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【】◆24小时咨询热线◆:400- QQ:,欧风小语种培训中心―德语、法语、西语、意语、葡语、阿语、葡萄牙语热门小语种课程培训!各语种优秀老师,精品小班、兴趣入门,考前冲刺等,欢迎前来报名学习!& & &德语水平A1-C2分级标准 & 语言使用层次&欧洲委员会参照标准&欧洲委员会参照标准(泛欧参照框架)对以下语言能力的说明&初级语言使用&A1&能够理解并使用大家熟知的日常用语和非常简单的句子。能够自我介绍,介绍他人,向他人询问个人情况并能回答这类问题。如果谈话伙伴说得缓慢,清楚而且愿意帮忙,能够进行简单交流。&A2&能够理解直接关及身边事物的句子和常用语(例如对人物或工作的说明)。能够在简单的日常情景中就大家熟悉的事物进行交流。能够使用简单的话描述自己的来历和学历,身边的环境以及与基本需要相关的事物。&自我语言使用&B1&在使用清晰的标准语言以及涉及工作,学校,业余时间等方面的平常事物时,能够理解话中要点。能够应对旅游时在语言方面碰到的大多数情景。能够简单但连贯地表述平常话题和兴趣领域。&B2&能够理解具体或抽象主题的复杂文章的主要内容;在自己精通的专业范围内能够理解专业性讨论。能自然流畅的交流,在与母语者正常交谈时双方都不会感到太吃力。能够在一个较宽泛的主题范围内清楚而详尽地表达自己的看法。&精通语言使用&C1&能够看懂难度较高,篇幅较长及内容广泛的文章,并能把握字里行间的内在含义。能够自如流畅地表达,而不必常常费力地寻找合适的词汇。能在社会交往,工作或接受培训和在大学求学时,有效并灵活地运用语言。能就复杂的事物清楚,有条理和详尽地表达自己的看法,同时能使用不同的表达,以进行上下文的衔接。&C2&能毫不费力地理解几乎所有听到和看到的内容,能够汇总不同的书面和口头信息,并能逻辑地概括其原因或作出解释。能够十分流畅和准确地表达自己的看法,同时能使用不同的表达,以进行上下文的衔接。& & &咨询热线:400-&&联系QQ :(微信同号)更多课程请点击:南京欧风旗舰中心:南京市鼓楼区中山路55号新华大厦35楼苏州旗舰校区:苏州市干将东路566号宏盛大厦3楼苏州独墅湖校区:苏州市独墅湖高教区科教人才市场1楼苏州和基校区:苏州市干将东路666号和基广场517-518&常州地址:常州市天宁区延陵西路19号嘉宏世纪大厦18楼(文化宫苏宁电器南门)相关新闻:?????
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南京外国语学校小升初招生综合水平测试试卷 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (2)2008 年杭州外国语学校初中招生考试题型 第一部分 第一大块:听一段关于日本的战争史,大概20分钟左右 第二大块:发笔,发学习资料,关于看古代地图的,旁边有几道习题,有答案,主要是 答 让你知道怎么做。大概二十分钟。 (休息5分钟 ) 第二部分 发一张测试卷 试卷,所有题答对加分,答错扣分,不答不扣也不加。附加一张题纸。 试卷 答 答 答第一大题: 第一大题: 第一小题:根据刚才的日本史,有20道判断题,判断对错 第二小题:根据日本史在四个选项中选出最恰当的两个。 第三小题:根据日本史在四个选项中选出最恰当的两个。 第四小题:在题纸上有十个词语,选五个在刚才的日本史中出现过的。 第二大题: 第二大题:做关于刚才地图的三十道选择题 第三大题: 第三大题:五道生活题 总测试时间为110分钟 第一大题: 波一段关于日本近代历史的录音,让你作判断题与选择题。二十道与九道。16 第二大题: 作关于古代地图的题目,25道选择题。 第三大题: 五道逻辑推理选择题,关于生活。 先做四十分钟学习,用于听录音与做地图模拟题,后有参考答案。 所有题目答对得分,答错倒扣,不答不给。 答案是不外楼的,考上的人也不会知道自己多少分,分数没关系,考试有偶然性,只要 自己行,条条大路通清华北大。 第一大题: 波一段关于日本近代历史的录音,让你作判断题与选择题。二十道与九道。 第二大题: 作关于古代地图的题目,25道选择题。 第三大题: 五道逻辑推理选择题,关于生活。 先做四十分钟学习,用于听录音与做地图模拟题,后有参考答案。 所有题目答对得分,答错倒扣,不答不给。 答案是不外楼的,考上的人也不会知道自己多少分,分数没关系,考试有偶然性,只要 自己行,条条大路通清华北大。 第一大题: 波一段关于日本近代历史的录音,让你作判断题与选择题。二十道与九道。 第二大题: 作关于古代地图的题目,25道选择题。 第三大题: 五道逻辑推理选择题,关于生活。17 先做四十分钟学习,用于听录音与做地图模拟题,后有参考答案。 所有题目答对得分,答错倒扣,不答不给。(3)2006 年南京外国语学校初中招生考试(英译汉试题及命题说明) 这些考题全是英文翻译出来的 ,用英文回答。 1、郑和是什么朝代人?(选择) 2、哪一种交通工具出现最早?(飞机、船、汽车、自行车) 3、海鸟的脚印(选择) 4、在打雷的天气里应该怎么做?(选择) 5、2008年北京奥运会的口号是?(同一个世界,同一个梦想) 6、在《大红灯笼高高挂里》有哪个英文单词:lantern 7、正六边形(图)是什么英文单词:hexagon 8、每个队只有6名运动员的体育运动是(填空) 9、儿歌(课本上的) 10、英语书中刘涛的笔友 Peter 的基本情况 11、 (7、7、3、3、1)从中选4个数字进行+、-、×、÷运算,结果为24。 12、大脑的哪一部分用来学习(选择) 13、一年四季地球的变化情况(选择) 14、一个男孩夹着一个球在飞快地踏滑板,突然球掉了,问球掉落的方向(选择) 15、看图,选择与图意相符的句子(关于急救、在家注意安全的) 16、找规律1、4、13、40、?、12118 17、找关系 A、BobpispillpppB、Hepispstaypatphome 18、第二次世界大战胜利距今已有多少年的历史? 19、逻辑推理 20、容斥原理 21、三视图 22、玻璃碎片的规律 23、俄罗斯方块 24、新版人民币一元硬币反面的图案(选择) 25、What pinsectpfliesplikepapdragonp?(选择) 26、那种乐器是中国乐器(选择) 27、认太极图(选择) 28、晚上睡觉头放在哪里(选择单词) 29、南京什么地方可以划鸭船(地点选择) 30、玩火柴棒应该怎么挑(选择) 据参加命题的南外老师朱善萍介绍,外语能力测试时间为 90 分钟,试卷含 7 大块, 12 张纸。总分 150 分的内容中有 40 分是小学课本上的儿歌、游戏,甚至包含一些小动 物的辨认和趣味填字游戏。同时还将一些中外文化知识融入考题中。如阴阳八卦图的辨 认和西洋乐器与民乐器选择题。另外,打雷时该如何保护自己、2008 奥运口号、现任国 家主席等都进入试卷中。 试卷 50%试题 试题使用了不同的图形, 其中有一道 “探险奋进” 题, 试题 是将一张非洲地图画在试卷上,设置了不同关口,让学生运用观察能力找到胜利终点。命题老师揭秘考试内容19 考试共150分,时间为90分钟。命题的老师有5人,另外还有一位小学老师和中学老 师把关,防止出题内容超过小学生课本范围。测试范围为现行小学英语教材人教版和译 林版的重合部分。 从试卷结构来看,共有七大部分。 第一部分名称是温故知新。 提醒学生关注课本, 而不是在课外进行大量的教辅书 “加 餐” 。里面有儿歌、游戏、趣味组句等内容。其中的小问答考了单词知识,如晚上睡觉 头放在哪里?学生能够答出头搁在枕头上。 在这部分内容里, 还包括了电子邮件的内容, 如邮箱地址等,这是课本上学过的内容。 第二部分名称为开动脑筋。有一题是有一只狗、一只鸡、一只老虎和一只斑马,看 谁是两条腿,一般学生都能辨别出来。这题的特别之处还在于,每个单词的字母都是大 写,同时考查了学生认知大小写的能力。 第三部分为中外古今。在中国文化内容部分放了太极图,让学生来认图。还有一题 是画出了琵琶、吉他等乐器,让学生辨别哪一种是中国乐器。在这部分内容中也涉及到 了时事。如给出了几个口号,让学生选择哪一个是奥运口号,如果学生平时注意新闻报 道,答对这一题并不难。还有不少内容是小学教材学过的,这次命题前,老师们就把小 学语文和涉及到一些常识的课本带着作为参考。此外,在这一部分中,有些题目是小学 生应该会特别喜欢的。 如有一题考到在南京的什么地方可以划鸭船?给出的选项包括玄 武湖、金陵饭店等,显然,答案应该是玄武湖。还有响雷时不能站在什么地方?玩挑火 柴棒应该怎么挑? 第四部分叫作火眼金睛。顾名思义就是考观察力。题目包括了图形和游戏等。第五 部分叫探险奋进。给出一张非洲大地图,要学生根据自己的观察力来找到路线,其中的 生词全部标注。第六部分是联想创新。第七部分叫精益求精。考查学生的阅读方法和能 力,学会归纳信息查字典,还有图表与文字配对的题目。有一题就是让学生了解做面具 的过程,从调浆糊开始,一个步骤,一个步骤,考查学生的动手能力和排序能力。还有20 折纸题,让学生选择会折成什么样。 考卷一半以上都是图 这次的命题力求具有科学性、趣味性、时代性、新颖性和公平性、综合性。在趣味 性上也充分考虑到小学生的年龄特点。12页的测试卷里有一半以上都是图,还包含了很 多游戏。一个可爱的小宝宝卡通形象贯穿始终。 南外的考试试卷的特点 一、考试范围不超过小学课本,但考题注重语言的实际运用能力。 小升初的考试共150分,时间为90分钟。命题的老师有5人,另外还有一位小学老师 小升初 和中学老师把关, 防止出题内容超过小学生课本范围。 所以提醒家长切勿走入误区, 过多的给孩子施加过多的单词量及语法方面的压力, 而是应该注重基础知识的巩固, 正确的把握测试范围,提高英语的实际运用能力。以今年的小升初的试题 小升初 试题 试题为例,其 小升 中有一道题是让考生了解做面具的过程,从调糨糊开始,一步一步,考察学生对语 言的实际驾驭能力;如下排序题: Make a monkey face puzzle for your friend's birthday. You need: scissors, cardboard, glue, wrapping paper. 1.Colour the monkey face puzzle. 2. Cut it cut. 3.Stick it on the cardboard. 4.Cut along the dotted lines. 5.Put the puzzle in the box. 6.Give it to your friend.二、考试题 试题目重视多学科融合,注重考生的多元智能。 试题 南外的考试试卷虽然不超过小学课本范围,但是却有较多的多学科交叉的考题,如与数 学逻辑,社会科学,自然科学,音乐艺术等多学科结合。这对考生的知识面,多元思维 能力方面有较高的要求,建议考生要多阅读课外书籍,而英文版的课外书籍则会使考生 更加如虎添翼。例如:21 (1)The family has a mother, father and seven sons. Every son has a sister. How many people are there in the family? A. 9 B. 10 C. 16 (备注:与数学逻辑相结合) (2) Which is the western instrument. A. B C (备注:与音乐文化相结合) ( 3 ) Look it on the left, it is a day. Look it on the right, it is a night.( a Chinese character) (备注:与语文相结合)三、考试具备时效性,与时俱进。 南外的入学试卷全部是原创题目,而且是在考试之前一个星期左右才“出炉” ,所以会 涉及与时政相结合的考题,这就要求考生不能“两耳不闻窗外事” 。今年的入学测试题 试题 涉及到了时事。如给出了几个口号,让学生选择哪一个是奥运口号,如果学生平时注意 新闻报道,答对这一到题应该是不难的。类似的考题如: (1) Which city will host the 10th national games? A. Nanjng B. Beijing C. Shanghai (2) Which city doesn't have subway? A. Nanjing B. Shanghai C. Xi'an四、注重将东西方文化融合。 语言的学习离不开文化。了解多元的文化背景是对考生提出的新的要求。考生在学习过 程中,通过学习童谣,神话的故事,民间故事,寓言等都是了解文化的好途径。例如:22 (1) Micky Mouse was born in _______ A. China B. America C. Japan. (2) How many stars are there on the flag of the United States? A. 49 B. 50 C. 51五、考题中开动脑筋的试题 试题,看似有难度,实际属于简单题。考生只要仔细阅读题目, 试题 认真观察题形中的图型,这类题应该不难解决。 (1)When you are asleep, where do you put your head on? (2)Look at the pictures, which sport can not play in your school? A . B C D 每年南外小升初 小升初的命题力求要有科学性、趣味性、时代性、新颖性和公平性、综合 小升初 性。因此在内容上首先是要与课本相符,要准确。在趣味性上也充分考虑到小学生的年 龄特点。所有的题目都是原创题,老师们用了一个星期的时间,反复修改,到了临考前 夜的十点才付印。所以有利于小学生素质教育的导向,有利于思维发展,引导学生把课 本学好,不要读死书。另外,建议学生多看少儿英语电视比赛,尤其是 CCTV “希望之星” 英语风采大赛小学组比赛实录,比赛中的机智问答也是充满趣味性和启发性的。今年的试卷体现三大特点。 一是基础性。所有的词汇都不超出小学英语课本范畴,超越的单词都用中文注明意 思,1/3的题目来源于课本,有的是课本上的儿歌,有的是对话,有一条关于“水桶里 放球”的数学应用题就直接摘自数学课本。朱善萍说: “我们的基础题是占分最多的, 我们也是希望可以引导孩子注重学校里的学习,不要过多地去做课外习题。 ” 二是趣味性。图文并茂,课本里的人物、孩子们喜欢的卡通形象、美丽的花朵…… 比如找错题,给孩子们一幅画,要从中找出5个错误。 “题目本身不难,自行车的轮子变23 成方的了、汽车开到人行道上……很多错误都是一目了然的,这样的题目既有趣味性又 有引导性。 ” 三是时尚性。整张试卷就像一个大型的休闲街区,分为12个吧,有热身吧、新闻吧、 创新吧、影视吧、休闲吧、健身吧、幽默吧、智趣吧、餐饮吧、探究吧、娱乐吧、读书 吧。朱善萍说: “孩子们做完一张考卷就像玩了一场,很开心……”趣题 香港回归出现试题中 香港回归出现试题中 试题 休闲吧里有一道题考到民歌,让孩子选择《茉莉花》是江苏还是浙江的民歌,命题 老师说,希望孩子们在关注流行音乐的同时多关注古典音乐。 一些题目非常有意思,引导孩子多动脑筋,比如:你爷爷有一个儿子和两个女儿, 那你爸爸的姐姐的爸爸的儿子是谁?答案是爸爸。很多题目还涉及了时事,比如香港回 归等 如果在语文试卷上把古诗《鹅》中的“鹅、鹅、鹅”去掉,只留下“曲项向天歌” ,让 小学生选择填空描述的是哪种动物,估计难不倒他们,但如果是在英语试卷上,你还能 一眼看出来吗?盐水鸭的制作步骤你清楚吗?昨天上午9点,南京外国语学校组织英语 能力测试,2240名被南外电脑派位选出来的幸运儿,要经过这一关,才能挤进280个名 额,真正升为南外初中新生。1个半小时的考试结束后,走出考场的小考生们普遍感觉, 今年的试卷看上去并不难,但考察的知识面比较广。 考题多样:欧洲杯和地震都考到了 考完后很多小学生脸上都笑眯眯的,感觉考得还不错,聊起今天的试题 试题来还是显得 试题 很兴奋。中央路小学的赵旭辉说,题目挺好玩的,比如问你现在正举行的足球赛是什么 杯?你能给九大行星离太阳的远近排出次序来吗?还考到了汶川大地震, 这是一道数学 题, 算捐款的数目。 此外还有, 地震发生时你选择怎么逃生?他选的是 “到空旷的地方” 。24 琅琊路小学的小张说,里面的题目很贴近生活,考到了两首诗,要填缺的字,那两首诗 看明白了就很简单。 不过,用英语出的数学题显然难倒了不少小考生,长江路小学的小陆,在班上可以 排到前10名,还拿过冬令营一等奖和华杯一等奖,不过做起试卷上的数学题来,他感觉 像奥数题,他告诉记者,在英语试卷上做数学题,要有个转换的思维,刚开始可能不知 所云,再仔细看看又会觉得似曾相识。拉萨路小学的一名小学生说,她也觉得数学题比 较难,里面有些题目可以用以前做过的题目去套,有些题型则压根就没有见过。 专家解题:特别注重考察细心和耐心 昨天上午,命题负责人、南外英语特级教师朱善萍对此次命题思路进行了解读。她 说,今年的试题 试题呈现出七大特性,第一是思想性,整个命题与国家形势结合紧密,试题 试题 试题 中考到了地震、环保、节能等,还有父亲节、母亲节,引导孩子们为父母做点事,比如 帮妈妈洗衣服;第二是基础性,命题的原则主要以现行小学英语课本为主,有40%的题 目直接或间接来源于课本,比如考到的儿歌;第三是科学性,试卷上的所有题目都有出 处,确保整张试卷“零错误” ;第四是时代性,比如试题 试题中出现的郎朗弹钢琴、欧洲杯 试题 等,第五是趣味性,在试卷里出现了很多图画,有动物、植物和卡通画等,试题 试题中考完 试题 一部分,考生可以看到冰淇淋,考完另一部分可以看到鸭子,目的就是希望孩子们考完 后是感觉来玩了一把,就算考得不好,也不要沮丧;第六是稳定性,本张试卷包括基础、 思想品质和综合素质三大块的内容, 像在综合素质里考到行星的问题, 要求考生从图片、 符号、数据和结构四个方面来摄取信息;第七是本土性,比如试题 试题中考到了南京在历史 试题 上的称呼,还考到了南京盐水鸭的制作过程,从放作料、腌制到切片、装盘,让考生来 排序。 朱老师特别提到,在今年的试卷中也特别注重考察孩子们的细心和耐心,比如在一 个图里有20多棵树,都有树干和树叶,其中有一棵是爱心树,在树上画上一颗心,要求 考生把那棵爱心树找出来;还有一道是讲一只蜘蛛要到另一只蜘蛛家里参加聚会的题25 目,这只蜘蛛要按照线路图走,同时一路上还要按照顺序来“除四害” ,这就特别需要 孩子们的细心和耐心,不然走错了,就到不了朋友家了。 引申话题:千万别让孩子变“木”掉 记者在昨天的采访中发现,几乎九成的孩子都上过各种类型的辅导班、冲刺班,有 的竟然从二年级就开始上。 冲南外到底要不要上辅导班?从几年级开始上?有用吗?这 一直是困扰家长的问题。昨天,记者也就此采访了南外的董正Z校长及朱善萍老师。 朱善萍老师说,从往年来看,不少考上南外的孩子也上过辅导班,但真的是辅导班起的 作用吗,未必,因为这些孩子本来就非常优秀。现在很多辅导班搞应试愈演愈烈,竟然 让孩子们把奥运会各场的会标都记下来,实际上这只会加重孩子们的负担,还有的辅导 班让孩子盲目练习语音,而这样的题目课标上并不做要求。 想上南外,朱老师提出了七大建议, 想上南外,朱老师提出了七大建议,第一是重视小学课本的学习,为一生的知识结构 打好基础;第二注重思维能力的培养,启发孩子多问几个为什么;第三是综合知识的培 养, 让孩子通过玩来学习; 第四是孩子身心健康的调节, 注意学习的长度与效度的培养; 第五是让孩子有充足的睡眠时间;第六是让孩子多看课外书籍,多读书,博览群书;第 七是让孩子多玩游戏,游戏可以锻炼孩子的反应能力,尤其是滚铁环、捉迷藏等传统游 戏,好的电脑游戏可以锻炼思维,但要把握好“度” ,不能伤害眼睛,也不能上瘾。 董校长则呼吁,家长千万别让孩子变“木”掉!辅导班并非完全不可以上,但如果 让孩子天天学、天天背,不仅剥夺了孩子的兴趣爱好,也让孩子变成了一个“书呆子” , 就像人们常说的“只学习不玩耍,聪明的孩子会变傻” ,而南外的英语测试也是以课本 为主的命题原则,像今年的题目就有40%的题目直接或间接地来源于课本,课本是基础。 同时也引导孩子们对生活的兴趣,对学习的兴趣,引导孩子博览群书,学会在玩中学。 这样的学生也是南外最欢迎的学生。 三国演义、中国古代兵法、情人节、感恩节……这是昨天上午南外小升初 试题 小升初测试题 小升初 试题目 中涉及到的内容。据考生们反映,试卷中从来没见过的题目至少占了三分之一,很“好26 玩” 。 2000多名学生昨天参加了南外的考试。薛韵洁同学说: “题目很活。如有道题说,3只猪 小弟各建了3个房子,要求按照给定提示,找出3只小猪的名字。这道题目我想了很长时 间都没想出来,但我喜欢考这样的题目。 ” 拉萨路小学的两名同学考完后也感觉挺有意思。他们介绍,题目涉及到三国演义、 感恩节、天王星、中国古代兵法、盐水鸭的制做过程等,甚至还问到了“现在在瑞士举 行的是什么球赛” 。 南外外语教师朱善萍说,卷子三分之一的内容是小学课本上的,其他则是生活中或历史 故事中的。题目大多是基本题,如关于三国演义考的就是草船借箭,没有生词,复杂的 单词都有中文注释,不少人做出来了。此外一些小题目主要就是考察基本的单词,如考 情人节,其实就是考单词“二月” 。 据她介绍,考生反映的题目“新”其实只是出题角度比较新。例如,关于“小猪叫什么 名字” ,考生只要从短文句子的首字母就可以推出来。 “这道题考的是学生捕捉信息、综 合信息的能力,并且引导学生多读童话。 ”(4) 2007 年南京外国语学校初中招生考试(英语及题型说明) 姓名:_________ 准考证号:_________ 原小学____________ 得分_________ 一、Phonetics (10%) 1. Onions often make me _______ I cannot tell you _______. They burn my little_______27 Perhaps that is why I_______. 2. The clock does crow To let you know. It's _________ to rise. For early to bed and early to ________. Is the way to be healthy And wealthy and ________? 3. Yesterday was _________. _________ is a mystery. How about today? Today is a gift. That's why we call it the _________. 二、Vocabulary (20%) 1. We call Sept. 10th ____________________. 2. Yong men give flowers to women on ________. A. Valentine’s Day B. Thanksgiving Day C. Easter D. All Saints’ Day 3. We use ears to ________; We use hands to ________; We use nose to ________; We use mouth to ________. 4. On which board can you see a lot of keys? ________28 5. Macao is in which country? ________ 6. What kind of animal can you find in a computer? ________ 7. In what room is there no window? ________ 8. Write down the meaning of the following abbreviations: ATM ________________ SAR________________ CPC________________ PLA________________ APEC________________ CAD________________ CPA________________ CATV________________ GPS________________ 9. Which country has the second largest population? _________ 10. Which country has the longest coast line(海岸线). ______________ 11. When is the World Music Day? ________________ 12. In which country can we find the following places of interests? Mountain Fuji ________________ Statue of Liberty ________________ Big Ben ________________ Eiffel Tower ________________ 13. Thanksgiving Day started from which country? ________________ 14. Which country has the most neighboring counties? How many? _______; _____ 15. How long is the Great Wall? a. over 6700km b. about ten thousand miles c. 5000km d. 10000 li29 16. The top speed of Bullet Train is ________kms. 17. The Robert which can ride a bike is made by _________. 18. A young man from _________ is the fastest short message input. A. Singapore B. England C. Japan D. China 19. Pick out the pairs of words that sound the same. ________. A. hear near B. right write C. in inn D. where wear E. Their there F. whose who’s G. it’s its 20. I like Fred but not G I like Rose but not A I like Mandy but not S Do I like Sarah? ________. 三、Fun English(20%) 1. Change one letter in PAT and form a new word. The opposite of bottom is ___________; a cooking vessel __________; an animal ___________; a hole in the ground ___________ 2. If your mother is ill you call ________; if there is a thief you call ________. If there is a fire you call________; if there is a traffic accident you call _______. To know time you call ___________. To know weather you call ______.30 To make a complaint(投诉) you call ___________. To know the number of a hotel you call ___________. 3. How many stars are there in American national flag? _________. 4. When can you run as fast as a horse? _________________________ 5. Which is not the same as others in the group? A. pound B. feet C. yard D. mile 四、Situational Questions(20%) 1. A little girl is near my window. And she looks nice in __________. I go up to her and say__________. &Little girl little girl where do you go?” &Sorry sorry I don't__________.” 2. &Where is my pear?” “Oh oh,it is on the ________.” “Where,Where is the _________?”&I can't see _________.” 3. You write something secret on it. You don’t want your mother know it. What is this? ________. 4. You use a ____________ to dry your wet things. 5. It’s square. You use it to help you work out math problems. ____________ 6. Two ports are 208kms apart. A ship start from Port A and 8 hours gets Port B. When the ship returns to Port A it takes 13 hours. What is the speed of the31 current(水流)? 五、Intelligence Test(50%) 1. One group of number stands for one color. One number stands for one letter. Can you crack the code(破译密码) and write out the color? A. 1 2 3 3 4 5 _____ B. 6 7 2 2 8 _____ C. 7 2 10 _____ D. 11 7 4 5 8 _____ E. 4 7 9 8 6 2 _____ 2. It’s two o’clock when will the hour hand coincide with (重合) the minute hand for the first time? _________ 3. A clock strikes 6 times in five second how many seconds will it cost to strike 11 times? _________ 4. Jia and Yi run around a circle of 400 meters long. If they run back to back they will meet each other after 2 minutes if they run one after another the faster will catch up with the slower in 20 minutes. What are their speeds? 5. Sue is both the 50th best and 50th worst student at school. How many students? __________ 6. A number’s double is 14 more than its quarter. The number is __________. 7. Two men drive in opposite way for 6 miles then both turn left and drive 8 miles. How far are they from each other? __________. 8. How long is a rope that is 2 yards shorter that another rope that is 3 times32 the length of the 1st rope? __________. 9. 1+2+3+4+…….+/4 1/16 1/36 1/64 1/100 ( ) 11. 2 2 3 6 15 ( ) 12. 15 25 35 45…. What is the 100th number? ______________ 13. What is the parameter is a semicircle when its radius is 3? 14. Tiger: I’m the first. Fox: I’m second. Rabbit: I’m not the first. Only one lies. Who is the second? ________________ 15. A five-digit number if you put 7 at beginning the new number is 4 times when you put 7 at the end. What is this Number? ____________ 16.How many rectangles are there? _____________. 17.PL__ __SE C__ME T__ THE __NGL__SH C__RN__R __T F__VE O’CL__CK TH__S R__ __M IS F__R T__ __CHERS __ NLY B__ QU__ __ T IN TH__ P__ BLIC PL__ CES2007年南京外国语学校招生英语题型说明 1、参加一个老师在外招的专供南外小升初辅导班。33 2、做一些南外的历年卷子。一般拉萨路小学、南师附小等名校会有,其他学校的学生 可以在专供南外小升初辅导班上会有。 3、做一些英语题,推荐“考南外秘籍” ,译林出版社《小升初英语综合能力测试》等较 难的题! 4、做智力题。这就包括图形题、找规律题,填诗歌等。找规律非常重要! 5、奥数。去年奥数题不多,但是每年都有几题,数学不好的同学一定要专供一阵子, 就是平常的“数学奥林匹克”就可以。 6、关注新闻。 另外:所有题目(包括数学题)都是英文! (5) 2008 年南京外国语学院附属中学小升初试卷(英语) Part 1 Listening(听力部分) 30% 一. Listen and choose 听录音,选出你所听到的单词)6% ( ( ( ( ( ( ) 1.A.work B.walk C.worker ) 2.A.go B.girl C.goal ) 3.A.6:30 B.6:15 C.5:45 ) 4.A.there B.their C.they're ) 5.A.pair B.pear C.peach ) 6.A.to B.two C.too二.Listen and choose 听录音,选出你所听到的句子)5% ( ) 1. A. Is your mother washing dishes? B. Is your mother watching television? C. Is your mother washing shoes? ( ) 2. A. The block's shadow is long. B. The block's shadow isn't long. C. The block's shadow is short. ( ) 3. A. Don't eat chocolate here,Danny. B. Don't eat sweet here ,Danny. C. Don't eat biscuits here ,Danny. ( ) 4. A. The colud were grey.Now they are white. B. The sky was grey. Now it is white. C. The clouds were white.Now they are grey.34 ( ) 5. A. The monkey lives in the jungle. B. The monkeys live in the jungle. C. The monkey is playing in the jungle. 三.Listen and choose the best response to the sentence you hear on the tape: (根据 你所听到的问句,选出正确的应答句)5% ( ) 1 .A. I wenr to bed at 8:50. B. She goes to bed at 8:50. C.She went to bed at 9:10. ( ) 2. A. He wants a computer. B. He buys a computer. C. He likes the computer. ( ) 3. A. No, thank you. B. Theank you. C. You're welcome. ( ) 4. A. Yes,they are the same. B. No, they are different. C. They are the same. ( ) 5. A. It's mine. B. They'are different. C. Yes,they're. 四.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (根据你所听到的短文内容判断下列句子是否正确,正确的用 T 表示,不正确的用 F 表 示)6% ( ( ( ( ( ( ) 1.Jimmy is my brother. ) 2.Jimmy and I walk to school. ) 3.Jimmy and I are in different school. ) 4.Jimmy has lunch at home. But I don't. ) 5.I can play the drum. ) 6.Jimmy can't play football.五.Listen to the dialogue and complete the passage 听录音,完成短文内容)8% A long time _______,Hong was a _______.He ______ in China, He planted ______ and rice there.He had some _____and______.At day,he went to ______ ______ in the field and went back at ______. Part 2 Writing (笔试部分)70% 一.Read and write(正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写,标点符号):10% do mr and mrs li like loud music ben yes they do ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ――――――――― ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------二.Read and choose 选出一个划线部分发音不同于其他单词的单词)5%( )1.A. sheep B.be C.bread D.read ( ) 2.A. doctor B.door C.hot D.orange ( ) 3.A. make B.cake C.play D.Sunday ( )4.A. three B.there C.thank D.fourth ( ) 5.A. is B.nice C.books D.yes 二.Choose the right word to complete the sentence 选出正确的单词完成句子)9%1.--May I use ______(your/yours) bicycle? --I'm sorry.______(My/Mine) is not here. 2.Look! The cat is washing ______(it's/its) face.35 3.The supermarket is ______(to/too)______(noisy/noise).I don't like it. 4.John ______(and/with) Mary were (in/at) home yesterday. 5.There are ______(third/three) girls in the room. The______(one/first) girl is my sister.They are______(quite/quiet) happy. 三.Choose the best answer ( 选择最恰当的答案)15%)1. It is evening.The girl's shadow is ______. A.small B.short C.long( ) 2. The ______ are behind the cat. A.mouse B.mice C.mouses ( )3. Miss Li ______ a bag. I ______a sketch book. A.have,has B.is ,have C.has,have ( )4. The pair of glasses ______ in my handbag. A.is B.are C.am ( ) 5. I can't see______durians,but l can see ______pineapple. A.some,some B.any,some C.any,any ( ) ( ) 6. Eric _______ his bicycle to the shop. A.rides B.ride C. is riding ( ) 7. ______ are your English books ? Eighteen yuan. A.what B.How many C.How much ( ) 8.Mary and Kitty are ______ awake in their bedroom. A.all B.both C.two ( ) 9.Let's draw a ______ face. A.cat B.cats C.cat's ( ) 10.Mog ______ like his cushion.It's very hard. A.don't B.doesn't C.isn't ( ) 11.Are the drinks ______ or different? They're different. A.same B.the same C.some ( ) 12.There ______ some bread and some apples on the tables. A.is B.are C.be ( ) 13. Four girls and a boy ______ a computer in our class. A.have got B.has got C.are ( ) 14. We go to the toy shop at five ______ twelve in the afternoon. A.past B.to C.too ( ) 15. _______ you ______ your homework last evening? Yes. A.Did,do B.Do,do C.Do ,did 四.complete the sentence with the right prepersition:(用介词填空)7% 1.My mother goes to work ______ bicycle.I go to school ______foot. 2.He was here ______ a quarter to eleven. Now he is ______ the tree. 3.The old lady ______blue is blind.She can't see ______her eyes. 4.A storm is coming ______ the Atlanic Ocean. 五.Think and write: (用动词的适当形式填空) 9% 1.Tom, _______(not walk ) on the grass . 2.The geese _______(catch )the fish now . 3.My grandma _______(watch)TV every day . 4.His parents________(go) to the Beijing last week . 5.We like _______(play) football after school . 6.Look.The girls ______(sing) in the hall. 7.______(be) there any money in your hand? 8.Who ______(have) got a boygame? I ______(have) got one.36 六.Read and write:(阅读理解)10% (一)Tell whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F);(阅读短文判断正误,正 确的用 T 表示,错误的用 F 表示:5% American children love watching TV.Some of them spend six hours a day at school and four to six hours aday in front of the television set. Some of them eveb watch for eight hours or more on Sundays.Televisions are liked books or films. A child can learn bad things and good things from TV. Some shows help children learn to do a lot of housework,just like gardening,cooking and cleaning. But some programs are not good for children.So parents must help them to choose the right ones to enjoy. ( )1. Some American children spend about eight hours on TV in their holidays. ( )2. Children can't learn anything from TV. ( )3. Some programs help children learm how to make delicious food. ( )4. Children need parents' help to choose good programs. ( )5. All the TV shows are good for children.(二)Answer the following questions:(阅读短文并且回答下列问题):5% A dove is a bird.You may have seen doves. Some doves are white and some are grey. They like corn. They don't like meat. A dove likes to live in a bird-house.Many people like doves. They make a home for their doves near a window.Doves fly out of their houses in the day.They come back home in hte evening.Doves can fly long hours.So sometimes people take them far away.They tie a letter to the dove's leg. Then the dove can take the letter home.How interesting!Do you like doves now?1.What do doves like to eat? ___________________________________________________________________ ________ 2.Where do doves live? ___________________________________________________________________ ________ 3.When does a dove go out? ___________________________________________________________________ ________ 4.What do people tie to the leg of a dove? ___________________________________________________________________ ________ 5.Can doves fly out of their houses? ___________________________________________________________________37 ________七.Write at least 5 sentences on the topic&Children's Day&(以 Children's Day 为题,写一 篇不少于 5 句的日记)5% ___________________________________________________________________ _______ ___________________________________________________________________ _______ ___________________________________________________________________ _______ ___________________________________________________________________ _______ ___________________________________________________________________ _______(6)2006 年郑州外国语学校入学试卷(英语含奥数试题) the 一. Match the pictures with the right Olympic events. A. Water Polo E. G. Fencing Table Tennis B. Weightlifting C. Diving D. Badminton F. Boxing1. _____2._____3. _______4.______5._________二. Match the statements with the places you would hear or the people who would38 say them. ___ I .&I am sorry. We only have size 10 left.& ___ 2.& Where to?& ___ 3.&A single to Brighton, please.& ___ 4.&Fares, please.& ___ 5.&Eat in or take away?& ___ 6.&Today's special is chicken pie.& ___ 7.&Six brown bread rolls, please.& ___ 8.&Doctor Richard to reception.& ___ 9.&FlightQA134 to Rome is now at gate 12. ___10.&Keep the change& j. baker's a. fast food restaurant b. taxi( passenger) c. shop d. hospital e. bus f. taxi g. airport h. restaurant i.train station boarding(归类 归类) 三. Please classify (归类) different problems. 1. 1 always worry about tests.! hate them.2.! don't have any friends. I worry about that. 3. I worry about Mum and Dad splitting up. 4.1t's often dusty in spring. 1 hate dust storms. 5.1 worry wherever I am traveling by air. 1 am afraid the plane will crash. 6. I worry about the traffic. The bus is usually full of people. 7. I'm tired of the evening class. 8. I worry when 1 go into a lift. I hate being shut in. 9. My dad lost his job in June. 1 worry about money. 10. There are plastic bags everywhere. I hate &the white pollution&.39? Personal problems: _________________ Family problems: _________________ School problems: ___________________ Social and world problems: _______________四. Match the idioms with their meanings. Idioms __1 .still waters run deep __2.to face the music __3.to blow one's own trumpet __4.to keep your head above water ___5.to look before you leap ___6.to make one's hair stand on end __7.to let the cat out of the bag __8.to burn the midnight oil Meanings A. to think it over before you take any action B. C. D. E. F. G. a quiet person is often the cleverest to talk about oneself to let the secret out to deal with what will happen to stay up late to learn to make sb. very afraid .H. to play the music with one's own trumpet40 I. J.to talk about music to avoid difficulties ( usually with money)五.Please choose the best answer. 1. Uncle Sam and John Bull stand for____. A. the UK; the US C. the USA B. the UK; A the UK D.theUSA;Australia:-2. Which of fhe following countries is not an English speaking country?A.Australia B. New Zealand C.Brazil D.Canada3. One pound equals about____grams.. ..-A.558 B. 1000 C. 454 D. 2544.When you have an insect bite(叮咬) , which is the best advice you can take' A. Take some vitamin C. C. Drink lots of hot water. B. Take some aspirin. D. Put some anti-itch cream on it.5. _____ on the door means good luck in the UK. A. A crane B.A key C. A horseshoe D.A heart6. ― Would you mind my opening the door? A. No, please don't ahead. 7. ― Thank you for sending me the letter. A. With pleasure. B. All right C. My pleasure. D. It doesn't B. Yes, please do. C. No, please do. D.Yes, gomatter. 8. Where is the Word Cup held?41 A. South KoreaB.FranceC.ArgintinaD.Germany9. Mother's Day falls on ______. A. 3rd Sunday in May in June 10. Which room is different from the others? A. washroom B. rest room C. drawing room D. bathroom B. 2?ld Sunday in May C. 3rd Sunday in June D.2nd Sunday六. Please put the following sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue. __ And can I ask why you left? __ .with a local TV station. __ I see. And have you got any experience of working for a big company? __ About two years. _J_l'd like to start by asking about your last job. That was with. __ How long did you work for International Markets? __ I wanted a more interesting job. __ Yes, I worked for Internationa! Markets when I left college.七. Look, think and do. 1. Xiao Wang's telephone number is 6799OD A5. We've known that O+O=D,O+D+D+6=26,A+A=O,so Xiao Wang's telephone number is __________________________-2. Make a cuboid with a 1200-cm iron wire making the rectangle's length, width and height as 2 : 1 : 3,(用一根长 1200 厘米的铁丝, 焊成一个长方体的框架, 这个42 长方体框架长, 宽, 高的比是 2 : 1 : 3.), 此长方体的体积是_________ 立方米.3. The data is shown on the left. According to the picture, the surface area of the shadow part (图中阴影部分的面积) is _______ cm24. Please look at the lollowing permutation, the first vertical line is the iirst group .then the to the bottom 2006&1 group from the top should be (下面排列中,第一竖列为第组, 那么第 2006 组从上到下依次是)5. Look at the picture .color a cuboid (长方体) red .we cut it into three pieces in the direction of level .and next cut each piece into four smaller pieces from the left to the right, and then cut each smaller pieces into five parts. (如图, 把一个长方体木块的表面都 涂上红色, 沿水平方向将它锯成 3 片, 每片从左到右锯成 4 个长条,每个长条又锯成 5 小块.) 那么所有小木块中,两面涂红色的共有___________块, 没有涂红色的共有 ___________块. 6. (连连看) Water is poured (倾倒) into these containers (容器 ) at a constant rate (以一定的速度). Match each container with the correct graph ( 图表 ):A.--____B.--______C.--______D.-~_______437. 1/7 of the students are girls after Mr. Li asked one girl to go to the English group from the Math Group. If^he asked two boys instead of one girl, then 1/5 of the k'ft students are girls. (李老师从数学兴趣小组调出 1 名女生到英语兴趣小组后,剩 下的同学中有 1/7 是女生. 如果不调出这名女生, 而是调出 2 名男生,那么剩下的同学中 1/5 是女生.) 原来兴趣小组有 ______名同学。 8.Xiaoming draws 4 dots on the paper. If he matches each dot together (小明在纸 上画了 4 个点, 如果把这 4 个点用线段彼此连接组成一个图形), 那么这个图形中有 _________________个三角形.9. Look at the picture, put the Square ABCD and AEFG (EF=EG,∠FEG=90°) on a same line. The square moves at 2cm a second to the right. When the overlapped part of them is 8cm2 (如图所示, 把正方形 ABCD 与一个等腰三角形 EFG 放在同一直线上,正方形以每 秒 2 厘米的速度, 向右沿直线运动, 当两个图形的重叠部分面积为 8 平方厘米时), 正 方形出发的时间是___________秒.10. Xiaogang and his elder brother Xiaoming walked away home to their school which is 2000m far away. Their speed was 80m per minute. Ten minutes later, they found their Chinese books left home, so they telephoned their father to send the books to them (Neglect the time of phoning). At the same time Xiaoming immediately ran back at 180 meters a minute, his father moved at 220 meters a minute from their home . After Xiaoming got the book, he ran back to Xiaogang in the same route. (小刚与哥哥小 明同时从家出发,以每分钟 80 米的速度到距家 2000 米远的学校上学, 10 分钟后发现忘带语 文书, 打电话通知爸爸送来(忽略打电话的时间),小明立即以每分钟 180 米的速度往回跑, 同时爸爸以每分钟 220 米的速度从家出发送书,小明拿书后立即按原路追小刚), 那么爸爸 出发___________分钟后遇到小明, 小明在距学校____________米处追上了小刚.11.Here are five boxes―a red box, a white box, a blue box, a green box and a brown box. The red box is bigger than the white one. The blue box is bigger than the brown one but smaller than the green one. The brown box is bigger than the white box. The green box is smaller than the red-one. From the biggest to the smallest, the boxes should be: 1.____ - 2. ____- 3. ____ -4. ____5.-____八. Complete the passage with the proper words.44 They say that cats have nine _1_and they love doing dangerous things, and everyone knows that kittens_2 playing and jumping around. But,-did you know that 3__1950. a Swiss kitten became famous _4_climbing the highest _5 _ This httie four-month-old kitten especially loved to climb, and _6___day. she followed a group of climbers up the Alps to the 7 of a mountain that was 4,478 meters 8 . 九.Read the information about mobile phones and find the right phone to the information. 1.New-Zokia 3230 2. Zokia 8250 A small, light ami stylish phone. When is a phone nor a phone? Surf the Internet and send messaWhen it's also a personal organiser, ges to your friends on this cool an alarm ciock, a calculator and rnorei new phone The Zokia 8250 is ideal f'cr the busy Free case when you buy now. professional. 3. Semsang5680 Our bestseller ―- with stylish design and excellent features. The Sernsang 5680 has 20 ring tones ― choose your favorite! Now in pink, orange, green or blue. Free!00 hours talk time when you buy this week! a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Which phone... is small? has free talk time ? has an alarm clock? can help you use the Internet? has 20 different ring tones? has a free case? is available in differertt colors7 is very good for professional people? a.___1__ c._____ e._ __ _b.__ _____ d._______ f._ _ _____ g._ _ _ _ h. _______十. Choose the correct headings for the article below. A. TRAVELING FOR LEARNING B. TWO TEENAGERS' TRAVELING C. WHY WORK IN ANOTHER COUNTRY? D. THE EUROPEAN UNION. E. HARD WORK BUT GREAT FUN 1. ( ) Working abroad is a good way to visit other places and meet new people. It's also an excellent way to learn a foreign language. 2. ( )If you want to stay in a country that's part of the European Union, it's very easy these days. As long as you are European, you are alowed to stay in any other country in the EU.45 3.()Manuel and Maria are both from Spain. &Last year, I head a friend say that he wanted to travel all over the world, Maria and ! decided to do something similar.& said Manuel. & My parents let me take a year off to travel round Europe.& .4.()So far, we’ve worked in .supermarkets and shops. We’d. rather find .jobs in nice hotels., but it isn't that easy,& says Maria. &'Sometimes they make you do the hardest, dirtiest work, but we don't care because when we are not working it's wonderful. It's the cheapest way to visit Europe. 十一 。A poem . Spare Change I'm waiting at the station. but I don’t want a train I have to beg for money Because I 'm hungry again&Hey, mate - got any change to spare? & I hold out my hand to a stranger But he doesn 't seem to careHere come some people well dressed I must try to look really sad.46 So 1 do my best But it doesn't work They are not imufessed“Ah., now there ‘s a woman with a smile” I call out ''Got any change, love?& Oh - perhaps there's some hope She ‘s stopping for a whileGosh!?5!So kind I don 't know what to say Except &Thankyou very much& And &I think it's my lucky day& By E.Handley a.Read the poem and answer the questions. 1. Why does this person beg for money? ______________________________________________________ 2. How does he feel when he gets ? 5? . _____________________________________________________________ 3. Would yo'u give money to him? Why? Why not? _________________________________________________________________ b. Can you find some words that rhyme in the poem? spare______ 1.___________ care________ ___________47.' 2. __________ 3.____________________ _________.十二。 writing. 十二。 Reading and writing Surfing the Internet Here are some ideas about surfing the internet. Please read them carefully and answer the following questions:To me, surfing the Internet is the happiest time., Every day, 1 spend all my free time online. I can do many things on the internet. I can chat with my friends, download the most popular music, and get the latest information. As for homework, I don't need to do it. I think can learn everything on the Internet. Do you agree with me?I don't know why many students are so crazy about the Internet. They spend most of their time going online instead of studying. You know, on the Internet, there is a lot of bad information. It's not good for us. When we car. talk with our friends face to face, so why do we need to talk with them online. It's meaningless. What do you think of my idea? a. Ann and Kiki have got different ideas about suffering the Internet. Whatare the differences? Say them out with one or two sentences. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ __________ b. Ann and Kiki. which one do you agree with? Why? Tell us the reason. (40-50 words) ___________________________________________________________________________48 ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________ 十三。 十三。 Learn and try. 你是不是经常有许多美好的愿望而无法实现呢? 虽然目前无法实现, 但与他人分享也 会获得很大的乐趣哟! 模仿例句说出你现在的愿望吧! 例: If I had one million pounds, I would travel around the world. (如果我有一百万英镑, 我就会去周游世界.) If I were you, I would say sorry to him. (如果我是你,我会向他道歉的.)填填看: 1. If I had no homework, ___________________________. 2. _____________________________, I would go to say the Big Ben. 3. If I were a bird, __________________________. (7)2007 年郑州外国语学校入学试卷(英语潜能测试) Ⅰ听力部分一、Listen and choose the right picture.二、 Phonetics and stress. Listen and choose one which has the different stress 1 .A. relation. B、excusesC、 traditionalD. fantasticListen, and choose one which has different sound about the underlined part: 2. A. thought 3. A. buses 4. A. dropped B. daughter B. houses B. picked C shock. , C. C. dressed .. -D. court D. horses D.: lagged49 三、 Listen and find the cars for the people who are looking for them. Put the number on the line.Dialogue 1 _____Dialogue 2____Dialogue 3 _____Dialogue4四、 Listen and correct the wrong time. There are 8 wrong times all together. 1 2 3 412:00 2:47 5:35 8:00 10:031:45 4:35 7:50 10:10 1:10 3:25 5:50 7:4010:00 12:00 2:38 4:35五、Listen and put the furniture in the correct places in the picture. Bedroom living roomkitchen六、Listen and write down the correct gift that Jean win get for each person. 1.Laura ______________________ 2.Mom_____________________50 3.Mr. Wilson ________4.Tom________________七、Listen to the four phone messages for Jim and write the correct date next to each appointment. THINGS TO DO THIS MONTH DATE 1.Pick up Patty at airport 2.Pick up suitcases at airport 3. Book cruise 4. Fishing trip with Tom DATE________.________ _______________ ____________________ _____________________Ⅱ笔试部分 ― 、 The Olympic games will be held in out country in 2008. Do you know these Olympic emblems? Match them with the co .51 1. Japan America_____ 5. Greece ________2. Germany3. Australia _______4.6. Spain_____7. Canada ____8. Mexico二、In spoken English, the important words in a sentence are stressed by the speaker. Follow the example and wite the stressed word in each answer on the line. Example: Q: Should I eat a big breakfast? . A: No, you should eat a good breakfast, eood 1.Q: Did you say get up early or late? . A: I said early. 2. Q: Did you say breakfast before breakfast or after breakfast? A: I said before breakfast ____ 3.Q: Did you say eat your breakfast quickly? A: No, 1 said slowly. _______ 4. Q: Should I take a nap after lunch? A: No, you should take a walk after lunch. _____ 5. Q: Is it OK to go to bed at three in the morning? A.No you should go to bed early. .52good. 六、Signs around us. (A) Match these signs with the possible places where you can see them. SINGS. 1. DON'T WALK ON THE GRASS 2. PLEASE DON’T FEED THE MONKEYS 3. STAFF ONLY 4. PLEASE TAKE ONE 5. NO JEANS 6. 7. NO SMOKING AT THIS AREA PLEASE QUEUE HEREPLACES a. b. c. d. In a restaurant. In a zoo :& in a restaurant, shop, library, etc. Next to some information sfieets.53 e. f. g.Somewhere they sell tickets, eg. railway station or bus station, a theatre, Outside a.rest,or bar or a club In a park. 3.____ 4.___. 56 _____ 7.___ '1.____ 2.____(B) Match the following signs with their meanings. SIGNSMEANING 1.Be careful! They are repairing the road' 2. Be careful! UFOs are in this area. __________________ __________________3. You must not sleep while you are driving. __________________;. 4. Be careful! Children cross the road here. 5. Be careful! Ghosts are in this area. . _______ _____6. You must not sing while you are driving,, ______ __________ 7. Be careful! They sell fast food here. 8. You must not read while you are driving. . 四.Match the reports of what people said in column A with the description in column B. A 1.Tina said she was really worried about Charlie. Ba. GivingTan-apolo54 She seemed very depressed 2. William told me he was sorry he would be a sympathy little late to the part. . b.Offering3.Robert told me he couldn't come for dinner on Friday. He said he had to work late. 4.Jajiice and Keith said theyjvere.really sorry invitation we had the fiu. They hoped we would fee! better soon 5.Ben said he was going to ask Sarah to the party excuse 1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.____c. Expressing a concd.Offering ane.Making ah五. Match the sentences with the responses. 1. How well do you swim? 2. When I was a kid, Hived in New Zealand, 3.There is a baseball game tonight. 4. What do you think of Tina? ! 5. How long do you spend in the swimming pool? 6. I'm sorry I cann help you. 7. How tall is she? 8. Do you like gospel music? a. Pretty short b. I ’m not a real fan of hers. c. leant stand it d. Wow! Tell me more. e. I’m about average. f About 45 nunutes. g. Great! Let's go. h. Thank you all the same55 1._______ 2.______ 3.______ 4._______ 5.______ 6. 六. Multiple choice: 1. Which is the correct picture of pronouncing [ ] ?7._____ 8.2. Which holiday does this picture describe?A. Easter HalloweenB.,ChristmasC. Valentine's DayD.3. The Labor Day in China is on ______, in USA is on _____ . A. May I the l.f Monday in September in June C. May I the 1st Sunday in June. in September 4. In England, drivers sit on the ______ side of the car. Cars go on the _________ side of the street A. right 5. In Britain, people usually use __________ on a card to give congratulations56B. July 4th, the Ist SundayD. July 4the IstMondayB. leftC. leftD. on the new born baby. A. dragon tortoise 6. In which country people usually use mile as the linear measure instead of kilometer. A.Japan D.Canada . B.American C. Australia B. crane C. rabbit D.7. Some little sheep ________ eating grass on the hill. A. are B. is ----C. be D. was8.What are they like?A. They are well. B. Computer games. C. They are friendly. D. They are like their father.9. Which of the following university is not in Britain? A. Oxford University. B. Harvard U C. Cambridge University. D. London University.10. It is said that the Blacks is a DINK, that's to say A. they're foreigner C. they have no children at all 11.― A: What time 12. ― May will your teacher be back? B. When your pencil C. How soon be in your B. they're very rich D.they are both teachers -- In an hour. D. How long pencil-box? .-Ah._____________________ A. So it may it57B. So it isC. So is itD. So may 七.Can you use some idioms? Here are some of them. Have a try to choose one according to the given situation. A. break one's neck C. get that straight E. good for nothing G good chow B. Get one's teeth into something D. gone with the wind F. get stuck H. bury one's head in the sand1. A: Call me back if you need any help. My number is 123-456. B: Let me ____ .123-356? A: No, 356.. B: Ok. Thanks. I'll call you if I need any help. 2. A: What happened to your hand? B: I cut myself when the handle on this ____ screwdriver slipped off. I'm throwing it away right now so no one else gets hurt using it. 3. A: What is Joan going to do about that problem with her neighbors? B: Nothing. She won't talk to them about it because she doesn't like having arguments with people. A: That's just like her― always _____ . 4. A: What is Mary doing? B: She's reading a book in her room. A: She really enjoys reading, especially if it's., something she can really B: That's her only hobby., 5. A : I'm exhausted. B : Why? What have you been doing? A. I've been ______ preparing .for the final exams, I've really had to burn58 the midnight oil. B: Well, if you had worked hard.during the term, you wouldn't have to kill yourself6. A: What happened to the store that used to be here?. B: It's _____ . The owners decided to move to Canada, so they.cl.osed the. store and gave everything to their family and friends. 八.Match columnⅠⅡand Ⅲ together to make a complete and reasonable sentence,Put the letters on the line. Ⅰ 1.Queen (1926-) 2.Wolfgang () 3.Madonna(1959) 4.John Elizabeth Ⅱ ⅢⅡ A.made her record in 1982 a. when he was 46 years old B.was shot in Dallas in b.when she was 26 years oldMozart 1963 C.become Queen in 1952c. when he was 4 years old d.and died when he was 52D.wrote 38 theare plays. years old F E.began composing music in e.when she was 23 year old59 Kennedy() 5.William Shakespeare()17601.--3---5. ---九 Cloze test.------------------2----4. -----------------What are dads for ? In the home a dad is very 1 i . He is the person who provides us with2 m____ to feed and clothe ourselves. He can decorate your bedroom, 3 m___ ,. Your radio , make, cages for your pets,repair a puncture in your bicycle 4 t____ and help you with,your maths homework. A dad can be very 5 u for takingyou in the car to and from parties, music lessons and dancing lessons. A dad is the person whom you ask for 6 p__ money, he is the one who complains aboutthe time you spend 7 t_____ On tHe telephone, as he has to pay the bills. Dad is someone who will support you in an argument, if he believes you to be 8 r __ . He is someone who reads your school 9 r , and treats you if it is good.A dad .likes to come into a nice happy home in the evening, and settle back in his chair with a 10 n ' He likes to recall his National Service days.十. Choose the topic sentence for each paragraph.60 1.She enjoys doing unusualthings.artd pushing herself to the limit :Last yearf for example, she suddenly got the idea that she would love to see china. She enrolled in Chmese language classes, planned her trip, off across china alone.She does not. mind traveling alone. In fact, she loves going off on adventures by herself. A. My mother is 47 years old. B. My mother is very adventurous C. I really admire my mother. 2. _______________________ ,He is probably the most outspoken person know Last week after class for example, He said to our teacher, “This class is really boring, are you interested in making the class more exciting have some ideas” John was Just saying wh'at he though, but our. teacher didn’t exactly listening to him.! A. I have a friend name to him.: B. My friend John-and I are in the same English class. C. My friend 3. John is the kind of person who loves to talk. New born babies sleep anaverage.of 18 hours a day. But as children grow older .However when children reach their teens, they seem to need a lot of sleep again. It is not unusual for teenagers to sleep until noon on weekends, if their parents let them. When people reach old age, they tend to sleep much less than they did in their forties and fifties. A. People's sleep needs change as they go through life. B. Babies-sJeep more than elderly people. C. Everyone needs sleep.61 4.________ __________We experience a gradual rise ofe peaking around noon. There is a slow decline in energy in the mid-afternoon with a second peak early in the evening. T is followed by a steady .decline in energy until bedtime. Everyone experiences these energy patterns. They are a part of daily life. A.People need energy to get through the day. B.People's energy patterns change according to the time of day. C. Everyone's energy declines steadily in the afternoon. 5.____________________________In fact, Americans now spend over a billion dollars, a year on vitamins and food supplements. Vitamin companies know this and supply an almost endless variety of vitamins. There are rnultivitamins for adults, special vitamins for women, flavored vitamins Tor children, && and even vitamins to help students study better. New types of vitamin pills come out almost monthly, and there is at least one vitamin store in every shopping mail. A. Vitamins can be used to supplement a healthy diet. B. New types of vitarnin pills are popular with women. C. In the U.S, Vitamins are a big business.. 十一、Read the timetable and answer the following questions. Bus 522 CITY 8:30 A.M ASHFORD ROAD GREEN STREET GEORGE ROAD 8:45 A.M 9:00A.M 9:15 A.M NEW FARM ZOO 9:30 A.M62 9:30 A.M 10:30 A.M 11:30 A.M 12:30 P.M 1:30 P.M 2:30 P.M 3:30 P.M 4:30 P.M 5:30 .P.M9:45 A.M 10:45 A.M 11:45A.M 12:45 P.M 1:45 P.M 2:45 P.M 3:45 P.M 4:45 P.M 5:45 .P.M10:00 A.M 11:00 A.M 12:00A.M 1:00 P.M 2:00 P.M 3:00 P.M 4:00 P.M 5:00 P.M 6:00 P.M10:15 A.M 11:15 A.M 12:15 A.M 1:15 P.M 2:15 P.M 3:15 P.M 4:15 P.M 5:15 P.M 6:15 P.M10:30 A.M 11:30 A.M 12:30 A.M 1:30 P.M 2:30 P.M 3:30 P.M 4:30 P.M 5:30 P.M 6:30 .P.M1. which bus do you catcii to go from the city to New Farm Z00?2. How long does it take to go from the city to New Farm Zoo?3. How often do buses leave the city for New Farm Zoo?4. What time-does the first bus leave the city for New Arm Zoo?5. What time does the last bus leave the city for New Farm Zoo?6. . What is the first stop on the route from the city to New farm Zoo?7. How long does it take to go from Green street to George Road?63 8. If I arrive in the city at 3 o'clock, what time is the next bus to New Farm Zoo?十二. Read the article. THE FLTTUIIE OF ENERGY Energy is very important in modern life. People use energy to run machines, heat and cool their homes cook, give light, and transport people and products from place to place. Most energy nowadays comes from fossil fuels―petroleum, coai, and natural gas. However, burning fossil fuels causes pollution. Also, if we don't find new kinds of energy, we will use up all the fossil fuels in the twenty-first century. Scientists are working to find other kinds of energy for the future. What might these sources of energy be? Energy from the wind All over the world, people use the power of the wind. It turns windmills and moves sailboats. It is a clean source of energy, and there is lots of it. Unfortunately, if the wind does riot blow, there is no wind energy. water Energy from water WTien water moves from a high place to a lower place, it makes energy. This energy is used to create electricity. In-Brittany, France, for example, waterpower produces enough energy to 1ight a town of 40,000-peopIe. Waterpower gives energy without pollution. However, people have to build dams to use this energy. Darns cost a lot of money, so water energy is expensive.. Enger form the earth There is heat in rocks under the earth. Scientists use this heat to make geothermal energy. San Francisco gets half of the energy it needs from geotherrnai power. This kind of energy is cheap, but it is possible only in a few places in the world.64 Energy form the sun solar panels on the roofs of houses can turn energy from the sun into electricity. These panels can create enough energy to heat an entire house. Solar power is clean and there is a lot of it in sunny places. But when the weather is bad, there is no sunlight for energy. What is one advantage and one disadvantage of each type of energy. Complete the chart Advantage wind power vaterpower gothermal ower slar power 1 _____________ 3______.________ 5.______________ 7. ______ Disadvantage 2________________ 4_______________ 6_______________ 8.十三、Read the birth certificate then complete the dialogue. REGISTER OF BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARPJAGS65 Use the information in this unit to fill in the missing words in the following conversation. Teacher: Now then, Jane,, you'll be going up & grade next year. I need some information from you. Jane: Yes, Miss Downer. Teacher: Could you tell me your full name, please. Jane: Jane 1 _____Long. Teacher: What is your date of birth?66 Jane: 2_____________1,1991. Teacher: And where were you born? Jane: In 3____________________________. Teacher: Do you have any brothers and sisters? Jane: Yes. An older sister. Her name's 4 Teacher: Oh, yes. She's in Grade 11, isn't she? Jane: Yes. Teacher: And what are your parents’names? Jane: Peter and 5 ________________ Long. Teacher: Thank you very much, Jane. 十四、 Read the poem and then translate the underlined partReflections of a Mother By Mary Hiberi1. I gave you life, but I cannot live it for you. I can teach you things, but I cannot make you learn. I can give you directions, but I cannot be there to lead you. I can allow you freedom, but I cannot account for you. 1 can take you to churdi., but I cannot make you believe. I can teach you right from wrong, but I cannot always decide for you. 2.I can buy you beautiful clothes, but I cannot make you beautiful inside. I can offer you advice, but I cannot accept it for you. I can give you love, but I cannot force it upon you. 3.I can teach you to share, but I cannot make you unselfish. I can leach you respect, but I cannot force you to show honor,67 I can advise you about friends, but I cannot choose them for you. I can tellyon.kow to live, but I cannot give you eternal life. I can love you with unconditional love all of my life... and I will! Always, Mom Translation: 1._____________________________ 2.______________________________________ 3.______________________________________十五、 Learn and try 同学们,今天我来教大家学习强调句型。什么叫强调句型呢?先看一个例子吧一定要 注意仔细观察。 Shanghai is situated in the east of China. 如果你想要突出强调划线的部分,应该要这样做: It is in the east of China that Shanghai in situated. 你观察到了强调句型的结构了吗?那就是: It is +被强调的部分+that +句子的其余部分 你学会了吗?下面来一试身手吧! 请分别对所给句子中的不同划线部分进行强调: Tony wants to go for holiday on the moon with his monther and father someday in the future. 1 1. 2.68234 3. 4. 同学们,考试就要结束了,你吧所有的答案都写在答题卡上了吗?再认真检查一遍 吧。Have a nice day!(8)2007 年郑州外国语学校入学试卷 (英语潜能测试)分校 ―, Fill in the blanks.用正确答案填空。 Match the words in the box to the pictures. A. It's mine. B. it's his. C. It's ours. D.It’s theirs69 1 _ __ 2. The Eiffel Tower is in2. ____3. _____4._____, the capital of France. . _____ side of the road.3. In England people drive on the4. I have two sisters, Abigail and Jill, and two brothers, Graham and Robert Abigail is twenty. Jill is six years younger than Abigail, but she is two years older than Robert. Robert is four years younger than me, and he is eight years younger than Graham, Who are the twins? Am I the oldest in the family? 二,Choose the best answer. ( ) 1. Which of the following sentences is RIGHT? A. What time you get home last night? B. What are you going to do tonight? C. &I’m loving English food. It's wonderful. ( ) 2. Jane: Is your mum at home? . A. It's his new home. my dad's there today. ( ) 3. Do you have any grapes? A. No, thanks. need any grapes. ( ) 4. Was John in Denyer yesterday A. He's watching TV. ( ) 5. When did you give a party? A. At my apartment. B. A month ago. C. For two weeks.70__________________Peter: ____________. C. OnlyB. Next to the bus station.B. Sorry, we're out of grapes.C. I don'tB. Yes, he was.C .In Denver. 三.Complete the questions with What... /Who.,. /Where... /How much... /How old... ./Why..., and.answer the questions with the proper responses, 用 What... /Who... /Where... /How... /Why..完成问句并从答案中选出正确选项做出回答。 Qustions (1)Who's that man? Responses f(2) __________ the bus stop? (3) _________these oranges? (4) your favorite sport? __________(3) _________ your new shoes? (6) _________ your children? (7) ________ they from? (8)__________you late? (9)_________your parents? a) c) e) g) i) They are very well. Five, six and ten. Skiing. My clock doesn’t work. The United States. f) h) b) d) __________ .___________ _________ ___________ At the end of the street. $1.20 a kilo.That's my father. Black.四, Regroup the sentences afier reading them. 读下面的用语并归类。 a) b) c) d) e) Hello, this is , Lain is speaking. Class begins. Ok. Hand in all of your homework after the 4th class. Where is the No. 24 bus stop? What can I do for you, sir? .71 f) g) h) i ) j ) k)After hearing a 'Bee―' sound please leave your message. Let's have a 10 minutes break. I want that red skirt with yellow flower. Here is your bill, sir, total $55. . .You will see the hospital on the right hand of the street. Close your book and we will have a dictation. 2. Asking and showing the way1. On the telephone a ___________ 3.Shopping ________ 5. At school ____ _______________4. In the restaurant五.Complete the dialogue with the proper words in the box. 用方框中适当的单 词填空。 can, mouse, It's, Sorry, lives, look at 2________.Jane.. see, She, There, Yes, your, about, mice,Mrs G _1__________’s a woman-at the door. Mr Green: Who's Jane.Mrs Green: _3________'s our new neighbor. She Jane: Mrs Green: Mr Green: Jane:4_______ next door.Hello, Diana. Can ! borrow your husband or your cat? You 5____________ borrow both of them.Can I help you? ? Please come to my kitchen and bring 6_______ cat with you.(In Jane's kitchen.)72 Jane: There is a mouse under the table! Can you Mr Green: _8_______, 1 can. But I'm afraid of mice. 9__________ your cat? 10 ,too.7___ it?Jane: What Mr Green:It is afraid of73
南京外国语学校英语综合能力试卷_初二英语_英语_初中教育_教育专区。南京外国语学校英语综合能力试卷 Part One 英语小乐园 一、趣味娱乐吧(18分) (一)清凉一“夏...2016届 南京外国语学校 加试复习卷(二)_初三英语_英语_初中教育_教育专区。2016 届 南京外国语学校 初三加试复习卷(二) Ι. Multiple Choice ) 1. I don’t...学年南京外国语学校初二期中英语试卷_英语_初中教育_教育专区。南外期中英语 南京外国语学校
学年第一学期期中考试 初二英语期中试卷姓名:___...【考试必备】年最新南京外国语学校初升高自主招生考试英语模拟精品试卷【含解析】【4套试卷】 - 最新初升高自主招生英语精品模拟试卷,年使用,...南京外国语学校小升初模拟试卷_英语_小学教育_教育专区。南外小升初模拟试卷 南外--小升初模拟试卷 I complete the chant by using the given word wise rise...南京外国语学校小升初招生试卷模拟八_数学_小学教育_教育专区。冲刺南外六年级...姓名 班级 得分 Part I 英语知识大比拼(91%) Ⅰ.Finish the following ...南京外国语学校 2014 南京外国语学校 2014 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 35 分)第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 请认真阅读...南京外国语学校英语能力测试卷


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