key idea is that an object can spawn other objects similar to itself. If you have one ghost, you can make more ghosts from it. If you have a demon, you can make other demons. Any monster can be treated as a prototypal monster used to generate other versions of itself.
为了实现这个模式,我们给出一个基类Monster, 包含一个虚方法clone():
To implement this, we give our base class, Monster, an abstract clone() method:
class Monster
virtual ~Monster() {}
virtual Monster* clone() = 0;
// Other stuff...
Each monster subclass provides an implementation that returns a new object identical in class and state to itself. For example:
class Ghost : public Monster {
Ghost(int health, int speed)
: health_(health),
virtual Monster* clone()
return new Ghost(health_, speed_);
int health_;
int speed_;
Once all our monsters support that, we no longer need a spawner class for each monster class. Instead, we define a single one:
class Spawner
Spawner(Monster* prototype)
: prototype_(prototype)
Monster* spawnMonster()
return prototype_-&clone();
Monster* prototype_;
It internally holds a monster, a hidden one whose sole purpose is to be used by the spawner as a template to stamp out more monsters like it, sort of like a queen bee who never leaves the hive.
To create a ghost spawner, we create a prototypal ghost instance and then create a spawner holding that prototype:
Monster* ghostPrototype = new Ghost(15, 3);
Spawner* ghostSpawner = new Spawner(ghostPrototype);
One neat part about this pattern is that it doesn’t just clone the class of the prototype, it clones its state too. This means we could make a spawner for fast ghosts, weak ghosts, or slow ghosts just by creating an appropriate prototype ghost.
I find something both elegant and yet surprising about this pattern. I can’t imagine coming up with it myself, but I can’t imagine not knowing about it now that I do.
How well does it work?
Well, we don’t have to create a separate spawner class for each monster, so that’s good. But we do have to implement clone() in each monster class. That’s just about as much code as the spawners.
There are also some nasty semantic ratholes when you sit down to try to write a correct clone(). Does it do a deep clone or shallow one? In other words, if a demon is holding a pitchfork, does cloning the demon clone the pitchfork too?
Also, not only does this not look like it’s saving us much code in this contrived problem, there’s the fact that it’s a contrived problem. We had to take as a given that we have separate classes for each monster. These days, that’s definitelynot the way most game engines roll.
我们大多数人都知道管控一个巨大的类结构体是件麻烦事,这也是为什么我们要使用组件(Component)和类型对象(Type Object)来对不同的实体进行建模,而不依赖于干涉其类本身。
Most of us learned the hard way that big class hierarchies like this are a pain to manage, which is why we instead use patterns like Component and TypeObject to model different kinds of entities without enshrining each in its own class.
Spawn functions(孵化器函数)
Even if we do have different classes for each monster, there are other ways to decorticate this Felis catus. Instead of making separate spawner classes for each monster, we could make spawn functions, like so:
Monster* spawnGhost()
return new Ghost();
This is less boilerplate than rolling a whole class for constructing a monster of some type. Then the one spawner class can simply store a function pointer:
typedef Monster* (*SpawnCallback)();
class Spawner
Spawner(SpawnCallback spawn)
: spawn_(spawn)
Monster* spawnMonster()
return spawn_();
SpawnCallback spawn_;
To create a spawner for ghosts, you do:
Spawner* ghostSpawner = new Spawner(spawnGhost);
By now, most C++ developers are familiar with templates. Our spawner class needs to construct instances of some type, but we don’t want to hard code some specific monster class. The natural solution then is to make it a type parameter, which templates let us do:
class Spawner
virtual ~Spawner() {}
virtual Monster* spawnMonster() = 0;
template &class T&
class SpawnerFor : public Spawner
virtual Monster* spawnMonster() { return new T(); }
Using it looks like:
Spawner* ghostSpawner = new SpawnerFor&Ghost&();
First-class types(一等类型)
The previous two solutions address the need to have a class, Spawner, which is parameterized by a type. In C++, types aren’t generally first-class, so that requires some gymnastics. If you’re using a dynamically-typed language like JavaScript, Python, or Ruby where classes are regular objects you can pass around, you can solve this much more directly.
When you make a spawner, just pass in the class of monster that it should construct — the actual runtime object that represents the monster’s class. Easy as pie.
With all of these options, I honestly can’t say I’ve found a case where I felt the Prototype design pattern was the best answer. Maybe your experience will be different, but for now let’s put that away and talk about something else: prototypes as a language paradigm.
The Prototype Language Paradigm(原型语法范式)
Many people think “object-oriented programming” is synonymous with “classes”. Definitions of OOP tend to feel like credos of opposing religious denominations, but a fairly non-contentious take on it is that OOP lets you define “objects” which bundle data and code together. Compared to structured languages like C and functional languages like Scheme, the defining characteristic of OOP is that it tightly binds state and behavior together.
你也许认为类是打到这种紧密性的唯一方法,但也有一些人,包括Dave Ungar,Randall Smith不同意。他们在80年代创造了一种叫Self的语言,非常OOP,但没有类的概念。
You may think classes are the one and only way to do that, but a handful of guys including Dave Ungar and Randall Smith beg to differ. They created a language in the 80s called Self. While as OOP as can be, it has no classes.
In a pure sense, Self is more object-oriented than a class-based language. We think of OOP as marrying state and behavior, but languages with classes actually have a line of separation between them.
Consider the semantics of your favorite class-based language. To access some state on an object, you look in the memory of the instance itself. State iscontained in the instance.
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