
  1、《胡笳十八拍》据考证是蔡文姬所作。  2、人物简介  蔡琰,字文姬,又字昭姬。生卒年不详。东汉陈留郡圉县人,东汉大文学家蔡邕的女儿。初嫁于卫仲道,丈夫死去而回到自己家里,后值因匈奴入侵,蔡琰被匈奴左贤王掳走,嫁给匈奴人,并生育了两个儿子。十二年后,曹操统一北方,用重金将蔡琰赎回,并将其嫁给董祀。  3、作品简介  南宋灭亡后,全中国的汉人都做了亡国奴。南宋遗民诗人汪元亮为身在狱中的文天祥弹奏《胡笳十八拍》,以抒山河破碎之“无穷之哀”。这一时期,《胡笳十八拍》在前南宋的旧臣逸民间很快流传开来。根据《琴书大全》的记载,此曲引起了空前的共鸣。有人说,“怊怅悲愤,思怨昵昵,多少情,尽寄《胡笳十八拍》。”并出现了如“ 拍拍《胡笳》中音节,燕山孤垒心石铁”和“蔡琰思归臂欲飞,援琴奏曲不胜悲”等感怀旧国的诗句。  《胡笳十八拍》只是一首琴曲,虽表达的是悲怨之情,但也是“浩然之怨”。宋亡后,也许正是有这类流传广泛的“不胜悲”、充满“浩然之怨”的曲子,才有了“心石铁”的坚持到底,从而使种族和文化的血脉不绝于缕,不断延续下去。八十多年后,当抗元的兵戈纵横于江南江北的时候,种族与文化终得以重生。
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秒以后自动返回& NVP-LAF-389, LAF-389,-7, -4 (undefined iso
NVP-LAF-389, LAF-389,-7, -4 (undefined iso
摘 要:NVP-LAF-389, LAF-389,-7, -4 (undefined isomer),C25-H42-N2-O8,Cyclohexanecarboxylic acid 7-oxo-6(S)-[(2R,3R,4S,5R,6E)-3,4,5-trihydroxy-2-methoxy-8,8-dimethyl-6-nonenamido]perhydroazepin-3(R)-yl ester
【药物名称】NVP-LAF-389, LAF-389
【化学名】Cyclohexanecarboxylic acid 7-oxo-6(S)-[(2R,3R,4S,5R,6E)-3,4,5-trihydroxy-2-methoxy-8,8-dimethyl-6-nonenamido]perhydroazepin-3(R)-yl ester
【CAS登记号】-7, -4 (undefined isomer)
【原研厂家】Novartis (Originator)
【作用类别】Oncolytic Drugs, Solid Tumors Therapy, Methionine Aminopeptidase-1 Inhibitors, Methionine Aminopeptidase-2 Inhibitors
〖来源〗J Med Chem
〖标题〗Synthesis and antitumor activity of ester-modified analogues of bengamide B
〖合成方法〗alpha-D-Glucoheptonic acid gamma-lactone (I) was protected as the bis(acetonide) (II) upon treatment with a catalytic amount of I2 in acetone. The free hydroxyl group of (II) was then alkylated with iodomethane in the presence of silver oxide, yielding the methyl ether (III). Selective hydrolysis of the 1,2-acetonide of (III) was accomplished by treatment of the bis(acetonide) (III) with aqueous acetic acid. Oxidative cleavage of the resultant vicinal diol (IV) using NaIO4 gave aldehyde (V). Then, olefination of aldehyde (V) with the low-valent organochromium species generated in situ from 1,1-diiodoneopentane (VI) and CrCl2 produced the target E-olefin (VII) as the major isomer.
〖作者〗Kinder, F.R. Jr.; Versace, R.W.; Bair, K.W.; et al.
〖参考〗Kinder, F.R. Jr.; Versace, R.W.; Bair, K.W.; et al.; Synthesis and antitumor activity of ester-modified analogues of bengamide B. J Med Chem , 3692
〖出处〗J Med Chem):3692
〖来源〗J Med Chem
〖标题〗Synthesis and antitumor activity of ester-modified analogues of bengamide B
〖合成方法〗Cyclization of (5R)-5-hydroxy-L-lysine (VIII) by means of EDC and HOBt afforded the caprolactam (IX). The amino group of (IX) was then protected as the N-Boc derivative (X) by treatment with Boc2O. Hydroxyl group acylation in (X) with cyclohexanecarbonyl chloride (XI) produced ester (XII). The Boc protecting group of (XII) was then removed by treatment with trifluoroacetic acid, yielding the aminocaprolactam (XIII). Coupling of amine (XIII) with lactone (VII) in refluxing isopropanol produced amide (XIV). The title compound was then obtained by acidic hydrolysis of the remaining acetonide function of (XIV).
〖作者〗Kinder, F.R. Jr.; Versace, R.W.; Bair, K.W.; et al.
〖参考〗Kinder, F.R. Jr.; Versace, R.W.; Bair, K.W.; et al.; Synthesis and antitumor activity of ester-modified analogues of bengamide B. J Med Chem , 3692
〖出处〗J Med Chem):3692
〖来源〗US 6239127
〖标题〗Certain substd. caprolactams, pharmaceutical compsns. containing them and a process for their preparation
〖合成方法〗alpha-D-Glucoheptonic acid gamma-lactone (I) was protected as the bis(acetonide) (II) upon treatment with a catalytic amount of I2 in acetone. The free hydroxyl group of (II) was then alkylated with iodomethane in the presence of silver oxide, yielding the methyl ether (III). Selective hydrolysis of the 1,2-acetonide of (III) was accomplished by treatment of the bis(acetonide) (III) with aqueous acetic acid. Oxidative cleavage of the resultant vicinal diol (IV) using NaIO4 gave aldehyde (V). Then, olefination of aldehyde (V) with the low-valent organochromium species generated in situ from 1,1-diiodoneopentane (VI) and CrCl2 produced the target E-olefin (VII) as the major isomer.
〖作者〗Bair, K.W.; Wattanasin, S.; Versace, R.W.; Kinder, F.R. Jr.; Jagoe, C.T. (Novartis AG)
〖参考〗Bair, K.W.; Wattanasin, S.; Versace, R.W.; Kinder, F.R. Jr.; Jagoe, C.T. (Novartis AG); Certain substd. caprolactams, pharmaceutical compsns. containing them and a process for their preparation. US 6239127
〖出处〗US 6239127,,():
〖来源〗EP 1131297; WO 0029382
〖标题〗Certain substd. caprolactams, pharmaceutical compsns. containing them and their use in treating tumors
〖合成方法〗Cyclization of (5R)-5-hydroxy-L-lysine (VIII) by means of EDC and HOBt afforded the caprolactam (IX). The amino group of (IX) was then protected as the N-Boc derivative (X) by treatment with Boc2O. Hydroxyl group acylation in (X) with cyclohexanecarbonyl chloride (XI) produced ester (XII). The Boc protecting group of (XII) was then removed by treatment with trifluoroacetic acid, yielding the aminocaprolactam (XIII). Coupling of amine (XIII) with lactone (VII) in refluxing isopropanol produced amide (XIV). The title compound was then obtained by acidic hydrolysis of the remaining acetonide function of (XIV).
〖作者〗Bair, K.W.; Kinder, F.R. Jr.; Jagoe, C.T. (Novartis AG)
〖参考〗Bair, K.W.; Kinder, F.R. Jr.; Jagoe, C.T. (Novartis AG); Certain substd. caprolactams, pharmaceutical compsns. containing them and their use in treating tumors. EP 1131297; WO 0029382
〖出处〗EP 1131297; WO 0029382,,():
〖来源〗US 6239127
〖标题〗Certain substd. caprolactams, pharmaceutical compsns. containing them and a process for their preparation
〖合成方法〗Cyclization of (5R)-5-hydroxy-L-lysine (VIII) by means of EDC and HOBt afforded the caprolactam (IX). The amino group of (IX) was then protected as the N-Boc derivative (X) by treatment with Boc2O. Hydroxyl group acylation in (X) with cyclohexanecarbonyl chloride (XI) produced ester (XII). The Boc protecting group of (XII) was then removed by treatment with trifluoroacetic acid, yielding the aminocaprolactam (XIII). Coupling of amine (XIII) with lactone (VII) in refluxing isopropanol produced amide (XIV). The title compound was then obtained by acidic hydrolysis of the remaining acetonide function of (XIV).
〖作者〗Bair, K.W.; Wattanasin, S.; Versace, R.W.; Kinder, F.R. Jr.; Jagoe, C.T. (Novartis AG)
〖参考〗Bair, K.W.; Wattanasin, S.; Versace, R.W.; Kinder, F.R. Jr.; Jagoe, C.T. (Novartis AG); Certain substd. caprolactams, pharmaceutical compsns. containing them and a process for their preparation. US 6239127
〖出处〗US 6239127,,():
NVP-LAF-389, LAF-389,-7, -4 (undefined iso
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大场ゆい下马步兵番号MCDV-17、LAF-39作品封面 剧情截图
导读:大场ゆい出道至今第二部下马步兵番号MCDV-17,片名(メルシ`ボ`ク` DV 17 ゆい先生の淫らな方程式 : 大场ゆい),在日本发片日期是日。另外一部下马作品番号LAF-39一共16名演员,含负卷番号LAFBD-39,以下是对应的作品番号及封面图片、剧情截
大场ゆい出道至今第二部下马步兵番号MCDV-17,片名(メルシ`ボ`ク` DV 17 ゆい先生の淫らな方程式 : 大场ゆい),在日本发片日期是日。另外一部下马作品番号LAF-39一共16名演员,含负卷番号LAFBD-39,以下是对应的作品番号及封面图片、剧情截图。
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