
&词典&treat词汇等级5考研&CET6&CET4&英 [ tri:t ]美 [ trit ]v.对待;
乐趣TREATabbr. Transient Reactor Test Facility 研究过渡过程用的实验性反应堆变形第三人称单数:treats现在分词:treating复数:treats过去式:treated过去分词:treated详尽释义v.(动词)款待,招待,请(客)处理,对待,处置看待,把…看作为…涂上保护层,涂医疗,治疗,医治谈判,协商,商议,磋商讨论,探讨,论述交涉【化,医】处理保护,保存作东道主n.(名词)乐事,愉快的事情,快乐的事情,喜事,难得的高兴事,难得的乐事请客,款待,招待,宴请轮到请客的人消遣,享受种子消毒乐趣极为有效,棒极了双解释义n.(名词)[S]乐事,乐趣 thing that gives great pleasure, especially sth unexpected or not always available[C]款待,招待 act of treating sb to sthv.(动词)vt. & vi. 对待; 处理 apply a process, in order to changevt. 治疗 try to cure medically英英释义Noun: something considered choice to eat an occurrence that causes special pleasure or delightVerb: p"The doctor treated my broken leg""The nurses cared for the bomb victims""The patient must be treated right away or she will die""Treat the infection with antibiotics" provide with choice or ab"Don't worry about the expensive wine--I'm treating""She treated her houseguests with good food every night" provide with a g"Grandmother always treated us to the circus""I like to treat myself to a day at a spa when I am depressed" regard or consid"I treated his advances as a joke" subject to a process or treatment, with the aim of readying for some purpose, improving, or r"process cheese""process hair""treat the water so it can be drunk""treat the lawn with chemicals""treat an oil spill" act on verbally or in some form of"This book deals with incest""The course covered all of Western Civilization""The new book treats the history of China" engage in negotiations in order t"they had to treat with the King" inter"Do right by her""Treat him with caution, please""Handle the press reporters gently"网络释义款待高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... miserable adj 痛苦的;悲惨的;可怜的 treat vt 对待;视为;治疗;款待 unhappy adj 不幸的;不快乐的 …治疗...全部新药物仍然可以获得专利权;目前可享专利性的用于治疗(treating)与诊断疾病的全部机器、装置仍然可以获得专利权;目前可享 …请客综合英语单词表(第二册下) - 豆丁网 ... thrust v. 插入;塞入 treat n. 款待,请客 trudge v. 疲惫地走.对待英文盲学英语_百度知道 ... D. contact 接触 B. treated 对待 D. entitled 被给予权力做.词语用法n.(名词)treat可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。用作名词的意思是“乐趣,愉快的事”,指不常得到或意料之外的事,常用单数形式,与a连用。treat还可表示“款待,招待”,常伴有表明决定这种待人方式的性格、态度和观点的意味。v.(动词)treat的基本意思是“以某种态度对待某人〔某事物〕”。引申为“款待”“请客”“处置”“谈判”“讨论”“医治”。作“医治”解时,可说treat sth,也可说treat sb for sth。treat作“对待(某人)”解时,用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语,也可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。treat作“探讨,讨论”解时,用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语。treat可用于被动结构。treat的过去分词treated可用作形容词,在句中作定语,意为“处理过的”。词义辨析v.(动词)treat, treat of这两者都可表示“论及”,现代美语中省略of的情况更常见。treat, deal with, dispose of, manage, transact这几个词(组)都有“处理”的意思。其区别是:manage指人凭借知识、才能和经验等将某行业、部门或某一方面事务处理好,它强调的是有技术地控制人或处理事,以期得到好的结果,含有“成功”之义; treat用于人时,含有以何种态度或方式对待之义,用于物时,专指用某种化学物质处理某物; transact是正式用语,主要用于商业、生意中的协商、谈判,以达成一致; deal with中的deal用作不及物动词,是普通用语,应用广泛,用于人时意为“交往,对待”,用于问题、困难等具体事物的时候,意为“处理,应付,论及”,含有亲自处理的意思; dispose of是正式用语,含有通过法律或正当途径对某事进行妥善处理之意。例如:He managed to get the work done with very little help.在没有多少帮助的情况下,他把工作完成了。He treated me as a child.他把我当小孩子看待。New timber should be treated with a preservative.新采的圆木应进行防腐处理。He transacted most of his business by phone.他大部分生意是通过电话处理的。I can't de can you manage it?这个问题我处理不了,你能处理吗?They empowered him to dispose of the farm's property and funds.他们授权他处理农场的财产和资金。cure treat heal
remedy这些动词都有“治疗、医治”之意。cure :cure主要指治愈疾病。treat :treat普通用词,指接受并诊治病人。heal :heal侧重指治愈伤口、伤痛如灼伤等。remedy :remedy着重用药物对病人进行治疗。四级真题They don't want to see their husbands poorly treated.出自-2011年6月听力原文六级真题Let us hope these do not include banning gender pronouns,policing children's play, implementing more gender quotas, or treating women's special attachment to home and family as a social injustice.出自-2014年6月阅读原文例句用作动词 (v.)We should treat people and animals with humanity.我们应该仁慈地对待人和动物。Do not treat a naughty child rough.不要粗暴地对待顽皮的孩子。I decided to treat his remark as a joke.我决定把他的话当作戏言。Do not treat me as if I were a child .不要把我当作小孩子看待。The documentary treated the question in some detail.这部记录片探讨这个问题有些深度。This boy is being treated for a heart condition.这个男孩正在接受心脏病治疗。You ought to treat these matter with candor.你应当公正处理此事。This delicate glass must be treated with care.这精巧的玻璃杯处理时要小心。It is my turn to treat us today .今天,该轮到我请客了。用作名词 (n.)A treat has been arranged for the old folk.款待老人的事已作了安排。Her enthusiastic treat made us very happy.她的热情款待使我们感到非常高兴。常见句型用作动词 (v.)I'll treat today.今天我请客。The next chapter will treat about this question.下一章还要谈到这个问题。用作名词 (n.)What a treat to get into the peace and quiet of the country!居住于安静乡村是多么快乐的事啊!Smoked salmon—what a treat!熏大马哈鱼——馐馔之福啊!Her son's visits are a great treat for her.她儿子来看她,她心里美滋滋的。It is a treat to meet you here.在这里遇到你是件乐事。His treat is to give us ticket for a new film.他请我们看一场新电影。This is my treat.这次由我做东。She was cooking fish as a treat.她正在做鱼来款待客人。My father took me to the circus as a treat.我父亲带我去看马戏表演。经典引文A Christmas treat for the village children in the village hall.出自:S. HoodThey began to treat with Marcellus for the surrender of Syracuse.出自:T. Arnold柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典1&&VERB&&对待;看待;处理If you treat someone or something in a particular way, you behave towards them or deal with them in that way.Artie treated most women with indifference... 阿蒂对大多数女人都漠不关心。 Police say they're treating it as a case of attempted murder... 警方称他们正把它当作一起谋杀未遂案件来处理。 2&&VERB&&治疗;医治When a doctor or nurse treats a patient or an illness, he or she tries to make the patient well again.Doctors treated her with aspirin... 医生用阿司匹林为她治疗。 The boy was treated for a minor head wound... 那个男孩因头部轻伤接受了治疗。 3&&VERB&&处理;给…上保护层If something is treated with a particular substance, the substance is put onto or into it in order to clean it, to protect it, or to give it special properties.About 70% of the cocoa acreage is treated with insecticide... 大约 70% 的可可树林地喷过杀虫剂。 It was many years before the city began to treat its sewage. 很多年以后这个城市才开始处理污水。 4&&VERB&&请(客);招待;款待If you treat someone to something special which they will enjoy, you buy it or arrange it for them.She was always treating him to ice cream... 她总是请他吃冰激凌。 Tomorrow I'll treat myself to a day's gardening... 明天我将犒劳一下自己——享受一天的园艺乐趣。 5&&N-COUNT&&请客;款待If you give someone a treat, you buy or arrange something special for them which they will enjoy.Lettie had never yet failed to return from town without some special treat for him. 莱蒂每次从城里回来都必定会给他带点特别的礼物。 6&&N-SING&&请客;做东If you say that something is your treat, you mean that you are paying for it as a treat for someone else.7&&PHRASE&&很出色的东西If you say, for example, that something looks or works a treat, you mean that it looks very good or works very well.The first part of the plan works a treat... 计划的第一部分天衣无缝。 The apricots would go down a treat. 杏会非常好吃。 近反义词【同义词】v. (动词)accountconsiderevaluateratethinkvalueadministerattendhealtenddebatediscussdispute词汇搭配用作动词 (v.)~+名词 治疗神经衰弱 治理湿地 探讨经济发展 治疗关节炎和风湿 论述这个问题 治疗常见病~+副词 苛刻地对待 现实地探讨 认真对待 成功地治愈 放纵地对待 粗暴对待 详尽透彻地论述 待人很好 特殊处理 不公正对待 充分论述 以浪漫派手法雕刻 公正对待 公正地对待 热情款待 残酷地对待~+介词 论述经济问题 仁慈地对待某人 谈论问题 讲述历史 平等待人,平等相处 待…像亲兄弟一样 用一种新药治病 请某人吃饭 替某人治感冒 把…看作贵宾用作名词 (n.)动词+~ 津津有味地享受乐趣 好请客 同意请客 提供愉快的款待 纵情款待 请客 设法获得乐趣 做东 款待 款待 为请客而高兴 尽情享受乐趣 欢迎请客 享受野餐远足的乐趣 得到满足 让自己享受一下形容词+~ 很大乐趣 自己付钱的聚餐或娱乐 一件乐事 流行的趣事 视觉的乐趣 极好的娱乐 真正的乐趣 乐事~+介词 饱眼福 对某人来说是乐趣


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