英语作文what whatmakesyou中文翻唱 teenagers cool

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3秒自动关闭窗口& “阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不...”习题详情
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。注意:答案写在答题卷上。The weather is getting hotter. Having taken exercise, we will become much&【小题1】(thirsty). A cold drink may be just &【小题2】thing. But most of us are never concerned about what we drink. There are plenty of “energy drinks” on the market. Most of them have an attractive color or cool name. Something that looks cool may be harmful to our &【小题3】 &(safe).【小题4】 &a careful check, we may find that most energy drinks have lots of caffeine(咖啡因) in them, &【小题5】(typical) aimed at young people, students, busy people and sports players. Makers sometimes say 【小题6】 &drinks make us better at sports and can keep us awake. &【小题7】be careful not to drink too much.Research by Australian scientists found caffeine makes our heart beat fast, which in most energy drinks is at least as strong as &【小题8】 &in a cup of coffee or tea and that many teenagers &【小题9】 &(affect) by caffeine. There are possible health risks connected with energy drinks. Just one can of energy drink can make us nervous, &【小题10】(cause) heart attacks. So why not stop drinking it right now?&
习题“阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。注意:答案写在答题卷上。The weather is getting hotter. Having taken exercise, ...”的分析与解答如下所示:
【小题1】根据前文的hotter,可知此处much后应用用形容词比较级,thirsty的比较级前面加more。故填more thirsty。【小题2】此处是特指地球变热,人们会更渴这件事,故特指用the【小题3】our 形容词性物主代词,后加名词。故填safety。【小题4】空后是名词短语,前面应填适当的介词。根据题意应填after。【小题5】副词修饰过去分词aimed,故填typically。【小题6】 名词前缺少形容词性物主代词,与前文的maker相对应,故填their。【小题7】空后的be careful与前面的动词keep是转折关系,故填转折连词but【小题8】与下文that相对应,指前文caffeine 。故填that。【小题9】空前的主语是affect的动作承受者,空后by引出动作的执行者,故填被动语态形式are affected。【小题10】causing分词短语为分词作结果状语,
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。注意:答案写在答题卷上。The weather is getting hotter. Having taken exerc...
欢迎来到乐乐题库,查看习题“阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。注意:答案写在答题卷上。The weather is getting hotter. Having taken exercise, we will become much____【小题1】(thirsty). A cold drink may be just____【小题2】thing. But most of us are never concerned about what we drink. There are plenty of “energy drinks” on the market. Most of them have an attractive color or cool name. Something that looks cool may be harmful to our____【小题3】____(safe).【小题4】____a careful check, we may find that most energy drinks have lots of caffeine(咖啡因) in them,____【小题5】(typical) aimed at young people, students, busy people and sports players. Makers sometimes say 【小题6】____drinks make us better at sports and can keep us awake.____【小题7】be careful not to drink too much.Research by Australian scientists found caffeine makes our heart beat fast, which in most energy drinks is at least as strong as____【小题8】____in a cup of coffee or tea and that many teenagers____【小题9】____(affect) by caffeine. There are possible health risks connected with energy drinks. Just one can of energy drink can make us nervous,____【小题10】(cause) heart attacks. So why not stop drinking it right now?”的答案、考点梳理,并查找与习题“阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。注意:答案写在答题卷上。The weather is getting hotter. Having taken exercise, we will become much____【小题1】(thirsty). A cold drink may be just____【小题2】thing. But most of us are never concerned about what we drink. There are plenty of “energy drinks” on the market. Most of them have an attractive color or cool name. Something that looks cool may be harmful to our____【小题3】____(safe).【小题4】____a careful check, we may find that most energy drinks have lots of caffeine(咖啡因) in them,____【小题5】(typical) aimed at young people, students, busy people and sports players. Makers sometimes say 【小题6】____drinks make us better at sports and can keep us awake.____【小题7】be careful not to drink too much.Research by Australian scientists found caffeine makes our heart beat fast, which in most energy drinks is at least as strong as____【小题8】____in a cup of coffee or tea and that many teenagers____【小题9】____(affect) by caffeine. There are possible health risks connected with energy drinks. Just one can of energy drink can make us nervous,____【小题10】(cause) heart attacks. So why not stop drinking it right now?”相似的习题。初中英语作文短篇100篇合集
  1、从好男孩到坏男孩From a Good Boy To a Bad Boy
  If people pay attention to the American music, there is a name they can&t ignore&Justin Bieber, the hot young star in the world. Bieber got his fame from the Internet, he put his video on it and then he began to have fans, his agent found him and signed him, then Bieber started his singer career officially. He became popular soon, the teenage girls adore him so much, Bieber keeps his good imagine, but as he turn to 18, he becomes rebel, he is no more a good boy. He drinks a lot of beer, beating other people, even takes drugs, how awful it is. The parents are so worried about their children, they are afraid that their kids will imitate him. Bieber breaks his good image, some American people even ask to drive him back to Canada. Bieber is a example of being famous early, he loses himself in the fame.
  2、外卖风靡校园 The Popularity of Take-out Food in School
  Nowadays, as the more choices for students in the school, some students can&t bear the school&s canteen, they call the take-out food. The producers sense the business opportunity, they advertise their food, attracting more students to order their food, and then they promise to provide the perfect service, which means they can bring the food to the students& room. The problem is that school bans the take-away food, on the one hand, the school needs students to consume in the canteen, on the other hand, they want to make sure the students& healthy. Most students choose to order the take-out away food in secret, though it may danger their health. In my opinion, the school should change their menu for some time, they need to cook the food that is suit to the students& taste, they could learn what kind of food the students like, and then adjust the menu. The take-away food will be reduced naturally.
  3、高考冲刺 The Sprint in College Entrance Exam
  The period of high school stage is the preparation for college, all the students work hard in the purpose of the better future. In this stage, they hold the same target, fighting for the College Entrance Exam, especially in the third year, the sprint is very important. There are some suggestions for a better sprint. First, students should take a regular work schedule, it is very important to sleep in time, so that students can wake up early in the morning and then work with efficiency. Second is to keep the balanced diet. Students should pay attention to what they eat, the nutrition should be enough, so they can keep a better mind, thinking in a quick way. The last year of high school life must be hard and tedious, the one who keeps hold on will gain what they want. If they do as the mentioned suggestions, they can work better.
  4、高中的爱情 Love in High School
  Love in high school is a very sensitive topic, the students in high school have come to the age of being mature, inside, they desire to love someone, but it is the awkward time. First, they need to focus their attention so that they can enter a better college, second, their parents are strongly objective to their love, the teachers even ban the love relationship between students. As a student, they have their own rights to love someone, the inner desire and the objection from parents and schools make them struggle to their emotions. In my opinion, high school students have so many pressure, they should put aside their love emotions for a while, they need to focus on the study, when high school time ends, they can choose their love. It is much easier, if you want to love at the time, then to love. No one will stop you.
  5、网上购物还是传统购物? Shopping Online vs Traditional shopping?
  Which is better, shopping online or traditional shopping? Different people have different attitudes towards it. Some people think that online shopping is very convenient, for it can save them a lot of time and energy. It&s especially helpful for those who are always busy with their work. Besides, through the internet, they can get more information about the commodities they want to buy and buy a lot of things that cannot be bought in local places.Nevertheless, I&m not keen on online shopping at all, since most commodities which are bought online are of poor quality. Once we are cheated, we may find it difficult to make a complaint. Thus we should take more cautions when shopping online. In my eyes, I prefer traditional shopping, because I can choose what I really need. Also, I can know the quality of every commodity more clearly. Even if there&s something wrong with the commodities, I can still ask the sellers to compensate for my loss.
  6、英语不再重要? Is English Not Important Any More?
  Recently, the Ministry of Education has drafted a reform about English, it is said that English will be not the subject that take into account of the College Entrance Exam, a lot of students feel excited, because they think English will not be their burden. The reform may relieve some students who are week in English, they think they don&t need to spend so much time in learning English, because English is not important any more. The fact is that they get the wrong idea, English still important even though it will be no more considered to be the College Entrance Exam. The trend is people learning English since they are young, parents pay special attention to the children&s second language, so most students now are good at English. What&s more, English is the most widely used language, it can enhance a student&s competition. So English is still important to learn.
  7、文化误读 Culture Misunderstanding
  Nowadays, if you search the Internet, you may find the weird situation that people say they are rich not because they own a lot of money, but tea eggs. This is the hot topi the topic originated from a Taiwan TV talk show, a scholar said Mainland was so poor that people there couldn&t buy a tea egg to eat. Then people in the Mainland laughed at what the scholar said, they showed off a lot of tea eggs in the Internet, leaving the words that they were lucky to have tea eggs. Though Taiwan is part of China, because of the history issues, people don&t real get to know each other, so culture misunderstanding always happen. Some people in Taiwan think the Mainland is very poor, so they say we couldn&t afford a tea egg. People need to get more communication between Taiwan and Mainland, we are a family, we should know each other, such misunderstand should be eliminated.
  8、守时 Punctuality
  Punctuality is a very important when you communicate with others. It means the quality or habit of adhering to an appointed time. Just imagine this, if you fail to attend an important meeting, you may leave a bad impression on others. Others will be angry with you. Thus, one should always be punctual. This can show your consideration for others. Failure to be punctual is a sign of disrespect to others. Some people hate to wait for others, but they don&t mind being waited for. In this case, they are not respected by others. This kind of people always can find excuses for being late. Such as, stuck on the traffic jams, waking up too late. They never mean to come earlier. I think such behaviour is very selfish. Everybody should form the habit of being punctual. It&s the main element of good quality. Just remember don&t be late.
  9、饮食与健康 Diet and Health
  Last night, I ate a lot of food, such as KTC and ice cream, before I slept, I ate some cold food in the fridge. At midnight, I felt my stomach hurt badly, my family was woke up, they sent me to the hospital. After seeing the doctor, he told me that I had eaten too much food, what&s more, the food was not healthy, so it hurt my stomach. Since then, I realized that I should not eat the rubbish food often, I should keep the healthy diet. Now my diet is regular, I won&t take in much food before sleeping, my body is becoming healthy. In the morning, I eat an egg and make sure I take in enough vitamins. Even when I see the rubbish food is tempting, I take no hesitation to say no to them. I am so proud of myself.
  10、中国食物 Chinese Food
  Chinese food is very famous around the world, if you ask a foreign people about his opinion on Chinese food, he will speak highly of it. When we see the movie, Chinese food is praised by the people. Recently, there is a famous movie called A Bite of China, the movie is popular, it introduces Chinese food from different places. The audience is attracted by the delicious food, they never thought Chinese food would be so various. Now the second part of the movie has been made out, more and more Chinese traditional food has been introduced. After appreciating the movie, I begin to learn more about Chinese food, I want to have taste of them. I am so proud of our food, when we talk about it to foreign friends, we can feel their favor of our food. The food is part of our culture, they should be inherited.
  11、广场舞的流行 The Popularity of Square Dance
  In China, the woman who is more than 40 year-old is called Da Ma, it has to be admitted that Da Ma is a powerful group, they own certain money at hand, we always hear about the news about them buying house everywhere or flying to the foreign country to buy the brands. The large group now has invaded the square at night, when the night comes, several groups of Da Ma go to the square, playing the music and dance until 9 o&clock. About few years ago, only few women would do this, but now, as the economy develops, people live a better life, so they begin to find entertainment. Da Ma have made the square dance popular, when we go out at night, we may find them dance everywhere. I think square dance is a good way for people to get exercise, they can keep fit.
  12、成为聆听者 To Be a Listener
  When we are happy, we will be like to share our happiness with others, making them to know our enjoyment. But when we are not in the good mood, we are so upset about so many things, at this moment, we are in need of someone who can listen to us. Being a listener is not easy, people always complain about their worries, the listener must be do the job not only listen to them, but also learn to comfort them. To be a good listener can help us make good friends with others, and get the high praise from friends. The one who always listen to others will be easy going, people like to make friends with them, when they are in trouble, their friends are willing to help them. From now on, let&s learn to be a considerate person, being other people&s sweet heart.
  13、中医的优势 The Advantages of Chinese Medicine
  As the development of science, people&s medical care has been improved, when people get sick, they can go to the hospital and get the treatment, and then they will recover soon. Today western medicine is people&s first choice, the Chinese medicine is being ignored by more and more people. Compared to western medicine, Chinese medicine has its own advantages. First, Chinese medicine won&t have or have less side effect. Western can work on people&s body soon, but it is true that the side effect is very obvious, such as headache, dizzy and get sick of the food. Chinese medicine takes some time to work, but without side effect. People can recover completely. Second, Chinese medicine pays special attention to the food treatment. It is believed that taking pills will hurt the body, but the food treatment is different, people can adjust their diet to get healthy. Chinese medicine will not out of date.
  14、高中生活High School Life
  The first day when I go to high school, I felt excited, after 9 years& study, I felt I was so close to university, the dream always gives me motivation to move on. The first year, I made many friends, I got to know all of my classmates, though the study was hard and tedious, I shared happiness and sorrow with my friends. When the second year came, I was arranged to another class, for the need of my major. I was a little frustrated at first, because I was worried no one could talk to me, but I made new friends quickly, sometimes I would keep in touch with my old friends. Now the last year has come, I must study hard, I will go to college next year, never have I felt so close to my dream. High school life is not easy for me, for the pressure is so heavy, but I won&t give up.
  15、世界红十字日 World Red Cross Day
  World Red Cross Day, also called World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day, is on May 8th, and it is an annual celebration of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and all the National Red Cross. The date is also the birthday of Henry Dunant, who is the founder of International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The first world war bring great pain to people, after the war the red cross of Czechoslovakia first initiative to organize the &red cross truce& activities, it was held to make the Red Cross humanitarian thoughts spread over the world, enhance friendship and cooperation between people, promote world peace and reduce the war. And this activity got universal praise and support from the International Committee of Red Cross. Since 1961, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent societies will put forward the World Red Cross Day theme. This year&s theme is &my Red Cross Story&. And according to that theme and the local situation, the National Red Cross all over the world will organize various forms of activities to celebrate the day.
  16、怎样解决大城市住房问题 How to solve the housing problem in big cities?
  With the rapid development and the overpopulated in this society, more and more people rushing into the big cities for personal development. So, the housing problems in the big cities is becoming more and more serious.
  In my humble opinion, there are several ways to slove this problems. First of all, we can expend the cities, and build more apartment in the country. The fresh air and clean water will attract young people to live there. What& more, the housing price will be lower than the big cities. Second, the government should control the price of the house. If the house is too expensive, many people may not be able to afford a house on their own. The government should build some cheap apartment for the poor, the young people. Last but not least, we should have more skyscapes, the land is limited, we need more space to support people to have a good living condition.
  A good living condition is the key to social stability. if our country have enough houses, the pressure can be relieved to some degree. And our people can live a better environment.
  17、春天 Spring
  When you look around, you will find that the spring is coming. The breeze is gently brushing your face. The blue sky is above you. After raining, the flowers are blooming in the garden. The living beings start to grow. Everything is full with vigor and fragrance. The best season of this year, you cann&t miss it and you will love it.
  The spring is coming, it brings green to the trees and grass, pink and yellow to the flowers. Activeness to the animals. Hopes to the human beings. The birds start to sing, the farmers begin to plant crops in the fields. In spring, everywhere is full of hope. People usually say that a good beginning is half done, while spring is the beginning of a year. So we should appreciate it and make the most use of it. Try the best to spread seeds in spring and you will get a good harvest in autumn. Then you will see how important spring is and how lovely it is.
  18、工作与幸福 Work and Happiness
  Happiness is dependent upon work. Sometimes we complain that we have too much work, but we fail to realize that it&s our work that keep us moving on and helps us to become a better man. Last summer I visited my friends in a small village. It was obvious that working has become an indispensable part of their daily lives. They all went to the field to plant the crops. The sun was shinning above them and they looked quite happiness about their work. On their face there were such smiles as I had never seen before.
  Work provide us with happiness. Work is more than a necessity for human beings. If we have no work to do, we will waste our precious time. That&s pity. We will lose everything in the end. Work helps us to realize the importance of life, then we will appreciate it more. Everybody who live in this society could not live without working. If we spend every day idly, we will find life is boring.
  19、出名趁早 To Be Famous in the Early Age
  Today, as the media develop fast, people can find the famous people everywhere, they are in the commercial, in the TV and the movies. The mass media provide so many chances for people who want to be famous. Many years ago, the age of being famous is about 23, but now, we can find a lot of stars getting famous in the early age, now the average age is 17. It is the age for teenager, many people believe that the early to be famous, the better, because the youth passes away quickly. As for me, I think being famous in the early age means the teenagers have to give up their study, they need to accept the company&s training, for the purpose of making their career perfect. Most people don&t have the chance to being famous, as they don&t get high education, so they live a hard life. I think teenager should focus on study first.
  20、语言的力量The Power of Language
  After many years& learning of second language, have you enjoyed learning it?I bet most of your guys will say no, because second language is like a curse bounding to you, since we go to school, we just can&t get rid of it. Actually, if we learn to enjoy the beauty of language, we will find its power. The power of language expresses in its function. Language makes people from all around the world communicate. People in different countries speak different languages, it is hard for them to understand each other, while the power of language connects people together, English is the worldwide language, people have the idea to learn the same language to understand each other. In China, people learn English as the second language, so there is no problem for them to communicate with foreign people. Language provides the stage for people to understand each other, its power is so strong.
  21、塑料袋 Plastics
  Plastics are man-made materials with new properties. They are anywhere in our daily lives. They are very light but they can hold heavy things. That&s why they&re so popular all around the world.
  Plastics have found their widest applications. They can be used for almost everything from food coverings to automobiles bodies. Thousands of different products are now made entirely or partially from plastics. Of course more and more plastics will be made in the future.
  However, because the plastics are not rusting, they have negative effects on the global environment. The plastics bags are not easily to break down. If you&re burning them, they gas will pollute the environment. If you throw them into the river, the fish will die because they&re contain toxic. If you bury them, the land will not grow any crops. Most of the plastics are white, thus people call it &white pollution&.
  In order to protect the environment, we should not use plastics if we could. We should use some cloths bags instead. Only in this way, we can have a good environment.
  22、雪人 Snowman
  Many friends of mine who study in the north upload a lot of interesting pictures about snowmen on their personal blogs. Born in the south a I never ever have a chance to see snow. I think they must have fun when they made a snowman. I really envy them. Every time I tell my parents we should go to the north for Spring Festival but they don&t agree (my father has some relations in Shanxi where snows every year) they think we could get sick because of the cold weather. Maybe someday I can travel to the north by myself.
  I know that the cultural in the north is totally different from south. In south, we almost eat everything, while in the north, people staple food is wheat. I hear that they eat noodles all the time. I don&t know it&s true or not. I just want to travel to there to test it by myself. In my opinion, traveling alone or with my friends to the north is quite a challenge for me. I wish i can save enough money, so I can go there to see the view of the north.
  23、我的母亲 My Mother
  I came back to school after the summer vacation. As soon as I settled down, I made a phone call to my mother. When I talked to her, I could not hold back my tears. &After all,& I said, &You&re my mother.&
  During the vacation, mother and I had a quarrel. After that we were unwilling to talk with each other. She thought I was her sweet daughter and I believed that she did not respect me. Then after few days, I left home. My mother gave me a full package of home-make food and she said to me, &I cook this morning, take this then you can have it on the train.& However, I refuse to take it. I just turned away and slam the door without saying goodbye to my mother. I was still angry about her. &You&re still my good girl.& My mother said in a low voice chocked with sob.
  On the train I could not eat anything, I felt terrible. How I wish I had said sorry to my mother before I left. Now all I want to say is, will you forgive me, my dear mother?
  24、酒后驾车的危害 The Danger of Driving After Drinking
  Though we are told that alcohol is dangerous, especially driving a car after drinking alcohol, we can see the news about car accidents because of the driver drinking alcohol everyday, still people ignore the danger of drinking alcohol. Life is precious, no one will take responsibility of our lives except ourselves. Drinking too much will do harm to our body, even if you don&t cherish your life, while when you drive the car after drinking, you will take away other people&s lives. That is unforgivable, people have a happy family, they die because of your careless driving, and you will never have a chance to make up. Our government is very strict to the driver, the law clearly claims that drinking driver will be heavily punished. In order to make sure other people&s safety, we should not drive the car after drinking alcohol, or we ask friends to take us home.
  25、保护儿童不受侵害 Protecting the Children From Harassing
  Nowadays, when people talk about the principle, they are no longer showing respect, because many cases about the kids getting harassed by the principles were being exposed. Since then, the word &principle& is the speaking for monsters. Teenagers being harassed has become a hot issue, people call on the government to take some action to protect the teenagers. In my opinion, protecting the children are both parents and the society&s duty. Parents should teach their children to have the consciousness of security, like never getting alone with the strangers or the principles, when the principles ask the children to go to their home, children should reject. The society should supervise the principles, though they are in high position, what they do should be open to the public. Children are immature, they need the society&s protection, the harassing behavior shouldbe heavily punished by the law.
  26、不要和陌生人说话 Don&t Talk to Strangers
  Before we go to school, we get our parents to supervise us all the time, so we live in a very safe environment. While when we go to school, parents can&t keep their eyes on us all the time, they are so worried about us, so they begin to tell us how to keep ourselves safe. The most important thing is that don&t talk to strangers, as a teenager, we haven&t had the ability to judge who is the good guy and who is the bad guy, so it is better not to talk to the strangers. The bad guys will like to talk to the teenagers, they want to do something to pay the teenagers& attention, thus they can induce the children to go with them and do the bad thing. In order to protect teenagers& security, teenagers are taught to keep distant from the stranger.
  27、家长间攀比对孩子造成的伤害 The Hurt on Children Between Parents& Comparison
  When we are small, we met this situation all the time, while our parents were talking to their friends, suddenly they called us to show our talent in front of their friends. This is very awkward situation to every child, they hate to show in front of parents& friends, but they can&t resist what the parents tell them to do. The parents& purpose is so obvious, they want to show off their children to their friends,
  so they can have face. All the parents ignore the negative effect on their children, all the children hate to do it, they have their dignity, they don&t like to be someone&s toy, so the children will become rebel. Parents should not take their children as the thing to show off, they will have pressure, they need to be respected. It hurts the children&s hearts, parents should show more respect to their children, let them have more freedom.
  28、明天会更好 Tomorrow Will Be Better
  When we meet difficulties, most of us will be feeling distressed, just like the whole world is down and there is no hope for tomorrow. When we look back after many years, the difficulties at that time are just small matters, only if we can hold on to these. Life is wonderful, there is no need to let down on life when we meet difficulties, like a popular song&How can we see the rainbow without the storm&. Once I failed on the exam, I feel my world is over, I couldn&t eat well, I just let my parents down, I was so guilty about it. My teacher told me that the exam was not a big deal, I should forget it and kept moving on. Since than, I work hard and trying to forget it. Now when I look back on the failing exam, I think it is not a big deal.
  29、校外租房之我见 My View on Living Off Campus
  It is said that renting a house outside school, instead of living in the dormitory is very popular in university. But, as a high school student, I find that living off school is also very popular in high school. They often say that they can have a better environment to study living outside school. But, I don&t agree with them. I think this is their excuse to play more. Firstly, school is the best place for study. Secondly, their self-control ability is not very good. They may play or waste their study time. I think this is one of the reasons that renting a house outside school is very popular. And another reason I think is they want to be special. As most students live in dormitory, he feels special when he lives outside school. Their psychological effect may be the main reason to make living off campus popular.
  30、大学生结婚好吗?Is It Good For College Students to Get Married?
  Many years ago, it was illegal for college students to get married, because the law declaimed it, it was believed that college students were not suitable to get married. But now, the law has changed a few years ago, considering the teenagers gets mature earlier in the modern world, the law has changed the legal age to get married. So the college students can marry today, though the law admits college students to come to marriage, I think they are not suitable to go that far. First, the main duty of college students is to study, they should focus on their study, marriage will distract them. I advise college students to keep the love relationship, they can enter the marriage when they are working. Second, college students are not mature enough. Marriage means duty, most students are just getting independent, they have a lot of things to learn. College student should not rush to the marriage, they finish their study first.
  31、中国人的社交 Chinese Social Communication
  When you ask a foreign what&s his impression about Chinese, he will say Chinese people are friendly and kind, but if you ask his impression about Chinese people when they are meeting in social occasion, he will answer you with the drink. It is a tradition for Chinese people that when they invite friends, they must prepare a lot of wine, the guests need to be drunk, because it means the hosts do a good job on treating their friends. Wine culture in China is very popular, it reflects on the business communication, too. When people need to deal with the business, they like to book a table in the hotel, and talk about the business work while they are having dinner. The inevitable thing is to drink, the boss like to watch the young employees to drink, when the boss is happy, the business is done. Chinese social communication is not in the best way, but there is no way to change.
  32、如何维护消费者权益 How to Protect Consumers& Rights
  I bet most of you guys have come across such situation, when you go shopping and buy something, you find there is something wrong with the product after you buy it, you want the manager to compensate for you, but the manager refuse to. Though you are angry, there is nothing you can do. As a consumer, we need to protect our rights, when we find the products are not conformed with specifications, we have the right to ask for compensation. The consumers& rights are legal and protected by the laws, March 15 is International Day for Consumers& Rights and Interests, it pays special attention to the consumers, it reminds consumers of their rights. If consumers find the shops are cheating customers, they can call the police and protect their rights. So when we buy products, we need to have the conscious that our consumers& rights are protected by law.
  33、舞蹈班 Dancing Class
  One day, when I go home after class, my mother says she has something to tell me, I am so curious, she says to me that she wants me to learn ballet, I am don&t know what it is and say yes. But when I go to the dance class for a week, I feel down, ballet is so hard for me, my body doesn&t listen to me, I feel I am so stupid. I tell my mother I want to drop out of the dance class, she asks me why, I tell her the reason, she says everything won&t be easy to do, I should keep on, if I give up this time, I will do this next time. So I have to keep on, now, I feel ballet is not that hard, though I am still not dance well , I can keep up with others. I learn that I should not give up so easily.
  34、假如我有一百万美元 If I Had a Million Dollars
  Last night, I saw an English movie, it is about a man who hit the lottery, he got a lot of money suddenly, his life has changed since then. The movie is so funny, I laugh a lot, I imagine what would happen if I had a million dollars suddenly. I think I would travel around the world first. Since I go to from the age of 7, I spend a lot of time in school, I have to study from Monday to Friday, even on the weekends, I need to do a lot of homework, if I had a lot of money, I would put aside my study for some time, have a look of world. The first place I want to go is Tibet, I like the beautiful scenery and breathe the fresh air. I know money won&t come easily, I must work hard and make a lot of money to realize my dream.
  35、成人礼 Adult Ceremony
  Last week, I had my birthday party, it was my Adult Ceremony. Unlike the birthday party I had before, this time, my mother treated it as an important meeting, she invited many of my friends, she wanted to give me a big surprise and an unforgettable birthday. In China, when the children are 18, it means they have grown up and been adults. They can make their own decisions, their parents can&t treat them as kids any more. My mother gave me a present, it was a computer, I was so happy, she said that since I had been 18, I should be mature, I should think twice before action. I was so moved, at that moment, I felt it was so hard for my mother to raise me up, I would never let her down. My Adult Ceremony is sweet, I will never forget it.
  36、内在美的重要性 The Importance of Inner Beauty
  Today, as the development of technology, people can change their faces by doing plastic surgery, because of the commercial ads, people are highly effected by the exaggerated facts that they can be the shining stars. So people pay special attention on the outlooks, they want to look perfect, as far as I am concerned, the true beauty is nothing with perfect looking, only the inner beauty makes you shining. In the fairly tale of Cinderella, the prince chooses the poor girl instead of the beautiful girls, because he admires Cinderella&s inner beauty, though she is nobody. Though it is just a story, it tells people that inner beauty makes one outstanding. People can make their faces perfect, but there is no way to fulfill their inner beauty by technology. Inner beauty is the most precious thing, beautiful outlook will fade away with the time, but inner beauty won&t, it only getting valuable.
  37、枪支的管理 The Control of Guns
  Last week, there was unexpected disaster happened in Kunming, a group of gangster showed up in the Kunming train station, took out their knives, cutting people, many people died of the accident. What a tragical accident. It reminds me of the gun shot accidents happened in campus in America. America is not so strict to the control of guns, people can buy guns when they get registered, people can use the gun to hunt animals. While the lose management of the guns brings many tragedies, there is always news about gun shot accident in campus, the murders are teenagers. People are shocked by the news, they call on the government to control the guns, in case the teenagers have access to the guns. Compared to America, our country is very strict to the guns, so the gangsters of Kunmingdisaster use knives instead of guns. The government has done a good job on gun management.
  38、文明旅游 Behaved Tourism
  When holiday comes, thousands of people pour into the tourist sites, they want to relax themselves and enjoy the beautiful scenery. But Chinese people have a bad habit, they like to leave some notes on the site, proving them have been here before. Such a behavior has been criticized by the public, because the leaving note will damage the preservation of the tourist site. Most of the tourist sites are part of our country&s historical relics, these sites are priceless, it is everyone&s duty to protect the sites. When we go to travel, we should behave ourselves. First, we need to have the idea that no rubbish being leaved behind when we leave the site. We should take away what we bring, keep the environment clean. Second, no any notes being written in the sites. Though in the old days, Chinese workers like to leave their names on the sites, but now it is a new world, we need to behave ourselves.
  39、宿舍打扫责任Dormitory Clean Duty
  In China, when students go to middle school, most of them need to live in school from Monday to Friday, they can go home on weekends. Students have to spend most of their time in school, they start to learn to get along with others. Everyone has roommates, there are always four people live in a dormitory, without parents& caring, students need to take care of themselves. The first question needs students to think about is the dormitory clean duty, while most of them are princes and princess at home. Students need to do the house work, they should take turns, in that case, the dormitory will keep clean. It is reported that boys& room are dirty, because they never clean dormitory. It is everyone&s duty to clean the dormitory, we should not keep silent about the problem, students need to realize the clean environment can make their mood comfortable.
  40、意外发生时如何保护自己How to Protect Yourself When Accident Occurs
  On March 1st,2014, a great attack happened in Kunming, about ten guys from Sinkiang showed up inKunming train station, they took out prepared knifves, hurting people who were just walking around them. This accident is a great tragedy, people are shocked by what the gangsters did, it just happened so suddenly. This accident reminds people of how to protect themselves when attack happens. First, just to run. When we meet the gangster, the first thing is to run, the fast, the better, until you are far away from them. Second, if you don&t have enough time to run, then find a place to hind quickly. The place should be near you, having something to cover, don&t be afraid of the dirty environment, just to hind. Third, if you are caught by the gangsters, don&t fight with them, do as what they told you, only this will you have a chance to get away from them.
  41、你幸福吗?Are You Happy?
  Two year ago, Chinese biggest TV Channel played an interview which brought great response to the audience. The interview is about a journalist asked a worker that if he felt happy, the worker didn&t react what the question is, he answered that he his name is not happy. The interview became hot, everyone was taking about it,&Are you happy& has become a greeting when people meet, they made fun of it. The reason why the interview becomes so popular is that people lack of sense of happiness today, they find a way to make fun of happiness. As the development of technology, people live in a fast-pace lifestyle, the pressure from work is so heavy that people focus too much on work, they don&t have time to relax, many people bring the work issues to home, keeping busy all
  the time. We should find the balance between work and family life, try to enjoy life.
  42、全国爱耳日 Ear Care Day
  Today is March 3, 2014, Ear Care Day. We always appeal everyone to try our best to keep healthy. When it comes to health, we usually mean no illness in the main body. There is little chance that people will pay attention to ear when they are talking about health. Without the concern of public, ear protection doesn&t go very well. There are many people in our country having ear problem, because of various reasons, such as, Drugs, genetic, infection, disease, noise pollution, accidents and so on. This problem brings much inconvenience for them. And the establishment of Ear Care Day is to appeal people to pay attention on their ear health. People had better to learn the ways to protect ear and try their best to avoid those things can harm ears. Only people pay their attention on it, there will be less people having hearing problems. Life will be better.


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