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Johnny Depp has no interest in getting an Oscar for Black Mass | Daily Mail Online
'I don't want to win one of those things ever': Johnny Depp reveals he has no interest in getting an Oscar even though he's being hyped for Black Mass
17:48 GMT, 13 October 2015
01:46 GMT, 14 October 2015
says he has no interest in receiving an Academy Award for his role as 'Whitey' Bulger in the new film Black Mass. And he says that his reason is that despite three decades spent in front of motion picture cameras, the 52-year-old actor apparently still gets tongue tied.'I don't want to have to talk,' Depp told the , in response to the idea that he might soon have to give an Oscar acceptance speech.Scroll down for video
'I don't want to win': Johnny Depp, 52, told the BBC he has no interest in receiving an Academy Award for his role as James 'Whitey' Bulger in the new film Black MassYet Depp's new Warner Bros biopic, released in mid-September, has already proven a box office winner, with buzz beginning to build around the actor's Oscar chances.'I don't want to win one of those things ever,' the star told press at the London Film Festival on Sunday.'They gave me one of those things, like a nomination, two or three times,' he said. 'A nomination is plenty.'
Talk of the town: Depp's new Warner Brothers biopic, released in mid-September, has already proven a box office winner, with buzz beginning to build around the actor's Oscar chancesDepp has been nominated three times for an Oscar - for his roles in Finding Neverland (2004), Sweeney Todd (2007) and The Pirates Of The Caribbean (2003).The movie, based on the 2001 book Black Mass: The True Story Of An Unholy Alliance Between the FBI And The Irish Mob, features Depp as real-life gangster James 'Whitey' Bulger.The convicted killer, and former Alcatraz inmate, was indicted for his role in 19 murders throughout his criminal career.'The first thing for me was to understand him first and foremost as a human being,' Depp told
magazine in September. 'Anybody and everybody, especially the families of his victims, could say "He's just an evil person." I don't believe that exists,' the actor said.
Out of respect: 'The first thing for me was to understand him first and foremost as a human being,' Depp said recently'People have their humanity, everything they've carried with them since they were children. There's a side of James Bulger who is not just that man who was in that business.'Depp says he attempted to contact Bulger about the film, 'only out of respect.' 'It's his life, and I'm playing him onscreen.' While many actors talk down their Oscar hopes, only two have actually rejected the award.
Colorful characters: The famously-acerbic George C. Scott rejected a 1970 Oscar for his role as the eccentric WWII general George S. Patton The first was George C. Scott, who chaffed at his Best Actor nomination for the 1970 Fox film Patton.Calling the ceremony 'a two-hour meat parade,' the famously-acerbic Scott requested that his name be withdrawn from consideration, stating that he did not wish to be in competition with other actors.When they Academy failed to comply, instead awarding Scott the Oscar, the star chose neither to attend the ceremony nor acknowledge the award.
Plan of attack: Calling the ceremony 'a two-hour meat parade,' Scott requested that his name be withdrawn from consideration, stating that he did not wish to be in competition with other actorsAnother high-profile incident occurred two years later, when Marlon Brando publicly rejected a Best Actor statue for his role in The Godfather, sending Native American activist Sacheen Littlefeather to speak on his behalf.Brando cited 'the treatment of American Indians by the film industry' as his reason for rejecting the award.
An offer he could refuse: Marlon Brando publicly rejected a Best Actor statue for his role in The Godfather
But you don't ask with respect: Brando cited 'the treatment of American Indians by the film industry' as his reason for rejecting the award
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