
好, 如果是正规品牌手表,蓝宝石玻璃一般都会打印在手表的后盖上面,用英文SAPPHIRE或Sapphire Crystal表示,原厂地瑞士,然后BALMER,是个也还算OK的牌子,基本上真品也是$1000以上起,有中文翻过来巴尔默,首先SAPPHIRE是蓝宝石的意思
回答问题,赢新手礼包皇冠标志的手表是什么牌子-万表世界皇冠标志的手表是什么牌子作者:万表世界内容来源:万表世界时间:导语:皇冠,意味着最高,最顶级的享受,那么,手表中也有这么一个品牌,它的标志是一个皇冠。那么,皇冠标志的手表是什么牌子?皇冠标志的手表是什么牌子&劳力士是众多表迷心中的神圣品牌,想必很多品牌设计的风格大家也非常熟悉,在此我们还是要具体的说一下品牌的LOGO。劳力士最初的钟表标志设计为一只伸开五指的手掌,它表示该品牌的手表完全是靠手工精雕细琢的。后来才逐渐演变为皇冠的注册商标,以示其在手表领域中的霸主地位,展现着劳力士手表在制表业的帝王之气。劳力士标志设计采用皇冠的图标和字母设计想结合,这也定位了劳力士在钟表行业的王者地位,同时代表着整个瑞士的钟表行业在民间有着不俗的口碑。劳力士品牌的知名度每一种品牌的LOGO都有其特殊的含义,或是历史的传承或是腕表元素的代表或是家族的符号,无论是何种图案,其中都蕴含了品牌寄予钟表的美好期待。经过岁月的考验和洗礼,各种标志不断被人们所熟知,在某种程度上钟表的LOGO不仅是品牌对于自身产品的涵义定位,更是大众对品牌质量的高度认可。劳力士凭借其过硬的品质和不错的口碑牢牢占据中国的钟表销量的排头兵!劳力士手表标志LOGO还有这几种系列,如考察队家型ⅱ(explorerⅱ),它附带的有多大24钟头红色匡助针,这对考察队喜好者辨别白天黑夜很方便;还有一种潜航者型(submariner),它能够在超过300米的大海里不受干扰;另外一种是游船名望高的人型(yachtmaster),配有特制可旋转外圈,便捷了计算的时差;还有以下这两种,格林尼治ⅱ型(gmtmasterⅱ)和太空计型(cosmograph),前者是有可转动外圈及24钟头指针,不仅仅是同时显露两个标准时区时间,更可将时针独立移动至另一标准时区,而并且移动分针及钟表上指示秒数的指针;后者是满足每一款多功强手腕上的表,能适应工程、运动及经济活动等多种需求。上面的每一款劳力士手表标志都有着各自的特有的吸引力。文章中涉及到的0款产品标签:上一篇:下一篇:已有0条评论验证码:相关阅读猜您喜欢“万表世界”官方微信资讯排行榜名表会展编辑推荐(C)2008-.CN ALL RIGHT RESERVED||万表商城APP万表微信服务号服务专线:400-883-2688外呼号码:020-|共计件0您现在的位置:>>fossil 是什么牌子?Fossil 是一个来自美国的全球性生活时尚品牌,专注于时尚配件。Fossil 始建于 1984年,是第一个将手表的价值与款式完美结合的美国品牌,2014年品牌成立的30周年。手表不再仅仅是一个计时工具,更成为了彰显个人风格的腕间必需品。自此,Fossil 已跃身成为美国最受欢迎的品牌之一。产品线包括时尚腕表、包袋、首饰以及服装。总公司 Fossil Inc.(FOSL:NASDAQ)是全球最大的时尚腕表生产商之一。Fossil 早年曾以孙燕姿和王力宏为代言。Fossil 是一个来自美国的全球性生活时尚品牌,专注于时尚配件。Fossil 始建于 1984年,是第一个将手表的价值与款式完美结合的美国品牌,2014年品牌成立的30周年。手表不再仅仅是一个计时工具,更成为了彰显个人风格的腕间必需品。自此,Fossil 已跃身成为美国最受欢迎的品牌之一。产品线包括时尚腕表、包袋、首饰以及服装。总公司 Fossil Inc.(FOSL:NASDAQ)是全球最大的时尚腕表生产商之一。Fossil 早年曾以孙燕姿和王力宏为代言。相关文章:||fossil 是什么牌子的网址fossil 是什么牌子的网址是:/本文是万表网对“fossil 是什么牌子”的一个导航,非fossil 是什么牌子官方网站。如要找fossil 是什么牌子手表相关信息,请访问:万表网专卖原装正品的世界名表,支持信用卡分期付款,正品保证,全国联保,,终身售后保障!fossil 是什么牌子的相关问答1、化石手表走时准吗答:在探究化石手表走时准确性之前,我们先把化石手表的机械机芯跟石英机芯分开讨论。化石手表机械机芯走时准确性我们先看看下面的机械机芯走时误差标准数据:日历机械手表I型(男表)走时瞬间误差范围为:优等品每24小时误差-30~+45秒;一等品每24小时误差-40~+75秒;合格品每24小时误差-60~+105秒。延续走时均大于等于36小时。日历机械手表II型(中型表)走时瞬间误差范围为:优等品每24小时误差-35~+65秒;一等品每24小时误差-50~+95秒;合格品的走时瞬间误差范围为每24小时误差-70~+135秒。延续走时均大于等于35小时。日历机械手表III型(坤表)走时瞬间误差范围为:优等品每24小时误差-40~+85秒;一等品每24小时误差-60~+115秒;合格品每24小时误差-80~+165秒。延续走时均大于等于34小时。自动机械手表I型(男表)走时瞬间误差范围为:优等品每24小时误差-20~+30秒;一等品每24小时误差-30~+60秒;合格品每24小时误差-50~+90秒。延续走时均大于等于36小时。自动机械手表II型(中型表)走时瞬间误差范围为:优等品每24小时误差-25~+50秒;一等品每24小时误差-40~+80秒;合格品每24小时误差-60~+120秒。延续走时均大于等于30小时。自动机械手表III型(坤表)走时瞬间误差范围为:优等品每24小时误差-30~+70秒;一等品每24小时误差-50~+100秒;合格品每24小时误差-70~+150秒。延续走时均大于等于28小时。化石机械机芯的手表一般都是属于优等品的范围,所以各位看官可以放心化石手表石英机芯走时准确性化石的石英表不分型号,走时瞬间误差范围为:优等品每24小时误差-0.5~+0.5秒;一等品每24小时误差-1.0~+1.0秒;合格品每24小时误差-1.5~+1.5秒。因此,化石的石英表如此小的误差范围,我认为大家可以忽略。2、化石手表保值吗答:化石手表是否保值需要看表款是量产的,还是限量版。一般量产的化石手表,二手转卖基本都要打个5折,限量版的8折以上的保值价基本没有问题。要是遇到是某名人曾经佩戴的款,还可能升值,但是概率较低。手表界保值能力最高的基本当属劳力士。虽然因为它既不靠贵金属,也不靠稀缺,依然能做到世界第一的保值率。现在你就基本了解化石手表的保值能力了吧3、化石机械手表走时准吗,机械机芯走时准吗答:在探讨化石手表机械机芯走时准确性之前,我们先看看下面的机械机芯走时误差标准数据:日历机械手表I型(男表)走时瞬间误差范围为:优等品每24小时误差-30~+45秒;一等品每24小时误差-40~+75秒;合格品每24小时误差-60~+105秒。延续走时均大于等于36小时。日历机械手表II型(中型表)走时瞬间误差范围为:优等品每24小时误差-35~+65秒;一等品每24小时误差-50~+95秒;合格品的走时瞬间误差范围为每24小时误差-70~+135秒。延续走时均大于等于35小时。日历机械手表III型(坤表)走时瞬间误差范围为:优等品每24小时误差-40~+85秒;一等品每24小时误差-60~+115秒;合格品每24小时误差-80~+165秒。延续走时均大于等于34小时。自动机械手表I型(男表)走时瞬间误差范围为:优等品每24小时误差-20~+30秒;一等品每24小时误差-30~+60秒;合格品每24小时误差-50~+90秒。延续走时均大于等于36小时。自动机械手表II型(中型表)走时瞬间误差范围为:优等品每24小时误差-25~+50秒;一等品每24小时误差-40~+80秒;合格品每24小时误差-60~+120秒。延续走时均大于等于30小时。自动机械手表III型(坤表)走时瞬间误差范围为:优等品每24小时误差-30~+70秒;一等品每24小时误差-50~+100秒;合格品每24小时误差-70~+150秒。延续走时均大于等于28小时。化石机械机芯的手表一般都是属于优等品的走时误差范围,所以各位看官可以放心4、化石手表升值吗答:化石手表是否升值除了需要看表款是量产的,还是限量版以外,更重要的是看化石手表的价格。一般20万以下的化石手表,就不需要考虑投资升值这方面了,因为本来的市场价值也不高,升值潜力有限。20W以上的化石手表一般的制作原料都包括贵金属和宝石,随着资源的越渐短缺,这些贵金属和宝石的价值会相应提高。还有高价格的化石手表,无论从制作工艺还是技术来说,都是相对较高的,如果复刻同款花费的时间成本相当高,造成了一定的稀缺性,随着时间价值也会相应提升。现在你就基本了解化石手表的升值能力了吧。5、化石手表为什么那么贵答:化石手表为什么那么贵,原因主要分为 品牌、产地、款式、稀罕、品相 这五块化石手表品牌价值品牌实际就是级别,同配置不同品牌,价格也会差很多。大品牌的手表,它们年产量不大,所以每只表的价格基本要10万元起,是真正的奢侈级的手表。既然作为奢侈品所以价格就上去了,按道理石英表并不值钱,但是一块石英女表也卖好几万,这个主要就是品牌价值。当然也跟女表有关系,首先女人对机械不是那么感兴趣,只在乎品牌和外观。其次机械表太沉,女人戴着很容易胳膊受不了。第三,由于女表尺寸小,空间有限,做复杂机械功能确实太难了。化石手表产地价值手表主要生产国有:瑞士、德国、日本、韩国,俄国、中国含(香港、台湾),实际上SWISS MADE是手表质量的一个标签。只有真正瑞士产手表,德国产钟才能卖上价格。化石手表款式价值贵金属的表壳自然要贵,特别是用铂金的是最贵的。另外用钨钢,钛和陶瓷材料也比较贵,异型表壳的要比普通样式的贵。镶真钻石或其它宝石首饰化的手表,价格就更不得了。记住!手表和首饰不同,它是按款型定价的。如果是满钻的手表,基本售价都在100多万。手表的价值主要在外观上,名牌又首饰化的手表都是最贵的。化石手表稀罕价值罕见稀有的手表样式往往会成为钟表收藏家的选择,就连表盘的罕见样式都能成为价格的卖点,太普通泛泛的样式的手表就相对没什么意思了。艺术化的表主要是指珐琅彩绘的表盘或怀表的壳,这样的表传统上就贵,都是用人的手工绘制的,产量很低,所以价格一直很高化石手表品相价值表品相包括机芯新旧程度和外观磨损程度,机芯是否有故障和维修是否有机件的损坏。如果是全新的有包装,手表有说明书或证书的,全须全影的手表,价格当然要高些,缺少的就低,外观残损品相欠佳的或有机芯故障的手表都卖不上价格。相关问答:||化石手表的相关介绍Fossil(化石),源自美国,始于1984年-国际知名时尚品牌。Fossil品牌精神定位为&欢乐、真实、自然&,在美国是一个历史悠久的知名品牌化石手表相关产品相关导航:||||||fossil 是什么牌子的相关资讯fossil 是什么牌子的相关专题||||||||||||||||||||化石手表相关图片化石手表的相关评论手表品牌分类产品分类瑞士手表德国手表珠宝首饰包包太阳镜私人飞机热门品牌||||||||||排行榜月周日化石手表专卖店客服电话400-883-2688外呼号码 020-新手支付配送保障帮助万表官方微博万表世界订阅号关注领100元现金券全球买表 国内保修万表微信服务号万表微信资讯号每周推送打折促销活动信息每日推送手表干货文章&&&&&&&&&万表网名表商城 版权所有 &&网监备案:1Copyright
请问有没有人知道这个是什么牌子的表 如何
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penguin1002 爱表大亨 发表于
17:10:37 |
多功能 爱表大亨 发表于
17:12:20 |
music123 爱表大亨 发表于
17:38:49 |
多半 是那种 时装表
reverie 爱表大亨 发表于
21:12:21 |
In Belgium in the city of Gent a watch making company started to produce wristwatches in the early 1940's. Pocket watches were not produced. All parts were ordered from Switzerland or France and put together in Belgium. With most of the part and blank movements (ebauches) coming from Switzerland the “Swiss made” marking could be added onto the bottom of the dial. Watches that were equipped with a French (or other country) movement were not marked. The earliest watches were of Pontiac logo with a large “P” that ran over the entire word “Pontiac”. It was accompanied by one star. In addition the dial was marked with the technical innovation of that era, like antimagnetic (see below). The watch range produced enclosed chronographs (one and two buttons), triple date watches and even chronographs with triple date. Also there were normal 3 handed ladies and gentleman’s watches.
Watches were sold to jewelers in Belgium and later on the market was broadened to countries around Belgium. Pontiac watches were sold through jewelers in Germany, Luxemburg, France and The Netherlands, this was around the 1950's. The brand they come so big they were able to sponsor the Dutch team in the Tour de France. In the same time there were commercial advertisements on the radio using the Pontiac slogan &Tic-tac Pontiac& over and over. It is so well known in Belgium that it became a saying for &Time is ticking&!
In 1950 a Dutch runner called Wim van Est (born 25 March 1923 - died 1 May 2003) and the first Dutchman to wear the yellow sweater as overall leader of the runners in the famous Tour de France. Two of his nicknames were &The Locomotive& and &Iron Willem&. In 1951 Pontiac decided to sponsored the entire team with a Pontiac wrist watch. That year on 18th of July, while coming down a mountain he fell and dropped 70 meters down. He was not injured seriously and best of all for Pontiac. His watch was still ticking. This gave rise to a new commercial campaign aimed at the Dutch using the slogan: &Zeventig meter viel ik diep, mijn hart stond stil, maar mijn Pontiac liep ...& which translate to: &Seventy meters I dropped, my hard stood still but my Pontiac never stopped..&. It made Wim and the Pontiac brand ever so popular. These were the days off course when the entire male population was watching the Tour the France every day for almost a month. When he died 80 years of age a plaque was place in his honor commemorating his drop. Also several watches by Pontiac were made with reference to the Tour the France.
The company made good commercially use of the above fact and flourished in the decade after that. Using the watch to promote the hard fact that a Pontiac never stopped. Tic-Tac Pontiac. In the 1960's and 1970's in general the technical possibilities grey, making it easier to work on materials and as a result of this watches were fixed with brand signed crowns, also Pontiac joined in an put crowns on their watches with a logo. In the middle there was a star and written around it in a circle was the brand name written in full. Also around this period they stared to offer leather straps with their own brand name, complemented with a Pontiac signed buckle.
Being from Belgium a bilingual country in which both French and Dutch are the common language it was easy to expand from. The every growing watch ranges got their own names like &naguer” which is French for &swimmer& and names like &international&. The date models were named Memodate and Memomatic, even thought the Pontiac watches were not sold in English language countries but the international aspect was there.
In addition to the type name Pontiac stared to use 1, 2 or 3 stars on the dial under it. What exactly the indication of these stars is, is not known. But a customer could think that more stars would indicate a higher quality watch or movement.
In the 1980’s several quartz watches were produced under the Pontiac brand. After that it became completely quiet around the Pontiac brand. Possibly because of the retirement of the founder or just because the company was no longer profitable due to the hard price wars in the quartz era.
The last know information about the brand is that has been registered in 1994 (for a period of 20 years) by a large Belgian firm called TWC-Tapernoux & Cie S.A. - N.V. that is in the business of import and export of various goods including laboratories items and also watch related items for Casio and Mondaine upon today. It is probably just a question of time when we see Pontiac reintroduced in (western) Europe.
watch from Wim van Est
Model names and types used on Pontiac dials
Model names:
- Diadatic (day, day display, automatic)
- Diadatic jumping (chronograph day/date automatic)
- Hydraulica (Super compressed case)
- Hydraulica 20 (super compressed case, waterproof until 20 atmosphere suitable for diving
- International
- Maillot Jaune (special model chrongraph to commemorate winning the yellow shirt in the &Tour de France&)
- Memodate (handwind model with date)
- Memomatic (automatic model with date)
- Nageur (water tight case)
- Sympatico
Other words you can find on Pontiac watch dials are those that tell you what kind of technical improvement you can find in the specific watch. You find this also with most other watch brands. These names are used from the period that it is a new invention up until most movement has this as a standard feature. Found on Pontiac dials are:
- Supportchoc (1940's)
Balance staff is support by extra friction jewels and often the first kind of anti-shock spring is installed (since the 1950's pretty standard and mostly the Incabloc or KIF shock protection is used.
- Antimagnetic (1940-50's)
The fact that the influence of natural magnetism (like with a compass) is completely reduced by using non-magnetic material in case and movement parts (like the balance).
- Quartz (1970's-80's)
The use of quartz movement stated on the dial. Up untill then all watches were mechanical so you still see this on watch dials today (only Pontiac watches are no longer produced).
Please check the watchipedia for more details on the technical terms used.
Stars on the dail
From the earliest models on there are one or more stars on the dial, under the dial name. Not al watches have these, but most have. The earliest ones are chronographs with just one star under the name. There are also watches with two and 3 stars. This leads te believe that there is some sort of system. One may conclude that more (or less) starts indicates a better watch.
pp5115 爱表大亨 发表于
12:25:55 |
原帖由 reverie 于
21:12 发表
In Belgium in the city of Gent a watch making company started to produce wristwatches in the early 1940's. Pocket watches were not produced. All parts were ordered from Switzerland or Fr ...
[s:101] [s:101] E文...請翻譯下啊
yzxd111 爱表大亨 发表于
20:59:38 |
[s:101] [s:101]
家在北平 版主 发表于
21:21:58 |
肥仔米 爱表资深人士 发表于
23:14:25 |
原帖由 yzxd111 于
20:59 发表
[s:101] [s:101]
真是言简意赅。。。[s:101] [s:101] [s:101]
The Coon 爱表资深人士 发表于
13:10:33 |
Poor Old Nigger Think Its A Cadilac
经典表款作业1 本帖最后由 可三无 于 2 本帖最后由 pp5115 于 3 本帖最后由 tony000789 于 20124五、一小假日和朋友再一次游玩了5五一长假,和朋友小聚了一下。顺6抓着相机,在西湖边随便走走


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