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BANAD: A farm model for ex ante assessment of agro-ecological innovations and its application to banana farms in Guadeloupe - ScienceDirect
Export JavaScript is disabled on your browser. Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page., May 2010, Pages 221-232Author links open overlay panelShow moreAbstractThe ex ante assessment of innovative agro-ecological innovations is a key step in the development of more sustainable crop management systems. To this end, models are useful tools because they make it possible to rapidly assess numerous innovations in different contexts. Whereas many farm optimisation models focusing on the farmer’s strategic decision to adopt new crop management systems have been published, little attention has been given to the ex ante modelling of the dynamic operational impacts of innovation adoption at the farm level. BANAD, a mechanistic model for such applications, is proposed. It allows the ex ante assessment of innovative management systems including new agro-ecological techniques, while taking into account different farming contexts and policy and market conditions. It includes three components: (i) a crop management system model, (ii) a crop model (SIMBA) and (iii) a farming system model. Our results applied to the ex ante assessment of six innovative banana management systems for three contrasted farm types in Guadeloupe showed that the impacts of agro-ecological innovations, which include rotations, improved fallow, intercropping, pest-resistant cultivar, and an integrated organic system, can vary considerably according to (i) the farm type in which the innovation is integrated, (ii) the nature of the agro-ecological innovations, and (iii) the criteria considered and the temporal horizon of the assessment. Innovative intercropping systems that were effective at the field level in terms of the yield improvement and decreased pesticide use could be problematic at the farm level because they increased the workload and decreased income. The adoption of rotations or improved fallow seemed to be relevant for smallholders but could induce a critical period of 1.5–2.5 years during which income decreased drastically. Under certain conditions of markets and subsidies, very environmentally friendly innovations that are less productive can however be economically effective.KeywordsBio-economic farm modelEx ante assessmentAgro-ecologyInnovationAdoptionMusa spp.CaribbeanCheck if you have access through your login credentials or your institution.ororRecommended articlesCiting articles (0)PN-ISO 690:2012
Chicago (Autor-Data)
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PN-ISO 690:2012
Chicago (Autor-Data)
ACS (bez tytu?u art.)
Tytu? artyku?u
Basis of the necessity of the thermal modelling and analysis of its problem
Wybrane pe?ne teksty z tego czasopisma
Podstawy konieczno?ci modelowania termicznego i analizy tego problemu
J?zyki publikacji
This article describes the main destabilizing factors affecting to the electronic equipment. The basis describes the necessity of the thermal regime in the design of equipment using specialized software. The authors give the example of the calculation of the printed circuit assembly in the subsystem of the thermal modelling “ASONIKA-TM”. The authors suggest to pay attention to the main problems of the thermal modelling and the possible ways of its solution.
W artykule opisano g?ówne czynniki destabilizuj?ce, które oddzia?uj? na sprz?t elektroniczny. Opisano konieczno?? stosowania re?imu termicznego w projektowaniu urz?dzeń wykorzystuj?cych specjalistyczne oprogramowanie. Autorzy przedstawili przyk?ady obliczeń zespo?u obwodów drukowanych w podsystemie termicznego modelowania “ASONIKA-TM”. W publikacji autorzy zwracaj? uwag? na g?ówne problemy modelowania termicznego oraz mo?liwe sposoby ich rozwi?zania.
S?owa kluczowe
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Bibliogr. 13 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20 Myasnitskaya St., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation,
National Research Nuclear University Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, 31 Kashirskoe highway, Moscow, 115409, Russian Federation,
National Research University Higher School of Economics, 101000, Russian Federation, Moscow, 20 Myasnitskaya,
National Research Nuclear University Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, 31 Kashirskoe highway, Moscow, 115409, Russian Federation,
Lublin University of Technology, Nadbystrzycka 38A, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
Lublin University of Technology, Nadbystrzycka 38A, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
Taraz State University named after M.Kh.Dulaty, Kazachstan
PWSTE in Jaros?aw, ul. Czarnieckiego 16, 37-500 Jaros?aw, Poland
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